
Divine Law Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Justice always starts with what God declares a matter to be."
"I will put my law within them...and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
"The kingdom of God must be where God is the King and His law is implemented."
"Heretics are barred by divine law from the supreme pontificate."
"This book is to elevate our thoughts, to transform our ways into his ways."
"Divine executive orders are laws established in heaven and declared by you on the earth."
"No one is above the law of God, so God is actually describing them in this way."
"Sin may be defined as any violation of the divine standard."
"The only hope you got is the law of God in your mind."
"God's law has always been as long as God is because it's a reflection of his very character."
"God will allow man to choose who they want to obey but not without consequences."
"It's time to anchor divine laws and accountability. Enough is enough."
"More laws is not the answer, obedience to the law of God is."
"It is a fundamental violation of the divine order."
"The entirety of human interaction relies on a higher authority, a righteous and good lawgiver who has told us what is right and wrong."
"William Blackstone famously said, 'No enactment of man can be considered the law unless it conforms to the law of God.'"
"Every one of your righteous rules endures forever."
"Following God's statutes can prevent diseases."
"If the spirit of God is at work within you, you don't need Ten Commandments pointed on your wall or tattooed on your skin. God's embedded on your heart."
"Jesus showed us the promise, the fulfillment of the law means that we could be kept from judgment."
"The penalty for being a false prophet was death."
"God's law is eternal it cannot be changed they are a transcript of God's character." - "So praise the Lord, the laws were supposed to protect the people and bless the people."
"Love is the essence of the law, the ultimate command."
"Under no circumstances can God's 10 Commandment Law ever be altered or changed. It is as permanent as God Himself."
"Love is the supreme law of God. If you want to know the will of God, it's going to look like love."
"The savior perfectly solves your dilemma with the law of God and its consequences."
"Abortion is a mortal sin, abortion is a mortal offense against the law of God."
"God exists. His law and guidance for mankind should be the law and man's guide as mankind."
"The cosmic war trope began its history with that war taking place in the primeval past with history as a process of ordered laws presided over by the divine."
"Nobody has a right to make something haram that Allah has made halal."
"In Christianity, the law of God is intimately connected with who he is. It represents his holy character."
"The 10 commandments are not 10 recommendations, these are 10 divine laws."
"We're never going to agree, which is why he came to fulfill the law."
"Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law."
"Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge."
"The law of God: the guard what is his own, not to lay claim to what is not his own, but to make use of what is given him, and not to yearn for what has not been given."
"Without God, all things are permitted."
"The law comes out from Zion implies that God the Savior appears from Zion."
"God's law is above and beyond any human law."
"Of the law of the most high and his covenant and of judgment to justify the ungodly."
"Everything God has permitted except that which he has explicitly prohibited."
"The rabbi's depict divine law as undergoing adjustment in order to conform to human experience and moral intuitions."
"The ability of the divine law to change and evolve is not a mark of deficiency; rather, it's seen as dynamic and responsive, constituting its divinity and greatness."
"The City of God is based on a love of God and His divine law."
"The true cynic is living divine law, functioning as a prophet of Zeus."
"Living in accord with natural law, which is divine law, can be seen as the highest virtue."
"True freedom is the ability to do what you should, what is aligned with natural law and with divine command."
"Arrogance is dangerous when transgressing God's laws."
"Those who are justified are also sanctified under the influence of the Holy Spirit by whose power we now live and we can fulfill the divine law, and it's not burdensome."
"God is actually the one who copied tithing. Just imagine God getting so impressed by Moses like, 'Abra, what did you just do? You said tithe to uh, I need this law as well!'"
"The divine law changes and evolves because it's perfect, not because it's imperfect."
"There is something higher than man's law, there's God's law."
"All things by a law divine in one another's being mingle."
"Asha, meaning truth and order, is the divine law behind all things." - Jacques Scheiné Diamond in "Heraclitus and Iran," 1963
"From Corners to Country we visit, we establishing God's government on the planet with his laws, statutes and Commandments."
"Miracles are the only thing that can happen because God established that he will work by natural and Supernatural law."
"I am going to wash you. I am going cleanse you. I am going make your heart the shape of my law. I’m going to write my law on your heart, so that to do my law will be a delight."
"Their characters are found to be in harmony with the law of God."
"God's laws are higher than us and condemn us when we rebel against God."
"Remember that God's laws are higher than us."
"God is the only legislator. He's the only one who makes the laws."
"What is right and what is wrong is found in the moral law of God."
"You have to cooperate with the laws of God. There are laws of God that specifically tell you not to covet your neighbor's possessions."
"Does God need to obey the law, or is God the source of the law itself?"
"I am law. Henceforth, in my freedom, nature obeys me, for I am law and I am law because I am love."
"The law of seedtime and harvest, since God is the one who declared it and God is the one who established it, then it is not susceptible to change."
"The moral law of God is true for all people in all places at all times."
"You have experienced an encounter with a God who loves you, who has written his law on your heart."
"God's not going to judge us by what other people say or what they told us. He's going to judge us by the word of God."
"It's only possible when God writes his Torah on our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit."
"The law of God is perfect, justifiable, converting the soul."
"The law of the Lord is perfect, complete, justifiable, converting the soul."
"It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a litter of the law to fail."
"...if God says it's wrong, it's wrong; if he didn't say it was wrong, guess what, it ain't sin."
"I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
"I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
"Allah is just, Allah is all fair, Allah is perfectly just."
"The law is God, and it is the law of love."
"Love the law of God... live with compassion, live with forgiveness."
"The seal of the Living God is the name of God, the law of God, put right into your mind."
"God is good and that God can be trusted and that His ways are right, His ways are righteous, and that His law is good."
"I will write my law in your mind and in your heart."
"I will write my law of love in your heart and in your mind."
"The Lord was pleased, for his righteousness' sake, to magnify his law and make it glorious."
"For in six days, Adonai made the heavens and the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, but on the seventh day, He rested."
"Man's rules are never greater than God's words."
"Them that honor me I will honor, said God once to a priest of Israel, and that ancient law of the kingdom stands today."
"God wrote with His own finger on tablets of stone."
"The law of God is fulfilled in love."
"If God gave his Torah in front of 3 million witnesses, if he wants to undo it, he also has to do it in front of 3 million witnesses."
"I will put my Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God."
"You shall be a free people; you shall have no laws but my laws when I come, for I am your lawgiver, and what can stay my hand?"
"The law of divine love is impartial, universal, and certain."
"God wants to write His law in our hearts."
"The laws of Allah in and of themselves are clearly upright."
"It would mark the inception of the kingdom of God on earth and the establishment of the sovereignty of the law in the world."
"The law of God is not known merely from the Ten Commandments or from the pages of sacred scripture... God planted His law internally in the conscience of every human being."
"Whosoever hath tasted the sweetness of these worlds will never consent to transgress the bounds which God has fixed."
"Anything that man can achieve is contrary to the will and the Word of God, it will not stand."
"The gods have this law, stupid if you ask me, but it's still a law: they can't raise their demigod children."
"When God gave the law to Moses, it was meant to ultimately lead them back to the heart of the Father."
"The divine protocol is the unwritten law of celestial justice."
"You obey man's law until it is in conflict with the law of God, and then you submit to the law of God."
"We also have law, you know, common law, natural law, God's law."
"God wrote His commandments in stone so that we could write them on our hearts."
"God gave the law not so that people would know what was a sin and what wasn't, but rather the prior condition that prompted God to give the law."
"It is time to come out of the darkness and the bondage of refusing the law of God and experience the full blessings and rewards of living His way, His truth, His life, His light, and His freedom."
"It is the law of the Maker Himself, He whom you call God, who directs all things."
"Good government is according to the laws of God."
"Rights are not granted by the government, they're recognized as god-given rights."
"We live in a universe of divine law, divine love, and divine wisdom. These will not and cannot fail."
"The strictness of God's law is a principal cause of man's enmity against God."
"For God is one Lord, one law that abides a right in the hearts of those who seek to do and to know his biddings."
"I am subject only to the laws of God, to the laws of good, to the laws of Spirit, to the laws of love."
"Commitment to our highest priority to love and serve God requires that we look to His law for our standard of behavior."
"But now a righteousness from God apart from law has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify."
"The law is a transcript of His character; it's a law of how to draw near and how to love your fellow man and God with all your heart, and this will never change."
"The government of God is based upon His law, and that law is a law of love."
"God reserves the right to exercise mercy and He doesn't violate His justice."
"Harmony is really a law of God; it's a spiritual law which means it's based on a fixed principle."
"The most valuable thing this world affords here is wisdom; this is the royal law; these are the lively Oracles of God."
"In the light from Calvary, it will be seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven."
"You must leave your wicked ways and obey God's laws."
"The law of God is not found through human research or any kind of research; it unfolds itself."
"It is better to obey God than to obey man."
"Christ comes and gives a new heart, replaces it with a heart of flesh, and writes his law upon our hearts."
"I will put my Holy Spirit within you and I will cause you to walk in My statutes."
"...the daughters of Zelophehad...demand that the law of God...be changed because they feel that it's unjust...God says the gals are right we'd better change the law."
"To do what is right and just means to keep the way of God."
"...anyone who judges by other than what Allah has sent down in his book is from amongst the calf your own."
"The most high never gave us instructions to hate anybody."
"God will never bless your mess, and your mess is you are trying to accomplish or succeed by going against His laws."
"Many people will never see that because they are so committed to men and their rules, and dismissing the rules and the laws of the Living God."
"Let's look at what really matters and what really matters is the laws of the Living God."
"In the law of God, there is no statute of limitations."
"God cannot change the law that he established."
"God is not mocked; a man will reap what he sows." - Galatians 6:7
"Throughout scripture, God always made use of this law of the fourth dimension."
"You cannot live in the abundance of God and go against what He says."
"Behold I am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel."
"Divine love is an ever-present all-powerful divine law."
"The law remains... the moral law reveals the nature of God."
"The Sabbath is made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."
"Sin is not bad because God forbids it; God forbids it because it's bad."
"The law was God's preliminary grace that held the children of Israel together until Jesus came."
"Harmony is actually a law of God, it's based on a fixed principle."
"When we understandingly declare that the law of God is present and is in operation, we have invoked the law and the power of God."
"Christ's healing was not miraculous but was simply a natural fulfillment of Divine Law."
"This is too amazing, that God gave them the Ten Commandments."
"I'll put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
"Lord, open my eyes that I might behold wondrous things out of thy law."
"For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity."
"God blesses according to law, but out of all proportion to the ratios we mortals reckon by."
"Christians, we have the law of God in front of us, the statutes and rules that are so just and righteous."
"This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds."
"God tells Moses you gotta appoint judges and the role of the judges is to judge according to the law given by God."
"Genesis 8:22 - Therefore, I sow my seeds in faith, knowing that the law of seedtime and harvest is working on my behalf."
"When you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord."
"Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so."
"It's the laws of God, manna, it's the rod of God, the prophet, and it's the bread of God."
"God's law builds a fence around us, it puts boundaries around us."
"It is a law to stay humble; that's a part of God's law."
"The only way we can stop sinning is if we start realigning ourselves with the eternal principles in His law of love."
"For God will not be mocked: whatsoever a man sows, that he will also reap."
"We want the world to be according to the Divine laws; we want people to be afraid of corruption and bribing and cheating and stealing."
"God has a distinct people, a church on Earth, second to none but superior to all in their facilities to teach the truth, to vindicate the law of God."
"His law is written with His own finger upon every nerve, every muscle, every faculty which has been entrusted to man."
"I will put my laws in their minds and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
"Divine power operating according to law produces action."
"This is representing a Triumph of Divine Law and your true will."
"The law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul."
"When God tells you that certain things are prohibited and certain things are permitted, that is the jurisdiction of God Almighty."
"God's laws reflect His holy character."
"Your heavenly throne on justice it stands, to us you make known all your righteous commands."
"Given New York is under Olympian jurisdiction, the gods from other pantheons have to inform us when they'll be stopping by."
"God's will for each and every one of us in here is to keep His laws."
"We must observe these divine laws and obey the Constitution."
"The righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets."
"May we realize that our greatest happiness in this life will come as we follow God's commandments and obey His laws!"
"The will of God is for us to allow the Lord to write His holy law in our hearts and in our minds."
"God does not punish anyone for someone else's sin. You are not guilty of a crime that you did not commit, and you're not punished for the crime that you did not commit."
"We're opening your word so that we can see wondrous things from your law."
"The tithe belongs to God, and all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's."
"Let the word of God be the guide of mind because we will not be judged by opinions or ecclesiastical dictum, but we will be judged by a 'thus saith the Lord'."
"The absolute rule of God is superseded by the temporal worldly need of a human being."
"We believe those Miracles are also in the law of Allah."
"Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature."
"The prophets use the legal language as a means of expressing God's formal complaints and rights as a litigant, an injured party, and show through the mechanisms of human justice how God's actions are themselves functions of divine justice."
"God's laws supersede, far and above the natural laws."
"Spirit messages in the best and highest good, what is it that we need to know and see and hear, please, in accordance with Divine Law?"
"The love of God is the law of the new covenant."
"To know God and His character, we understand the Ten Commandments are His law of love."
"But his delight is in the law of the Most High; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."
"Healing is a law of God; healing has been provided for you in Christ, it belongs to you."
"If you follow the laws of God, goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life."
"He will bring forth justice in truth."