
Reading Enjoyment Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"This was stellar. This is a book that completely melted my heart turned me into a pile of goo, and I loved every single second of it."
"Mark Watney's passion for botany and his investment in his own survival was something that just was exhilarating to read."
"It is one of the best things I have read in years and it's truly one of my favorite fantasy series of all time."
"I loved every waking second of reading this."
"If you enjoyed the Night Circus, I think you'll enjoy Book of Speculation."
"Reading books that feel like a warm hug... it's just such a great read and I love the coming of age story of it."
"Better than 90% of the things that I've ever read."
"Just read it. It is so good. It is so so good and if you like writing and you like reading and you like stories in general like I promise this book will completely blow you away."
"Thank you for coming along this journey of reading thrillers with me, it was really fun."
"I feel like if you pick it up you will love it."
"It's entertaining to read genuinely...makes for an easy start to the day."
"Words of Radiance after Way of Kings is just so good."
"So is game theory a tool for us to hack our lives? To get what we want when we want? Or should we be cautious of how the games we play can change us to the core."
"It's just one of those books you can't put down because you like need to know what's gonna happen."
"I had such a good time reading it, it's my favorite book of hers so far."
"This is like a perfect cozy read if you're just wanting something to put a smile on your face."
"Good progress is the thing that keeps you turning the page."
"It was such a fun way to find the books to read."
"If you have a really great time with the book, that makes it a good book."
"I had a great time reading this, I always have such a fun time reading Cassandra Clare books."
"I've never in my life enjoyed a book so much... I can't even tell you how much I love it."
"I think I'm just gonna breeze this all in one sitting, it's my first Jennifer East Smith novel, such excite!"
"Her writing reminds me of my favorite mystery author, you don't want to stop reading."
"Love this reading, thank you so much for being here!"
"This is the best chapter so far. I'm really enjoying it."
"Book five happens to be my favorite book and I was so excited about jumping in to getting into this book and getting into this season."
"I did enjoy myself while I read it. It was fun, I had a good time, it was fast."
"A book where you wake up in the morning and you think yes now I can keep reading."
"Both books that I've read from her so far have just been phenomenal, and I'm really hoping that that pattern will continue."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"It's really incredible. It's like reading a really good book."
"I flew through it, I read it so quickly, I think it's well worth it."
"This was easily easily a five star book for me one of my favorite things I've ever read."
"I'm really flying through it. It's really charming."
"This reread was actually so easy breezy kind of coordinating right now loved it quest focus classic fantasy with great romance."
"Picking favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about like recent faves but I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites."
"All signs are pointing towards new favorite book."
"I absolutely loved that... what a fascinating read honestly."
"I highly highly recommend it I think a lot of you guys are really gonna like it."
"There is a magical special feeling when you finish reading the final sentence on the final page of a really big fantasy book and you close the book."
"This series is just everything. It's just so good, you just have to read it."
"Obsessed with Ember. That series was so good."
"I loved reading these chapters probably more than I've enjoyed reading One Piece chapters in a while."
"Started a new book and halfway through already. Colleen Hoover's novels are just too captivating!"
"I personally love the reward of being able to turn the page."
"There's nothing like the rush of finishing a good book."
"I love this book I'm not gonna rant n rave anymore about it because I want this video to be like short and sweet and you know give you something to take away from it which is at any of these three romances I think would make any reader very happy."
"I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more."
"I was in such a bad slump, I literally thought I was never gonna be able to read again or enjoy reading again."
"I absolutely ate this book up, her writing is just so easy to read."
"Skyward is a really good place to start with me if you want something quick, fun, looks at one character, and does the things I do well."
"I'm really glad that I read this book, and I totally understand why Starla enjoyed it because again, it has that strong, stubborn main character."
"I wish I could read it for the first time again. It's just magical."
"This book is absolutely incredible so far, has blown my expectations out of the water."
"It was a really great read. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars, and if you have not picked this one up yet, I definitely recommend it."
"Adult fun time is cool, but have you ever read a book and spent days reading it?"
"I'm already 11 pages in and I am enjoying that first 11 pages so far."
"The pacing of this book was absolutely amazing."
"I am actually liking it significantly more than I liked the cool prints."
"I am so lucky to be reading this book right now."
"I really loved the tropes that were at play here, I thought this was solid, I read it really, really quickly."
"So just wanted to give an additional update just to say I'm really really really really liking this and I definitely cannot wait to read more tonight."
"The series was just so good I'm so happy to over read it I was saying right now I think this book is sitting at a 4.5 for me I really really enjoyed it and again cannot speak more highly of this series seriously check it out..."
"Ultimately it comes down to what you enjoy as a reader."
"Her books feel like a warm hug and kind of tuning into something that you just know is going to make you feel better."
"Reading is all about fun, reading is all about having a nice chill relaxed time, and I'm totally okay with that."
"I'm always patient with myself because when it comes to reading, I don't want to start hating the process."
"I never want this series to end and I could not recommend it more."
"I dare you to read them and not smile even a little bit."
"I got so swept up in this page-turner, I read most of it in a day. I've not done that in many years."
"I hope you enjoyed reading some more lies today."
"We should all just be reading to have a good time."
"I really don't think that there's a wrong way of reading... as long as you are loving what you're reading."
"Reading being such a social thing... does sometimes invite comparison, which can be a real bumsky for some people's reading life."
"Every single page I was like I wanna know what happens next I want to know what happens next."
"I hear this book is just so well written and I feel like I'm gonna love it."
"It's the fact that how much I can read in that literature."
"If you don't find pleasure in your reading, I think you should just close the book and find another book, because there are many books that can give pleasure and edification."
"This is probably my favorite book of the video."
"I've read 80 pages and I'm feeling great about that. This book is great, I could never have anticipated the plot growth."
"I love this series so much normally when I read series I feel like I read them over time and I'm really really glad that I read all the books pretty much back to back it makes it so much better I'm gonna start doing that now with all my series."
"Reading is sort of doing that and getting comfortable with a book that you love and you're looking forward to opening it up again."
"This was really fun I definitely want to do this again reading all of the books on the short list."
"I feel like I'm gonna really love it."
"I really enjoyed it, it wasn't a five star read like it wasn't perfect but I did definitely really enjoy it."
"I had such an amazing weekend of reading with you guys."
"I've been reading this and it is amazing. Okay, it is so worth the hype so far I cannot put this book down."
"I just thought it was fantastic I thought it was so so well done and I would love to read more by this author I just thought it was incredible."
"I gotta tell you, it's one of the best books I have read in years. It is fantastic, read that book, it's so good."
"I had such a fun time reading this book I had the most fun a little bit of murder is so much fun it's so much fun."
"I'm obsessed with this book, it's so good."
"But I loved this book, five stars."
"I was entertained the whole entire time."
"I just had so much fun reading this."
"I'm having the best time reading this."
"I had an amazing time reading this year."
"They're just good comics, they're good reads."
"Knock knock. Who's there? Ben. Ben who? Ben playing the phonics game, and now I love to read."
"I had a lot of fun and I have a lot of really fun books to talk about."
"I hope you enjoy this reading and I hope you have a good day."
"I love to read to get to something, and that's why I love mystery."
"There's nothing like a good book and a soft bean bag chair."
"By the point that you're reading these books, the characters have just gone through so much and grown so much and I absolutely love reading it."
"I had a really fun time reading this series, I would really recommend it."
"Just let your kid enjoy reading, maybe."
"I really enjoyed reading them; it really helped to just lighten the mood."
"I finished reading the Nightingale last night and it was so good."
"Trust me, you need to read this book; it was really, really good."
"Here's to another year of good reading."
"I've been having the best time reading this and I've just been having the first 24-hour readathon."
"It's pretty late at night right now, it's like midnight, but I wanted to update you that I have got 50 pages into Project Hail Mary, and so far, I'm already really loving this book."
"I feel like she writes really easy-going, fast-paced books, and I really really love that when it comes to reading."
"I read so much manga, I read so many novels, I actually had a really great reading month."
"S Tier: These are my absolute favorites. I think about them outside of when I'm actively reading them."
"I'm on page 358 of 533, and I'm in a really fun part."
"I didn't care if it was real or fake, at that moment that I finished that book, it was just...funny."
"February was a really great reading month for me."
"I'm so happy to be out of my reading slump."
"I hope you had a great reading month."
"I'm so excited because I feel like this is the most excited I've been about any of the thrillers that I've read in this vlog."
"These books are hopefully books that we will enjoy reading."
"I'm very glad that I finally started reading this."
"Reading music can be very enjoyable if you engage with it."
"I never want to stop reading this book."
"It's such a great book, one you'll fly through."
"I'm ready to just get my PJs, cozy up and read some books."
"I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a while."
"Every time I read a chapter of Pluto, I'm feasting."
"I wasn't reading this thinking like oh I need to finish another 100 pages to get today no, I was just thinking I want to keep on reading this because I love it so much."
"It's probably my favorite fantasy book that I've read this year."
"I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I love Agatha Christie because if so, I've got many hours of fun reading ahead of me."
"I'm having so much fun reading this."
"I'm really eating this book up. I'm really really liking it."
"I enjoyed the book a lot; it was something a little different than the other stuff I've been reading lately."
"I love talking about these books, you guys. I love reading these books; they're very good."
"I had so much fun reading this month; I feel like I was just really in the reading mood."
"My new favorite author, I have to say, is Sarah J. Maas."
"It's gonna be fun, and I'm really looking forward to picking up the next book."
"Reading enjoyment builds reading confidence and that leads to reading fluency."
"Thirteen of the books that I read this month were either four or five stars, like that is rare and that is exciting for me."
"It's hilarious, it's heartwarming, it's just fun and relaxing to read."
"It's a pleasant reading experience."
"I laughed literally out loud in bed reading it."
"I had a great time reading this book."
"Keep reading fun. The fact that you want to read more is great, it's a step in the right direction."
"It's nice to relax and have a cup of tea and just read a book."
"I've spent a majority of my afternoon reading this book, Luckiest Girl Alive."
"I absolutely love the series. I cannot believe I waited my entire life to read this."
"Sometimes I just need to not put pressure on myself to read, and I enjoy the book so much more."
"I want to open a book and have a good time."
"Reading Sakamoto Days is such an enjoyably easy time."
"I understand why so many people enjoy this book."
"Life is short, and you just enjoy that book, okay? You enjoy 'From Blood and Ash' if you want to, or 'Serpent & Dove'."
"I hope you're enjoying this read-along, and I hope you'll keep watching. Thank you so much for listening."
"It's a great read, such a great read."
"I feel like I've found a new author that I already love."
"I'm really enjoying it; it's such a magical story."
"New fave, honestly a perfect fall read, loved every second of this."
"I finished 'Stalking Jack the Ripper' last night, and I loved it."
"It was just such a pleasure reading this."
"The most important thing is, do you enjoy the book?"