
Subscriber Milestone Quotes

There are 359 quotes

"I can't believe we reached 400 million subscribers. We have now the population of the United States. Such a great feeling."
"Our YouTube channel has also gained 200,000 subscribers this year; we are now over 700,000 subscribers. That is absolutely amazing."
"We're getting closer and closer to a million subscribers."
"We just hit half a million subscribers, which is awesome. It's very cool, and I'm pumped about that."
"We're live and we're officially at 3 million subscribers, so high five to that."
"Onwards and upwards, the goal now is to try and get to 2 million subscribers."
"It's an incredible number and an impossible one at that but the reality is the channel's hit it..."
"We have made it to 85 thousand subscribers and that is amazing."
"If you all subscribed right now, we'd get to 9 million in no time, and you could be a part of it."
"One of the most popular talents in the industry is or was Kiriyukoko, a live streamer with more than one million subscribers on YouTube alone."
"Three hundred and fifty thousand subscribers, oh my god, thank you very very very very much."
"We just passed 1.5 million subscribers here on the channel so much love from the whole team here."
"Congratulations! A million subscribers, that's such a big number. Monumental achievement, I'm happy for you."
"Big announcement tomorrow guys... full one bitcoin giveaway... when we get to 1 million subscribers."
"I reached a million subscribers on this channel and I am so so so so happy."
"Thank you for 350,000 subscribers; I love you later."
"Congratulations to Tom Crown. He just crossed 100,000 subscribers."
"We are on the road to 1 million subscribers in 2024, let's hit 500,000 mid-February!"
"You don't get a million subscribers because you're preaching hate."
"So today we are celebrating the fact that we hit 1.5 million subscribers there are 1.5 million of us can you believe that I still can't believe it."
"We are heading towards a million subscribers. We will be giving away a full bitcoin, five ethereum, and four thousand cardano."
"We've just hit three hundred thousand subscribers! Well done, Freddie my man, well done!"
"I just want to say thank you guys again for the 20,000 subscribers. Obviously, I could not do this without you guys."
"Hitting 300,000 subscribers is freaking insane, like thinking about it actually makes my heart well up with happiness."
"We are at 1.2 million subscribers, by the way. You guys can see right there."
"Thank you for all the support recently... 300 subs to almost 30,000 in just about 10 days."
"We just got 11,000 subscribers and 60,000 views, let's go."
"I'm giving away a helicopter when we hit 10 million subscribers."
"By the time we get to 10 million, I'll have given away what is that, 40 different vehicles?"
"We're literally one subscriber away. Be the difference. Click that subscribe button."
"I might not have 10 million subs, but thank you everyone for the subs that we do have on this channel. Please sub up, guys. I love you guys. Thank you so much."
"Our call to action now is to really try to get to 250,000 subscribers in two weeks from yesterday."
"Subscribers mean so much to me. We're hitting another milestone, almost 20,000 viewers."
"If we get to a million subscribers, there's only one thing I'm going to thank and that's you."
"This video isn't sponsored or anything. I just wanted to thank you all for getting me to 5 million subscribers."
"I know it's only a 100,000 subscriber play button, but this is because of you guys."
"We're getting super close to a million subscribers."
"Road to 5 million subscribers starts now, boys! Subscribe!"
"Fifty million subscribers, like I mean I'm over the moon."
"One video away: 55,000 subscribers, $38,612 earned. It's real."
"By 2012, they already had over 1 million subscribers."
"It's kind of insane but we're at 599,400 subscribers so far, so we need to get 600 subscribers over the course of this live stream before it ends."
"Wow, already at 600k subs, keep up the great work!"
"600k, well done! Hit the like, sub, and get Lee there."
"Thank you guys so much for all the subscriptions. I really do appreciate it. I don't know how we reached 600k."
"I hit 20,000 subscribers, thank you guys so much for the support."
"I cannot thank you enough... we're on the road to a hundred thousand subscribers."
"Thank you guys, absolutely amazing, we just passed 208,000 subs guys on the channel, keep it up you guys are amazing."
"Guaranteed it will be in it we will be celebrating 200,000 subscribers you guys are the greatest family in the entire world internet universe you know how it goes."
"The only thing left to do at this point is to head towards one million subscribers."
"My goal is to get at least 5,000 subscribers, but if we could get to 10,000, I think I might keel over and die with happiness."
"Thank you so much guys for 500k it means the world man."
"Three million subscribers, bloody brilliant man! Well done!" - Lewis Monday
"I'm almost at the 20,000 mark and I want to thank you for to everyone say thank you to everyone for subscribing to my channel and supporting."
"My new resolution is trying to get to 100k subscribers on my YouTube channel."
"Sexy's Eck was a successful channel that would go on to reach one and a half million subscribers."
"Congratulations on almost 6 million subscribe yeah yeah well done am I still on your back welcome back."
"That's gonna be it for this video. Thank you so much again for 600,000 subscribers. I really hope you enjoyed this silly little video."
"If all of you guys subscribe, then maybe we could hit 15 million subscribers today. That would be awesome, so subscribe!"
"700,000 subscribers is purely mind-blowing, hopefully, this video has given you insight into me, into what it takes with content creation and sparked your passion for anyone that is wanting to go down that route."
"We just hit 4.7 million subscribers, that's incredible!"
"Five years, one billion subscribers, let's do it."
"We're making history bro, we literally gained one million subs in three months thanks to you guys."
"One million subscribers, one million people part of the cookie army, that's insane."
"Just believe us, 2 million subscribers for you, Lenny."
"Did you find it, Brett? Like and subscribe, that's how we're going to hit a million subscribers."
"If you gradually do more videos... you become a big YouTuber."
"Since 50,000 subscribers is such a large milestone, I'm doing two specials."
"My huge goal this year is to reach one million subscribers on my YouTube channel."
"Thank you guys so much that is crazy it's hard not to be cliche with something like this everybody reaches subscriber milestones and they say thank you thank you thank you and they they give you like I never would have imagined this."
"Thank you guys so much for two hundred thousand subscribers this is absolutely insane."
"Congratulations on one million subscribers, you honestly deserve it so much."
"Thank you for 1 million subscribers and for the happiness you've given me."
"You're amazing, thank you for 1 million subscribers."
"A million subscribers is so crazy... I never thought I would hit a million."
"If I hit 200,000 subscribers, I'm going to do a massive giveaway."
"I've got three million subscribers!" - Sierra
"The grind for resources and the anticipation of reaching 50k subscribers."
"Thank you very much for all your support for all your love, guys, and thank you very, very much for helping me surpass 400,000 subscribers."
"Can we hit a million subscribers by November? We're at 600,000 now, 610,000. Can we hit a million?"
"Three quarters of a million subscribers, can we see one million subscribers this year? I'll do a heroine reveal at one million."
"Starlink now has more than 1,000,000 active subscribers."
"A hundred thousand subscribers sounds fantastic."
"It's never been about me. This has nothing to do with me... at the end of the day, it could not have gotten to this point without each and every one of you subscribing and sharing these videos."
"Thank you guys for all the love and support, 60,000 subscribers, take it, thank you, thank you. We couldn't have done it without you guys."
"I'm getting pretty close to hitting a million subscribers."
"Thank you for over 30,000 subscribers that's really cool I believe at this point I'm at like 35,000 I don't know where I'll be when I post this but that's really exciting so thank you thank you so much."
"The No Jumper Clips channel is now at 92,000 subscribers, we are going to be at 100,000 in like a couple of days."
"We love every single one, but the OGs were with us before 250,000 subscribers."
"Help us hit that hundred K mark so we can sail successfully."
"We're gonna hit 3 million subs this year so you're going to want to be a part of it."
"If we reach 5,000 subs, I'll definitely do a hair reveal."
"I gave my 100 millionth subscriber an island."
"We're so close to hitting a hundred thousand subscribers."
"Join us on the road to half a million subscribers."
"We're on the road to a hundred thousand subscribers, and there's no better way to get there than on our duel runners!"
"If you start getting insecure, that's your signal to be like, okay, I need to be alone, I need to reflect."
"We're closing in on 1,000,000 subscribers, and I appreciate your support as we work our way towards that incredible goal."
"We are Marching to 1 million subscribers here on the Midas touch Network."
"We are on our way to 1 million subscribers, which is going to be literally insane!"
"I just hit five point two million subscribers so shout out to all of you who hit that subscribe button."
"Thank you guys for the support, we're like pretty freaking close to 609k subscribers."
"Thank you guys, I'm almost at 3 million subscribers."
"Get Johnny Five to get John a hundred thousand subscribers, man. Is that link in the description and BetterHelp, of course, man? Hey, appreciate y'all as always."
"We had 860,000 subscribers, thank you guys. We are on the road, I think by the end of March we'll probably be at 900k baby, we'll be at 900k. It did sometime by May, by May I think we'll have a million."
"I just want to hit one million subscribers, that's very basic but I just want to get to that milestone."
"When you hit a million subscribers it makes you feel good."
"Real talk: ten thousand subs puts you in the top ten percent."
"We were last week expected to hit a million subscribers on July 9th, thanks to you, it is now December 26th."
"Charlie Cox just called me and he said, 'Niko I'm not going to go on your show until Corridor Crew gets 4 million subscribers.'"
"I want to welcome the almost 1,600 new subscribers."
"We are actually almost at 600,000 subscribers so you guys, if you're not subscribed to our channel, subscribe right now!"
"Make sure to drop a sub down below currently we ran a challenge with Bobby plays first person to hit 500k subscribers basically wins essentially."
"We shot past 100,000 subscribers yeah dude holy [ __ ] like well I think we already almost said 103 thousand right now [ __ ] nuts."
"Let's make it to four thousand, why not?" - Excitement over reaching 3000 subscribers.
"They have gained our entire channel worth of subscribers in like 40 minutes. Damn, that's ridiculous but awesome at the same time."
"If you can, also subscribe to the YouTube channel. We're fast approaching 200,000 subscribers."
"Thank you to the new 7,000 subscribers that have come over from TikTok."
"700,000 subscribers! Thank you guys so so so much. I love you guys and now I'm rambling, let's get this part started."
"I'm almost at a hundred thousand subscribers, which is, if you agreed with me leave it in the comments, if you disagreed with me leave it in the comments, we'll kiss about it."
"Click that circle above if you guys want to subscribe and help us reach our goal of 1 million subscribers."
"Congratulations on passing 1 million subscribers."
"Thank you all so much for a hundred thousand subscribers... YouTube has been an absolute adventure and is allowing me to move all across the place so I can't thank you guys enough for giving me the life I have today."
"We are so close to hitting 50,000 subs if you haven't hit that button already and you are a Bleach fan."
"Thank you for 20,000 subscribers that number is huge and I am so extremely grateful to all of you who watch my videos."
"Thank you so much to every single person who subscribed to me and has supported me."
"If and only if we do hit a million subs by the end of the year do a massive next-gen console giveaway."
"If we get to 100k today, let's go, congrats!"
"Thank you so much for watching... thank you to my subscribers we're around like 415 000 and the numbers huge and I can't comprehend it."
"Help us get seven million subscribers. We're almost there."
"Our 1 million subscriber plaque for this channel. I love this thing so much, it's pretty much the coolest thing I've ever received in my life."
"We're creeping up to that 500 sub mark!" - Celebrating milestones and community support.
"The only thing I ever wanted as a kid growing up was to hit one million subscribers and we've hit it."
"We're gonna hit, uh, we're gonna be at 100k by the end of 2021 easy. I would, I would be very disappointed in us if we couldn't."
"Thank you so many times and I'll say it one more time thank you for 100,000 subscribers."
"We found friendship along the way and we got 325,000 subscribers because of you all."
"Being almost at a million subscribers is mind-blowing. It's crazy how far I've come from just doing random stuff on YouTube."
"Our goals are in sight, and we are on the road to 100,000 subscribers."
"Please subscribe, bottom right-hand corner. We're getting close to 850k."
"Southern swamp thing with the four months, NJ Coffee Junk in the house! 32 months, jeez!"
"I'm trying to hit 100K by the end of the year, and guys, it's literally my dream to hit 100,000 subscribers."
"Quackity, holding over 4 million subs today, has established himself as one of the bigger personalities."
"We hit 50k if you guys haven't already subscribed"
"Thank you guys so so much like it just means a lot like how much support I've been getting lately and we're almost at 100k and I will definitely like cry when that happens."
"We hit the goal! 1 million, 350 thousand subscribers."
"We have a big celebration that we just crossed over 250,000 subscribers."
"Guys I just woke up and at about 4:29 a.m We hit 20 million subscribers. I just want to say thank you so much for watching my videos throughout the years."
"Give this video a big thumbs up, help me get to a million subscribers."
"Thank you to every single one of you that have subscribed to our YouTube channel."
"I don't care if I hit a million or anything above a million, this is it. Thank you, ExpressVPN."
"We are almost to 100,000 subscribers in this community."
"We are approaching 2 million subscribers. I really want you to be one of those two million."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for 50k subscribers! We did it!"
"Thank you all so much for tuning in every day and supporting me, and also for a hundred thousand subscribers. I cannot tell you how much it means to me."
"We're almost at 5.5 million subscribers with your help we might be able to reach there today."
"Blake has a large YouTube channel with 1 million subscribers."
"David is at 84.4k subscribers, which is amazing, it really is."
"Shout out to y'all. 70,000 subscribers. It was literally last part we celebrated 50k and since then we've gained 20,000 subscribers [__] man. 70 bro."
"If we get to 10 million subscribers before the year ends, I will be hosting the world's biggest Naruto run."
"My goal is to reach 500,000 subscribers by the end of the year."
"It's been an insane May. I mean, my god, I'm over 50,000 subscribers."
"We're actually getting really really close to 120k which is insane insane."
"Wow today's stream has been like out of this world insane like very comparable to the 100k subscriber stream like that's how insane it was."
"It'd be nice having 100k subs... we hit that back in like 2017."
"My mission, my goal is to promote remote patient monitoring so that we can touch a lot more lives."
"We have all kinds of surprises planned when we hit a million subscribers!"
"I think we just gained 6,000 subscribers, that's the record on this channel!"
"We're gonna be giving away two million dollar cars for a million subscribers I think it's pretty cool."
"We got to make 100,000 subscribers in four months thanks to you guys. Man, this is so... and we're full steam ahead on it. It's incredible."
"This is the year of 100,000 Subs that's right we're going to do it we are going to hit 100K by the end of the year so help us make that happen."
"Thank you guys for 2.8 million subs, I hope you did enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and amazing day. Goodbye everybody."
"I just want to say that I am so proud of you for hitting ten years on YouTube and three million subscribers like are you kidding me that's amazing you're amazing that's so awesome."
"The Bounty continues... there's a bounty for every 10,000 subscribers."
"We're so close to four million subscribers, it's insane."
"Let's keep going on that road to 2 million subscribers."
"Let's keep going on that road to 2 million subscribers. Let's get there together."
"It's kind of crazy, I never really imagined I was gonna ever have this many subs. It's kind of insane, Chad."
"You guys are so deserving of every single one of those subscribers."
"Thank you guys for joining me and thank you for 100k subscribers, that's why I did this in the first place."
"500,000 subscribers is a lot and I am super grateful that you guys have shown up to watch these videos."
"We are almost at 4 million subscribers. Can we get to 4 million, guys?"
"Writing's not easy, but reaching one million subscribers can help."
"We're almost to 200,000 subscribers and we want to give you guys a huge thank you."
"Make sure y'all hit that subscribe button and join the family on the road to 600k."
"If we hit 400,000 subscribers by Christmas, we'll give away three Xbox One X's and three PS4 Pros!"
"Happy 400k, thank you so much for everyone that subscribed and joined to just listen to me complain about movies every week."
"25 thousand people like me, like they like me enough to subscribe to hear more from me and that is extremely a huge honor."
"I've decided at a hundred thousand subscribers I have a new goal with respect to stability running shoes."
"I've been on YouTube for five years and I still don't have a hundred thousand subscribers."
"And speaking of subscribing, we're getting incredibly close to 2.4 million subscribers so if everybody hits the big red button right now we'd be there in no time."
"20,000 subscribers, that is [expletive] badass."
"Also I never really thanked you for 50,000 subs love you."
"We're on our way to 1.5 million subscribers thanks to your awesome support."
"We hit over 171,000 subscribers this weekend. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"I am determined to hit 100k before the summer."
"Ninety thousand subs, yes come on! Big up everyone!"
"Congrats on reaching 500k, looking forward to more!"
"Thank you guys so much for 3mil, enjoy the video."
"If anyone's watching this in 2024, let me know in the comments whether I have a million subscribers or not because I'd quite like to have a million subscribers before 2024."
"It has a bunch of clever writing and fun little activities that are really enjoyable to engage with."