
Second Amendment Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"We know we can decrease crime while we protect the Second Amendment and expand access to guns."
"The text of the Second Amendment enshrines a right not just to keep arms but to bear them."
"The purpose here isn't to look at history for the sake of studying history. The point is to look at the history that's relevant for understanding the original public meaning of the Second Amendment and the 14th Amendment."
"In 43 States, people are able to carry firearms for self-defense; it doesn't mean everybody ends up carrying, and it doesn't mean that those 43 states have any more problems with violent crimes or anything else than the jurisdictions that don't honor the text and history of the Second Amendment."
"I'm in favor of the Second Amendment, and I also want smart gun safety laws. Assault weapons shouldn't be walking the streets of a civilized country."
"The Second Amendment guarantee is just as fundamental as the First."
"The scope of the Second Amendment is set by the original public understanding of the right."
"Newsom's proposal seeks to strike a balance between enacting common sense gun safety laws while respecting the Second Amendment in America's gun owning tradition."
"The Second Amendment is not a requirement; it is a right. If you want to, you can; if you don't want to, please don't."
"The Second Amendment is to protect yourself against a tyrannical government."
"The Second Amendment is what guarantees all of our other rights."
"The Second Amendment is not absolute. When it was passed, you couldn't own a cannon. There's always been limitations."
"The point of the Second Amendment was that to secure a free state, the people need to bear arms."
"This idea was built out for so many different reasons, for a well-regulated militia and more so to defend our ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government."
"The Second Amendment is not old and outdated; it's about the right that doesn't change with technology."
"Gun rights were extended broadly across America in the Second Amendment in a great opinion penned by... Justice Clarence Thomas."
"The original intent of the Second Amendment was...the ability to raise the state militias to control the slave revolts."
"A well-regulated militia does not mean government control; it simply means that people should be well trained, equipped, and ready to serve if they are called upon."
"Our right to keep and bear arms evolves over time with the technology."
"The Second Amendment does not grant any rights; it just simply says what the government cannot do to our fundamental right to keep and bear arms."
"The very purpose of the second amendment was to be a deterrent to a government being tyrannical."
"The second amendment is at the core of democracy, of protecting every other constitutional right and liberty not just self-defense but it's the means of self-enforcement against the government's misconduct as well."
"Freedom is the very thing that makes life worth living, and the Second Amendment protects that gift."
"The text of the Second Amendment is very simple: 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
"I'm not always going on about the Second Amendment, but Americans love to talk about the Second Amendment."
"The Second Amendment guarantees your right to be armed for your protection or the protection of your loved ones."
"I think if we had uniform gun laws we would have less gun injuries and deaths and we would not infringe on the second amendment."
"Second Amendment protects all the others but now that it's gone eviscerated or will be eventually and will happen in one step."
"The second amendment doesn't grant us a right, but rather acknowledges an already existing right."
"I believe in the Constitution including the Second Amendment... I'm not going to take people's guns away."
"It's just a pure trampling of Second Amendment rights."
"The ATF is a tyrannical dysfunctional bureaucracy led by committed anti-gunners who want to eliminate the Second Amendment. It should be defunded, shut down."
"The Second Amendment being the right that defends every single other right."
"It's a damn shame that the country that was founded on freedom of speech and the right to bear arms has now come to this."
"The whole reason the Second Amendment exists: common defense, huh?"
"The Second Amendment is about protecting ourselves from tyrannical government."
"We need to be logically consistent...we cannot treat the Second Amendment like this because we don't treat other rights that same way."
"The Second Amendment: it shall not be infringed, man. Like how hard is that to understand?"
"The Second Amendment is about self-defense and that means the Second Amendment enforce."
"In order to restore the Second Amendment in the state of California we could change this state in in two election cycles"
"You can support Second Amendment and look good doing it."
"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to carry a gun in public places."
"The protection of your second amendment rights is just as valid against your state as it is against the feds."
"The Second Amendment is not there to hunt deer. It's there if God forbid ever the government got so tyrannical."
"The truth is, it's our Second Amendment rights that protect Americans."
"The Second Amendment it's not for hunting, it's for protecting ourselves against our government."
"There are already so many restrictions on our right to exercise that second amendment."
"We have a second amendment because this country was it was founded on courage."
"The whole idea of the Second Amendment was to give us power against tyrannical government. Right now, we have a tyrannical government."
"To the anti-Gunners out there who have kind of had a change of heart about their outlook on the Second Amendment and gun owners as a whole, you know, thanks for coming over to the side of common sense more or less."
"Eventually those young people grow up and become ambassadors for the Second Amendment."
"The Second Amendment gives our entire culture teeth. It gives us the ability to protect each other, it gives us the ability to defend ourselves against domestic and foreign enemies."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect against a tyrannical government."
"The men and women of the ATF deserve a leader with integrity and with respect for the second amendment to our constitution."
"The Second Amendment creates an individual right to keep and bear arms is one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of this country." - Dr. Alan Lichtman
"The second amendment is about America's freedom, the freedom to protect oneself, family, home, and homeland." - Judge Roger Benitez
"Kanye defended the Second Amendment, which made sense though it made no sense that he was making sense."
"Respecting the Second Amendment and keeping guns out of violent people's hands are not inconsistent."
"The Second Amendment is about being able to fight tyranny on your doorstep."
"1791 is the relevant time period for interpreting the meaning of the Second Amendment and the understanding of the founders about it."
"Celebrating the Second Amendment: Understanding why it's so important that American citizens can own guns and own them responsibly."
"The second amendment protects the rights to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense."
"This is honestly to me an attack on our Second Amendment rights and our rights to self-defense."
"In a dangerous world, the Second Amendment is often all we have."
"The recent Supreme Court decision eliminating concealed carry laws has ignited a spirited exchange of opinions among the justices, reflecting a broader divergence in perspectives on Second Amendment interpretation."
"The Second Amendment is not some poor cousin of the Bill of Rights. It's as legitimate and enumerated right as the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, all of them."
"The Second Amendment's standard accords with how we protect other constitutional rights."
"I do consider myself a Second Amendment absolutist... all gun laws preemptively applied to law-abiding mentally sound American citizens are facially unconstitutional under the Second Amendment."
"The second amendment is the very product of an interest balancing by the people and it surely elevates above all other interests the right of law-abiding responsible citizens to use arms for self-defense."
"The constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense is not a second-class right."
"Only if the regulation is consistent with this nation's historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual's conduct falls outside the second amendment's unqualified command."
"The Second Amendment did not countenance a complete prohibition on the use of the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home."
"The standard for applying the Second Amendment is as follows: when the Second Amendment's plain text covers an individual's conduct, the government must justify its regulation by demonstrating consistency with historical tradition."
"Individual self-defense is the central component of the Second Amendment right."
"Analogical reasoning under the Second Amendment requires identifying well-established and representative historical analogs."
"The textual elements of the Second Amendment's operative clause guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons."
"The Second Amendment's plain text presumptively guarantees a right to bear arms in public for self-defense."
"The Second Amendment says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"I have the right to protect my family and myself."
"You're the reason the Second Amendment still stands. You're the tip of the spear."
"Would it stand to reason that the people more likely to understand the Second Amendment would be people who've gone through the process of purchasing a firearm?"
"The founding fathers debated literally every comma of the Second Amendment."
"The second amendment protects the right of the people to possess firearms."
"As much as the government hates that we keep and bear arms, that's the only thing that keeps us free at this point." - Spawndog
"The Second Amendment was not written so I can go deer hunting. Second Amendment was written to protect the entire Constitution from a tyrannical government like we have right now."
"We're all in this together us people who love the Second Amendment and love our firearms."
"The Second Amendment wasn't talking about the government, it was talking about you."
"Black Americans in this country did not secure their freedoms until they were given Second Amendment rights."
"The Second Amendment secures all the others."
"The Second Amendment protects both the right to keep arms and the right to bear them, and to bear arms means simply to carry them. It's really just that simple."
"The language of the Second Amendment was subject to intense discussion, debate, and analysis when it was drafted, just like the rest of the Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights."
"Each of these words set forth in the Second Amendment were carefully chosen by our founding fathers and they were not intended to have some sort of false and secret meaning."
"I stand up for Second Amendment rights. I don't think it conflicts with the need I feel we also need to have sensible gun safety regulation."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Ammunition is clearly part of the Second Amendment right to bear arms."
"The Second Amendment guarantees all the rest."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is not so you can shoot animals, it's so you can preserve life."
"The Second Amendment is not about any of that it's about protecting your ass your neighbor's ass and ultimately living free and keeping the people around you free and that's what it's about."
"What part of shall not be infringed do people not understand God is correct shall not be infringed that is cutting clear shall not nothing."
"A well-regulated militia is necessary to secure a free state."
"The Second Amendment is never gonna be repealed."
"America is what it is because of the Second Amendment."
"Actually, you know funny fact is black people did not get to enjoy the other freedoms until their second amendment rights were secured."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is so that if necessary, the people of this country could maintain an armed rebellion against the government."
"The bottom line is this, and this is the good news: Judge Benitez has held that California's 10-round magazine limit violates the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms."
"The Second Amendment protects ancillary rights necessary to the realization of the core right to possess a firearm for self-defense."
"The second amendment allowed you to reject tyranny as a last resort."
"Once an item falls within the rights defined by the Second Amendment, it triggers a critical moment in time—the burden shifts to the government."
"They are declaring war on the Second Amendment, period. They are coming after our Second Amendment."
"The only thing keeping us, America, and free right now is our Second Amendment."
"When you look at what the Second Amendment says it literally says nothing about a personal right to bear arms directly it doesn't say that."
"The Second Amendment when it said militia it wasn't talking about the government, it was talking about you."
"That Second Amendment helps maintain the First Minute, but if we forget about the First Amendment, you know you're gonna be in trouble."
"We believe in the right to keep and bear arms. That's the right we fight for, like freedom of speech."
"These are the people who supposedly love the Second Amendment but they love to skip over that little troublesome thing called the First Amendment."
"Everyone tries to say 'oh Second Amendment until black people get the guns' it's like black people already have a lot of guys I love this I love it."
"The Second Amendment is intended for the civilian populace to have the access to the same firepower that their potential oppressors may have."
"The Second Amendment provides a boundary between our firearms and our ability to protect ourselves and those that would take them away."
"We need to really be out there, be active in being vocal for supporting the Second Amendment in this country."
"Practice your Second Amendment rights, or you'll lose them."
"There is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity, and the 10 round limit has no historical pedigree. It is arbitrary and capricious."
"Arms includes the magazines, components necessary to supply the bullets into the chamber of the gun. Magazines are usable arms within the meaning of the Second Amendment."
"To be protected, an arm needs only to be regarded as typically possessed or carried by citizens, ready for use if needed."
"The Second Amendment is the amendment that protects all the other amendments."
"Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed. That trumps even the Supreme Court."
"You need to have the Second Amendment to preserve the first."
"The Second Amendment is the one amendment that gives teeth to all of the other amendments in that Bill of Rights."
"The Second Amendment is a mutually assured destruction relationship between the citizens and their government."
"It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, it matters what the founders believed the second amendment was intended to mean."
"The Second Amendment is not about a technocratic judgment about maximizing or minimizing the number of people who were killed."
"Why is it the country that still gives hope to the Free World one of the reasons why is the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment?"
"The United States will always have a Second Amendment."
"I believe in the Second Amendment because I want to be able to protect myself and my family and my values and my country."
"The Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms codifies pre-existing rights."
"This man is determined to defend the freedom of speech with the right to bear arms at any cost."
"The second amendment protects all our other freedoms."
"Guarantee the right to bear arms, easy win for Trump."
"If Joe Biden becomes president, what changes do you think would happen related to the Second Amendment?"
"When black people first started participating in the Second Amendment... it was to protect themselves from the KKK, it was to protect themselves from white people."
"The only thing keeping us a country right now is our second amendment."
"Second Amendment is essential to liberty. I think that's so important."
"This is a major win for the Second Amendment Community."
"The Second Amendment is not a privilege, it's a right."
"They refuse to be a victim and you can't take away someone's right to not be a victim. The Second Amendment is the cornerstone of that idea."
"The second amendment is not about hunting... It's about the fundamental right to defend your life."
"The Second Amendment is everyone's constitutional right."
"We hold that when the Second Amendment's plain text covers an individual's conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct."
"Will your county stand up to being a Second Amendment sanctuary?"
"Marijuana and the prohibition of the Second Amendment for users of marijuana has been deemed unconstitutional."
"When in doubt, you throw it out. Presumption is on favor of freedom and the Second Amendment against the government."
"The Second Amendment codifies a pre-existing right, it doesn't create a right."
"The default position is you can carry a gun anywhere you want until someone tells you can't."
"You have a right to a loaded firearm ready for self-defense."
"We're now in a place where the second amendment has teeth... we can win."
"What the Court's saying is, if some sort of law is just completely inconsistent with the Second Amendment, that law doesn't supersede the Second Amendment."
"You cannot rely on the government 100% to ensure your safety, and that is the very reason we have the Second Amendment."
"I used my own AR-15 to confront a shooter that had dropped 15 30-round magazines in my church. If it were not for our Second Amendment rights... I would have been outdone myself."
"Bottom line is we'll keep following this New York City story but I think in the end it will be good news for the Second Amendment."
"New York's proper cause requirement is consistent with the Second Amendment..." - Fletcher
"This isn't the election cycle to try to make a statement about third parties or whatever. If you truly want to keep your second amendment intact, at least for another four years..."
"The whole purpose of the Second Amendment was to keep black folks under control and defenseless."
"But if he's promoting the second amendment let's at least try to align ourselves going well you know what there's a lot of people that listen to these guys a lot of people."
"We unite and fight for our Second Amendment; everything else is just noise."
"The Second Amendment is the whole ball game. It's the freedom that protects all of our other freedoms."
"One of the highest responsibilities of a state is to safeguard the rights of its citizens, including the rights to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment."
"The plain text of the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, not just keep them."
"You have a constitutional right under the Second Amendment to own a handgun or a shotgun or a rifle to defend yourself."
"Americans historically have enjoyed the right to defend themselves under the Second Amendment."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to protect your right to shoot deer, it's to protect your right to shoot tyrants when they take over the government."
"The Second Amendment transcends all of those things."
"It's not possible to eliminate the Second Amendment in this country."
"Why don't we just get together and say like within the confines of our system, in which the Second Amendment is sacred to many Americans, most Americans in fact, why not try to find a solution?"
"Daddy made me fight, it wasn't always right, but he said, 'Girl, it's your second amendment.'"
"The cultural change is in place to make it exponentially more difficult for them to pass anything to infringe on the Second Amendment."
"He's a solid man who has good ideas and loves your second amendment rights"
"the supreme court has established that the individual right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right"
"...just because the Second Amendment seems somewhat antiquated and it is in a way it was put in place for a very specific reason and that reason it transcends time because tyranny also transcends time."
"The second amendment was written to protect you from a rogue government."
"I think we should keep the Second Amendment. Obviously, gun control, there should be reasonable gun control. But in general, I'm pretty defensive about the Second Amendment."
"I'm a big Second Amendment guy so that's never really bothered too much. I can see some reasonable gun control definitely."
"The Second Amendment isn't just written for people with money, it's the right of the people to keep and bear arms no matter who those people are, American citizen you have that right."
"These are the teeth of the Second Amendment."
"The second amendment is for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're a right-winger or a left-winger. Both sides need to get it."
"The final step should be the repeal of the NFA as antithetical to the Second Amendment."
"That was what concerned me the most. If we can't get ammo, American people can't get ammo. The country is like on the verge of losing their Second Amendment by no ammo."
"So, I see that the Second Amendment and the Third Amendment, which bans the government from quartering soldiers in people's houses, both reflect fears about standing armies, and also the dangers of having very strong government military power."
"The Second Amendment reflects the notion that the government should not have a monopoly on force."
"As someone who adores the Second Amendment I really admire Russia's approach."
"I'm very big on the Second Amendment. I go train with men because men are the ones who generally train. So I go to a shooting class with men."
"The Second Amendment is the American right to bear arms how do you feel about that well you know in Missouri we got a real good and easy as long as you're over 18 you can have anything."
"The Second Amendment is not about hunting and that kind of stuff or just about hunting, it's about being able to protect yourself against basically people foreign and domestic."
"The spirit behind the Second Amendment was, is every man, woman, and child was able to have access to military weapons and be able to train and be dangerous."
"It's not about the Second Amendment, it's about saving lives. We need to stand up against weapons being created as lethal tools to kill Americans."
"The second amendment applies to modern firearms and modern technologies."
"The second amendment is a second class right."
"It's not enough to just say it's in the Bill of Rights, therefore anything that regulates guns is unconstitutional."
"I personally believe that we can and should see the Second Amendment take its rightful place alongside the First Amendment and the other amendments."
"...the text of the Second Amendment reads a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
"I think it does say something without taking sides. You may believe in the Second Amendment, but do people need to be walking around [__] machine guns?"
"The reason the NRA has been so successful is they only give a damn about the Second Amendment."