
Character Consistency Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Always stay in the zone, like always stay in character."
"In being true to the character that you've created, whatever happens... it's all interesting storytelling."
"Marinette rarely strays from making moral decisions throughout the series."
"Would you rather read your no TP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization?"
"Blair is the best character in Gossip Girl, but that statement doesn't apply to every season."
"There is a reason why pro players play the same legend over and over... they become very proficient and excellent."
"It was the first time I felt like that Spider-Man is the same as that Peter Parker, they're the same character, they're like completely different people."
"The sculpt of ghost Mario is identical to the first wave release of Mario."
"A lack of internal logic for characters, particularly antagonists, breaks the story's coherence."
"You definitely want to have impeccable logic for your antagonists."
"Hickman's portrayal of Reed and the inherent issue of his character are carried over to his reuniting with Susan."
"Every Zelda game features a new hero named Link. That's canon." - Miyamoto
"Neil Patrick Harris's performance as Count Olaf is also a bit more consistent with the show steaming."
"All I want is for characters to be consistent."
"Mesa obviously has just received her prime and Mesa was an A+ and remains an A+."
"Batman's attitude toward killing the Joker actually has an internal logic and consistency."
"Since Luffy never really said anything else that matches with something Roger said, it's possible that Luffy told Shanks the same thing he told Ace and Sabo during a scene off-screen."
"She's the same in all universes so it makes sense to me that you have her... I mean look at that, come on, who doesn't just love her?"
"Dennis leading the charge of should we care feels incredibly on brand for him and the gang at large."
"I can’t watch Wonder Woman be one thing to Patty Jenkins, and then be a completely different character in the rest of the DC Universe."
"God won't contradict himself because of his character."
"I thought what they did with Luke was not only scarily consistent with what we've seen from the Luke Skywalker character in previous films."
"Velma's primary outfit in the show resembles the one worn by the character in the first live-action movie."
"Since Sam is still very much aligned with her characterization from Scream 5, it immediately lets us know that we shouldn't expect to see her revealed as Ghostface anytime soon."
"Superman should never ever ever ever kill. Ever."
"Luffy being Luffy and a mountain of good luck on their side!"
"Daenerys burning innocent people alive is fundamentally at odds with her character."
"I don't think there's ever been a moment where they... have allowed even Woody to coast on some version of his personality."
"Nearly every single choice you make for Geralt is consistent with his character."
"The conflict in this book felt very realistic given the things that we know about all of our respective characters and side characters."
"Daenerys's mad queen arc is illogical and fundamentally breaks her character."
"You have to love all of Caillou or none of Caillou."
"Well, I think it's clear that each of the links of Smash Brothers are represented quite similarly to their home games."
"Sanji never stops being himself. Despite the family's shaming, he remains true to who he is."
"MJ's character development stays consistent throughout the rest of the story."
"Shiryu's just like I'm the serious one to the very end."
"Changes like this insult the character they're adapting and frustrate the audience."
"I feel like Luffy would just still do whatever he was doing."
"Most of the roles I've had have been so appallingly inconsistent, so painfully fictitious that nothing can be done with them."
"The guy that played Shaggy in the original live-action Scooby-Doo movie, he has played Shaggy for over like 15 years now in every cartoon, in every movie. That guy is Shaggy."
"I think it was great because they felt like the Guardians... they have to be what they were established in the MCU from Guardians 1 & 2." - Manny
"This character isn't working in a hospital where diseases are literally everywhere, so I think it should be alright for her personality."
"This felt like a character telling a story from their past that completely makes sense."
"Frank Welker took over the voicing duties of Scooby and has been ever since."
"Luffy is still luffy because i don't think od would ever dispel luffy's personality."
"Amy Jo Johnson was the only original Ranger not replaced by a double."
"Ash's rankings were extremely inconsistent at times."
"Everybody got what they wanted all along: Willem Dafoe looking like the Green Goblin."
"She just snaps right back into that same wounded and scared person that we saw back then."
"Characters that are inconsistent lead to a bigger problem."
"This game has not forgotten who Kiryu is and what he stands for."
"They actually used that backstory of heart of ice for every incarnation of Mr. Freeze since."
"Aang remains resistant to violence all throughout the show."
"One of the things that I dislike the most is when characters just do things for no fucking reason."
"So did Sakurai fail because in my opinion I don't think so he followed all his design criterias for smash without having villager clashed with the design of Animal Crossing I mean he's goofy cartoony and light-hearted so I think he did a good job."
"The portrayal of Daenerys as prone to madness and careless in her actions feels out of place."
"That's not disruptive, dude, that's playing his character, that's up."
"But notice Spider-Man Noir who still only glitches in black and white."
"The average movie going public is not interested in a Batman that is not Bruce Wayne."
"Starlight... I think she's such a phenomenal character."
"If you think that 'The Bells' was somehow majorly out of character for Daenerys Targaryen, then that is absolutely wild."
"Kagachi feels like Kagachi and that is going to be integral if this manga plans on having a long Shonen Jump run."
"If you make your antagonistic force into a yo-yo whose actions depend on whatever in the moment is necessitated by the plot, you don't have an antagonistic force, you have a slave-like construct of the plot."
"Mewtwo's first color is obvious: a bright green referencing his shiny sprite."
"All of Marth's costumes are fairly straightforward, being all plucked from Marth's official appearances in Smash."
"God told me to tell you today if you want to be blessed stay in character."
"I liked how Xavier's character was still true to what he was like in the Fox movies."
"The Space Wolves will always do what is perceived as right by the initial code set up by the Emperor."
"Lehman Russ will always be traditional, ritualistic, and tied around the things that made them who they were."
"Not killing was a big part of Glenn's character because, especially as the show went on and the characters began to be more and more degraded from where they once began, Glenn was always sort of hailed as this picture of purity."
"Magneto's powers are coming back, proving the Cure pointless."
"Nova was an A+ and remains shocking literally [ __ ] nobody as an A+."
"I actually kind of like the ending there because they're all like chasing Sonic and Sonic has to run from people. I don't know if it's his character and his speedy premise so points for that."
"Superman loves Lewis Lane, Hollywood is trying to make Superman gay and he is not."
"Designs that feel like they belong in a living Universe."
"I think Gollum is a great example of tech evolving but keeping the core of what that character looks like."
"John Krasinski is Reed Richards in every Universe across the Multiverse."
"If you're a greedy unhappy person with seven dollars, you're going to be a greedy unhappy person with 70 million dollars."
"Even if the treasure itself turned out to just be an empty room with a note left by Roger, Luffy would not be disappointed or upset in the slightest."
"Terminators will be Terminators whether or not the Marine inside is either a primary Space Marine or a regular one."
"I just don't want her to be black... leave these characters how they are."
"No matter what Pokémon Red has used throughout the games, it just feels right."
"Sonic has always just done whatever, and I kind of respect it."
"Anderson's still Anderson, he still possesses all those things."
"Han Solo really never changed who we saw him as... gruff but he had that heart of gold."
"Perhaps the best way the game capitalizes on its setup is with the scene where Strangelove demands to know the truth, but Snake sticks to his story even when he's tortured."
"Samus's portrayal is not consistent with things previously established in the franchise."
"She survived the Nostromo in the first movie. She's never compromised."
"Howard has been the most consistent character in the entire universe of Better Call Saul."
"I think it's completely in character. How many times does Daenerys [ __ ] get on her [ __ ] dragon and ride into battle? That is basically Picard going out."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home... it still felt like going on a ride, very Spider-Man."
"Luckily, the show has figured out how to critique the outside world while letting the gang stay the same."
"Sonic plays exactly as he always does with this mod on, so let's get started!"
"Gene has incredible consistency as a Healer and battery."
"Archer is still like the same as Archer was. It's just Buzz is surprisingly very good."
"Batman clearly shares my sentiment... As I will restate numerous times about this flashback."
"Luke Skywalker actually feels like Luke Skywalker again."
"Mothflight's treatment of her kits doesn't just feel out of character, it feels like it comes out of nowhere."
"A Mandalorian never takes his helmet off. This is the way."
"Ayaka still exists and likely is still capable of one-shotting pretty much anything you throw at her."
"Zachary's unflinching presence has been the definitive aspect of his play since his first appearance in the scene."
"Joseph has been just this amazing anchor for the story forever... loved his dumb jokes and out of touch dad ways."
"Zachary didn't need to counter pick here but it's here that we see that even with all the character changes all the growth this is the same zachary who people apart with wolf at genesis."
"He did such a great job of never losing the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Success changes everybody, but people with good character, it doesn't change them too much."
"A whodunit mystery to the mansion arc... makes his personality seem more consistent and realistic overall."
"Consistency: their words match their actions."
"Adam Sandler had that same character to where it was like we like him fighting Happy Gilmore."
"One of the worst storytelling sins you could commit is getting a character to act stupid or out of character to move the plot forward."
"Their interactions stayed true to the characters, and they didn't sacrifice who they were for the sake of writing."
"The Mandalorian excels at showing characters being true to themselves, acting in ways that make sense."
"Keep doing what you're doing, don't break character, it's not time for you to take any action."
"Throughout all of this ghee never stops using his Bankai."
"Prime's voice by Peter Cullen sounds as great as always."
"Stay true to your character... be true to the character."
"Officer Jenny, I like that she's kind of like a recurring theme, no-nonsense, take-charge kind of badass."
"Only one X-Wing pilot survived all three original trilogy movies."
"Doc Brown doesn't drive a Mustang."
"Batman killing people and Batman with guns, that was a dividing thing when this movie came out among fans."
"This tool is not perfect at this time, but having the ability to get character consistency again and again inside of AI tools is an essential step in the storytelling process."
"Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment?"
"In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hacks of achieving character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies."
"It's just everything was in character. It was exactly like anything you could want."
"Snape, of course, I mean does he have any other outfit? He just always looks the same."
"I hope we have the same actors for Foggy and Karen, they made the show just as good as Matt."
"This is Superman being you know who he is at all times he's always got to go take care of something like I I love that this is Superman being you know who he is at all times he's always got to go take care of something like I I love that."
"Do you think it's like the first time you see a bunch of series of movies together where all the characters are literally the same?"
"I think it's really this movie does a really good job of being in continuity with the MCU because their characters feel really consistent."
"Vegeta chuckles, it seems they haven't changed a bit."
"They set him up as being competent, and then he's just competent."
"Ashfur is just really solid; we know exactly what he wants."
"She always plays Ripley pitch perfect."
"Riker bluffing about the power of his fleet is certainly in line with his character."
"As long as you go into it knowing what your view of the character is, having done research from the book and the script, then if your character has a consistency throughout it and has the aura of the character from the book, then I don't think you can really go wrong."
"He uses the exact same voice for Bandit when he sings, so it literally sounds like Bandit himself is singing the songs."
"That's just so Achilles and it's so true to who Achilles is in the original mythology."
"It's still Luffy, ladies and gentlemen."
"Kaiba is an absolute badass during the entirety of the show."
"Her innocent and pure nature combined with the power of a Saiyan is pretty much the same."
"Every joke and every plot point makes sense for the characters."
"Lloyd's anger in Crystallized is actually very reasonable and was not out of character."
"The world may be crazy, things may change, things may come, things may go, but you can always rely on Squidward doing the thing."
"Yeah...she’s down. But Buffy’s always going to Buffy."
"Squirrelflight's and Sparkpelt's characters in the latest arc are perfectly aligned with their previous portrayals."
"That's one film another I always go back to is probably The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake... it felt like everyone character-wise did exactly what they should do and would do."
"The writers are very comfortable with the trio's personalities, and this seemed very consistent with their core characters."
"We'll only do it if you promise that Lisa Simpson will remain a vegetarian for the rest of the series."
"No matter how many times Loki's reborn... he will always end up becoming the Loki that we always know."