
Rural Living Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Are you tired of the big city? I know I was. I wanted to raise my kids somewhere peaceful, somewhere safe, somewhere neighborly."
"Get out, take care of yourself, get some goats, get some chickens."
"The reality was you could live in a rural area, have open space, have reasonably priced land and property, but still have a job that paid reasonably well because Phoenix has a market that could sustain that."
"I live in the woods up on a mountain, I interact with like four people a week."
"We are slaves of corporations. Get out of the cities and live simply."
"Living in the country as I do, you definitely notice the idea when you're driving 50 or 60 miles how hard it can be to refill or have to stop and recharge."
"Took your advice and moved out of the city... got chickens and started a veggie garden. Thank you Tim."
"I'm a white guy living in the woods and I just look like I might be a redneck."
"Just a little small cabin in the woods, that's my dream, that's all I want."
"The ultimate goal as long as I'm living happily and comfortably, I don't care if it's the middle of nowhere."
"If I ever had to stop what I'm doing right now, I'd probably move out into the middle of nowhere and farm."
"The family has been living here for the last 18 years, despite being 160 kilometers from the nearest town."
"I made it. I'm about to go chill with my family. I made it. My son is healthy. I made it. I live in the middle of fucking nowhere."
"You now live in the woods inside your hunter's hut."
"If you want to get away from cities, if you want to start homesteading and taking care of yourself, being more individually responsible, you have my tremendous respect."
"It's very rural, there's no bus stops out here."
"If you don't want to be involved in these things for god's sake get out of the city and get into the country."
"You are much better off in a rural setting than you are in a densely populated area such as a city or an apartment building."
"Rural living essentially just has the social distancing built in and I just think it's just a better alternative going forward."
"The family's shared dream is to buy a small homestead with a big garden and keep chickens."
"For those of us that are willing to be more self-sufficient, we move up to the middle of nowhere, get chickens, grow vegetables, and try to be as reliant on ourselves as possible."
"Homestead heroes: Building a thriving community."
"Get out of the cities, homeschool your kids, get some chickens, have as many kids as you can."
"I just love it and it's nice and quiet here and there's no traffic ever and there's so much nature to explore."
"Living out here, middle of nowhere, it is pretty peaceful, almost a little too peaceful, but you know what, it's uh, it's perfect."
"Get away from cities man, get as far away from cities as possible. Make sure you're in a community that you trust with people you know."
"I see it being like a homesteading type situation where I grow some food and yeah just like nice peaceful place away from everyone."
"The time may come when people need to learn how to attend to their own chickens, grow some vegetables, and learn how to process deer."
"You know what living out in the middle of nowhere might not be so bad, no more traffic anymore, that'd be nice."
"I locked the door, I knew better than to leave it unlocked since, after all, I lived in the woods."
"We really wanted to have a water well for sure, and that way we're not focused on the city well or rural well to run our water into our home."
"Homesteading is really just kind of living off of the land, having a piece of land that provides you with some of life's basic essentials."
"Living in Bear Country... it just needs to be in the back of their mind all the time."
"Our life is a very unique thing, and homesteading has become a part of that."
"Years ago my wife and I decided to sell it all to sail our traditional house and many of the things that we own to leave that to come out here to the country to Homestead and to live in a yurt."
"Away from the city, away from the crowds, is what life should be all about."
"If you live on a farm, if you have the resources, you're going to be a target."
"Being a farmer means I get to live on my huge property with little to no outside disturbances."
"There is a certain sense of freedom that comes with living out here."
"Lily's family embraced the simple life in the countryside and they were as happy as ever."
"One of the only things really missing up here is like a grocery store."
"My dream was always to live in the country, be a scientist, and have my own scientific laboratory."
"One day I'm gonna move out to the country."
"Life in northern Maine isn't for everyone, of course, but isn't that sort of the point?"
"It's starting to get late in the day and being this far out in the country, it wouldn't be unheard of to come face to face with a shotgun when the homeowner finds our cars."
"I wanted to live on a farm and raise animals and just be in the middle of nowhere."
"I spent the first day cleaning and taking a trip into town to keep my food stocked up."
"residing in a remote isolated area offers certain advantages such as no neighbors and minimal traffic."
"After buying a home in a rural area with a few acres in Mississippi in 2008, my wife and I wanted to get away from the city."
"It takes getting used to, but I like being somewhere a bit more rural."
"When I lived 70 miles from the nearest grocery store, it was worth the drive to go to the grocery store so I didn't have to buy food at the convenience store in town."
"This place here, you can just be yourself and relax. I wanted to experience this lifestyle while I was still young enough to do so. You know, I think stacking wood is like one of the greatest things in the winter. I love it!"
"The simpler you keep it the better you feel for you know this is why I'm so happy you're moving into the country it's going to be great for your soul."
"I need the country life. I can't stand the city. I need the dirt."
"I'm so glad we left the city, this is such a good place to raise a family."
"Living in the middle of nowhere is genuinely just so nice. I love it."
"I think it's just kind of the ultimate acre lifestyle."
"We'd like a four-bedroomed detached house with spacious rooms, a property that's got character, a nice Farmhouse kitchen with low beams, and a nice view of Country Places."
"We live in the woods, out in the woods, and we live life real good, real good."
"You have 400 people that live within 10 miles, and there's not a gas station within this area."
"...whether you're living out on the countryside or in a thronging metropolis."
"This is an absolute game changer if you live in a rural area."
"I live in the rural part of the United States in the woods in a small home."
"I moved to the country in 1992, and social distancing is built into farm life."
"I live in south central Pennsylvania, Appalachia, deep, deep, deep in the sticks."
"It's a really idyllic sort of idea, just living in the middle of nowhere eating rice that's grown on the land."
"I live out here by myself, though I've never been bothered too much by the solitude."
"USDA homes are a zero percent down option for rural areas."
"We drove 70 miles each way when we lived in Idaho to go get groceries once a month."
"If you want to work in foreign policy, getting out and spending some time living in a foreign country, ideally in a country in the global South and in a rural area, is invaluable."
"I feel like way more connected to the idea of having more land, more space, less traffic, less stress, cheaper life."
"I like living where my nearest neighbor is a mile away."
"Part of the reason we moved out here was that you never know what can happen in the world, and if you're at least growing some of your own food, you won't go hungry."
"My hope would be that if this is where they want to live and they want to continue farming, that that's an option for them."
"It feels good if it wasn't farmy enough for you, one of our chickens comes in here every day into what will be the kitchen into this big box of sawdust and lays an egg."
"A little more than two years ago, my wife and I left our lives in Washington DC, and we moved to a town of 700 people."
"It's a beautiful, wonderful, peaceful place to live."
"Countryside in Japan is more than safe for young women to live alone."
"Family time, no more crazy big city."
"I have always had that romantic idea of watching like Legends of the Fall and just having that ranch at the bottom of a mountain range."
"I think if you have your own like family-based farm and you're living a farm life, I love that for you."
"We wanted more animals than people, we wanted space."
"I would love to live outside of a city so I could just travel there anytime I want for anything."
"I'm so happy that our neighbors live miles and miles away."
"I plan on buying a property in the middle of Farmland Texas to have a little farmhouse."
"Ultimately, there's no reason a rural area or small town can't ultimately be made friendly for people who don't want to drive."
"On acreage, you have more practical use for this."
"Around 40% of people here have homes that are so remote and isolated that they don't have access to traditional utilities like electricity or running water."
"We have a 13-acre property, so we have some space for some animals, and the wife wanted goats."
"They lived on a horse ranch in Southern California."
"I just love living next to a forest, it's so beautiful."
"After living in the city our whole lives, we are now establishing a much slower, more sustainable life in a rural part of the country."
"I just love living out here surrounded by nature and growing our own food."
"The fact that it can do that makes this thing extremely versatile, especially for anyone who lives in a rural location and relies on a well pump for their water."
"I wish I had pet chickens to get me some of that egg goodness over the next few weeks."
"Magnolia is for somebody that wants that country lifestyle but wants to be close to convenient amenities."
"It's kind of amazing how I lived so far away from everything with so little and was just content with it."
"It's just nice that we're finally here, we finally have space for the kids to come and swing on gates and be little ranch kids."
"I would love to be on like five acres and have animals and just be out far away from everything."
"We have the best of both worlds here; you can live in a beautiful rural location but have fantastic connections to the city and a wonderful quality of life."
"Forget about it, we've decided not to have TV on this farm."
"For over five years, I've lived in a farming village up on a hill next to a bamboo forest, and as peaceful as it's been, I think it's time for a change."
"If you want to live on acreage, this is probably the area that you're going to end up."
"Choose Country Living Homes because all the best things come from the country."
"This is how I want my Mansion crib, see when you got acres and you off in the country, you could build this stuff in, it's just living, living out here."
"I love the fact that we are not on a road anymore and it feels a lot more private and rural."
"I love my quiet life, I love living on the outskirts, I love just not having to worry about much but my bills."
"Goodbye to all that, and hello to a new life on the farm."
"I'm tickled pink to have bought this cabin and to live here in the solitude and the serenity that Alaska is offering me."
"We're gonna have goats and chickens and our own garden."
"But living off the land, being away from all the hustle and bustle of a city, can definitely have its rewards."
"Welcome back to our off-grid homestead we're building it from scratch here in North Idaho."
"I just want to raise my babies in a place that they can grow up and live their life out here."
"We're so lucky to live in this beautiful part of rural Portugal."
"...here I am living with my Thai receptionist wife in a rural part of Thailand and very happy."
"Buying land somewhere in the mountains, just building myself a little home, making a garden, having my dog maybe a few more other dogs, and just live like in sustainable peace if that makes sense."
"I wanna have four kids on the farm and raise them in a small town with animals."
"I'm always wondering why the people most afraid of terrorism are the ones who live way out where the buses don't go."
"I do feel really happy out here and I do love how quiet it is and how peaceful it is."
"Think about getting out of big cities, moving to the country."
"It's a great option for people who are either nomadic, living in RVs, or live in more rural areas."
"There's plenty of hardwood here for campfires and wood stove fires in your cottage up here on top of the mountain for the rest of your life and then some."
"You have to realize, hon, before the internet came along, living here was like living on the moon."
"I'm trying to show truly that it's cool to live out here."
"He simply wanted to experience the idyllic life and also mentioned that the air was good."
"I understand you are potentially interested in insurance for a bungalow located a bit out of town."
"I live in the countryside, and all the houses on my road are pretty far apart."
"Sometimes I'm glad I live in the middle of nowhere."