
Personal Courage Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"If you don't like the culture, you have to be brave enough to create your own."
"One wonders what would have happened if, right at the outset, he'd had the courage to speak his mind and not pretend."
"Standing up for what you love... is having courage and bravery to be yourself."
"E. Jean Carroll displayed incredible heroism on direct and cross-examination."
"You went and did something very few people have the courage to do."
"The credit belongs to those who dare greatly no matter what answer the call to enter the arena the call doesn't care if you fight for one or twenty thousand and one."
"Queer like the fearlessness to imagine what love can look like, and to pursue it."
"The fisherman then donned a survival suit and jumped in the water to help the poor whale."
"Greatness is having the courage to pursue it."
"The threat of disfellowshipping has been repeatedly used to silence... Erica said she'd go to the police herself. Her elder said if she did, she'd be disfellowshipped and condemned by Jehovah."
"Courage and just kind of knowing yourself... it takes a lot of courage to be able to say that you don't just love this person, you like him."
"Being fearless means putting your heart and soul into it and accepting that it's scary."
"Truly acquire the courage to walk away from something that no longer works for you."
"Let them give them that chance to summon up that courage."
"I want to show the world that you should not be afraid of anyone."
"The only time to be brave is when you feel fear."
"You don't have to be afraid to speak up. There are other people out there like you."
"It struck me when I first heard that as very compelling and interesting and sent me on this path of discovery that I've never left."
"The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage, you must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of time itself."
"You're becoming more courageous about speaking your truth."
"Your ability to advocate for yourself as well, speak up for yourself, have courage, things like that, take initiative as well."
"You have lots of good ideas, just maybe getting that courage to start it."
"He is as hard as iron for having the courage to challenge Gods as an ordinary mortal."
"You're having the courage to follow your heart and to go wherever it leads you to."
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"People like that need to be challenged, especially by another person."
"Acknowledge that you choosing to be risky and courageous and go after something that fulfills your sense of authenticity."
"To be more courageous than you feared you were."
"I hope that one day I might be brave enough to stand up and protect others."
"I think it's really great that you're questioning and you're having the courage to confront this even in the face of all the emotional connections that you have to your religion and your god, especially as they tie in with your family."
"If you're brave enough to take that risk, take that first step in the direction of what you want to see in this world."
"Had I not been prepared and willing to stand in the gap, I don't know how that flight would have ended."
"I admire her for taking a stand and speaking up."
"What I learned was don't be afraid, go out there, smile, try and do your best, and just let it all unfold."
"Speak up even if it's hard, even if it feels weird, even if you feel like an [ __ ]."
"Stand up for yourself, even if you get a beating."
"Bravery isn't having no fear, bravery is having fear, but you did."
"I don't want conflict but I ain't scared of it."
"Fortune favors the bold, so never be afraid to stick your neck out on your own behalf."
"An incredibly intimate perception of him, a man who feared death, humanity, and his own mind, was still able to face these fears at point blank on the very walls of his house."
"It takes balls to reach out. Making the first step is always the hardest."
"Just do that [ __ ] man and don't be scared and people are gonna go but people more people are gonna come."
"If she was actually Brave, if she actually had dignity, she was actually willing to stand up, then I'd be happy to give her points."
"Courage is not doing something in the absence of fear, it's doing it in the presence of fear."
"Don't be afraid, don't second-guess, accept, move forward."
"Don't be scared... there's nothing to be scared of."
"Many of us don't have to, but what you're doing is brave, it really is."
"It takes small acts of personal courage and conviction to change things."
"If an absolute [__] like me can go and get a blood test done in order to help out Levi every single one of you guys can."
"I was the one that if I saw people being bullied, I actually would stand up and do something."
"I respect rose mcgowan's bravery, courage, tenacity to tell the truth about the democratic party."
"Regardless of how you feel about Gina Carano, the least you could have done is had the balls."
"Courage is the oxygen of the soul, so breathe."
"Continue to have the courage to release whatever is weighing you down or no longer serving you."
"Be a catalyst for change. Wear a camera. Be brave. Do something."
"Don't ever be scared to take a loss or to take a hill, cuz it's just one minute."
"Sometimes you just have to go against the grain."
"I really have to tell you this: I think your person loves you, but they don't have the guts to take it where the situation should be."
"We each, all of us, must summon the courage to stand against the tidal wave of insanity, no matter what the cost."
"Do the things that scare you. Courage is what comes afterward."
"Litigation is not for everyone. He stepped forward. He's been referred to as the Rosa Parks of the NFL. It's a testament to his character."
"Favor showed incredible courage and determination to reconnect with the community around her."
"Lana was brave to do that even though no one really understood it."
"Very few people in life have the guts and courage to take The Road Less Traveled."
"Rest in peace, Rush. He had bravely faced death."
"To open up and show your emotions is actually the strongest thing you could ever do."
"How you gonna get the bully to stop bullying if their victims don't stand up, bro?"
"I just want to end it with you Justin to say how proud I am of your courage."
"I think you need to listen to your heart regardless of the fears here. You need to take the blindfold off."
"I don't regret speaking up, I only wish I had done so sooner."
"You don't want to be a coward to yourself. A coward dies a thousand deaths, feel me."
"I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there. Hopefully, it hasn't come down to something terrible happening in your life."
"I thought, what a character? That was real bravery."
"Don't ever let the fear of what people might say about you hold you back. Just do it and go for it."
"Everyone is not going to like what you're doing but don't be afraid to put yourself out there."
"That man has gone through unimaginable hell to protect his son he is the most courageous man in America that I can think of right now and he deserves our support and he needs our support."
"I'd rather be known as the guy who did what he thought was right than the guy who quit because he was afraid of what other people might say."
"That wasn't no effort, thank you for stepping in, you were pretty badass."
"She's willing to fight as strong as she possibly can just to protect them."
"If he had any balls and believed what he said at all, he would remove all troops."
"Credit where it's due, this is an honest admission I appreciate from Peter, take some balls to say things that are true but aren't exactly great."
"Bravery resides in the heart of Barack Obama. Time and time again I witnessed him summon it."
"Bold and charming, having the courage to go after what you want."
"Find your inner courage. Once you find that voice, it's hard to keep it quiet."
"Apparently Melania Trump brought in a friend who wasn't impressed by misconduct, had enough, kept records..."
"What do you think of Melinda's efforts? Melinda's is very courageous and a strong person."
"If he can find the courage and the strength, to not only seek help, but also to speak out about it, to take care of himself and to stay strong, then so can you. So can you."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's acting in the face of it."
"The hero is not the sword, they are the person and the shield, the safety for what lies behind while they move forward."
"I'm not asking you to pick fights, but I'm asking you to stand up for what you believe in. The world is gonna be a better place because then we won't be ripe for invasion."
"Everything starts with your ability, your courage within, to ask the questions that you are afraid to ask."
"When you really trust God and you really trust Spirit, you can be brave. You can have courage because you know that no matter what you will come up against, if you have God in the right position in your heart, you can do anything."
"The bravery of Nancy... I mean, it's like Normandy."
"Fortune favors the bold and you are absolutely stronger than your fears."
"Courage. Dare to be different, to make mistakes, to create."
"It was all a Happy accident that luckily I had the courage to allow myself to keep walking."
"She had a courage that did not lose out to any man."
"I appreciate your courage and also knowing what you want to do and being about it and [expletive] doing it."
"Get in the game, get off the bench, stop being scared, don't be a coward."
"Be brave in whatever you do in every day of your life."
"Your past is passed. Now it's time to courageously face the future with faith."
"An Iranian immigrant to Canada defies fear for pride."
"Showing up even when you're afraid is how strength is fortified."
"The courage to walk away, the courage to follow your passions here, the courage to move forward, the courage to say yes even though this deal or this offer that is presenting itself to you is scary."
"Follow your intuition and go all in on it, take the risk even if it's crazy."
"Learn to trust ourselves again and go for it."
"Don't let fear hold you back; sometimes you just gotta get into it."
"Imagine doing it as a football player and your whole life is being manly and that's got to be so hard. My heart goes out to anybody coming out of the closet."
"Sometimes you have to muster the courage to speak up."
"I don't believe for a second that you are afraid of them."
"Negativity is being realistic, and I think it's brave."
"It takes a lot of guts to be a cop and you've got a lot of guts."
"Even if you're nervous or afraid, you just have to step forward." - Ishimaru
"Learn to love yourself, respect your boundaries, and have the courage to speak your truth."
"A startling feeling to be amid people who show that kind of defiance... courage... refusal to buckle under mounting Russian pressures."
"Congratulations to her because many people would have run or not stood the ground and maybe gotten worse."
"He wishes that he had had the courage to live his life more unconventionally as he sees you doing."
"Even if your voice shakes, stand up for yourself."
"Courage is not a state but requires continuous learning, improvement, and practice."
"Who among us has the courage to create these changes?"
"Courage must be summoned in spite of your fear, spirit will always catch you."
"Have the uncomfortable conversations, man [__] it."
"Take a leap of faith and know that you will be provided for."
"Saying, 'Look, I am struggling in this area, I need some help with this,' that takes balls."
"We need people who have the courage to be themselves... it's tragic that you would throw that away."
"Trust in the courage of your hearts. Stand true in your own hearts."
"Stand up for yourself, you can do it in love."
"Don't sit in a world where you're afraid to live in the courage of your heart."
"What's the difference between good and evil? If I were afraid of being laughed at, I wouldn't be standing here."
"Be brave, be strong, believe in yourself and do it."
"Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is key."
"Feel the fear and do it anyway. Real courage isn't the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it."
"I don't fear anything but I do feel apprehensive every time I go into a prison."
"We want to make sure that we're not scared of the things that the world says we should be scared of."
"True courage is being true to your emotions."
"Some people say it's strange that I date a bear. They say they'd be too scared. Well, that's stupid."
"You've got the courage to see it through. Now you're finally believing in yourself and going after your dreams."
"Courage isn't the lack of fear, it's the overcoming of the fear."
"What would life be if we had the courage to attempt anything?"
"Standing up to someone is easy when you're stronger than them but when you're weak it takes a whole lot more strength to put yourself in that same position"
"Finding your inner strength, facing your fears, you may be getting ready to have to do something really brave."
"They're trying to find the courage and the strength to make some sort of a proposal, a romantic offer here."
"It means having the fear and moving through it anyway. That's what it means."
"So Lance finally got the courage to ask her out."
"There is room for female YouTubers, there's loads of room. But you just gotta have the guts to go for it."
"Tommy needs to grow some balls and protect his kid."
"I respect it, you know, not enough people have big enough balls and just say hey [ __ ] you right in front of your face."
"There's no shame in therapy... only courageous people go deep with what they need to."
"She's getting a bunch of blowback for what she did but it was pretty darn bold and pretty darn Brave."
"You believe in yourself. It takes courage."
"Don't be afraid to do things on your own."
"The fear of regret far outweighed the fear of the unknown."
"The greatest strength is the courage to be vulnerable."
"I finally built the courage to walk away."
"I've somehow had the courage to live more life in the last 365 days than I have in the last five years before it combined."
"You're not afraid to speak up, you're not afraid to take action."
"Don't be scared of failure. Take the leap of faith."
"It is here in the quietude of their isolation that they courageously face and begin to heal the wounds of their past."
"I had the courage to leave a toxic relationship thanks to you guys."
"I'm still just being myself, and that has taken a lot of courage, and so I'm very proud of you, Jessica Reedy."
"The real heroes of today are the few people standing up saying no."
"To have the courage to look inward, to confront everything about yourself that you dislike."
"You have to put yourself out there and you have to ask."
"...it is a way of attaining liberation by one's own efforts and finding the courage to be oneself."
"We had the boldness and the courage to be able to deal with it and to answer the real questions."
"A side effect of losing 40 pounds gave me the balls to ask the girl out I've had a crush on for years."
"Nothing good comes of not doing something you want to do because you're worried about what somebody's gonna say."
"You need to have the courage to be yourself."
"It takes a lot of courage just to live out your dreams."
"I might be scared now, but I will not let that stop me."
"I braced myself for all that was coming, and I made myself be brave."
"We have to be courageous and brave enough to do that because it's worth it, we are worth it, you are worth it."