
Talent Utilization Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Recognize your gift and use that gift in a way that Allah has blessed you."
"So, when we find somebody in need, let's lend a helping hand and be good Samaritans, using our talents to make this world a better place."
"I wanted to be remembered as a person that was born with a lot of talent but did everything he could to try to overachieve."
"Men do like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others"
"If you can't find a role for Samoa Joe in a company with so many employees, then you're doing something wrong. It's just that simple."
"The more education you have, the larger the paycheck is."
"It's a problem with this town that destruction goes without putting to use people that are super talented."
"It's not about lack of talent—it's about leveraging resources."
"Use your talent to get where you need to go."
"It's obviously the case that it would be to the benefit of everyone if we could harness the full potential talent of people regardless of sex, you know the old liberal dream."
"It's time to say yes to life and to show up and start using your gifts."
"She has a lot of talent to bring to the screen; they just completely ruined what her character could have been."
"Let's help them use their special talents to put their mark on the world."
"Having a talent isn't a goal if you have one but don't believe in yourself."
"Perseverance matters more than raw talent and not acted upon."
"The day when black people participate in the economy in proportion to our talent we will solve every problem that we have."
"There's something to be said for just taking a bunch of really, really talented people and having them all work together to make something truly ridiculous."
"Have faith in your skills and talents. This is about promoting you to become the best version of you."
"You may be more talented than me but if you didn't maximize your ability you failed."
"True bonafide authentic happiness is about unleashing your god-given talents to positively influence this world."
"Hard work beats talent. You could have all the talent in the world, but if you do not put in the work and give it your all every single day, then the talent goes to waste."
"He has a talent, a skill, and he's using that part that thing that makes him special and unique to help other people."
"I'd much rather rather my young talented player with potential step up in the big games than stat pad in the smaller games and then ghost in the big games"
"Remember your purpose goes beyond personal fulfillment, you have been bestowed with unique gifts and talents."
"Even if they don't have a lot of talent, they figure out their strengths and maximize them."
"I want to get the most out of my talent that I was blessed with as humanly possible, like that is my drive at the core of it."
"If you can find something that you have an innate ability for and love doing, you're halfway there."
"If God gives you five talents, you should be multiplying talents, not laying them aside."
"I'm here to tell you we are wasting so much talent at every single level."
"Some of y'all have some serious talent you're avoiding using or sleeping on."
"I think this project has access to talent that's going to start to really gain them up."
"According to Benedict, there's a wealth of East Asian talent around that needs to be tapped into."
"I want to see them employed and I hope they get the chance to do their best work on the series."
"Your talent, that's your gift right, and that's how you give back to people, is that you put people together that normally wouldn't have got together."
"I'm just trying to please God, to do what my gift is and then ultimately to use my talents at the highest level."
"Rediscovering talents, applying your strengths."
"The guy is just oozing charisma, using gimmick is oozing charm, losing personality AW should put that to use urgently."
"The thing that matters is the systems by which an organization runs, and if those systems are bad then people's talents will be wasted."
"Use your God-given talents to do God’s work."
"The world doesn't revolve around you, you have to use your gifts and talents for the betterment of society." - Mia Love
"The goal is to use PvP talents to shift the meta, refresh how season two feels."
"I hope Nigeria will find I think it's a great use for his talent."
"There is a world of talent out there why don't we use it?"
"Daniel Bryan is incredible professional wrestler Cesaro I mean WWE must know what they have with Cesaro now you can put him in any environment and he will deliver exactly what you want."
"You want to assess what your talent is so that eventually you can come in and make a coherent tactic."
"They fully utilized the skill set. That's one of the best quarterbacks in the country."
"Use your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities to be successful."
"I'm the living scripture of your gift will make room for you."
"I think you need to use all your talents, skills, and abilities to make this happen."
"Your giftings will get you a lot of places. Only a well-rooted system in your life will actually keep you in those places."
"People have talent... it's just about how quickly you get over [mistakes]."
"When you let that person with the talent and the vision for projects like this go, you end up with something amazing."
"Above all balance, whatever talents you have, whatever intelligence you have, all of them will work for you."
"He has the arm talent without a doubt but it's what you do with that arm talent that ultimately defines you."
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." - Chaz's father
"There is no shortage of ideas and human talent for possible approaches to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to Indian Shores."
"Delivering outputs is key. Hudson-Odoi adding output to his brilliant talent."
"Your gifts, talents, and abilities plus the supernatural enablement of God produce capacity for convergence."
"Our gifts and our talents, in our god-given gifts, will make a way for us as long as we just use them."
"The process of shipping Alex has reminded Valve how much talent still goes into creating world-class cutting-edge video games."
"Talents have created space for a professional redesign."
"Building everything from the ground up and based on the interest, talent, and skills."
"God expects us to perform at our best, putting our talents, our skills, our time, and education to good use for great causes."
"The real experts in the field uncover the more convinced I become that a successful life can belong to anyone who makes the attempt to explore his own deep reservoirs of talent and generally unused ability."
"If you have an ability, use it and multiply it."
"The army should promote authentic self-expression and allow for the full employment of individual talents."
"Find out what ways you can use your creative talent."
"You called her Trend Setter. It's also her Innovation right, like it's one thing to have a level of talent to be able to do a certain job now how do you take those talents and continue to evolve..."
"You're not wasting a player just being a sub who comes on then can't get the form and you've got 75 million pound of talent sitting on the bench doing nothing."
"I think narrowing down what you're good at and finding where your areas of genius can help you in business or life, that's probably the way to go."
"Flow is when you have the talent and you've given the opportunity. You watch when time flies with a kid. That's one of the hallmarks of flow."
"I want to be known for the person who rang out every last bit of talent I have."
"Be actively doing it, let your talent shine."
"There's a convergence of your talents and gifts with your life experience that are converging right now."
"Without some kind of guidance... there won't be the proper utilization of the gifts."
"Your talents or your sort of holding back on your talent... Council of light divine orchestration..."
"It's not about who has the most talent. It's all about capitalizing that talent and distributing, packaging it, and selling it to a specific audience."
"John Cena is the only guy who I saw backstage let what he was good at... and he ran with it."
"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. Just keep working, don't take no for an answer."
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't put in the work, bro. This is facts, bro."
"WWE legends are being used better on AEW than they are being in the WWE."
"They got Kofi challenging for the WWE Championship because they got nobody built up, nobody."
"God gave you a gift, so use it. The one who doesn't use what God gave him, it is his fault, it is not destiny."
"If I'm doing anything else then I am ethically like... I'm depriving the world another thing that he's world-class at."
"Our talents, they don't let us down and they never did."
"Let Daniel Bryan have the ball, let him run with it, and let's see where he goes."
"The fastest way to get myself out of those creative ruts whenever I fall into them now and again is just to work with what the good lord gave me."
"Our ultimate talents are the best weapons we have."
"I gotta say, it feels good to be using my talents for good instead of evil."
"There's no reason why this guy's wasted all year on Monday Night Raw."
"The most important thing is using that god-given talent to elevate other people."
"I want to be remembered as a pretty average guy that made the best of his talents."
"I think when you look at the best-managed organizations, usually it has to do with the fact that they are looking to take advantage of people's talents and harness their motivations and solicit their ideas."
"I am utilizing my talents. I am setting goals and achieving them. I am making a difference in my own life and the lives of others. I am activating and firing on all cylinders."
"I don't understand why the WWE main roster writing staff just couldn't figure out what to do with these amazing, borderline generational talents."
"...unless your plan is to actually pull the trigger on daack and being an NXT champion then don't waste him on NXT let the world see how good he actually is by giving him some time on Monday Night Raw."
"You want to make sure you take the time to create that culture where people can be themselves and use their talents and their gifts to do well."
"That's no strategy, just get the ball to your best player, let him dominate."
"If your bank account ain't what it needs to be, that's because you're afraid, you're afraid to step out and use your gift."
"Andy Reid is taking advantage of the modern-day John Elway right now."
"Utilize your time and talent wisely. It's important because if you don't use it wisely you'll mess up along the way."
"Your gift will carry you where your character can no longer sustain you."
"Your personnel is gonna define your ideas, systems mold around the best players."
"When you're given a gift, you're supposed to use it."
"God's anointing is his approval on what you are doing with the gifts he gave you."
"If you keep him on his feet with his arm talent and his football intangibles, I think we'll see great results kind of no matter who he's throwing to."
"Talent is cheaper than table salt what separates The Talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."
"Just because I didn't finish college doesn't mean I'm not educated. I continued my personal education and I continued using my talents."
"You've got to utilize your gifts, your talents, your strengths, put them into the world until they can provide for you."
"It's not all about you, but it's about using your talents and your skill sets to give back and add value to the world."
"Use your talent, don't give up. You must always have hope."
"The Patriots do what they do best, and they put the players in the best position to execute, using them for the talents and what they do best."
"The best way to glorify God is not to bow down in church all day long, but it's to recognize the talents that God blesses you with, and then get out there and use them."
"As someone who did the best she could with the talent she had."
"Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others."
"It would be nice if she could pivot, if she could take herself out of this Petty squabbling by further diversifying her amazing talents."
"I'm doing what God intended, and I'm using my passion, using my talent for other stuff other than what I usually do."
"There's so much hope and possibility in being able to take what you were naturally gifted with and turn it into some kind of career."
"Use your talents no matter what your circumstances are to the best of your ability."
"It's not about making a birdie, it's not about having the best swing... it's more about using my talent and what I have as the drive to bring more people to positivity."
"I could help lead that up and have an awesome team of women. We have the talent, tools, and facilities."
"With this demonstration, the Patriots showed they have two quarterbacks who can take full advantage of New England's marvelous stable of receivers."
"Do something with every talent, with every skill, with every gift that God has poured into your life."
"My skills and abilities can be magnified and used in a broader plan."
"I have all this ability, this talent, and you know, I'm gonna use it to my best."
"The greatest application of any talent is to see a need and fill a need."
"The definition of wasted talent is when someone possessed inherent talent but it was wasted because they did not want to put in or were not able to use that talent to its fullest potential."
"The best chance that our countries have, not just for survival but for lasting prosperity, is if our most talented citizens step forward."
"Talent means something, but it doesn't mean shit unless you're actually doing something with it."
"Send the good receivers to Kansas City and they'll produce."
"Talents wherewith God has blessed you as well to His glory as to the welfare of your fellow citizens."
"Use your talents, use your creativity; if you know how to do something well, make some bread from it."
"We need to be able to cultivate the states that put us with all of our talents into a place where we can hold more than one browser window open at a time without crashing the software."
"One of my gifts is being able to see that and turn it into business."
"Finally, I'll be able to put all of my talents to work; this is the dream of a lifetime."
"Success is utilizing the talents that you've been blessed with in life to the best of your ability."
"Smackdown does a much better job of doubling down on the talent's strengths."
"If you operate in your natural gifts, your gift will make room for you."
"If you're not using your god-given talent all the time, you're the selfish one."
"We won't be competitive actually in the 21st century if we don't have all of the brainpower and talent that's in this country at the table helping us to innovate."
"You read a lot, you must make good use of that talent."
"You can utilize your talent as long as you're confident that your basic Krishna Consciousness should not be spoiled."
"Mike Denrock seems to run his offense around the talents of his players instead of recruiting guys specifically for his offense."
"The best practices that I've seen is where everyone gets to do what they are really good at."
"If you don't sort out the market, you can have some very talented people doing jobs that generally don't require the talent."
"She was confident and active, working and volunteering to use her talents to the full."
"When you use your god-given gift, you open doors for your gifts to flourish."
"One, I guess my challenge would be then, with all this talent, is there a children's charity or something maybe you can do an auction for where the proceeds go?"
"More gifts were in me, and then I made a decision that I'm going to use my gifts, my god-given gifts, to make a living and not have a boss."
"Good leaders draw upon the talents of their team; it's never just about getting people to follow you."
"You have to be realistic and you have to work within your own talents and abilities."
"She believes it's a crime to have an environment in which people with talent can't make full use of it."
"You're entering a new chapter in life where you're going to be using your gifts and abilities for a higher purpose."
"If you have a gift, follow that, because it'll be needed by someone."