
Spiritual Duty Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The duty is yours only to deliver the message; the rest of it is in the command of Allah."
"If God places value on something, it is your duty to search it out."
"We have a responsibility in this world given to us by God."
"Child of God, be about your Father's business."
"Spreading God's words, not love, that's the ultimate showing of love."
"I want you to read to the world how often should we serve Jehovah."
"As faithful Watchmen, you should see the sword coming and give the warning."
"Decrees are a part of what we, as the ecclesia, are supposed to do."
"A spiritual Warrior's job is the elimination of suffering first their own and then that of others."
"Let's make way for the most High's time, got us on assignment, gotta pay homage."
"Are you obeying Christ's last words to his church?"
"It's our duty as Christians to engage in spiritual warfare in order to restore the Christian nation."
"Preach the gospel and the lost will be saved, but you have to preach the gospel."
"If we don't have a burden for the lost and broken, we are playing church."
"The covenant commission is that you won't keep this to yourself, that you'll go out into the world and that you will take this."
"It is our responsibility to make sure that we can be the hands and feet of God."
"Quit fighting for social justice, quit saving the bloody Planet, attend to some Souls. That's what you're supposed to do. That's your holy Duty. Do it now."
"You are more obligated to understand the Quran."
"It shouldn't stop us from giving dawah dawah has to be done to every single human being right even if that human being like firon Allah knew that he was not going to accept Islam yet he was still given the chance."
"Every time is the right time for the Word of God to be preached."
"As soldiers in God's army, it is our duty to put on the armor of God."
"In this universal scheme, it is my privilege and honor to embody the fire, enthusiasm, and the will to do that which God intends. It is my joy, my privilege, and my honor."
"I could have signed and kept my old job, but I knew my conscience would bother me for the rest of my life. I would never be able to go to the congregation and serve as an elder knowing that I had let Jehovah down."
"How you can be someone who is safe... someone who is really an ally... what I believe God calls us to do and be in the world."
"He's asking them to be morning watchmen to proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood, and peace."
"There is a God in heaven who has told us what we are to do."
"We take on Divine tasks and roles of watching over somebody here in this world with those same challenges or struggles."
"We owe the world an encounter with Jesus Christ."
"If Jesus himself said you ought to tithe would you tithe here's the sad part some of us still have to think about it that the one that bled and died on the cross if he said you ought to give 10% we still think about it."
"God has given every single person a sphere of influence... it's your responsibility as a Believer to at least give them an alternative."
"I believe we're tasked to be the conscious managers of his creation, to be good shepherds, and so far as we fail to recognize this mandate, darkness and chaos is the inevitable result."
"What can we do in an age of deception? Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching."
"I love that he's like you asked for help in these places where you need it but then I'm going to ask you to go help the poor and the hungry and the naked"
"They do not disobey a single command of Allah."
"Our job is the Army of God to walk in character and integrity."
"If it's the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must speak up."
"We are Christians, my goodness, if we can't stand and do the work of God in a moment like this, what in the world are we going to do when it gets hard?"
"Cry aloud and spare not. Lift up your voice like a trumpet if you're gonna be a watchman on the wall."
"You have rights and privileges as a child of God, but this is about your assignment and responsibility to the king."
"It's not about our egos, it's about doing the will of the father."
"What have you done today to sacrifice for the salvation of souls?"
"Talent: the work of carrying the Gospel."
"I always felt in very deeply to pray for America and I asked all of my Christian to pray for America every day especially Sunday and Friday."
"If you're truly men and women of God, then your duty is to feed the flock of God."
"Remember, it's your assignment to be faithful. You're not here to manipulate, you're here to be faithful."
"We need to serve God with excellence. God deserves the very best."
"We need to make space for them to be with us, that's what the Lord calls us to do."
"He is worthy, our reasonable service."
"We are responsible for the salvation of every soul."
"Be obedient to your faith and then be prepared to pass it on."
"Krishna’s message in the Bhagavad Gita is the perfect answer for the modern age, and any age: Yoga of dutiful action, of nonattachment, and of meditation for God-realization."
"If you have a calling in your life... if God's called you to do it, you need to do it."
"The important thing is can we give a report to God that we have given his word and that we tried to back it up."
"Lord, help us not to be ashamed of the gospel but boldly declaring the truth."
"I sent his spirit to the Soul Society. It's one of the main responsibilities of a Soul Reaper."