
Gaming Appreciation Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"I think now I've gotten to a point where I've settled into a rhythm, and I found that balance again. It's all about balance, and I found that balance of I can appreciate the game and I can go along for the ride."
"This game reminded me of why I love video games."
"I think I understand and appreciate these games even more now as an adult than I did when I was a kid."
"The most important thing was, you didn't need to be a gamer to recognize and appreciate games during the 2000s."
"Thank You Riot, you have finally given us an incredible FPS competitive game."
"I can confidently say that I like the driving in the Forza Horizon series, and I'll always appreciate how good of a job it does bridging the gap between arcade and simulation style racing."
"Constructs serve a great place in D&D, and I am grateful. I'm so glad to have them there; it wouldn't feel complete without them."
"Playing a lot of other games made me appreciate WoW a lot more."
"I kind of love Star Citizen for what it is, not for what it's not."
"Power Rangers Battle for the Grid: Better than you realize."
"Even though you don't care so much about league, you should still think this is pretty cool."
"I just finished it and put it down and I just thought this this game was a masterpiece."
"I wholeheartedly believe this game was one-of-a-kind, and that the world just wasn’t ready for it."
"The sheer amount of content this one game now holds is incredible!"
"Doku is the coolest thing about this game and it's by far the best enemy design."
"I didn't think I would like it, I honestly wasn't sure, but not only did I end up liking the game I ended up loving the game adoring the game."
"Halo 5 made people retroactively appreciate Halo 4."
"Origins is an amazing map in almost every way."
"We're never out of the fight, that's for damn sure."
"Factorio is an amazing game, and it's a lot of fun."
"This game is absolutely a love letter to the fans."
"The bunny all like bundled up like that it's s tier I'm so sorry it's so good all right astronaut oh [Music] this is pretty cool I'm giving this a low a."
"Nobody talks about Link's Awakening, that game is freaking awesome."
"People need to be experiencing this sometimes overlooked gaming gem."
"I'd love to see some more love to the TurboGrafx-16. I think it's a super underrated system."
"Physical video games are just something that I've always appreciated."
"This, my friends, is a game that I think needs to be talked about and remembered for what it was."
"Welcome to the most beautiful game ever made."
"This is a gorgeous idea for a puzzle, isn't it?"
"I don't think there's a time when it isn't appropriate to just talk about how lovely Breath of the Wild is."
"Great spot by the way, amazing one I love it."
"Mad Max: If gamers had just given it a shot, they would have liked Mad Max just fine."
"Psychonauts 2 feels like the kind of game that is rarely made these days, but I'm so glad it was."
"It's an amazing game, man, I mean I see what people are talking about."
"We're maxed out on attack, that makes me feel great."
"Just know that at the end of the day I adore this game. It's one of my favorite games of all time."
"I love this map. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm literally in love with this map right now."
"I think I speak on behalf of so many different video game fans when I say I think this thing's incredible. I think it's on another level of games and I really do think like it's incredibly special so thank you."
"I think this whole game is actually really pretty fantastic."
"Project M is one of the best games I have ever played, and I recommend that everyone try it."
"The actual gameplay, however, was that great Mega Man goodness we all know and love."
"I love the bones of the game... the potential for the game in future is just spectacular." - Skill Up
"Sonic battle though now this is an underappreciated gem."
"Despite its flaws though, Portrait of Ruin has definitely grown on me as one of my favorites."
"Let people who still enjoy the game enjoy the game."
"Yes, I love Gris. Almost voted for it in the Game Awards."
"But you're a fascinatingly weird game, and we love you."
"Mark of the Ninja is a game in which everything feels considered, and that kind of deliberate, airtight design is the shit that I can't get enough of."
"Still, I still found Bioshock Infinite to be one of the best games I’ve played in recent memory."
"It is a good time to be a gamer I love video games and thank you for watching I'll catch you later."
"Other old school games that hold up super freaking well."
"Battle for Bikini Bottom is different. Like, there's a lot of love and passion in this game."
"Everything in this game from the pixel art to the spells and to like the explosions and everything else is very very well animated."
"Thank you, Minecraft, you're such a good game."
"But the detail though, right? The attention to detail in this game is unbelievable."
"I was shocked and Amazed by all of this... everything that makes a fighting game fun and in-depth whereas all here in these tiny cartridges the whole time."
"Cardboard into something else you wouldn't expect."
"Such a fantastic game, completely unplayable until now!"
"From controls to game design to its presentation, Sonic CD is a gem of a game even today."
"I just love the attention to detail in this game."
"Every Metroid that I've played up until Samus Returns, I have absolutely adored."
"Nothing but bad things happen in my life except Nintendo. Nintendo saved my life."
"I think it's not a surprise that Create-A-Sim is by far one of the best features about The Sims 4."
"It's truly quite frightening how good this title actually is."
"He underrated as hell, man, I don't mind playing her, she underrated, Eula does need more appreciation in general if you ask me."
"Wii: where even the underdog games shine like diamonds in the rough."
"Until you have the DualSense in your hand and a 4k HDR TV in front of you, can you really appreciate just how big of a leap the PS5 truly is."
"The way they developed it over time made the game shine even brighter in my opinion."
"Personally, I consider the Oddworld games to be one of the best examples of world-building ever created."
"I always look forward to playing this game. It was one of the most underrated games of 2019."
"Smash Bros ultimate... I mean I've always been a fan of these Super Smash Bros series and this is the most polished and just clean version."
"This game was really, really well done, it's a great starting point for new JRPG fans."
"Crucially underrated game, more people need to know about it."
"Niche games like this shouldn't be overlooked because of their flaws... not all art has to be perfect to be considered a masterpiece."
"The writing in this game and everything is amazing, the game itself is just incredible."
"There's so much room just to be sincere and talk about these games that we love."
"The lack of blemishes within its loop is what makes me give it a second look. It's like the love for these games shining brightly beneath, attempting to find a balance."
"This is the crap that I absolutely love. You talk about intimate games - the tiniest detail in this game was like, oh, no other game would see it."
"Guys, shout out to the developers of Wacky Wizards. Not only is this game just straight-up awesome, but they were actually kind enough to actually put us in the game. That's amazing!"
"I really like it. I do. The reason I really like it is for a term that I say over and over and over again. This game is heavy on risk reward. You get a big reward for taking a risk at something that leaves you unsafe."
"I love that Harry Potter universe, yeah. Well, the world, it's so fun. It's there's just so much to it. It's just like perfect for video games. This is almost an ideal video game for me. I'm pretty stoked about this."
"Araxis is cool it's one of the better knives in the game and you know I'm a fan."
"CNN's ratings are going down dramatically. After Trump, their ratings have gone down dramatically."
"What I can say is, at least Maverick Hunter X was a fantastic game, regardless of how well it sold."
"I love this game. I love like the emotional storyline behind it."
"Friends of Melinda's tell me moving forward they want fast action accountability and stricter legislation around domestic violence so that this never happens to anyone again."
"Video games are the greatest new art form of the century. They can do anything. Saying they're for just one gender is ridiculous."
"The environment in this game is really, really nice."
"This map is... so sick. I love the like verticality of this."
"I love you Dead by Daylight and I always will."
"This card is very good; it reminds me of Firewall Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh."
"We need to get better at elevating stuff like Psychonauts 2."
"The level of detail and the animations is so cool."
"The campaign was very well received... it's the redeeming part of the game's story."
"Watching optimal smash... you have to appreciate it."
"It's just a great big hug for anybody who misses how things were in Fallout 2."
"The levels in Starcraft are unlike any other game."
"It was definitely a really high-quality game."
"Rain is one of the reasons why I love video games."
"Never before have I thought of any game I've played as an heirloom, but I do think of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in precisely that way."
"Silent Hill 2 is without hyperbole one of my favorite games of all time."
"It's these attentions to detail that really makes Dead Space such a standout title."
"What I love the most and what I'm most grateful for is the games like this coming out in this day and age and exist at all."
"It does things differently and it's overall a very interesting sets of mechanics and systems that if your firm a Final Fantasy you'll probably enjoy."
"I wish people would look at games a little bit more like they look at other entertainment."
"Yeah, we like to glorify the soundtrack of titles and I love video game music a great deal but something like this not only has some really interesting atmospheric music but some really awesome ambient detail."
"Power Stone kicks ass, I feel like I shouldn't have to praise it, but hey why not?"
"Metal Gear Solid 2 is considered one of the greatest games of all time by me and anybody with common sense. It's my favorite game in the Metal Gear Solid series."
"All in all, this is a wonderful game, it's free, and it deserves your attention."
"But don't make Cry 2 does have its qualities."
"Syndicate deserves a lot more respect than it gets. It's a genuinely fun video game."
"Durov ng of Death Adder deserves better and should be placed in more greatest ever lists."
"I really love what they've done with this game."
"There's just something special about Subnautica, no matter how many times you play it."
"Far and away some of the best swamp usage I have seen in Mario Maker 2."
"What a fantastic level. This is absolutely fantastic."
"Hades is a reminder that video games can still be very special when the right one comes along."
"Pokemon fans to the 3rd gen games nowadays: They were good games, we just couldn't see them."
"Gamers were treated to the great Marvel superheroes in War of the Gems nonetheless."
"Also, a really big shout out to A Way Out and one of my favorite easter eggs in the game for sure."
"There's such a unique charm to this game, I think it's deserving of being called an excellent title."
"I’ve been guilty of looking at this game in a light that I now feel was unfair."
"There's very few games that I can look at and say, man, this is just... for a cartoony art style, it's fantastic."
"I think Sonic Adventure 2 is one of the best games ever made."
"It actually is a really cool deck."
"The attention to detail in this game is amazing."