
Thyroid Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Iodine is an essential trace element that combines with the amino acid tyrosine to form thyroid hormones."
"Your thyroid gland absorbs iodine from your blood supply to make and release thyroid hormones."
"The combination of these four food toxins and these three environmental toxins can lead to a severely inflamed and dysfunctional thyroid gland."
"Selenium can drop your thyroid antibody levels, just like getting off of gluten."
"Thyroid dysfunction can occur after pregnancy due to immune dysfunction and hormonal imbalances."
"Graves disease is primarily referred to as an autoimmune disease."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone antibodies stimulate the TSH receptor, causing hyperthyroidism."
"Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the most common type."
"Antibodies are attacking particular portions of the thyroid follicles."
"Leo thyroxin is an excellent starting point for treatment of hypothyroidism."
"Iodine is essential to thyroid production, and thyroid production is essential to everything, but especially brain health."
"Hashimoto's is autoimmune thyroid disease that can cause hypothyroidism."
"T3 is the hormone that resolves symptoms of hypothyroidism. T4 does not resolve symptoms of hypothyroidism."
"Hashimoto's: the hypothyroidism is permanent. You don't gain that function back."
"Secondary hypothyroidism: primary was this one, secondary would be low and low."
"If you had your underactive thyroid gland, if your symptoms were bad or not bad, you would still take thyroxine because it's an important hormone for cell processes."
"Encourage the conversion of T4 to T3 and not the conversion to reverse T3."
"Exercise every day. Doing something is better than nothing, and it will help your thyroid function."
"If you take T3 medications, you will increase your T3 level. It's a no-brainer."
"Thyroid lab tests really need to be individualized."
"At the end of the day, it's how it's getting thyroid patients to feel better."
"So you need Iodine and thyroglobulin to come together in this colloid to produce thyroid hormone."
"If you're getting your hormones checked to see what's causing your hair loss, make sure that your provider checks your thyroid in detail."
"So he'll be successively going or she will be going successively lower down on your thyroid hormone or the other thing is in drug drug interactions."
"Using all these supplements together will help your own thyroid sort of come back to life and support it while it's doing this."
"I actually through the years I'm T3 only so I started off on Synthroid and then switched to Armour and of course Armour worked really well for a little while and then kind of stopped working."
"Thyroid hormone impacts almost every tissue and organ we have in our body and helps it work better, a little bit like oil in your car and keeping the machinery running well."
"Nodules or lumps in the thyroid gland are reasonably common. We know that about half of our population, or 50% of our population, has at least one thyroid nodule."
"Thyroid nodules typically do not impact thyroid blood tests, and so usually thyroid function is very normal in patients with our nodules."
"Many patients stand to benefit from even small doses of T3 added to their existing thyroid regimen."
"If you've just had a baby, it's also important to get your thyroid screened. Postpartum thyroiditis impacts one in 12 women worldwide."
"The optimal range that we should see TSH fall between is 0.5 to 2.5. If your TSH is higher than 2.5, it can be a sign that your thyroid is not functioning at its best."
"Almost done here with the labs we're talking about thyroid stimulating hormone thyroid stimulating hormone mine was in the proper range here."
"High TSH means low thyroid, and that's because of the feedback. I like to think of thyroid stimulating hormone like the volume knob."
"If you're struggling with low thyroid function, it's really important not only to up your iodine status but to ensure that you get that restful and restorative night's sleep to ensure that your thyroid is actually working the way that it should."
"Hashimoto's arises because it is an autoimmune disease. It is your own body attacking your thyroid gland."
"...most thyroid patients, as they fix these problems, will lose 20 to 30 pounds, no problem."
"Colloid is made up of mostly thyroglobulin, and the function of this is that the whole structure is going to make, store, and release T3 and T4."
"Autoimmune lack of any deficiency is going to cause the thyroid to become inflamed."
"Getting cold is directly related to thyroid, right? When your thyroid levels are low, you're gonna be cold all the time."
"Just because you have hypo thyroid or Hashimoto or hyper thyroid, you still need a supply of iodine in your diet."
"There are ways to naturally improve your Hashimoto's, to reduce inflammation, to protect your thyroid gland."
"Many thyroid patients report feeling better on a gluten-free diet."
"Thyroid hormones are critical for the functioning of the entire bodily health."
"Most people consider having too much thyroid hormone in your body will result in weight loss, and that is true."
"Your thyroid controls a lot of your body: your tiredness, your muscles, your heat, literally so much."
"A solitary thyroid nodule being a symptom of thyroid cancer."
"A goiter will develop if you weren't getting enough iodine, as the thyroid gland tries to compensate by enlarging itself."
"Cauliflower is cruciferous... it's good for your thyroid because it can help metabolize additional estrogens."
"The thyroid lies directly over the trachea at the level of the second and third tracheal rings."
"The people who have the least risk of hypothyroidism are those who avoid animal products."
"The best initial diagnostic step when you are suspecting Graves disease is a TSH level."
"Stress, great stress, a death in the family, a terrible accident, a financial reversal, certainly we hear stories about patients who developed either Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism after an event like that."
"Your thyroid is responsible for your metabolism."
"Autoimmune thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH is going to stimulate normal development and secretion of our thyroid gland."
"Thyroid hormone is known as your body's major metabolic hormone."
"B5 is important to generate energy, and that energy generation is important to maintain the health of your thyroid."
"Kelp... stimulated the thyroid gland and therefore sped up the metabolism naturally."
"The thyroid gland is so critical because it affects your metabolism, your energy levels, and interestingly enough, blood calcium levels."
"Thyroid hormone in and of itself does not control how much fat you burn; it just basically turns on your body's ability to do what it's supposed to do."
"Getting a thyroid right could actually be surprisingly tricky."
"Seaweeds are whole food sources of dietary iodine that can help to protect the thyroid gland."