
Financial Protection Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Life insurance can provide financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your unexpected death."
"We have the tools to protect depositors when there's a threat of serious harm to the economy or to the financial system, and we're prepared to use those tools."
"Even if it's just a portion of your savings, trying to protect your family right now with some of these commodities, I can't recommend it highly enough."
"Chapter 13: allowing debtors to stop foreclosure proceedings."
"The last thing you want to do is start a business for a service that there's absolutely no demand for in your area."
"We have to protect their deposits, and let me tell you who the big winner is going to be if we don't do the simple policy." - David
"The place that gold fills in your portfolio really is protecting yourself from your government."
"You'll have peace of mind with Relay Shield's $1,000,000 stolen funds reimbursement coverage."
"Gold and silver are protecting, not necessarily speculating."
"Gold and silver are protecting, they're not necessarily speculating."
"Banking is banking, there will be more failures, will they be cataclysmic failures? That's the difference."
"Gold and silver will give you different layers of protection throughout all scenarios."
"Options create wealth. The less options you have the less ways you can make money and the less ways you can protect yourself from losing money."
"You gotta have assets to protect yourself. That's the only way you protect yourself."
"Precious metals play a prudent role in anybody's portfolio... for protection to purchasing power."
"You can do whatever you want to me, but just don't mess with my money."
"Stop-loss orders: A free insurance policy to limit losses and free decisions from emotional influences."
"Chargeback is in place as essentially a step before legal action, there to get your money back when a company's being dishonest."
"I think the ideal environment is you just have good policy and you don't have inflation and people have access to ways to protect their capital uh like bitcoin and whatever else."
"Bitcoin is gold 2.0, it's digital gold, it's a way of storing value and protecting yourself from central bank money printing inflation devaluation of fiat currencies etc."
"Protecting retirement funds is protecting our future."
"It's not speculation, it's protecting yourself, protecting your wealth."
"It's divorce insurance. The more you're worth, the more you've got to be willing to pay for to protect yourself."
"The idea is to shrink that portion of the pie as much as possible but create protection around yourself."
"You're not gonna mess with my coins. That's what you're not gonna do."
"Investment is necessary to protect the buying power of your money and allow it to grow over time."
"If asset markets aren't ready to kick off a new Bull Run, we need to be protective, we need to preserve our capital."
"Contracts like this might cost a bit more, but it's a small percentage of what you stand to lose."
"Never trade without a stop loss. Just don't do it. You need that money; it's there to protect you."
"In those circumstances the only way for Turks to defend their savings will be to turn to a currency outside of Erdogan’s control which is what most Turks have already been doing." - From the video.
"Consider owning some physical real estate as a way to protect your money."
"Bitcoin can be used as a political tool just like companies are protecting their balance sheet from the dollar right now."
"Gold isn't just an inflation hedge... it's more protection against crazy financial conditions and failures in the system."
"Federal law protects their social security income; it can't be garnished or taken."
"Seniors don't have to be bothered by debt collectors anymore; they can be protected."
"Democrats pushing to pass another bill to prevent debt collectors from taking your 1400 stimulus checks."
"Think about options as insurance... It's protection in case you total your portfolio."
"If you have something to lose, prenups are definitely a good idea."
"If he had owned gold, would he had protected himself? Absolutely."
"You're getting default protection on the USA for less than one-third of the value."
"Gold and silver in your possession combat the default that governments are performing."
"Prenups are just a type of insurance to ensure that if things don't work out, you have an orderly parting of ways."
"Stay protected because the last thing you want is to make a lot of money and then have to start over."
"Without a doubt, it is so time to cover your assets."
"I know firsthand the importance of having proper representation to protect your freedom as well as your finances from being taken by the IRS."
"Our health insurance is more of a catastrophe insurance. It covers up to a certain point so it doesn't wipe us out."
"I want to help you get ready to protect what you have and grow what you have in this time of turmoil."
"I issue a divine restraining order against every financial devourer that the enemy has unleashed in the lives of your people. I declare right now that God's supernatural power is being released over that business."
"If we can help some families and give them peace and financial protection, I think that would go a long long way."
"Medicare Advantage plans provide a maximum annual out-of-pocket limit for the consumer, reducing your potential financial risk."
"Bankruptcy laws give people a fresh start and protect them from extreme financial outcomes."
"So it's a good thing this truck had insurance because you would not want to pay that out of pocket."
"Having complete ownership is essential to protecting yourself and your hard-earned crypto."
"What a person should have is an uninsured motorist, you should have your limits, you shouldn't keep them at the bare minimum."
"Section 75 protection is one of the most important advantages that you get with a credit card."
"My goal is to have a health system that does the most it can to improve our health, that protects people from financial ruin, and that conforms to our values as a society."
"Protection is such an important part of this journey towards building wealth."
"The money collected from selling the call option provides protection against shared decreases and enhances returns when the stock price remains flat."
"Protects your personal assets from the debts and liabilities of your company."
"...the rise of the insurance industry... people paying a monthly premium so that if something disastrous did happen then the insurance company would pay for it."
"Insurance is the type of contract designed to provide protection from possible financial loss."
"It sucks to pay for insurance, but it's a small price to pay for a huge peace of mind in the future."
"Internal controls are the policies, procedures, and practices established to protect an organization from financial losses."
"Alibaba Trade Assurance works similar to an escrow, whereas Alibaba gives you a certain level of protection in case anything would go wrong."
"If someone cares about protecting people and an orderly financial system, they should be overjoyed that we now have something better than law."
"We've got total downside protection in the married put strategy."