
International Aid Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"The material resources which we can afford to use for the assistance of other peoples are limited, but our imponderable resources in technical knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible."
"The resupply effort into Ukraine has been a major effort and has captured imaginations."
"The United States is the most generous nation on the planet, has been for the past three decades."
"India has always helped the world when the world is in distress."
"We need to forget about political problems and get whatever Iran needs into the country because we need to get on top of this massive outbreak."
"The international community should contribute constructively to help Myanmar to stop violence, to create an environment conducive for dialogue and reconciliation."
"We are open-minded because the world is helping us in our problem, in our situation, in our war."
"Our Democratic ally Ukraine, resisting an illegal invasion by Vladimir Putin, and a brutal and barbaric invasion of Israel by a terrorist organization, Hamas, trying to eradicate Israel, the lone true democracy in the Middle East, Ukraine, Israel, and the innocent Palestinians in Gaza desperately need our help."
"The United States stands with Indonesia in responding to natural disasters, and we are pleased to be able to help as needed."
"The aid parade for Ukraine has become an ever-expanding phenomenon."
"All democracies therefore should rally to the cause of providing this democratically elected government of Ukraine with all the material resources it needs to defend its democracy and its country."
"The support to the DRC needs to be genuine, aimed at addressing the challenges comprehensively."
"I don't see a way that the U.S. government could provide access to or support for vaccination of the Cuban people without doing it through some sort of vehicle like the U.N."
"Poland was there to provide them at the critical juncture, and there are more on the way."
"The country of Ukraine is destroyed, so in all likelihood, they're going to ask us to rebuild Ukraine."
"The Ukraine supplemental is a desperate need. If we don't provide it... you'll see many more people who die in Ukraine."
"The UK supply will partly be going to COVAX, the United Nations supply."
"Ukraine suffers Russian air attacks, pleads for more air defenses from western partners."
"We are maintaining our commitment to the poorest nations by devoting 0.7% of our entire national income to aid, ensuring they have access to vaccines and support."
"Let's give the Ukrainian people the tools to carry on the fight."
"We need to provide the Ukrainian people the tools to carry on the fight that they are conducting so valiantly."
"Marshall Plan aid: Providing crucial support for Germany's recovery."
"We need money, we need investment, we need support, and not only without interest also if countries can donate us, being based on our priority and our necessity."
"China often gets a bad rap and I'm often critical of them but their troops fought hard to protect the people in South Sudan that day under difficult conditions with limited resources and limited equipment and Firepower."
"Why do we have to precondition that? Why couldn't we be the guys who just came in and said to the Georgians, 'What do you need help with?' No strings attached."
"American anti-drone systems are going to help Ukraine in that respect."
"Cuban healthcare workers have provided medical services in more than 160 countries."
"President Biden highlighted ongoing U.S assistance to help Moldova strengthen its political and economic resilience... and to address the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine."
"France will deliver a shipment of Aster 30 anti-aircraft missiles and hundreds of armored vehicles to Ukraine."
"It is incredible how many tanks the coalition's officials will be donating to Ukraine."
"Germany has agreed to send advanced battle tanks to Ukraine."
"It's critical that we ensure these countries are well equipped detect test isolate and treat cases and identify contacts."
"Help us share the story and I hope countries, international communities, World Bank could just think twice before just giving away money to a country that are terrorist sympathizers and have no regard for human rights."
"We need to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"Poland has sent over 1.7 billion dollars worth of weapons and aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded."
"The administration is dragging their feet on providing MIGs. If you actually view the Ukrainians as fighting to save their country and having a chance to defeat Putin, then you'd provide the MIGs and you'd do it today."
"How much aid did we actually give while all these agencies were collaborating with the Chinese?"
"Over the past few hours, police in Poland began to clear blockades going into Ukraine, allowing supplies to start flowing back into that country."
"We can do both: build our wall and continue support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan."
"Here's why we have presidents: look at the size of Russia, the size of NATO."
"And so in the short and medium term, American cluster munitions and munitions sent by other countries may make a critical difference."
"The Bradley’s combination of speed, maneuverability, survivability, lethality, and its capacity to act as an important part of a combined arms setting has made it one of Ukraine’s most valued weapons."
"Nigeria should be the country that gives other African countries aid."
"Poland's taking a big hit right now. They got what, three million refugees that they're looking after..."
"Sweden's support for Ukraine is worth considering Sweden has given Ukraine vital military supplies since the War Began."
"This war is not going anywhere and Ukraine is going to keep needing American help."
"Military aid from the United States and other allies has been essential in Ukraine's defense and counter-attack against Russia."
"The United States joining Germany in supplying vehicles to bolster the fight against the Russian invasion will send 31 strong main battle tanks to Ukraine."
"The global Community has United to assist the Russian people with their health issues."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"It's very shameful that when we had the 2014 Ebola epidemic it took tiny Cuba to send an army of health care workers and doctors to help stem this pandemic."
"The World Bank came with an idea so-called the framework project."
"We need to contribute arms, funding, ammunition, and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight and do what they're doing."
"Portugal announced they will send those leopard tanks to Ukraine."
"Life would probably be better for them if people with a high skill set went over there and started actively working."
"We need the Paradigm Shift from supporting Ukraine from as long as it takes to doing whatever it takes for Ukraine to win."
"The Marshalls are heavily dependent on money from donors or from the United States."
"They need more support. They need continued support."
"Providing military assistance to Ukraine has been and continues to be a colossal task; it is arguably the largest logistical operation undertaken by the West since the second world war."
"We cannot cut and run from Ukraine they are in the midst of a counter-offensive they can win if they are given the support and the material that they need."
"Many countries are calling us for help with ventilators... not easy to build."
"Just last week the State Department already said we have given more in terms of money and equipment to Ukraine than any other country ever."
"A few weeks ago we delivered desks to a school in Malawi where a sixth-grader, Miriam Guero, who would like to become a journalist, sat at a desk for the very first time."
"If we can save lives of another country, that's a great thing. I'm only looking to save lives."
"Japan has raised its assistance to Ukraine by approximately 11 times."
"Every single country, although we can't find money for social programs in our own countries most of the time around the world, they will come up with the money to send to Ukraine to start rebuilding."
"South Korea is helping to bring the hopeful tomorrow."
"One of the biggest influxes of Galactic's help came after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"President Biden has signed the latest aid package for Ukraine, providing a massive $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid."
"Western Military Support Ukraine does not stop even more new countries such as Bulgaria start assisting the country."
"Mali will get almost as much money in one year as France gave them in five years."
"Future offensives must convince westerners that Ukraine is worth helping and can overcome Russia with military aid."
"We need more weapons... we are defending our country ourselves, but we need all the support that all civilized world can give us." - Oksana Markarova, Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S.
"Germany has been a pioneer in assisting Ukraine with financial, humanitarian, and military aid."
"Sending NATO tanks to Ukraine solves a lot of logistical problems."
"A state of emergency... to help Israel... that's pretty commendable."
"We're giving three shots to the rest of the world."
"This will likely mean that next year, there will be more billions in aid, which, short of everyone shaking hands and making some deals, is the best outcome."
"Israel was one of the first countries to offer help...Israel sent rescue teams...not bad for a country that is different in Religion...we had over 400 people."
"I believe it's in the interest of the United States of America to continue to give the Ukrainian military the resources that they need to repel the Russian invasion and restore their sovereignty." - Mike Pence
"The Czech Republic has not only prevented saturation in hospitals, it is now also starting to help other countries."
"China forgives debt that's something you will never see the West doing."
"Russia will be coming to your rescue and treating you nicely if you guys play by the rules."
"The United States is Far and Away the biggest donor to the world food program."
"Why are we sending out all this money overseas?"
"The Ukrainian Army has reached an incredible strength thanks to the support packages sent by the United States and other Western countries."
"In recent years, there has been growing awareness and efforts within Masai communities and by international organizations to end this brutal practice."
"This is an urgent problem that these countries need vaccines right now."
"I think it's important to help Ukraine, but I do think that there will be unintended consequences with all these weapons pouring in."
"Thousands of individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world."
"It really is about China picking itself up out of poverty... and helping other nations do likewise."
"Aid combined with freer trade and fairer trade could trigger a great improvement in the living standards of the poorest people on the face of the planet."
"This week, President Biden approved $13 billion to send to Ukraine, then another $800 million in weapons."
"Cuba is once again exhibiting extraordinary internationalism, sending doctors to Italy."
"The United States had invested more than 5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve the future it deserves."
"His school meals program in Germany fed more than 3.5 million children."
"It's very important for the Americans for the world to help us."
"Every time you do that you create conflict, you get armed war, you get murder, you get death."
"If China can help them, I'm all for it. I'm for all of us helping everybody."
"America's police forces are sending their military-grade Hardware to help Ukrainians fight a war in Russia, that's dope."
"America The Country Gives More Foreign Aid Than Any Other Country In The World."
"Israel gets billions of dollars of military aid, it's a proper hardcore army, nuclear arsenal."
"The UK has committed to bolstering Ukraine's defense capabilities with a $310 Million Aid package."
"It's much better to support Ukraine than to witness it by themselves."
"China has said it is willing to provide vaccines to other countries, but a local survey suggests many Chinese people would refuse the main and China vaccines."
"They're sending more more of everything than everyone else combined and if that's how bad it looks if this is what is at the bottom of the barrel just think about a country like Italy what else are they going to to send."
"Let's give the Ukrainians things that enable them to do more or less an equivalent job."
"We appreciate all the support from different countries."
"Ukraine avoided the complete collapse of the power grid only thanks to foreign aid."
"It's very important not to offer Ukraine too many thoughtlessly neoliberal solutions."
"Biden's National Security adviser Jake Sullivan revealed the United States is pledging $55 billion in economic, health, and security support for Africa over the next three years."
"Cuba trains more doctors than they need and sends them to developing countries around the world."
"We give billions and billions of dollars to countries that don't like us even a little bit."
"President Biden has pledged to provide oxygen and other needed supplies to India."
"The people of Myanmar need not only words of support but supportive action."
"Poland has done more for Ukraine than any other country. Nobody has done more for Ukraine than Poland."
"European countries are now increasing these weapon deliveries. That's why Germany urgently transferred one Patriot air defense system battery to Ukraine."
"Listen to this: three U.S. planes are flying potatoes to Japan to help with the country's shortage of French fries."
"To all those people in India you know it's just incredible and I think everybody's very thankful that they keep doing this so that's that's what I would add."
"China through its socialist model is helping other countries in the global South develop"
"Ukraine needs new Marshall Plan after Russian invasion" - Johannes Hahn
"We need to implement a Marshall Plan for Latin America."
"Building them up so that they don't need foreign aid, that is actually helping."
"It's the big boys, and they control all the money and all the billions we're sending them in the name of aid of course."
"For these women of the dambas regions whose husbands were killed, it's all smiles and thank yous as the generous people of Moscow provide them with fur coats."
"We're currently providing bilateral support to Zimbabwe for economic reform and development."
"It's amazing what some of these other countries are doing to help and support their own people."
"The gains made from the international aid that's gone to Afghanistan over the past 20 years, for example, there have been gains made in infrastructure, health, education, improvements in women's rights, rights of ethnic minorities."
"Americans are all about giving-we're, I think, the largest givers, personally, in the world, and being able to give to our neighbors to the south and having them reciprocate, it just led to so many wonderful things."
"China don't just grow within China they don't just want to like say oh China only right to succeed they're helping other count."
"Anything can happen, and these boys have come all the way here from the beautiful west coast of the United States of America to fight fires in the even more beautiful north of Scotland."
"How can the Western world help Ukraine and how can we promote liberal and democratic values in Russia?"
"They're overseas, they've helped with the evacuation of people from Afghanistan. They really do a tremendous job and we honor and give them our respects."
"The support we put in place was incredibly comprehensive and generous by international standards."
"We take every opportunity to ensure that countries around the world recognise the importance of international aid."
"Thank you from Morocco, you guys helped me a lot."
"We participate in the wars after you start them, and then we come in and help fix the problems."
"I spend 25 million dollars a year feeding children, men, male children, and female children in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq."
"The elusive quest for growth... challenged the assumptions that lay the foundation for international aid."
"There are many doctors from around the world who come to volunteer here to help with the health problems of the local people of Guatemala who need it."
"America is doing a lot to help the world, but of course we wish we could do more."
"Pauline Cafferkey is one of the bravest people I've ever met... Britain should be incredibly proud of... we took the decision to help partner with that country to deal with Ebola and it is now Ebola free."
"UK police have helped to save a woman 3,000 miles away in Canada."
"Peace Corps sends Americans to other countries to help with projects or teaching or just help communities to improve their way of living."
"We're not trying to destroy the country; we're trying to help the countries."
"In this area of non-traditional security, if China's building a capability to do more with other countries to help other countries, that's a good thing."
"They become known around the world as being one of the most generous countries."
"China tends to give less conditionalities, much longer time periods for repayment."
"All the money will rise, we send him to Morocco to help the orphanage kids and the poor people."
"The United States of America gives away more charity to other countries than any country in the entire world."
"This unprecedented endeavor of the new world to help the old is neither sure nor easy."
"Does everyone at least see a positive in this, all the countries coming together to help these five people on Titan?"
"Haiti is a nation who deserves international cooperation and a minimum of our generosity."
"You are not the first country to notice that it not only transforms lives but saves lives."
"We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit that deploys U.S. and international combat veterans to Africa."
"The Marshall Plan was the United States' massive foray into the rehabilitation of the European continent."
"The Americans depend a lot during the war upon shipments of arms from France and from Holland to keep themselves well armed."
"These strangers from the other side of the world were a prayer come true for the Armenians and they may just be their saving grace."
"I will shoulder the responsibility as a doctor providing aid in Africa."
"The Peace Corps is where young Americans would bring American skills to underdeveloped countries."
"We need you in Ukraine, we need you in Russia, we need you in Brazil, we need you in South Africa."