
Ethical Business Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"We want to be sustainable, we don't want to be beholden to someone else, we don't want to take that gambling sponsorship."
"I think you should try and make your money in this world by selling other people things that are good for them."
"We really need to level up the way that we look at social responsibility for companies by the example of Lush."
"Do what you think is right by the people buying the stuff."
"Don't make money at the expense of others; make money at the service of others."
"What does it mean to be an ethical landlord? It's being just, becoming that landlord that I wish I always had."
"Doesn't seem controversial to say that if a business is making money off of misery, even if you regard that business as necessary, you still shouldn't want it to be influencing politicians or holding much power, right?"
"This feels like what responsible capitalism might look like."
"Putting people first is the right thing to do."
"These are companies that don't focus on the shareholders but on the stakeholders."
"A business built on misleading users, data exploitation, on choices that are no choices at all, then it does not deserve our praise. It deserves reform." - Tim Cook
"Why should I be encouraging my audience to struggle for me to make a quick buck?"
"Making money while helping people - it's the ultimate win-win."
"I do think workplace democracy is as morally necessary as democracy in our government."
"Ultimately that kind of is worth more than a quick buck."
"CEOs who participated will re-evaluate donations to candidates supporting bills that restrict voting rights."
"Starting a successful business Enterprise is a profoundly ethical Endeavor in the deepest sense."
"Boycott companies that utilize prison labor."
"The corruption of paying to bypass gameplay can be reversed but it'll take a decision for companies to willingly earn less money than they usually do so it's highly unlikely that it will happen."
"Robert Schwartz believed that it was possible both to do well and to do good."
"It's okay to make money during a crisis but it's not okay to make money from the crisis."
"I believe that doing good is a fantastic business."
"It wasn't based on how do I make as much money totally it was how do I create something that can really make a lasting change."
"They're genuinely like a company that puts the environment and the animals and everything first."
"It's extremely generous for Elon to be offering them a package. That's the right thing."
"There's a better way to make a living: retaining integrity."
"I think you can want to do good in the world and spark social change and also make money at the same time."
"What's going to make money is authenticity, the universe working through you, doing something that's in contribution to the world for real."
"Hades has multiple things going for it: a small team with a huge vision, ethical business practices, fantastic art style, and satisfying gameplay." - Milo (MrRoflWaffles)
"How about energy companies start giving some of their profits back? How about Pfizer give some of their profits back? How about companies that sell sugary salty disgusting food aren't given platforms like this?"
"No amount of profit can justify collaborating with the regime for which violent suppression and enslavement are routine tools of governance."
"Ultimately it all goes back to money that's obvious and I don't think anybody who's a capitalist is opposed to people making money we're opposed to people lying to us okay that's bad."
"There's nothing about what we're building as a company that has anything to do with exploitation."
"Natura does seem to be making an effort to do good for the planet and to insist that Avon, Aesop, and The Body Shop do the same."
"They respect their fans, their time, and their money, and they want to make sure it is right."
"The people cannot be forgotten, nor can their pain be simply considered the cost of doing business."
"I believe every company should do everything in its power to stop it."
"People make money from doing good; it's a wonderful thing."
"You can't trust a drug dealer who doesn't use his own product."
"It's time to move the conversation past the for-profits...they're definitely highly predatory."
"It's unacceptable to sell a consumer something you know is broken in the hopes that mods will fix it or that you'll fix it after you've sold it."
"Public.com does not participate in this activity, which is a tremendous positive in my eyes."
"Every cent paid to Russia they turn into bullets and missiles aimed at other sovereign states."
"Ask yourself whether you're complicit in its atrocities by doing business with it."
"I hope you guys are excited... if you choose to support the business you are supporting an ethical business."
"There's nothing wrong with reskinning games but you have to market that to the consumer properly."
"It's a privilege to get money from a sponsor, so if you don't like the way they do business, don't do business with them."
"I want to... give those companies money to help them change the world... actually investing in the future you believe in."
"I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to make money off of helping people with their mental health."
"If you can't afford to pay your folks a living wage, you are not doing business right."
"Consumers worldwide want sustainability, compassion, and companies with a mission."
"Companies demonstrating the courage to address the world's emerging health care challenges with passion and compassion."
"It's definitely a bit of a pickle, but I think it's a pickle that can be solved, you know, because once these companies are held accountable for their behavior, they will change their behavior."
"Transparency is the foundation for everything else."
"Our enemies are companies choosing profits over people."
"I decided I would only sell Elixir to people who actually need it."
"Public is all about transparency, which is why unlike other commission-free investment platforms, Public doesn't sell any of your data to third parties."
"I'm utterly convinced that sticking to principles is profitable."
"You want a company who's doing a lot to do well and do good for people."
"You can actually make more money if you do more good to the world."
"Our mercy and our generosity should always outclass our desire for profit and greed."
"We have to stop taking this opportunity to enrich ourselves."
"Even the largest corporations found guilty of heinous crimes stay in business as long as they pay the right fine or do a little bit of time."
"If you take people's money and you do scammy things, you deserve to go to jail."
"You can thrive in the games industry, be successful without gouging players for money."
"The future of the world has to be for profit for good companies."
"You can make quick easy money by lying but eventually you're going to lose that trust."
"You can run a business and still be ethically consistent and good."
"Shining a light on the shady habits of MLMs is truly God's work."
"One day all businesses will be purposeful, that they'll all be forces for good in the world."
"The whole company is very sustainable and ethically sourced which feels so good to support."
"Ultimately, we believe that we can help people achieve their potential without sacrificing their humanity."
"My opinion as a consumer is that if I do to support these companies, the parent company will see that these cruelty-free brands are doing better."
"Businesses don't have to be this way and can genuinely help and improve the world around them."
"...it's not fair to the customer or the employee it relies on guilt and preys on people's fear of social awkwardness..."
"It didn't feel right to me to create a brand that was going to be wasteful, that was going to be not considerate of the environment."
"If every company was as decent as Patagonia, the world would work better and people would be cozy all winter."
"This restaurant was born... based on a few simple ideas: the use of organic produce, supporting those farmers that grew that produce, a wonderful nurturing environment for her staff, and being a good citizen of the planet."
"We need to now find avenues and ways to engage in business without Riba."
"We're not just for a profit business."
"Don't be cheap, don't take advantage of people, run your business the right way."
"We wanted to make something that we can make enough money that we could pay the people who are making the product well, they could live good lives, and we could also create something that was an incredible world-class product."
"It is a fair trade company; they produce shea butter and other butters from Ghana."
"This is what it looks like when a company does something that I actually am on board with that I actually think is pro-consumer and is okay."
"Good business backs up to being a good human."
"Don't sacrifice the relationship for profit."
"Business has a duty to respect human rights."
"Together, we can both make a statement and genuinely help this industry in a way that doesn't reward businesses that don't actually care."
"Educating students and doing things consumers will actually be more likely to purchase and engage with these companies because they connect with their moral values."
"Conscious capitalism is about how business can be profitable but also serve a higher purpose."
"I really do believe in the idea of doing good while doing business."
"I envisioned myself only participating in transactions that were true win-win."
"Everything is handmade, and 10% of the profits go to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, which is amazing."
"No ads, no trackers, no spyware; no 'the customer is the product' as a business model."
"The goal is not to curtail or roll back globalization, but rather to find better, more ethical, and egalitarian ways of doing business internationally."
"Doing well by doing good is part of our mission statement."
"My brand is about 100% compassion."
"Now the young guys coming through, and they sort of, they want ethical sponsorships, you know, they're imploring their companies to pursue more moral ways of operating."
"When you buy from me, you are supporting a company that truly desires that every single person in the company flourishes."
"It's not just about profit, it's about profit for purpose."
"We view any system that generates revenue at a cost of customer happiness, as a broken system that we need to fix."
"There's a business benefit from acting ethically."
"This company was started by women, it's run by women, they're committed to ethical practices."
"Conscious business demands some powerful choices because what feels good is not always good."
"Purposeful business is not just one that does no harm; it must actively do good."