
Organic Farming Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"We buy Lundberg Farms organic rice, and they are very public about posting their arsenic concentrations."
"Organic farming has the potential to not only feed the world but restore areas of the world that have degraded their soils."
"Why not grow food the best way we can the most organic way possible using regenerative agriculture?"
"A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died."
"Organic oat-based products appear to have less of this pesticide."
"Diversity is massively important in any sort of organic growing and in permaculture."
"Organic farming is part of the solution to climate change."
"The more you find out about organic farming systems, the more you realize it's just common sense and good husbandry."
"100% grass-fed New Zealand butter: European style, 100 grass-fed, no water."
"Organic yields match or surpass conventional, and during years of drought, organic crops really hold their own."
"Chemicals are artificial and in large doses, stifling to microbial activity and deadly to worms and termites."
"Fresh organic produce can be had during those winter months."
"Cover crops are probably the number one tool that organic farmers can use."
"Saving seed, growing plants specifically for the seeds rather than for food, doing it all as organically as possible, for many it starts as an interesting side avenue of gardening, but becomes a calling all its own."
"...organic is about three percent of the farm...I want to show the other 97 percent hey you can get there without all this."
"You have to learn it on your own. Our challenge then is to not only produce food that is free of chemicals, but to do it in a way that ensures it is both high in nutrient density while regenerating our resources."
"We use no fertilizer, herbicides, or pesticides, so this is literally the earth that is growing these plants."
"I have had no squash bugs, I've had no squash vine borers, nothing for the last two years. The only one thing that I have done different is I have used Dr. Earth's Golden Bloom liquid phosphorus."
"But yeah, I really recommend like checking out some of the resources that I put up. Organic Seed Alliance is really great."
"Organic farming has always grown food in vivo in the soil with all of the features that the soil brings into that."
"I absolutely loved this experience of picking my own organic vegetables from the farm."
"We're learning that by plowing under vegetation containing natural fertilizers we can enrich the soil without the use of chemicals."
"A one percent increase in organic matter... you'll get to hold 27,000 gallons more water."
"The premium paid to the farmer will be 30% higher than organic prices. That's significant."
"Avocados are organic and what happens is that we usually apply a lot of manure."
"So many fruit and vegetables that are so fresh that are coming from you know Family Farms organic and it tastes fantastic and you pay so much less."
"Organic grapes, yes! Organic is like, you're not getting any sort of residual pesticides in the wine that could possibly make it in because there's no pesticides used in them farming."
"Organic produce and grains cannot be genetically modified."
"We've been certified organic since 1987."
"Everything just goes better here. It's no wonder. I don't know how people ever got to fill them full of chemicals and hormones when they do so beautifully if you just leave them be."
"We map out the ideal crop rotations on that land, get the land certified organic, and then we find the best farmers for any one particular crop."
"I'm on a 10-acre organic farm which is beautiful; I have a view of the mountains."
"Make sure it's grass-fed, buy organic, buy free-range, and perhaps be prepared to pay a little bit more, but get a product that you can be reassured has been looked after and is better for the environment."
"The growth of these cabbages is so phenomenal, and it's just from composting."
"In the organic growing community we like to share knowledge."
"It's very much looking at soil, looking at growing organic matter, putting so many more nutrients back in than you're taking out."
"In organic agriculture, we're not afraid of, we work with it."
"Layering organic matter on top of soil and growing in it while it's turning to compost is the most powerful growing method that's available in the world."
"The most important thing when you're an organic farmer is... you put all your attention and all your efforts on improving the quality of the soil."
"You're reaching for the compost tea or the extract to enhance the health of the plant, ultimately that's your goal."
"We get fresh produce from the farm and organically diet, no use of values of fertilizers."
"Natural fertilizer, natural soil conditioner, soil improver—this stuff is so much better than you think."
"Is organic no-till possible? I've heard Keith say numerous times that it's kind of the holy grail of soil health."
"When I bought the farm it was about one percent and today it's setting right close to 8.1 organic matter."
"The thing about bottle nutrients is you feel like you have to constantly be adding something, but when you're growing organically, you don't have to constantly be adding stuff; it's all right there for you, you're just maintaining."
"When growing organically, the goal is to replicate nature as close as possible."
"Both active and stable organic matter will encourage soil structure improvement, although through slightly different mechanisms."
"Do away with that inorganic fertilizer, do away with those pesticides, do away with any of the chemical treatments not needed if you get the biology back."
"What we've been doing here on the farm for about the last 6 to 7 years is no fertilizer, all soil amendments from manure to hay to wood chips just like this."
"Using organically bred varieties instead of conventionally bred varieties is very much like having a much sharper tool instead of a dull tool."
"We have managed to grow all these crops without the use of any chemical pesticides or fertilizers."
"My mother and my father were organic farmers."
"The better your soil biology, the higher the organic matter in your soil, all of these things contribute to healthier plants and healthier humans."
"We're not spraying herbicides and pesticides and using toxic chemicals on the farm."
"These vines are all grafted from his old vine stock going back hundreds of years, and he's farming organically."
"When we're talking about organic inputs, we're basically talking about microbe-friendly and Earth-friendly practices."
"Organic farming ensures the food we consume is free from harmful pesticides."
"This organic farm is the greatest ever backyard supermarket."
"Organic agriculture... outperform conventional ones in drought years because the soil holds so much water."
"We have a food movement in America that's rising and getting strong... local food, organic food."
"It is absolutely beautiful cornmeal from organic corn we grow right off of our farm."
"While the tea industry in Japan is only 2 percent organic, the organic farmers of Yakushima account for 15% of the total production of tea."
"It's documented 30 years without synthetic chemicals; that's why we have boatloads of birds and boatloads of bees."
"We're growing here in Central Arkansas, zone 7b, with natural growing practices, largely organic."
"We feed them an organic grain feed... they can get up to 30% of their diet just from grazing grass and insects and seeds and whatever is out here."
"Composting is using the Decay process of life in order to convert dead material into living organic matter again."
"We cultivate hope, hope in a future, hope with the recognition that the biggest solution to climate change is not to say eat bad food and fake food and kill yourself through that but become part of the healing of the earth by returning organic matter to the soil."
"Nobody wants to grow things organically anymore."
"Can we grow organically? And if you look around, you can see emphatically the answer is yes."
"I do live on an organic farm that I rent."
"We're really geared towards organic and sustainability and regenerative agriculture."
"When you grow food yourself, you're eating mineral-rich food, you can eat the food in its fully ripe state, and you're eating a wide variety of food that you wouldn't get otherwise."
"The parent family has been extremely innovative over the years; in fact, they began organic farming way back in 1950 and started farming biodynamically way back in 1974."
"We don't use chemicals here, so that's not an option for us."
"With no dig, it's beautiful; we're putting on fertility in the broadest sense of the word, enabling feeding of the soil life, which is the key to fertility."
"Because organic farmers don't use conventional fertilizers, they often end up making their own out of natural ingredients they find on the farm."
"When you grow your own food, you know where it came from, you knew how it was grown."
"The old-timers that had talked about the organic methodologies were correct; that it really is the only way to drive these plants healthily in this big fashion."
"With biodiversity and organic farming, we can feed two times India's population because we produce more nutrition."
"We grow everything in a hundred percent compost."
"We have a lot of customers in Europe... and seeing that in Malaysia there's no one, no major plantations have undertaken this organic palm, so we decided to take the plunge."
"Our movement has trained more than 70,000 farmers in organic."
"There is no better food on the planet than your home-raised, hand-milked, all-grass milk."
"When you're an organic farmer, you see it on a personal level; you're meeting your customers and you're meeting people who are making changes."
"Grain actually is a beneficial crop on farms, particularly those using organic systems, because they smother weeds naturally."
"Grow the food yourself, use the azomite rock dust minerals in the soil, use worm castings and compost, eat the fruit when it's fully ripe, and then it will go down into your system and it will be the Kung Fu Warrior inside of you."
"There's different ways to do things, just like you can grow our method, you can grow living soil well."
"With organics, you're accepting some variation; you're also working with the natural environment, generally the soil, to get the most out of it."
"It's about diversity, and so I try to use a vast variety of different dry organic amendments."
"Fish Mix is the most powerful fertilizer that is 100% organic."
"I've never had bad worm castings, I'll just leave it at that."
"By using this fertilizer, their soils are also getting better, their crop seeds are better, and the crops are being sold at higher cost because organic vegetables are very costly nowadays."
"High yields of organic fruits and vegetables with very little labour are a hobby gardener's dream."
"Grow tomatoes in soil with compost, super tasty; my customers love my tomatoes so much."
"A typical organic farmer has double to five times higher income."
"When they do organic farming, they are reversing climate change."
"I like to use organic black strap molasses; it helps kind of liven up the soil, helps maintain the soil food web, feeds the microbes."
"Organic nutrients... they're also much better for the environment."
"Organically farmed fields are far less toxic than commercially farmed fields."
"Organic farming is the only sustainable way of feeding the people on this planet and keeping both the planet and the people in good health."
"The whole key to a great garden is compost, not that organic granular fertilizer or not even the water-soluble organic; you need organic matter."
"It's all organic material out in the field, breaking down what going to be so good for the grain crops."
"Don't panic, there's not a lot of serious pests of pawpaw; you can grow them organically."
"Improvement of soil fertility and reduction of soil degradation by the use of the biodigester's digested effluent as organic fertilizer."
"It's got a nice organic layer of organic sunblock to protect it from sunburn which is one of the main stresses that kill avocado trees."
"Cows don't only serve to provide meat and milk but they actually are important when they want to do organic farming without any fertilizers and pesticides."
"Organic crops... have a better flavor."
"Organic crops having higher concentrations of antioxidants versus conventional crops could be something that would tilt the balance to say organic would be healthier for the human body."
"Seeing the happy and excited faces of the teenage students... they were showing each other what they made out of organic food they picked from the farm themselves."
"We're trying to get away from going to the co-op and buying fertilizer; we're trying to be all organic."
"We have so much frozen fruit from this past summer, mostly from my parents' farm, which was still cool, grown locally and organically."
"Supporting British Growers and organic produce, Daylesford are the masters of that."
"We really wanted to have healthy food to eat, we wanted to start a business, and we felt like we could make the most difference coming back here to Florida to grow organic food."
"It's all about building soil using organic material and not using chemical fertilizers."
"Our whole aim is to create lots of organic matter; we think the earthworms are coming up into that, it's retaining moisture."
"Leave soil undisturbed as much as possible and feed soil life with organic matter on the surface."