
Cooking Tips Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"If you're going to use rice, there are things you can do to reduce the concentration of arsenic, one is cook it like you would pasta, which is five parts water to one part rice."
"The key to melting chocolate is to put it in short intervals and mix it between; otherwise, it burns."
"A leek is like a milder onion with just a soft hint of a garlicky flavor, it's got a beautiful aroma when you cook it in butter."
"Sophia wants to know why her chocolate chip cookies always spread out and go really flat in the oven, and the advice online about how to fix this is really quite confusing."
"If you put too much grease on your pan, that can cause your cookie to spread and go flat."
"The brine from a jar of capers, the most top-secret ingredient ever for garlic shrimp."
"Well, guys, I hope you got lots of helpful tips and hints and some beautiful recipes. Have a happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year."
"Just shred your own cheese, you don't have to be eating wood pulp."
"It's like a little kick to the Salt, right? It has a spicy mayo flavor."
"No color, no flavor! Remember, no color, no flavor."
"Pork roast before cooking is said to make it more flavorful, mostly via caramelization as any sugar in the meat or add-ins begins to cook down browning."
"When meat is removed from heat and allowed to rest, the muscles relax as everything cools down and the juices redistribute throughout the meat."
"If you don't shake the can of coconut milk, you have this gorgeous top layer of pure coconut oil."
"You really want those things to be at room temperature."
"Adding lime juice to the recipes is really tricky because some limes are super juicy, some are a bit drier."
"I've got tons of details on how to make your own bacon from scratch."
"You need oil to prevent pasta from sticking while boiling... myth busted."
"Salt your steak for enhanced flavor and juiciness."
"Basic food science that we learned in this video will help you make better burgers."
"How do I know my croissants and danishes have proved enough?"
"Scramble eggs immediately, anything else after I link it halfway through."
"Let it rest in the fridge overnight and then come back to it and eat it tomorrow when it's even better."
"A little bit of love and care at the beginning and it Cooks itself."
"Follow my ultimate cookery course crammed with key lessons, top tips, and 100 recipes."
"Be it bacon or any type of cooking always pays off to use the best ingredients you can find."
"A good meatball is all about the softness, the texture of that rich beef."
"The secret to stress-free cooking is making it easy for yourself."
"Cooking with herbs is a lot easier than people think it is."
"The golden rules for producing fantastic food is learning to cook with confidence."
"My tip for adding incredible depth of flavor is to always keep your leftover parmesan rinds store them in the freezer then add to the pan as the soup cooks."
"The most important thing to remember is mint is made up of cheap cuts—brisket, belly, short rib—so it needs help."
"Simplify your cooking by getting organized, and amazing food will be coming out of your kitchen every day."
"They add vibrancy and amazing depth of flavor."
"Great tip for using leftover herbs: simply chop finely, mix into butter, roll up in clingfilm, and freeze."
"Blend your own curry powder, it's the leading ingredient of an Indian curry."
"Blend them long enough, one to two minutes, to ensure smooth consistency."
"What's presented as aspirational still feels pretty homogeneous."
"I want to kind of keep the granola together... I just taste-tested this granola, phenomenal, probably the best granola I have ever made."
"I love the way that the sugar really deepens the red color of raspberry jam... there's just an endless possibility."
"Never ever get rid of that. It's like the perfect thing to cook your vegetables in to make them taste like meat. If you don't like vegetables, just cook them in duck fat and you will like vegetables, I promise."
"Biggest tip is probably just to use more healthy oils in your cooking."
"Homemade pastry in the freezer makes cooking so much easier."
"You never ever ever want to forget to salt, even sweet things."
"The sharper cheddar you go, the worse it is melting."
"A squeeze of lime in your salsa, it makes all the difference in the freaking world."
"Always find ways to garnish to make things look a little nicer."
"Season your meals with salt and pepper there's no issue with that."
"that's so good this not buttery buttery spread on it with the garlic and the little crumbles on it it's almost got like panko or some kind of breadcrumbs on it has a little crunch along with the corn if you like grilled corn you can't go wrong"
"Cooking certain vegetables rich in FODMAPs can make them easier to digest."
"If you cook your popcorn in the bacon grease, it is delicious."
"This is gonna give you not only beautiful flavor on the chicken but you're gonna have beautiful stuff happening in your pan."
"How do we avoid spaghetti and make a perfectly crafted meal?"
"Weighing and measuring your ingredients raw is always a good idea."
"Sharp knife, cold brisket, that's the way to the promised land."
"Canning frozen food feels like one of my cheat codes."
"If there's a step you can remove or something that you don't have to do, then I'm gonna share that with you."
"Big key lesson: properly render all the fat out."
"You want it to be al dente, al dente means it's got a nice bite to the mouth, it's firm without being hard."
"I think cooking those chickpeas until they're so soft is the key to a really smooth hummus."
"The secret here is it's a lot easier than you think, it's basically glazing."
"When we're cooking kebabs, why don't we cook them on the skewer? It's so much more juicier."
"And if it's too thick you could always thin out with a little more milk."
"The type of fuel you're burning on your grill or in your pellet grill is as important as the protein that you're putting on."
"Always reduce and reinforce flavors for more deliciousness."
"This hack for reheating french fries will make them (almost) as good as new."
"Gazpacho is only as good as these tomatoes, so you gotta use sweet vine ripened real tomatoes."
"So if you want the best spaghetti you've ever eaten you better follow this as I don't give you any measurements to anything at all."
"Black pepper is capable of bringing so much flavor."
"Whole spices don't lose their flavor as fast as pre ground spices do."
"The key for flaky pie crust is always keep everything cold."
"Use extra leftover pasta or steamed vegetables for a frittata or an omelette."
"Veggies are even more delicious when you add some flavor."
"When it comes to creating a complete plate, I like to add in some add-ons or sides."
"Excellent for fajitas, tacos, really, really nice cut."
"You can see that sirloin pretty much just pops right off there if I put it up on the edge of the table using that downward pressure you can pull that sirloin right out of there."
"Nobody wants to spend a high price for a beef fillet and get one that's all hacked into a bunch of pieces, so just take your time removing all the silver skin."
"I don't know if it's ever been done, but in case you guys are in a pinch, you can in fact cook mac and cheese in a skillet..."
"If you want to be a chef, you want to be good at cleaning, you want to be good at like actually cooking, you also want to know about spices."
"So you could meal prep for the week your lunch and dinner don't forget you can also swap out proteins and sides."
"The most important element to making great barbecue at home is not the dry rub, some secret barbecue sauce, or a specific kind of wood smoke."
"Allowing barbecued meat to rest for a few minutes after taking it off the grill will actually help it retain moisture."
"You just want to cover just enough so that everything is submerged but you don't have more water than you need."
"Mayo instead of oil... turning cooking on easy mode."
"Leftover cooked rice is better for fried rice dishes."
"The secret to good mashed potatoes is cooking them a long time."
"Grapes and you can actually use grape leaves in certain ways and grape skins."
"Half the butter seriously half the butter for my recipe you don't need it."
"This will allow you to boil and sanitize water in a bad situation and also allow you to cook a lot of other foods."
"Fold it up like a McDonald's burrito, boom, perfect easy scramble."
"Everything bagel seasoning on your mayonnaise, highly recommend trying it."
"Because you don't want to take pieces that are too thick."
"You want a rib that still has some moisture. You want a rib that's tender."
"Everything can be made delicious if you get those spices and flavors involved."
"You cry when you cut onions because breaking the skin releases enzymes and sulfenic acid. When they combine, they produce a gas that spreads through the air and irritates our eyes."
"If you're grilling your meat without rubs, like you're wasting your time."
"In the absence of rub, I just put some salt and pepper, and it wasn't bad."
"If you rub it right, it still tastes good the next day."
"Avocado and avocado oil, okay? So you use your olive oil to drizzle on food and you use your avocado oil to cook with because it has a higher smoke point."
"A lot of recipes you can make keto by having these things on hand easy one-for-one swaps."
"The key with tortillas is to roll them out until they are paper thin."
"The secret is not to let it touch very long because when the paddles heat up we're gonna probably switch sides here."
"Cutting vegetables and meat to have similar sizes will help them reheat more evenly."
"If you get four wrong which I doubt any of you will, how do we finish off the perfect spaghetti marinara? Some Parmesan cheese."
"Kale can be sliced really thinly again and used raw."
"Tomatillos are a tomato family member and they have a husk on the outside that you need to peel off before you use them."
"Eggplant - a lot of different ways to use eggplant but not raw. You don't want to eat it raw."
"Parsnip - I think the best way to cook it is to peel it which I don't always say but the skin can be a little bitter."
"Cauliflower - the best way to prepare it is to cut off the like that and you can just go around and then you want to cut off each floret too."
"The secret of having fun in the kitchen is to know what to do with the ingredients."
"A condiment will enhance the flavor of your food."
"When making coffee, add a little salt; this makes the coffee clear immediately."
"It's totally fine to use in your instant pot."
"Because we're adding mayonnaise, we want to make sure that we balance the flavor."
"Fermentation works best with heat, so we do have the option to slow this process down significantly by putting it in a refrigerator."
"Measure carefully. Do not cook with a wine you're not willing to drink."
"Even after the oven being off for 10 minutes, it's still around 160 which is more than enough just to finish off my ribs."
"You can make it pretty non-stick. That's what seasoning is."
"Sometimes you don't need to overcook the broth, you don't need to burn your eggs, you just need to do what it says on the tin."
"If you're not ready to toss the salad immediately, you can still whip it up in your bowl and then you can take your salad tongs and you can just cross them like this put them into your bowl and then put your lettuce on top."
"For the Italian vinaigrette, we're gonna make a full cup of dressing for the French vinaigrette we only made half a cup."
"We're all learning tricks today, guys. Remember that. Panko crumbs... incredible."
"The importance of why getting up to temperature will make or break your cooking experience."
"Keep it really, really simple and you can make restaurant quality recipes."
"If you don't have a grill again I will give you instructions for how to do this in the oven just basically roasting them like you would a chicken but I do think that grilling wings gives you sort of the best of every world."
"White pepper enhances the flavor of other things black pepper really the flavor if I want to taste pepper I use black pepper if I want to enhance the flavor of something with pepper I use white pepper."
"Keep things simple with easy-to-find ingredients like baking soda."
"Mind-blowing for such an easy and straightforward method."
"You want sweetness, you want sourness, and you want the salt to be perfect."
"The better the ingredients, the better your dish will taste."
"Making your own sauce takes your burger to a whole another level."
"To prevent water from boiling over just lay a wooden spoon across the rim of the pot."
"So if you want any of the recipes for anything that I share just look down in the description below, I will have everything linked."
"If you don't like kale, you're eating it wrong."
"All you need to do is to pour the water into the bowl first and freeze it, then after that just add the milk."
"Adding gin to your pasta sauce is kind of like adding vanilla extract to your baked goods."
"Secure and safely slice your steaks properly... it's super smooth."
"Cooking cake in the instant pot makes it so moist and delicious you're gonna die when you try this."
"So for every cup of rice you have 1 and 1/4 cup of liquid so that way it won't stick to the bottom of your pot and you won't get that lovely Burn Notice."
"One way to save yourself time instead of maybe making a big whole thing of stroganoff and then eating it for the next few days just think of things that you can prep ahead of time and use this and remake it into something else."
"Popcorn topping tip: Nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor without the guilt."
"If you need rice on the fly, this is definitely the best way to go about it."
"If you cut a steak open fresh off the grill, it will just bleed all over the place."
"You should preheat your air fryer for 10 minutes before you start cooking."
"A little bit of salt goes a long way, keeps cakes from tasting too sweet, and also just balances out all the flavors."
"Personally, the aroma and the flavor of yeast really makes a difference."
"If it's overcooked, the brisket will be really dry and the slices will just kind of crumble apart in your hands."
"You're going to want to can your own corn so that you get an ingredient you'll never be able to purchase in a store: corn cob stock."
"Brussels sprouts are delicious when cooked correctly. #freebrusselsprouts"
"That golden brown crust? That is flavor, friends!"
"If you're going to the trouble of doing something like barbecue, it's worthwhile to spend a little bit extra to complement that with some amazing flavors."
"If you want your chocolate protein porridge to be the best consistency you have to put the protein powder in after... trust me, it is game changer."
"Poke your finger into the dough...it should feel very airy."
"If you're tired of your same boring breakfast recipe, then you are making it wrong."
"It's a dash of salt, like a dash. That's it."
"What happens is you get a crispy bottom because you're going to be biting into rice which is obviously going to be chewy."
"Proper ventilation is key because it is going to get kind of smoky."
"There are a couple of little tips and tricks and some ingredients here to get the flavors totally on point."
"Do not skimp out on this step... if you don't use enough fat in your dish you're not gonna properly be able to caramelize your onions."
"You can always add extra veggies or meat to really bulk it up."
"That starchy water that is your friend... it's loaded with starch and when it heats up it's gonna thicken up that sauce."
"Veggies roasted in the oven at 400 degrees, it's the best way."
"This one actually works and it's super delicious."
"The lid fits on both, it's crucial to me because I am the queen of having mismatched lids."
"The secret behind a tart tatin is getting a really nice caramelization on there, it's the same with apples, pears, even pineapple to a certain extent."
"If you aren't already, incorporating citrus zest into your cooking is one of the best things you can do."
"Simple delicious never lets you down recipe you need in your life when you want that quick easy meal."
"Carrots because they add like a sweetness to it that is just natural delicious and amazing."
"The cake should be risen, and I'm going to use the cake tester and I'm going to insert it into the tallest part of the cake all the way down to the center."
"There's things you can do in the process to pull the most flavor out of whatever the ingredient is."
"Always adjust these recipes to whatever fits your needs, that's what it's all about."
"Empty your eggs the night before if possible."
"If you could even just use onions throw them into your meals like if you're sauteing anything always throw in an onion because it adds flavor and cooked onions are way less intense than Iranian I can't do rogon's but most Persians can."
"Olive oil, avocado oil... those are fine to eat..."
"If you make your own chili powder, it's very easy. It just takes the chili to the next level."
"Air fryer... the easiest way to roast veggies."
"Anchovies are a secret ingredient, they really are."
"Flatbreads are super forgiving and I think that's why it's a great place for most people to start."
"These were truly some of the best food hacks."
"It's easy to create a little Everyday Gourmet when you realize that not following a recipe doesn't spell dinner disaster."
"The key to flavor for me in inexpensive dishes is don't skimp on the fat use the oil use the butter if you have it and use salt those are the things that are going to add quite a lot of flavor to your food without having to use a lot of spices."
"That's how you know you're gonna get really flavorsome bold dish."
"Take advantage of convenience foods while homemade is ideal, there's no shame in using pre-cut vegetables, pre-cooked grains, rotisserie chicken."
"I think garlic powder, salt, and pepper is a really good combination for flavoring."
"All you need to do to make delicious french fries at home is put potatoes in cold oil and then heat it up."
"What's really important about fried rice is having everything ready so that when you're cooking, it's super fast and everything's ready to go."
"The easiest grated cheese of your life: whenever you're grating soft cheeses like mozzarella or gouda, freeze them for 15 to 30 minutes before grating."
"Be very generous with olive oil; the last thing that you want is having a dry Focaccia."
"We add the semolina because the semolina will make the pizza a little bit more crunchy."
"It's not going to go your way very typically to leave skin on when making fried chicken, but in a sandwich situation, you might just pull the whole thing out and embarrass yourself."
"This has no fat content, virtually no flavor content. If you overcook this by a whisper, it's going to cook up really, really dry."
"Panko is a lighter, airier Japanese style breadcrumb. It's going to create a wonderfully crisp crust."
"If you've never used one of these little garlic rollers...it actually works really well to peel the garlic."
"I think the tip of melting some butter and drizzling it over the chicken before baking it is definitely one that you should use."
"They save you so much time when freezing and cooking, and I think the consistency is better than if they're cooked ahead of time. So give it a try."
"When a high quality ingredient really makes a difference in the final dish."
"Hopefully our chefs have shown you some new tips to incorporate the next time you're rolling up burritos."
"Cornstarch needs a bit of time to work its magic, so don't kill the heat immediately."
"You always want to take them out of the oil when they're slightly lighter than the shade you want because they'll continue cooking for a minute or two."
"Vinegar is often used to season foods in Chinese cuisine, and just a tiny splash will add some extra complexity and depth to our soup."
"Placing a wooden spoon across the top of a pot of pasta can stop it from turning into a volcano situation."