
Ethical Treatment Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Future society won't look back kindly on the way we treated our innocent animal allies."
"Animals, for example, are not ours to experiment on."
"We should assign animals basic rights—the right not to be treated as property."
"To deny entities that experience life in much the same way that we do the ability to live their lives the way that they want to, I think is not really defensible."
"The only proper treatment of slaves is their emancipation."
"Your right not to get raped is paramount here."
"Major Biden will not be euthanized as a result of this."
"It's inhumane. You wouldn't do these type of things to any living creature, let alone an innocent human being."
"You treat others like you wanted to be treated."
"Why we gotta hurt the animals like that? You don't gotta hurt the animals like that, and that's the tea for today."
"You don't take a child in and then after three years you decide to rehome him. He's a person, a baby, not an animal."
"Animals should live in freedom, humans have rights and so do animals."
"It's very easy not to abuse them, you know how? Just treat them exactly the way you would want to be treated."
"When you help something, there's a much different connection there than if you buy something and try and make it a pet."
"We need to give animals the same respect that we give to each other."
"When I love an animal, I don't see them as a renewable resource."
"You don't have to see an animal as a renewable resource to love and respect and care for them."
"The main point of veganism is to do less harm to animals."
"He treated both his crew and his captives with fairness and mercy."
"Don't hurt animals. Leave animals the [ __ ] alone."
"The way we treat animals is teaching this next generation how to treat those that are more powerless than them."
"Please exert compassion, not make offerings to God through suffering and death."
"You treat people the way you want to be treated."
"If they're human beings, why don't we treat them humanely?"
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"Above all, where people treat others the way they feel they would deserve to be treated if they were in the same situation."
"Providing fair and ethical treatment to people even while they are incarcerated."
"Killing cats is not effective; trap, neuter, release programs manage populations."
"Treat people the way you would want to be treated and let go of fear."
"I think at the very least, when you no longer see every single individual as infinitely valuable and of divine worth, I think that has a tremendous impact on the way that you will treat others."
"But when you do it to put somebody in a box and be cruel to them, that’s when we gotta throw the book at ya."
"Fair Treatment Matters: The film's success should not come at the expense of animators' well-being. Let's prioritize humane work conditions."
"Imagine that, treat them the way you would want to be treated, the golden rule."
"Treat people like they are people and like you would want to be treated if you are emailing a customer service department."
"Just as fish don't belong in tanks, insects don't belong inside cramped cases in a museum for other villagers to gawk at. Your island should be a place where wild animals are free to live without being captured and exploited."
"The suffering we cause to animals has never been higher than it is right now."
"It's not about quality, it's basic level of respect."
"Whatever you do to the least among me there thus you also do to me."
"It has to be a sound advocacy that treats people as human beings."
"We want to treat each other the way that we want to be treated."
"No confidence trickster deserves to be tortured as a general rule."
"There's a term we use for people who take other people's labor without their consent: slavery."
"Every person who participates in this will be remembered in history on the wrong side of History this cannot be how we treat people this cannot be how we do things and yet hear the it is black and white on the biggest celebrities in the world."
"Please do not get a donkey that's going to live for 40 years and then make it somebody else's problem because you didn't do it the right way."
"Reducing the expectation of pain and the actuality of pain as much as possible in the slaughtering of the animals that you intend to then use for food and sustenance is The Sweet Spot."
"Emphasis of importance of freedom and wildness or animal flourishing."
"Always in life make sure you treat people how you want to be treated."
"It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly."
"I don't think because of that they should be banned everywhere. These are fish that are around and deserve good homes."
"No animal... we need to stop harming them for our own purposes."
"When it comes to suffering we're all equal, a dog is a pig is a bear as a boy."
"We want to treat people the way we want to be treated."
"You really should respect people on an individual level, treat everybody the way you'd like to be treated."
"Pets are friends not food. True, true."
"The greatness of a religion and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
"Horses can't be seen as a play thing or a sports equipment anymore. They're living animals."
"Every man is to be respected as an absolute end in himself, and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as a human being to use him as a mere means for some external purpose."
"Animals are sacred and held in high regard; Satanism stands against all forms of animal abuse."
"Evil is closing the barrier to the other person, ignoring their pain."
"It’s good that they want to keep him covered and with dignity at all times."
"An owner who abuses a slave must let them go free."
"I treat you as an end in yourself. You're not a means to my ends."
"Treating others the way we want to be treated, regardless of where they fall on the totem pole."
"It is inhuman to permit that condition to continue."
"It's not okay to treat a baby inhumanely just because you want to."
"Eventually, it's gonna have to, what we do is we stop mass breeding animals and feeding all our food and water to them."
"Animals are not here for us, no more than black people are for white people or women are for men."
"Please give them dignity and respect. Please treat them with dignity and respect."
"Treat everybody right, try and be sort of humble."
"Animal cruelty is not okay and it needs to stop."
"Nobody doesn't deserve respect or compassion."
"Would you treat your mother the way you do that with your own mother?"
"Animals are not here for us to eat, wear, or use as entertainment."
"If you're going to relocate an animal for its own safety, you're not attacking it."
"It's actually the most humane thing you can do."
"Gradually phase out would stop breeding billions of them into existence every year to kill and we'd have less animals in existence."
"What's happening to these animals is extreme. If there were dogs in there, people's pet dogs that they care about, they'd be helping us."
"They feel pain, want to live, experience suffering, want to be with their families. They don't want to be tortured. These things here, they should have rights protecting them like we do."
"Always treat people with the same level of respect that you want to be treated with."
"The well-being of the horse is the absolute priority."
"There's something about just a quality, humanely raised, ethically treated chicken that is just so much tastier and just better than anything you're gonna get at the grocery store."
"I believe animals deserve the rights to their own bodies and lives."
"Your dogs aren't accessories and toys."
"The more we learn about animals, the more we learn that we're just really, really horrible to most animals."
"For any society just to drop somebody off, especially with a disability, and expect them to fend for themselves, it's really barbaric."
"All people are ends, not means; therefore, to be loved rather than used."
"I think the treatment of non-human animals... that's another thing moving in the right direction."
"We treat all living beings as we wish to be treated."
"They deserve all the respect we can give them."
"No animals should suffer and die in the name of beauty."
"It's not fair to deprive an animal of its natural instinctive behavior."
"Animals as you'd have them do unto you."
"We shouldn't be cooking prisoners to death. The end."
"We're supposed to run prisons, not concentration camps."
"You can't treat a human being like an animal."
"This is unacceptable, inappropriate treatment of human beings."
"Act so that you use humanity, as much in your own person as in the person of every other, always at the same time as end and never merely as means."
"The human being however is not a thing, hence not something that can be used merely as a means, but must in all his actions always be considered as an end in itself."
"...we're not going to treat people this way."
"Don't kill the animals, period. It's not that hard."
"People have always deserved equal rights and ethical treatment."
"We should always treat rational agents, including ourselves, as ends and never as tools or instruments to achieve some other end."
"Treat everything in creation with mercy, just as you would want to be treated."
"A complete end to the practice of subjecting creatures to forced labor."
"Do we put disabled people down just because they can't walk? No, we don't. So why should we put disabled animals down?"
"Wild animals are not meant to be pets, they should not be kept as pets."
"I think a lot of people, if you were to meet these cows, chickens, or pigs, you would find that they are conscious creatures."
"We do need to talk about the deeper reasons behind why we shouldn't treat animals this way."