
Critical Point Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Season 4 is the last chance for Diablo I; it's make or break."
"The only reason why I speak on this now is because I feel we're now at the point where we have nothing to lose."
"We're at a point of inflection in which things can go wrong very quickly."
"Are we at a tipping point? It just seems like it's escalating."
"Dehumanization has reached a critical boiling point, critical mass."
"We're through the looking glass here people."
"The labor force is at a watershed moment in time."
"We're at that crossroads today where all as a country in this upheaval because we're at a critical inflection point that requires us to re-affirm our values and state what it is that we are here for."
"I think 2024 is going to be a Breaking Point."
"We're at the Tipping Point in our civilization right now. We have the ability to obliterate ourselves totally."
"We're at a point in America where if we the people don't begin understanding this infighting on all these fronts, it's game over and we deserve it."
"We are at an absolutely crucial juncture in terms of deciding how humanity does or doesn't progress from this point."
"For every Leo, it's a lucky career and money break..."
"We've reached a crucial stage in our conversation."
"We're at that stage now. It's like the fuse on a stick of dynamite might burn slowly for a very long time but when it hits that critical point the entire equation changes and we are there."
"Dak's journey marks a midway point, sort of a crossroads in his career."
"What we are seeing in Georgia tonight is a point of inflection for what this so-called American experiment is going to be going forward."
"We are on a Razor's Edge. I still believe we can turn it around, like you said, I still believe this is a possibility."
"We're getting so close to like critical mass where like I think me and you have had probably like our nine lives."
"At what point does it get so bad that people go we can't have this anymore?"
"We have hit the critical mass, just enough energy that triggers a nuclear reaction now."
"Something's about to break... we're reaching some real limits to our society."
"Is it kind of now or never? There isn't a significant gain during this summer, it's going to be big trouble for Ukraine."
"Something has to change here, we've reached a crescendo."
"Something's about to break there we can't kick the can any further down the road."
"It's kind of like bitcoins at an inflection point right now..."
"You're literally at the tipping point."
"The critical point is where the boundaries between two different phases are blurred and new properties emerge."
"We are at a critical point, but we can still divert it and go to the Golden Age."
"The Tipping Point is very close indeed."
"Moment of Truth folks Moment of Truth."
"...it seems that the critical point is what is critical for good terpenes."
"We're probably at the tipping point now."
"...this feels like a point of no return."
"We're at a critical point where this cycle is speeding up and you want to be in the best possible position when that happens."
"There's definitely a tipping point."
"The percolation threshold in the percolation model is really exactly equivalent to the epidemic threshold."
"The critical point is where you expect that the dy/dx will be equal to zero."
"When the pressure and temperature get high enough, it reaches something called the critical point."
"It's possible that there's a point of no return, and this man, with one more step, is going to cross it."
"Point of interest, point of view, and point of no return."
"This is the breaking point; this is where you have to grind because this is when the most gains are actually being made."
"This is everything that evolution has been leading up to: this critical point, this critical choice."
"Every one of us comes to a point in our life where we have to make a decision."
"Uber is a company poised on a knife's edge."
"What happens at the critical point is a kind of self-similar fractal structure."
"The correlation length gets longer and longer as you approach the critical point."
"We've reached the Thelma and Louise part of this case and we haven't even started yet."
"That's a massive point for Phil and Casey."
"The most critical location is on the inner surface of this vessel for maximum shear stress, for yielding, that is."
"The world is at a tipping point, and difficult times might be ahead for people."
"The largest connected component occurs exactly when the average degree is greater than one."
"Should be good now. I very much think this is a point of no return."
"The critical radius is the value for which the maximum point is achieved and the nucleation will sustain."
"Critical point is a point that has a possibility of being an extrema."
"Once the system has reached its critical point, even the smallest perturbation can have major consequences."
"This is what we're looking for, that at this point right here is essentially the nose point or the critical point of the PV curve."
"We're at a tipping point on a lot of different things."