
Academic Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Feminism, in its normal academic understanding, is just egalitarianism."
"The amazing thing is that conformal mappings preserve the solution of Laplace's equation."
"Academic freedom does not include freedom from criticism."
"It would be like sitting your GCSEs and having your answers right in front of you. It was that easy for them to write stories."
"Your previous scores will still be valid, no need to worry."
"Stay focused on time management, especially in reading and listening sections."
"This is the yearly planner and the new academic planner is 260 pages. That's a lot more content that you're getting."
"An academic dissertation and just a collection of Bops."
"It's not as simple to solve and there are debates among Scholars."
"The entire basis of academic research... is fundamentally just looking at the parts."
"You'll analyse the data that's in front of you, and then you'll present it using academic language."
"We got Peter Klein who's got a PhD from Berkeley scholarly publications of all kinds here he is taking a stand with the Austrians he could be anywhere he could be doing whatever he wants and he's with us."
"Academic freedom does not mean that you get to assert your own opinions as facts and shut down students when they try to push back on that."
"It caused you to be uninvited from Harvard from speaking. Yeah, no, it did because like they messaged me directly and they said specifically that this was the reason why."
"Professors at the college quickly launch an investigation and conclude that the Orbis channeling unfathomable amounts of magical power."
"Martini is considered sort of the creme de la creme Jesuit of the 60s."
"Why do medical schools care so much about your MCAT and GPA?"
"Research is always open-ended; if you know the answer, it's not research."
"Your cover letter is your one shot. Convince the journal why they should publish your paper."
"Campus adjacency bonuses will be amazing for us."
"If one were say writing a book about the mainstreaming of white nationalism one would certainly consider featuring this as supporting evidence for one's main point." - Professor Jesse Daniels of Hunter College
"That just does it for me, the Dean of the college showed up to talk to police."
"These thesis statements are so good that I can finish them all before the game runs as the wars have started and ended."
"A literature review is kind of similar to a book review except it more generally covers a lot of the significant research on a topic at the same time."
"Donald Shoup, a UCLA professor and parking guru..."
"The Euler-Lagrange equation, it is arguably one of the most important equations ever." - Caption 7
"A walk in a graph is a sequence of vertices and edges."
"The Ackerman explanation plus a little bit of theory."
"This is their real thoughts and you can read their papers for yourself."
"NP completeness unifies thousands of problems that were previously distinct."
"I started out my academic career as an art historian with a major in Asian languages."
"Overall, I think the dorm room feels academic, global, interesting, and soothing at the same time."
"Beating someone in chess will put you more ahead academically than anyone with a Harvard degree."
"From an academic or theoretical perspective, the availability of traceable shares would allow us to begin to ask really interesting questions."
"His talk next week is entitled on genocide and crimes against humanity."
"I just submitted my last ever assignment."
"The first time I got the dean's list."
"I think taking that panis off really helps people helps decrease the flow, decrease the pressure on the legs and stuff like that so I think there's a lot of academic reasons for doing that as well too."
"I got the Dean's List this year. I never imagined that would happen."
"I'm not a historian, I'm certainly not an academic historian."
"She's a chemical and biomolecular engineering major at Georgia Tech."
"Your stopwatch for academics is like five years."
"Emma laments that she's really good when it comes to classroom work but she seems to fail on the practicals, especially food and wine."
"From an academic standpoint your 319 doesn't worry me that much because you have the story of your upward trend that backs up that you found this passion that you found what you wanted to do."
"It's going to change the score for CEC, and that little difference in five to ten points can really make or break your application."
"We aim for academic and personal success and refuse to accept anything less."
"The work has already been done before this advice applies to coursework assignments and forms of work where you need to show evidence of say original thinking to get good marks."
"I failed multiple times, my GPA tanked because of those failures."
"The most important thing is just really focus on your GPA."
"I liked how I ended it, leading on to the fact that I'm interested in Behavioral economics as well."
"From an academic point of view, hopefully I've changed and maybe developed, optimized my narrative and my arguments."
"I had done all that before so I was getting President's List and straight 4.0 GPA, not even trying that hard."
"A 4.0 while you're playing for a top school."
"The purpose of a literature review in a dissertation is to establish the scholarly significance of the research problem by showing previous research in this area."
"Whether you agree or disagree with him all we ask is do it in an academic way."
"Peer review process: accept, reject, modify."
"Journal article sections: title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion."
"The minimum offer is A*AA, and it has to involve one of those being in chemistry."
"You want to check the formatting and style rules of your target journal."
"When it comes to academic choices, Touro's Lander College for Men boasts a wide array of major and pre-professional tracks with over 20 options, including accounting, mathematics, premed, and more."
"I can completely fail this exam...and I will still pass the class."
"Welcome, my name is Max Melman. I'm the director of the Law and Medicine Center here at Case Western Reserve University School of Law."
"...turns out the professor was true to his word I got an A for my solution."
"At this point I will be happy if ED fails the class."
"It's not necessarily a forbidden topic it's not something that is completely off limits as the academic world has treated it all this time."
"I got good grades yeah I graduated with a 4.2 GPS really were you like top of your class uh top three percent which is why I got the scholarship yes period."
"Education in music and academic education is marvelous."
"Dating the Hebrew Bible is different than normal dating of teenage boys and girls. It's a more complicated process."
"This concludes the Lillie Woodward synthesis of lysergic acid."
"...tell them what a wonderful colloquium they've given us."
"Length is important, longer essays tend to score better, so write as much as you can."
"UCT has a proud tradition of academic excellence and is currently the top-rated University in Africa and one of the top-rated universities in the world."
"...it took two to three years after that of a lot of Library research..."
"She demonstrates very effectively why researching this area is so important."
"Citation is a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author."
"Academic writing in particular calls on writers not simply to express their own idea but to do so as a response to what others have said."
"I'm encouraged by the number of people who are presenting here on the development of borderline pathology."
"Let's try to understand what is the systematic literature review process."
"Do your conclusion... it makes you keep a consistent line through your work."
"Write your introduction... start setting out what your argument is, where you are arguing all along."
"Reference... if you're using a word document you can literally just click the reference button and it'll do it."
"Find more sources that will support you and challenge your argument."
"If you are working on your multi-year project or on your diploma thesis and you need some nice class diagrams for your solution, you can easily use this class diagram feature from Visual Studio."
"This is the second session of this webinar series: How to write a literature review paper for a high impact factor journal."
"I have with me an interesting guest... Dr. Michael Shermer, Presidential Fellow at Chapman University and the publisher of Skeptic magazine."
"Education about inner world, emotion, how to tackle emotion as a part of academic subject not religious subject."
"Our publications office was created to help student research."
"In the end, I cleared my project, got pretty good marks too."
"Reviewing papers is very crucial if you want to master the topic."
"Good research starts with a good question."
"Instead of just sharing my personal opinions and experiences... I want to start doing videos where I'm also really trying my best to look at academic papers and scientific research studies."
"We gather here to celebrate a book that has since transformed numerous academic fields and disciplines."
"King's is such a good university academically, I can definitely vouch for it myself."
"The course needs to be an event; remember, the course is the thesis of your term paper."
"Personal statement is the most important document that you produce in order to get into university."
"I hope today has given you a little bit of a taster into what a day in the life of a research student is like."
"Scoring good in these tests will also make them believe that yes, you have academic qualifications and you're skilled enough when it comes to academics, and this will help you land up with good scholarship opportunities which will help you in studying abroad for free."
"Academic writing is one of the most important skills you can have as a college student."
"The 'cited by' feature is a strong indicator that an article is credible."
"Use topic sentences, use transitions, all of your good writing skills."
"I'm Professor Excavator, the greatest snowball thrower."
"Being able to carry a paper, like from the beginning to end and really owning that was really helpful."
"Stratification economics is an approach really in reaction to the inability of mainstream or orthodox economics to explain persisting group inequality."
"What I would like to discuss today is stochastic programming problems of a very simple kind."
"I think what's interesting is whilst Marcus is very academically clever."
"Asia was really good at school and she loved science, she loved math."
"He's been an academic stud, won the Skip Prosser award, top scholar-athlete at ACC basketball, such a prestigious honor."
"Working in an academic practice can really provide you with many ways, many streams of fulfillment, and of course, income."
"The purpose of a reference is twofold: one, it gives you, the writer, the opportunity to give credit where credit's due; and two, it gives the reader the option to access or retrieve any sources you reference in your writing."
"All references follow either an italic title or an italic source formatting pattern."
"Systematic review papers are reproducible."
"This is why this paper is very important."
"The dissertation was widely considered an absolute masterpiece."
"Possibly my favorite paper of the century so far, not including my own."
"Find a balance between your academic life and social life."
"I critique papers all the time at the request of editors."
"This is probably one of the most influential papers on that space."
"I really hope you found this paper walkthrough interesting."
"There are more ideas in this one paper than probably any other ten papers you could easily put your hands on."
"It is an essay that you submit as an academic biography."
"The methodology that you choose should be the most suitable one to answer those golden thread notions of the aims, objectives, and research questions."
"My brother was top of his class at Harvard."
"Coming up with a thorough future work section of your paper is a very big contribution of your systematic review article."
"I was extraordinarily grateful to receive the invitation to come today and speak about Yates and Bruno."
"Summarize the argument that you've made, don't introduce any new ideas."
"I hope that you found these tips and suggestions useful because I definitely think this will help you immensely improve your academic writing."
"Let me show you how to use EndNote to your advantage."
"The process of referencing and writing is also made easier."
"You will find [software] notes particularly helpful when writing your literature review."
"Merit scholarships mean if you are an academically good achieving student... you stand a good chance of getting this merit scholarship."
"You can also renew this scholarship every year... as long as you keep your grades up."
"You can hear a pin drop in this campus right now."
"We have achieved exceptional academic success and are destined to set even higher markers as we progress."
"The PRISMA statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram to help authors conduct and report the results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses."
"Nature is one of the world's most read and most prestigious academic journals."
"Finding definitions and references of symbols is something even more useful."
"I love you guys to the moon and back, and I wish you the very best of luck in your brand new academic school year."
"Whatever your thesis is, make sure that it makes an appearance somewhere in your introduction."
"When it came to academics, the spotlight was all mine."
"This is actually a very good paper; it has some fundamental insights that I think are worth revisiting."
"So far this paper is extremely easy, I only saw one out of the ordinary question."
"Cohesion is an important feature of academic writing; it can help ensure that your writing coheres or sticks together."
"I'm a star student in the classroom."
"I do calculations in the classroom."
"Your essays will be read according to criteria... the rhetorical force of your argument, the organization of your essay, how you've supported and developed the points in your essay."
"IELTS is unique because it has a general training and an academic test."
"She was a straight-A student with a love for music and always wanted to help others."
"I'm gonna take a break, I just turned in my last assignment for finals."
"I am working toward the completion of my academic book, my proper academic book."
"The students given comments made a 30 percent improvement from the pretest to the post-test."
"For us, transfection equals research, and I'm sure it does for a lot of you at the bench."
"As I work on adding pages to my thesis, I thought I'd talk about SDS-PAGE electrophoresis."
"It facilitates the creation of new theory."
"What is a visual abstract? It is a visual representation of the main findings typically found in the abstract portion of a research article."
"Academic medical centers are the ideal environment for bringing together all the elements that are needed to really realize the potential of AI."
"I would always get an A in English or like spelling or something like that, anything I got to do with like words."
"I'm very interested in how the academic modeling that we're doing is linked more closely with the people who have to make decisions."
"Having spent two years in the U.S., I'm ready to embark on the next step in my academic journey."
"How to write a phenomenological dissertation: A step-by-step guide."
"Academic publishing has transformed in the last 20 years."
"Academic integrity is always a consideration; it's important that we're citing appropriately."
"This is one of the most influential papers in computer vision."
"Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize the academic achievement of college students and provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders."
"White's correction is called heteroscedastic consistent covariance matrix estimator."
"One of the good things about it is that you can do a mixed methods approach to the analysis of your research data."
"The scoping review is quite new, with one of the first articles coming out in 2005, but since then, the number of scoping reviews published has risen exponentially."
"This is a short paper but it's super dense and it covers a lot of academic and intellectual ground."
"We also posted details on the course project and instructions, including instructions for the proposal, the milestone and the final project and poster session."
"She was an honor student, a year away from graduating high school, extremely interested in mathematics, and had plans to go into computer science."
"Journal articles are some of the most rigorous pieces of work that you can reference in your work."
"Referencing isn't necessarily the most fun thing in the world, but if you don't get better marks after watching this video, I'll eat my hat."
"I've shown you my master thesis project and I'm going to be talking about this project a lot more in depth."
"It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this year's cast lectures."
"I actually have my prospectus colloquium with the afam department."
"I'm going to go to the prospectus colloquium, then Chanel and I are going to go to fussy coffee."
"This is a really good one-stop shop on all your common sources."
"An increasingly important part of research is publishing and sharing research data."
"Your work in the University you're currently studying at, whether it's a bachelor's program or a master's, could evolve into something really big."
"It's always good to cite it and then you can create a bibliography at the end."
"I just got an email from my professor saying class is cancelled, and I'm so happy I could literally cry tears of joy."
"I'm very excited to be here today and I'm basically just going to be doing math research live."
"She was also very smart and academic."
"The most important sentence in the whole essay is the thesis statement because it gives the essay its structure."
"For the above reasons, I am confident that [student's name] will make an excellent addition to your graduate program, and I wholeheartedly support [him/her] for admission to your program."
"Comparison contrast is a really common thing that you're going to see in academic assignments."
"We can't thrive academically if we don't have a strong foundation and support our mental health."
"I've cultivated a long history of study and research activities which I believe I can extend at your prestigious institution."
"The statement of purpose is a very significant component of an individual applicant's full profile."
"Is the style of writing clear and appropriate for college-level or AP-level writing?"
"The ability to write well on form and structure is actually usually what gives students a leg up in exams."
"Trace out your timeline of your academic career and the significant events in your life that led you to get to this point here today."
"I've spent more than 60 years studying the brain, and it was pure joy."
"The style and language are much more appropriate for an academic essay."
"I was honestly a really big fan of this paper."
"Just imagine doing a research paper every single night."
"That essay you wrote on post-colonial conservatives was brilliant."
"That's a very high scoring paper, a live reaction pretty good all around, I'd say."
"We're going to use it in this lecture quite a bit."
"Being in the interdisciplinary environment would allow me to grow in more ways than just academically."
"Make sure to note which grade is required for your progression."