
'Scream' Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It's not an exaggeration to say that director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson's 'Scream' changed horror when it debuted in 1996."
"'Scream' is scary because there's something there hiding beneath all the winks and nods to the genre, something that feels a little too close to home."
"There's strong statistical evidence that smoking, health, happiness, voting patterns, and cooperation levels are all contagious."
"Every time I am re-watching the first Scream movie, I am just anticipating the last 10 minutes because I want to see Stu be his crazy ghost self."
"Scream is one of the most influential horror films ever made."
"Randy Meeks steals every moment that he's on the screen."
"Gale Weathers is one of the most complex characters of the bunch."
"I was left to curl up on the ground and scream."
"We discovered in space no one can hear you scream."
"I screamed so loud it echoed through the night."
"My voice caught in my throat as I tried to scream, but sheer terror propelled me to my feet."
"I screamed a sound almost unfamiliar from my own mouth."
"And then screamed at, a scream that might be the greatest, most situationally inappropriate scream in history."
"A distinct woman's voice from across the creek screamed in a gutter away, 'Help me!'"
"They didn't scream at first, she thought they were me and why wouldn't she."
"That [__] scream was priceless bro."
"I screamed, realizing this was no dream."
"The monster's scream was blood-curdling."
"Sydney Prescott nef Campbell is always welcome back in a Scream movie."
"The involvement of Kevin Williamson cuz my God as a scream fan Kevin Williamson is what makes a Scream movie for me."
"His ghostly scream followed by a heavy thud can be heard to this day."
"Scream's always gonna be good, it's a good slasher film."
"I heard the most blood-curdling scream I'd ever heard in my entire life."
"He took the surfer into its mouth at the waist, the scream he let out was indescribable."
"I cannot actually stress to you enough the importance of the opening scream of Scream."
"Just 14 months after the last Scream movie."
"Last night both heard this, what only sounded like a man screaming in pain, in agony."
"I screamed even louder when I saw him, then he gently put his hand on my mouth and said 'Please calm down, I'll explain everything. I'll take my hand away now, okay?'"
"I started screaming again. He pushed me into the corner and stood up. He said, 'Sorry, sis. I have to do this. Forgive me.'"
"I couldn't find anything to answer the Duke, I could only scream, remembering his words,"
"The young couple chatted for a few minutes when all of the sudden their conversation was broken up by Angela's screams."
"I couldn't scream. It was as if I was frozen in fear."
"I always fantasized about screaming into a giant infinite hole."
"I heard it behind me screaming too, unlike mine, it was a scream of frustrated rage."
"I screamed so loud I probably woke everyone up from a mile away."
"It made a scream that maybe collapsed the floor in agony."
"She hears a woman scream from below."
"She drops her lantern and screams…"
"Nagi finds himself startled by Erica's sudden scream, compelling him to rush towards the bathroom."
"The creature smiled, and that's when I screamed."
"A blood-curdling scream echoed through the night."
"This girl went ahead and chose... Lima to be a guest for the head of our lounge... I was screaming."
"No more than six steps into his journey, his blood turned to ice as a deep guttural scream shattered the Eerie silence."
"...a blood curdling sharp scream come directly from the entrance."
"As they were busy putting in their traps they heard a blood curdling scream, it sounded at first like a wild man screaming in the bushes right next to them."
"It frightened me so much that I couldn't even build up a scream."
"I don't think anything has really changed the game of horror the way that scream did and not only did it do that but it's Timeless it's entertaining no matter what age you are no matter who you are no matter when you go back to watch it."
"Do you not then hear this horrible scream all around you that people usually call silence?"
"What's your favorite scary movie? Yeah, mine is Scream."
"My favorite part of every Scream movie is when they play the game."
"It was like my instincts could pick up on some kind of primal terror within that scream."
"It was an earth-shattering, ungodly scream unlike anything I have ever heard before or since."
"I woke up to him screaming at the top of his lungs 18 minutes after midnight last night."
"I had taken three steps when a scream pierced the quiet of the mountain."
"Nobody knows Scream like he knows Scream."
"We both heard that most chilling screaming which must have lasted 45 seconds to a minute."
"The type of scream that just immediately makes you feel sick to your stomach and terrified."
"The scream shattered the silence of the forest, echoing through the trees, reverberating off dense foliage."
"It was a scream of a being experiencing his true nature for the first time."
"Arthur let out a tormented scream, unable to maintain his composure."
"The creature flinched in shock, letting out the most haunting and blood-curdling scream."
"It leaned its head back and let out a scream that sent ripples through my body."
"Why does the jalapeno scream? For he has no eyes to see, for he has no ears to hear, yet the jalapeno screams."
"Suddenly it let out this scream that made our hair stand on end; it was a guttural scream that wavered."
"I hope this helped tell you a little bit more about the origins of the first Scream masks used in the original 1996 film."
"Literally that screams holiday to me."