
Film Legacy Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The legacy of 'Scream' is the new wave of meta commentary within horror that re-energized the genre."
"The best thing to come out of all the spin-off media associated with the film was the video game."
"I feel like this is worth the 10 years of movies that we've been doing."
"Her enduring legacy as 'Baby' in 'Dirty Dancing' cements her as a beloved figure in film history."
"Jedi was huge, Jedi was the confirmation that the blockbuster was there to stay."
"Back to the Future, one of those pinnacle films of all time."
"It's almost become as iconic as the movie itself."
"Films like Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, and Good Will Hunting solidified Robin Williams' legacy."
"Women have always been in Star Wars and some of the most famous characters of all time are in Star Wars."
"Titanic after all these years still gives me chills."
"Tony's announcement 'I am Iron Man' sets up the entire MCU and the incredible 23 films in the Infinity Saga."
"I think the fact that Sigourney Weaver is coming back and kind of tying in a way you're saying about Prometheus Christian is it this could be a passing of the torch"
"The result is something to be treasured, and each of the three films has earned its status as one of the greatest films ever made."
"The best thing that it will hopefully come out of this is that more people go back and watch Rudy ray Moore movies."
"He did these films that not only played a big part in childhood emotionally, but still hold up today."
"There's so much more good to talk about with Don Bluth."
"20 years, $3 billion, and 17 Academy Awards later, it continues to be one of the most celebrated films of all time."
"The legacy of Lord of the Rings is monumental, and it's still celebrated today."
"No single line of dialogue in the movie is more iconic than John telling hands yippee-ki-yay mother father a quote that has been recalled in every single die-hard sequel and has enjoyed as a pop culture staple for over three decades."
"2001 is this is the grandfather of all such films."
"According to Kevin Feige, this was a full-circle moment considering the wasp was a legacy character in the Marvel Comics."
"Michael Myers has always been among the scariest forces in cinematic history, but his own legacy earned another feather in its cap with the rebootquel."
"Why now? It's always going to have a Sarah Connor."
"Thanks to this, a new generation of movie and TV buffs have been introduced to her and her iconic film roles from the 80s and 90s."
"Indiana Jones is a really solid iconic trilogy."
"All his moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain."
"Would Star Wars be as big of a phenomenon today if Empire and Return of the Jedi hadn't come out? No, it wouldn't be as big, but we would still be talking about that first Star Wars movie."
"He left behind an extraordinary collection of films, and made an indelible mark on the face of horror cinema."
"I'm glad they're at least making the most of that character. You know, he's not just a quick throwaway kaiju anymore. He's got a little bit of a legacy here with the monster verse."
"Fan obsession with Tim Burton's Batman has extended to present day."
"This movie would massively influence the action films that followed it."
"You can't think of the Golden Age of Hollywood without thinking of Betty Davis."
"The legacy of Black Panther goes beyond statistical facts and award nominations; it threw open the doors to say to everybody: you belong here too."
"The heart and soul of what a big part of what made the Karate Kid what it is and stand the test of time."
"After hundreds of movies and countless interpretations, there is still only one man who is synonymous with the zombie movie - George A. Romero."
"The legacy of the movies is that my children's generation will show them to their children."
"Seeing her performance just kind of cements this film as part of the legacy."
"Exposure to these movies could have an impact on new generations."
"...and I think that they always taught us to you know swing for the fences and be bold and take risks and and make big choices because that's how films get remembered..."
"But I never felt important about telling you that I was a career director or a genius or any other damn thing when I pass on. I want to remember this, John Ford, a guy that made westerns. God."
"It just feels like being in these, you get to be a part of film history."
"Halloween would be up his alley, but also Jamie Curtis connecting with her mom from Psycho."
"Creed is the best legacy sequel of all time to my mind; it's the only one I've ever seen that has managed to completely stick the landing."
"Ghost even has a Kurosawa mode in honor of the legendary filmmaker, which meant that we needed dramatic lighting, biting wind, and expressive skies and atmospherics."
"However, the audience reception was quite different; Highlander quickly garnered a dedicated fan base and achieved a kind of cult status among moviegoers."
"It Happened One Night remained a cinematic treasure."
"The series was saved and was able to then go on to have the future it has had because of the actions of Jamie Lee Curtis."
"Whatever you do, do the best you can because the film lives forever."
"Dead of Night still stands as the film it was in 1945, which is this pinnacle both of British cinema and of horror cinema."
"The Exorcist has terrified audiences across the world since its release in 1973 and still stands as one of the scariest horror films to this day."
"Ginger Rogers, immortalized for her captivating performances, graced the silver screen with her unparalleled talent and grace."
"Throughout a half-century history that included over 200 films, the Stooges have certainly left their mark on the world of comedy."
"Batman '89 continues to stand the test of time."
"Princess Leia... was no doubt one of the best there's ever been."
"It still holds up, it stands the test of time."
"That Debo character will forever be a classic."