
Spiritual Influence Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"May we be vessels of light that cast out darkness wherever we engage it in our minds and hearts."
"The Holy Spirit never coerces, never compels, never puts on the pressure, and never bullies."
"Every time you make the sign of the cross in public and pray, you're placing a drop of Grace on every person who sees it."
"That's what it means to be a saint—one who is sanctified and is sanctifying everything they touch."
"When God's presence comes, it shakes what's not of Him."
"God's hand is all over you... you are an example of His goodness."
"God truly is using you as we help people around the world find God and find life."
"The church is the actual entity right now that the Holy Spirit is using to hold back evil."
"This life we live, whether you want to accept it or not, is affected by the spiritual realm you can't see."
"A companion is a sahib, someone who drags you to paradise or hellfire."
"It's amazing how his strength has returned at one point I couldn't even get over the fence the next moment reinvigorated by the spirit of god he's ready to go hike the hill gomorrah and he knew it when he saw it."
"If God can get your heart, He can change your habits."
"It was the one book that did it for me and that's the Holy Bible."
"There is no more powerful parenting than prophetic parenting."
"The anointing upon you can be multi-faceted - it's going to determine your audience, who likes you and who hates you."
"The realm of the spirit controls the physical realm."
"If you're constantly late, you have a loss of time, confusion. Could be a demonic spirit."
"I think the one that had the largest impact on my life would be the Bhagavad Gita."
"Sometimes spirits that moves death, that gotta be Mos Def."
"Everyone can be a beneficiary of his person and his ministry."
"In and through your career, men will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Zaneb is a martyr now, she will save us all."
"This moon is astoundingly powerful for your heart's truth."
"It's amazing how the Creator that happens on earth, the law, oh, he's able to change hearts and then use that person like yourself and as an amazing example for others to really reflect and think over."
"Buddha like everyone, it just touches everyone."
"It's not a demon, it's the Holy Spirit working."
"Any promise that God makes in his word is redeemable at any shop of life because his words are actions in motion."
"The divine feminine's role in consciousness."
"People will be curious when you understand the Bible."
"There's nothing that goes on in the physical realm that is not inspired by something that's happening in the spiritual."
"The power of divine love also helps man channel this divine mind power to all his actions."
"The role of intercession in a church is the push and pull of all vision."
"The voice of your god can penetrate the walls of the virtual world."
"Grace helps your work ethic. Paul said, 'But the grace of God that was working in me.'"
"Bethel's model: Bringing Heaven to Earth." - Describing Bethel's mission and motto.
"I'm actually not the source of everything... I'm merely an aftermath of the love, wisdom, and knowledge that God Himself gives me."
"They love that you bring all of this spiritual experience and wisdom."
"Demonstration of God's power leads people to God."
"The 'yes' unto the Lord changes and confronts atmospheres."
"The heart resonance will go out like a field and it will affect all other energies in that field."
"Spirituality is just going to play an important role."
"Results in this kingdom are intentional, results in this kingdom meet they don't just appear they are made by a combination of spiritual laws."
"When you are truly faithful, other people see it but more than that, God sees it."
"People around the world were attracted to his teachings."
"The Holy Spirit is a game changer in your life, he's a game changer in every situation."
"Brother Grant, if I could always be with you, I could cure you."
"A spiritual force field of light and love is being flooded into the world of matter."
"Music being used to heal also ties into the old world... anyone standing in there would be totally healed."
"An unclean spirit alters your perception of self."
"I've taken, like so many other near-death experiencers, a little piece of heaven back into what I do in my daily practice with patients."
"Please don't rob the world of a prophetic voice that speaks on behalf of Jesus Christ."
"Whether you attribute it to spirits or our own subconscious mind at work, it's pretty cool."
"Few people appreciate how important angelic influences are in human affairs."
"Venus making a strong spiritual combination... extremely strong results towards peace, harmony, and balance."
"Your testimonies of transformation are impacting millions and will impact the world."
"The most powerful, most spiritual thing you could probably do is be an example for other people."
"Focused intensity over time multiplied by God creates unstoppable momentum."
"You have no idea how God might use one moment of boldness to change someone's life."
"This Sagittarius full moon super moon is through this manifestation each and every one of us is receiving a manifestation of some kind."
"Reagan wrapped conservative ideals in religion and spirituality."
"The change that God had made in me emanated from me."
"It is a sound of praise and worship in the midst of all this controversy, God injects his narrative and bones rattle."
"Empowerment is not about someone giving you something that you don't have. It means that God brings someone in your life and that person becomes a catalyst for you."
"We just love the fact that God is using you."
"You can never discount the power of the Word of God."
"Merit can shift your whole world, even in times of deep suffering."
"Your shift in energy divine feminine has actually catalyzed this person into a spiritual awakening."
"As soon as they got in her presence the demon just like I can't do this anymore and then the possessions over because of her holiness."
"God is gonna move through men, God is gonna move through his church, the body."
"Make it your goal to give the world a daily glimpse of Jesus."
"What if we had people on fire with the spirit of Jesus break out in every sphere of influence in our society?"
"God wants to use us, angels continue to impress us."
"Your presence alone motivates a greater Collective Awakening."
"When it's really dark, one Christian lit in love with God illuminates the whole place."
"The presence of God wants to affect the nations."
"You are of light, and it's going to attract so many different things to you, but you are for some of those things, you can only be the light."
"The knowledge is to invigorate your spirit and to spread that vibration with others."
"There's something powerful about an everyday average person testifying about the Lord working in your life."
"Reflect the image of Christ to those who are perishing."
"The most powerful thing you and I do is to pray."
"Be a billboard for what Jesus is doing in your life."
"His greatness will shine into you and make you whole again."
"I just believe when God can have the opportunity to affect your thinking and when God can have the opportunity to be a part of your mindset—a mind that's set on Him—I believe that He'll give to you when you sleep."
"Jezebel spirit is skilled at manipulation and getting people to do its bidding."
"I hope that Ravi Zacharias has inspired you to do just that."
"The name of the Lord must be glorified in all the earth."
"Your spiritual life is dictating the course of your physical life."
"2019 I got out the sheet of paper I got the pencil and I made a game plan and it changed me changed my family change those around me it brought people to Jesus Christ and made me into a saint because I got serious with those goals"
"God takes an ordinary life and uses it for extraordinary impact."
"Can a Christian be under the influence of a demonic spirit? Absolutely."
"He's one of the most famous ministers in our lifetime really and led the longest revival."
"Nature forms us, sin deforms us, environments conform us, schools inform us, prisons reform us, but only Christ can transform."
"Devil energy trying to get somebody not to be vulnerable."
"You have great power in the spiritual realm."
"You have the power to break generational curses."
"The Midas Touch is not about literal riches but a metaphor for the profound spiritual and energetic influence they wield."
"The most moral the most heroic the most influential human beings have submitted their lives their hearts and their minds to Christ."
"None can say he is lord except the holy spirit draws them. It's our prayers that gets them saved."
"We must show them that her wings stretch across these lands, never-ending."
"Religion absolutely can help your mental health."
"The positive impact Hoffman would have on one specific individual would propel her career in spirituality."
"God has placed you here and now at this time in space, at this point in space in his kingdom when so much is about to happen in which you will be involved and concerning which you will have some great influence."
"The power of one soul becoming a butterfly influences millions."
"One prophetic word can transform everything."
"Father in the name of Jesus, I hope the Holy Spirit has penetrated even the most stony heart."
"Empowered, your face shining with my authority."
"The faith of a wife can save the entire family."
"The character of Jesus has done more to regenerate and soften mankind than all the dispositions of philosophers."
"The goodness of God brings men to repentance."
"You can just tell that there's an anointing on her, and I don't know, I love her so much."
"Our authority in Christ Jesus can change the very cities that we are in..."
"Hallelujah and amen, that is an amazing story. I mean, you think about the Corey Ten Boom family, the whole family. They didn't play it safe, they followed Jesus."
"Our gospel didn't come in word but in power."
"Jealousy just couldn't come and jump on you. No, no, no, the way that the spirit world operates like I've been teaching you is that there have to be existing reasons in order for it to come and take up residency."
"When the Spirit of God has been imparted into a human heart, it gives change." - Unknown
"The Lord has used him to touch kings, drive out demons, and pioneer Deliverance."
"The Bible is like a letter. It's God's Word. It's something that can shape your whole being."
"Your spirit, your spark, is facilitating all of this major success."
"Your person feels like you put them onto spirituality. You inspire them to connect more with Spirit."
"Our prayers are protecting America from total destruction while causing the shaking that will produce a reset."
"If I be lifted up from the Earth, I will draw all men unto me."
"You're either influenced by God or your flesh is influenced by Satan."
"There's something about releasing the angels of God so that they can begin to bring things into the realm that we operate, and those things are powerful, those things are real."
"Spirit energy, yeah I feel like this is the source of why everything good is happening for you in 2024..."
"The Upanishads have been the solace of my life and they will be the solace of my death." - Schopenhauer
"Jesus is the most incredible being ever, he trumps all volumes of encyclopedias."
"Spiritual warfare changes the atmosphere within your homes, communities, and nations."
"After we have you, may we be able to point people to you and show them our faith, God, by our works."
"It's almost like there's some kind of demonic spirit that's playing on people right now."
"Every person that accepts Christ they affect numerous others, here we go people, I mean I have people tell me all the time all about her, I started watching your program got saved and now my mom's saved, my dad's saved, my cousins are saved."
"The gospel speaks to the whole person, not just to the soul but the whole person."
"God's word in dreams can surpass physical evidence, shaping futures before they unfold."
"When members of Congress see an extraordinarily spiritual person, they themselves are humbled."
"The gospel will be revealed as a living power, not a written power."
"Once you've thought about everything enough and calmed down your emotions enough, just go with your intuition and what you think Spirit and the Divine is nudging you towards the most."
"There is an inherent power in the Word of God."
"The gospel is every bit as powerful in their lives as it is in mine if not more so."
"Living a holy life leads to people asking you questions."
"People become what they behold." - Pastor James
"I am rooting for Christianity to succeed, you are bringing the world to my Torah."
"The Quran's authority over hearts is a miracle."
"The way you cheer other people on, even in your down season, shows God a lot."
"It's easy to be fake and phony in public and on Instagram if Jesus is not the third party."
"If something invites and entices to do good, it comes from Christ."
"Father, I pray God that you would anoint and that you would baptize social media in the fire of God..."
"The reason we're called to be salt is so that people can find something different to what is going on around them."
"The Adhan is so powerful that Shaitaan runs away when he hears it."
"The presence of the Holy Spirit within Christians was causing the false gods to have to be honest about who they were, what they were doing, and who the true God is."
"One seed, just one word from God, can change everything."
"If there's some disagreements amongst exorcists, the devil wants to insert himself into that discussion to fracture the ministry."
"It's always great to see somebody that's been able to transform their life or that God has been able to transform their life and now they're moving on to do better things."
"You have power over certain people, places, and things, especially in the spirit realm."
"One day he prays that it stops raining, the next time he prays that it starts raining, and heaven responds. That's the power of prayer, getting heaven to respond to your earthly requests for a supernatural intervention."
"As believers, we're either giving into the pressure of the world or the pressure of the word."
"Sometimes everything changes when the person who's filled with the Holy Spirit and loves the Lord shows up. Like, life changes."
"Most of us are driven today in our testimonies by things like Joseph Smith's vision, the Book of Mormon, other doctrines that have been revealed."
"The Christian man makes this one of his great delights if by any means he may turn a sinner by the power of the spirit from the error of his ways."
"Our hearts must be under the authority of the scripture, under the influence of the Spirit, at the foot of the cross."
"Every addiction that people struggle with is something where the devil is trying to get us to hurt ourselves."
"Never underestimate the power of God's word. God's word does not return to him void."
"God has given woman the ability to influence. Along with that privilege comes a responsibility to use it well and to use it for God's glory."
"If you listen closely to this ministry today, you're going to take a risk of being impacted by the Holy Ghost because he is a man of the word and a man of the Spirit."
"...because she had such an affinity for me, you know? She just like really loved me and just exposed me to good spiritual things."
"God's glory should shape our daily habits, behaviors, and activities."
"The more you're influenced by your soul or by source, then the easier it gets to identify with that with the most ideal version of yourself."
"Our speaker for this Lent event is one of my favorite friends and scholars, and in many ways, he is a lifesaver to me. His writing and his thinking and his experiences with God as conveyed in his books were nothing short of transformative."
"How often we'd like to beat people into submission, but in fact, it's the sweet appeal of your spirit through your word that breaks down those rocky resistant reefs and brings people in heartfelt worship to the feet of Christ."
"There are these spiritual powers who gave to man knowledge he wasn't ready for that's been destructive."
"Once a person is in the sphere of the Dhyanalinga, he cannot escape the sowing of the spiritual seed of liberation within himself."
"He has a spiritual effect on you that motivates the best in you."
"One person can change everything because Jesus did, and you have Him inside of you."
"The anointing brings you before kings."
"He changes the way you walk, he changes the way you talk, and he changes the way you behave."
"You cannot have power with men for God until first you have power with God for man."
"You're the only Bible some people are gonna read."
"When God fills you, it's going to be discovered in the people around you."
"A lot of us now are where we are spiritually because of how he influenced us and led us."
"When it changes your thoughts, it is a blessing."
"And then I hear this monk, and he captivated me like no one had ever captivated me before."
"There's just something about that name of Jesus that when we speak, the very atmosphere changes."
"Prayer actually affects the whole world and incredible though it seems, any one person making themselves open to God in prayer is somehow giving God a way into helping and healing the world."
"You've been desensitized to the presence of God because of who you've let in your spirit."
"The anointing once it comes on you will change your mindset."
"There is power in the word of God; there's no other book in the world that has more power than this."
"Spiritual direction inspires my creative flow."
"In order to amend, to adjust, to alter, to augment anything in this physical world, it has to be achieved from the spiritual world or from a spiritual perspective."
"The Holy Spirit takes our words spoken in human weakness and carries them home with power to the heart, the mind, the conscience, and the will of the hearers in such a way that they see and believe."
"The influence of the Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul."
"God uses people out of their generation to touch their generation."
"The spiritual world governs the physical world."
"It is the phantom of our own self whose intimate relationship with and whose powerful influence upon our soul either plunges us into hell or elevates us to heaven."
"Zoroastrianism has offered us a view of the lofty ideals a religion can inspire in its followers."
"God gave to the world one of the greatest imitators of Christ that the world has ever known."
"It says something about the power of her faith and the power of other people's faith at this time too to transform the world."
"Is anybody going to heaven because of you?"
"We're supposed to be drunk with the Holy Spirit, controlled by influence inside of us, not outside."
"God has really used him as a voice and most of the themes of the churches that they use today."
"The duas that we make can ultimately affect how they become."
"Best-selling author Stormy Morgan has been a beautiful gift to the family of God for decades."
"Anybody who stands under the moon beams of Radharani's compassion will be touched, whoever they may be."