
Character Selection Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"I'm so tall... No, Cory, I should be the Enderman. I'm way taller than you."
"Their cool abilities can make this a great race to play."
"Just really make sure that the playstyle of the character you're going for is something that you want, that you will enjoy, and that you will be using and won't regret."
"I always respect the out of the box thinking, whether it's switching to top tier characters or a brand new control scheme."
"I choose roles that are exciting to watch and have an interesting character inside of a story." - Samuel L. Jackson
"A Switch Pro isn't necessary but I wouldn't mind when it all and think it's going to happen."
"The traveler is your go-to free-to-play dendro option."
"Mr Sinister might strike you as an odd pick for one of our top spots on this list."
"I think if you want to play like a good melee character, you can't go wrong with the turtles."
"So basically, we're choosing our character class."
"Having Joker be the main villain was a complete no-brainer."
"Choose the character that you enjoy. If you don't pick a character you're having fun with, you're going to quit playing this game."
"Insta-lock your agent. I would rather have three insta-lock duelists with tons of games who are comfortable with their characters than three people on my team filling just because they want to create a good team comp."
"Phoenix is a very consistent agent so he's never really a bad pick but for different situations there might be better options than him."
"I'm predicting there will just be one Smash character."
"They undoubtedly made the right call with this one."
"LeBlanc shouldn't even get picked in the first place."
"For me, it's Morgana 10 out of 10 games. Unless our team's full AP, then it's Diana. If Diana's banned, then it's Karthus."
"Let's jump over here into the classes...and we're gonna select Barbarian at level one."
"Absolutely essential, probably my favorite four star in general."
"It really comes down to what character speaks to you the most."
"Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle. Who do I choose? They're all so good!"
"I'm ready to play, man. I got ash, I'm ready to go."
"Doctor Strange is my next character pick for this Marvel fighting game. Honestly, not much to say about Doctor Strange, it's Doctor Strange, you kind of have to have him."
"Reaper is one of the rarest ones we only need one spins for that."
"Believe It or Not There were reports at the time where players were getting banned just for picking this Champion."
"My god tier choice for this patch is going to be Greninja."
"Again it's not ideal in any way to cut out Pyro and Mithra but I'd love to see Elma in Smash sometime too."
"All the hidden fun characters for you to choose and mess with your friends."
"It's almost like you pick your favorite character and just go for it."
"Sombra is actually an actual off-meta good pick."
"Almost as finessed as Waluigi was for not being included in Mario Kart 7 over other community favorites like Wiggler and Queen V."
"Cassie was chosen by Kat because of her bravery."
"I can't recommend enough to choose a class based on their aesthetic."
"The most important decision you're going to have to make in Gotham Knights is choosing the right character."
"Batgirl is definitely the one you want to go with because you know you have two additional lives in your back pocket without being afraid of dying."
"Choosing which archetype is your Prime is a very important decision."
"Sharon Rogers, but I'm assuming that Sharon Rogers is your first character."
"If you want to play Seraphine, you have to be able to hit her note, otherwise you have to play another champ. I don't make the rules, okay?"
"Do not give Ornn Azir. I repeat, do not give the orange champ is here."
"By the end of this guide we'll have narrowed it down to a select few Champions that you'll love to play."
"Breach seems to be a strong pick for tighter maps, just like Reyes is."
"Choose companions based on their personalities, not just their classes."
"I feel like I should have just played a different character."
"Fundamentally defeated, and that's why I think if you want to be really good at Tekken, if you're serious about it, if you're serious about getting good at the game, you should pick a character that's fundamentally sound."
"S tier means turn your brain off, pick a character and you'll win most of your games."
"If you have good quality ultimates, you can always pick Sylas."
"In this run, I have a choice to make between my three godlike warriors, luckily I was able to collect the holy trinity that contains all the flavors of the wonder guardians within my roster."
"Are we only getting the worst villains? We could have easily had grief, we could have easily had freaking wrath or Pride or Kimberly. God damn, there are so many good villains in this show. Why you gotta pick the worst ones? He's overrated!"
"Caustic is my number one pick for the best ranked games in Apex..."
"The most important decision you'll make in your entire life picking a monster hunter weapon."
"Favorite overall? It's Greninja, I know that's a basic pick, but Greninja's cool."
"Choose your starter. We got Tuffy, we got Roku, we got Fox Kid. Of course, it's Goku, Luffy, so you... Who did you choose? You chose Naruto, right? Yeah, I chose Naruto Uzumaki."
"It stings that we're only putting one Mega Man Zero character in here, but if we can only pick one I think Sage is the best choice."
"Who I think they should take out Cloud for and put in this game smash 5 is Noctis from final fantasy 15."
"Pick who you like. Just because the character's hard doesn't mean you shouldn't main them. They can be learned; they just take more time."
"Vivi was considered for Dissidia NT but didn't make it as a playable character."
"Choosing a main character can be frustrating, but pick who you want to play."
"Kazuha is a contender for one of the best pulls that you can go for."
"There's probably one of those specs there that will actually fit your playstyle."
"Every smash game has never ended on a good final character."
"Players can pick which stage to start off with alongside an appropriate character."
"You can just go ahead and grab the top meta pick, or pick characters that can fill in the weaknesses of your current team."
"If I could even Miguel and laru would be recruited."
"It's Dwight Howard, you would just select a voice actor."
"Bring someone that doesn't even have type advantage like a basic AGL or basic intelligence unit."
"Skip these uniforms if you need a phoenix force character."
"Super Smash Flash is a Smash-style game where you can actually play as Mr. Incredible amongst many other random characters."
"It's tough to pick just 12 characters to feature on the deck."
"So Silk was the winner, so who do we not have now? We do not have the Sif and the White Elektra."
"The choices for the characters made sense though, they were all very popular and well-loved characters."
"How do you decide what character goes where? An image, as you may know, has a color on every pixel."
"Find a character that's close to who you are as close as possible."
"The most important part during this stage of the process is finding a character role that you really resonate with and sounds the most fun for you to play."
"Play the character that you think you're going to have fun to play with."