
Modern Issues Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Loneliness and isolation have become a modern epidemic."
"My concern is that it keeps us shackled to these Iron Age philosophies and conversations where we should be having a 21st-century conversation about everything, ethics included."
"The World By Us dolls focus on three girls living in the modern day tackling modern political issues like climate change, immigration, and racism."
"Slavery today has gone from ball-and-chain slavery to economic slavery and also psychological slavery."
"We don't listen to [the Founding Fathers] about anything. Why the [expletive] would we listen to them about an ectopic pregnancy and whether that's something that should be punishable by law?"
"The 'woke mind virus' is leading civilization to suicide."
"Gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time, a driver of disorientation and mistrust."
"She's gonna play that card, that's the modern identity politics that we get right now with people like Kamala Harris and the Democrats."
"The mainstream is crumbling and these types of things are more important."
"I literally did the opposite and it was a video to show how often this happens in modern-day dating."
"Who knows, information is gettable, we're hackable. Please don't say that."
"The lies these days are moving at the speed of light while spreading so much darkness."
"I'm not here to tickle the ears of the Modern Woman, I'm here to just bring the truth."
"Politics is just so... can we just leave bigots in 2020?"
"This is the modern equivalent of the abolitionist movement."
"People, especially nowadays, are so obsessed with knowing everything."
"People are embracing superficial speculation, replacing certainty with speculation."
"In the modern era, many of us feel disconnected and disillusioned with capitalism."
"All this over a little mug. Welcome to 2024, everyone!"
"We're living through a Renaissance of animal attacks, and I am here for it."
"It's the only form of slavery that exists in plain sight."
"Throughout human history, infectious diseases were the problem and suddenly today it is again."
"Narcissism is the cancer of the 21st century."
"None of that seems to matter to the modern-day Republican party."
"Watch out for the Orwellian language that is so common today."
"The modern Republican party is explicitly anti-reality."
"Nothing's coming, this comes on but it's nearly dead irrespective."
"Money trumps everything you guys. It's you gotta understand, money does trump everything more than politics and social things and all that. Economics, they just fuel everything especially in the modern era."
"The spirit of that conference is alive in today's intersectional feminism—the trigger warnings, the safe spaces, the microaggression monitors."
"This is not '60s bull. This is stuff that has to do with the reality of the way the world turns now."
"We're not talking about this just to be new-age, it's about addressing real problems."
"I think relationships are so much harder now."
"Money is no longer the root of all evil, attention is."
"Money is not the root of all evil anymore, attention is."
"You have white privilege, it's over with, it's 2020."
"We have so much information we don't know what to do with."
"Cancel culture, it's becoming more and more common."
"We're witnessing the modern-day equivalent of book burning."
"Purity is more of a thing than it's ever been."
"Because of the internet, especially this whole idea of what we now call fake news alternative facts has gotten bigger and bigger."
"Everyone is so offended and triggered nowadays, and that's not okay."
"Too much information is both a blessing and a curse."
"The day and age that we living in, you can get canceled for doing that."
"In this age of mass surveillance, someone is always watching."
"One wonders what stories Serling would tell in this day and age. What would he make of the dawn of the Internet, the war on terror, the surveillance state?"
"Comparisons are almost always drawn up between our current situation in the modern day and Nazi Germany."
"Our society is so messed up that even the most normal things seem insane."
"Our cadets at West Point are being taught there is modern-day slavery in the United States."
"The modern-day colonizer doesn't put chains on your body, the chains are on your mind."
"There's high stakes in these cartoons now you just fight feelings now you fight your feelings like 'oh you're feeling toxic'."
"It's 2023... Women in general and men for that matter, they see that kind of behavior... and they don't like it."
"Is gaslighting a new thing? Is propaganda our new thing?"
"People have so much entitlement in today's day and age."
"It all boils down to attention, that's their currency."
"I thought this was gorgeously written, it is all about the black body and imperialism, modern masculinity, and so much more."
"We live in a day and age where we're not allowed to question anything even when stuff just does not seem right."
"Technology obsession, data significance, class disparity, information warfare, and profiteering mega-corporations are all very much part of modern life."
"A modern day inquisition happening and people are just asleep."
"Inequality being the big one, we're living in a new gilded age at least in part thanks to these massive efforts to avoid redistributive politics."
"There are more slaves per capita today than at any other time in human history."
"Cancel culture is the new book burning." - Jimmy Carr
"I want to say Beggar's belief. Um, nothing surprises me anymore."
"Ignorance is a choice in 2022. It really is."
"This is why I love the topic of modern dating."
"Gender ideology turns out is not only modern and western but also in its own way colonialist."
"It's going to be confusing for those that don't know how to operate the tech on their phones... downright scary as scary as this is for Halloween."
"It's hard to believe things have gotten this far especially in the 21st century where we consider ourselves to be so advanced."
"It's extraordinary to me to hear... words like fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism in the context of a discussion about what's happening in Britain in the 21st century." - Host
"The modern Christian church is exactly opposite."
"Cancel culture wouldn't exist without social media."
"Adolescence is a state-of-the-art modern invention like crack cocaine or chemical warfare."
"This is a crime and an act of modern day lynching."
"It's not radical womanism that's doing this, it's womanism."
"We got more knowledge than we know what to do with."
"Everybody suddenly is an expert in everything and Julian literally just posted a vlog of him talking about it because I had tweeted about it because it was just really sad."
"A lot of people are nervous to have conversations these days."
"The modern family has lost a sense of humanity."
"This is a story I don't want to have to tell, and in modern Australia, I shouldn't need to tell."
"Slavery never ended, it turned into debt servitude."
"Performative wokeness has reached epidemic levels in this country."
"The purpose of free speech in our modern society."
"Cancel culture and the woke mob have irrational standards and are inconsistent with their standards."
"The greatest deception in the modern church is using God's Word to put a badge of approval on covetousness."
"We live in a world where corporations are more powerful than governments."
"I don't know how America works anymore." - Unknown speaker
"We never dealt with worldview when people started saying insane stuff 20 years ago in Christianity."
"The rabble seems to have maybe as we've kind of talked about in the age of rage that seems to care more about identity politics and people's feelings and Starbucks."
"The new plague is what's commonly known as a social disease."
"We live in a world where conspiracy is currency."
"Wokeness, one of the biggest threats to modern civilization."
"They're not the cause of sin, but they've made it really accessible."
"I really, really, really don't think there should be wars at all in the world in the 21st century."
"Stupidity is more so the problem these days than ignorance."
"The problem today is not stress. The problem is meaninglessness."
"The evils of technology and stuff like that."
"That's crazy and I'm telling you social media being a factor."
"Thank God Op found out and is involved in this family and did something about it. Unbelievable that sort of stuff happens in this modern day."
"The whole plot is a commentary on cyberbullying, a big issue in the modern era."
"This is an ancient solution to a modern problem."
"Procrastination is the worst disease of the 21st century."
"It's a critical challenge of our time."
"Slavery still exists in the world today in many different forms."
"In the 21st century, a concept like pirates is still possible."
"These are cutting-edge issues; there are no easy answers."
"It's one of those stories that will always be relevant; today around the world, there are tens of millions of people who are enslaved."
"It's not that racism is getting worse, it's just being recorded."
"People pleasing is competing with the coronavirus for being the pandemic of the year."