
Identity Theft Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"There's no need to be paranoid, but it's not paranoia to say that there are a lot of identity thieves out there in cyberspace."
"Deep fakes seem to be immoral not because people might think you're having sex on camera when you really didn't, but because it's a hijacking of your identity in a way that is wholly out of your control."
"This is what Moe and I think at this complaint yes at this point we do not think that like Robert actually has an Instagram account anymore and we think it is this person Gerald running this Instagram account like catfishing boys."
"I've seen and it's just sick it really is just sick but alas he came out as transracial and pretty much tried to steal the identity of another K-pop Star called Rose."
"Every 10 seconds someone becomes a victim of fraud or identity theft."
"Identity theft is a huge issue all across the world."
"They created look-alike accounts on numerous platforms impersonating us trying to trick naive people into thinking that we're engaged in some really nasty and questionable Behavior."
"Your personal information could put you at a huge risk for identity theft, reputation damage, financial loss, and more."
"Claud and gay didn't just plagiarize some papers or some books she plagiarized Dr Swain's and entire identity."
"Censorship isn't just about silencing people, you can then steal their identity."
"It's not okay to steal people's identities and act like a bitch and be a criminal."
"This person was arrested for identity theft which definitely made this quite interesting."
"Don't be a victim of identity theft. Don't allow myself to get caught up in the role of mommy, employee, wife, or minister."
"I've never had my identity stolen, but it's like a home invasion."
"Freeze your credit if you're worried about identity theft."
"Nobody can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but you can keep what's yours with Lifelock by Norton."
"The admin stole my identity and he's running around with my face doing horrible things in my name."
"In the United States, identity theft costs citizens billions of dollars. In some cases, it cost the lives of innocent people."
"Every 14 seconds there's a new victim of identity theft."
"Sim swapping is hijacking the telephone number... texts and phone calls now go to someone else."
"Can you imagine if someone else was running around saying 'I'm Iron Man'?!"
"So, if anyone masquerading as me asks for anything at all please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"FBI seizes notorious marketplace for selling stolen SSNs."
"So criminal types can't manufacture an extremely lifelike 3D model of your face to unlock your smartphone."
"I am just obsessed with those two products you guys."
"I hate how there are people in the world today that do everything they can to steal your information, money, and identity."
"This lady actually committed a crime, yeah, she stole her daughter's identity and took out a bunch of [ __ ] student loans."
"Everything thieves need to take over as the new owner of your home was leaked."
"I cussed her out and I told her don't you ever [] use my information ever again and then she stopped like oh what are you out of your mind you opened uh credit cards in my name don't you ever [] use my information ever again."
"Please do not fall for the scammers on social media pretending to be me; they're trying to steal your money."
"Identity theft involves someone using a person's private information to impersonate that individual, usually for financial gain."
"It's like she didn't just steal a language, she stole an identity."
"Identity theft has become one of the most invasive and personal of crimes."
"We quickly realized that that soldiers identities were being stolen and scammers were doing this on a global scale."
"They say a man should always dress for the job he wants, so why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant? It's all because some hacker stole my identity."
"He knew everything about me like everything I shared the most personal the most everything with him and he was pretending to be me on social media"
"Aura is a number one rated Identity Theft Protection Service."
"Con artists have been stealing his pictures for about five years."
"While Charlize Theron's character of Cipher is not necessarily a real-world problem, the cybersecurity and identity theft problem is absolutely a reality."
"Apparently when you engage with the Yeno Facebook profile and WhatsApp number, you were opening yourself up to having your banking information and potentially your entire identity stolen."
"Identity theft is not a joke, V. Not. We can buy all sorts of things. We can buy apples and new cars, whatever we want. Spaghetti and meatballs, yeah, spaghetti and cheese, I do like that as well."
"Identity theft is the gift that keeps on taking."
"You can't steal someone's identity it is not good and look people go to prison for this kind of stuff lying under oath thank god I'm a fake judge or else you would have been screwed."
"Our voices were cloned and our lips were deep faked to talk about an online casino."
"Identity theft will describe who the devil is in 2024."
"A Russian-born woman was sentenced to 21 years in a U.S prison for trying to kill her American look-alike with poison cheesecake and then stealing her identity."
"She's going around saying that I stole her identity."
"What do you think about that be cool in that comment section questions comments NC the Facebook if you see us on Tic Tac that's not us it's an imposter lion he's not me so um somebody told me they saw me on Tick Tock I don't have a Tic Tac."
"One of the most coveted pieces of information is PII personally identifiable information."
"It's psychological horror in its purest form. What's more scarier than having who you are be stolen by another person without your knowledge?"
"You cannot steal from somebody and then impersonate them and basically steal their identity and expect to get away with that."
"...everyone in this room, including myself, has had their identity stolen. That's a fact, not a guess."
"Don't let anyone steal your identity."
"Destroy your private information before throwing it away and give your social security number only when necessary."
"With identity theft being such a common theme in our lives, there are new victims every 14 seconds."
"They lost your [driver's] license."
"But the driver's license thing was seemed suspicious."
"One who could effortlessly gain people's trust, one who could take life and feel nothing, one who could seamlessly slip into their victim's skin to evade detection."
"I want to talk from this subject in our time together: identity theft."
"Stealing the identity of Rusty Shackleford: Identity theft is no laughing matter, and considering all the trouble that Dale often gets himself into, you can only imagine all the trouble it caused for the real Rusty."
"Not only is this dangerously close to identity theft, but it also kind of feels like revenge porn in a way."
"When I stole people's identities, I wasn't doing it for any kind of financial gain. I was just using it so that when I went to go do my dirt, people didn't know who I was."
"I'd like to know where they got that photo of me with my short hair, 'cause that was on Facebook and I don't have a Facebook."
"This is fraud. They've taken out a loan in your name and they're willing to throw you under the bus just like this, so why not the other way around? I wouldn't be holding off waiting months for this, I'd be acting on this now."
"More than 10% of those children had already had their identities stolen."
"It's good to know what's potentially compromised, protect your family and yourself from identity theft."
"'We're talking about incredibly convincing identity theft on a level we have never seen before.'"
"'With information out there, someone can literally be you.'"
"We should always be very careful with our personal information. Identity theft is nothing to laugh at."
"I've even been alerted to when fraudsters have had my information on the dark web before."
"He's renting space in your IDs and not paying you stuff much."
"Knowing exactly how much money that someone has in their account is vital to making your SIM-swap more successful."
"If you didn't get your prints yet, that's actually a good sign, because if you did receive your prints, it means someone else has forged prints, found out where you lived, and sent them to you."
"You're twice as likely to be a victim of identity theft than you are of a violent crime."
"Synthetic identities inflate the number of fake identities that fraudsters can create in their rings."
"This is fake, this isn't me, this is a fake account. Do not fall for any of this."
"Do you guys know what the fastest growing crime in America is? It's identity theft."
"One of the most important things to protect yourself against is identity theft."
"If you're gonna steal somebody's identity, don't get a shower curtain; get something good, like a new TV or a Corvette."
"Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the U.S., one person every 14 seconds falls victim to this."
"Aura is an all-in-one service designed to protect you, your family, your money, everything from the horrors of identity theft."
"Every six seconds someone is a victim of identity theft here in the US."
"Every 14 seconds someone becomes a victim of identity fraud."
"Losses from identity theft amounted to 712 billion last year alone."
"Identity theft is big business for scammers, amounting to around 52 billion dollars in losses in 2021."
"What identities do we consider compromised?"
"Identity theft is the fastest growing crime affecting millions in America."
"It's like identity theft before the Internet."
"There's a new victim of identity theft every 14 seconds."
"Think about how someone can just take your photos and identity and pretend to be you. Wouldn't you say that's scary?"
"They help protect from financial fraud, identity theft protection, privacy assistant, there's even parental controls and all sorts of other things here."
"Someone has been emulating you, they've been stealing your essence."
"Protecting yourself from identity theft."