
Economic Benefits Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Every study that I've ever seen regarding immigration has shown that immigrants are a boon to the economy."
"When you have a sustained period of strong labor market conditions, lots of good things happen: you get real wage increases, and people are looking to find more people and getting them into the labor market."
"Solve the sleep loss epidemic, and you could almost double the budget for education and could almost halve the deficit for healthcare."
"Immigration leads to massive economic benefits."
"I can see the opportunities of cheaper food, clothing, and footwear, helping most of all those with lower incomes."
"Investments in infrastructure and early childhood education actually do pay for themselves."
"Some of the revenue from legalizing and taxing marijuana will certainly go into research, go into treatment, go into support for people struggling with challenges."
"So Marjorie wins the belt, and I get a little bit more money to spend on tchotchkes. The only loser here is America." - Narrator
"We have them because we want to protect competition competition is good because we found over time that competition tends to bring down prices and it tends to increase quality."
"In a well-functioning global trading regime, shifting production abroad is part of the process by which countries specialize in production of goods and everyone wins due to comparative advantage."
"We're now up to over 2 million workers that have seen either special bonuses or additional wages."
"This area has already benefited disproportionately from the reindustrialization seen due to the trade war with China."
"So many clean energy jobs have no ability to be outsourced."
"Deregulation made the climate disaster worse, then capitalists reaped the benefits while the rest suffered."
"It would be a huge benefit savings to the American people."
"Social service investment is really, really great economically because it pays back."
"That's like a big tax cut. That's more than five times the gains in all eight years under the Obama administration."
"We have to act on climate for the good of our children and, by the way, for the good of our economy."
"Teach your kids how to eat healthy at a young age. They grow up smart, they don't spend thousands of dollars trying to get in shape."
"I think it's great, the money spent on space travel is spent here."
"But will small farmers see any of the profits?"
"Direct access to Atlantic ports lowers import costs for essential Goods like Fuel and Machinery, alleviating inflation pressure and improving citizens affordability."
"Solar, by the way, is the cheapest form of energy in most places."
"Done right this transition will lower household energy costs, create more sustainable jobs, and allow us to reach our climate targets for the first time in history."
"The better your credit score, the lower your interest rate."
"Vaccination requirements are good for the economy."
"We've been energy independent and it's been great for America."
"I think once one country starts to see and feel the benefits of moving towards Bitcoin, we'll start to see, like you said, the domino effect."
"There can be no future as long as the people that are working in these areas do not benefit."
"The more educated workplace naturally counters some of the negative effects of globalization."
"Your middle class benefits somewhat and your upper class dramatically benefits."
"China is our strongest trading partner and it would also be to the benefit of the Filipino people and the Philippines as a country to have very strong economic ties with China."
"To see that these people are going to be able to keep more of their money, this is going to be an eye-opener."
"Success breeds success and success brings money."
"Recycling pays off, literally and figuratively"
"Alaska: Pays all of their residents royalties for its oil and gas industry."
"Military heritage reducing consumer goods is awesome."
"Clean energy is cheaper in terms of foreign policy, it's cheaper in terms of externalities, the pollution that it doesn't cause, but it's also literally cheaper."
"We want a cashless society, we have more to gain than anybody from just simply pure operating costs."
"I like to think that after these benefits expire, some of these jobs will be appealing."
"It's healthier, absolutely. It's healthier for the climate, it creates more jobs here, it keeps more money in people's pocket."
"More than 6 million workers have already received a bonus, pay raise, or new job thanks to these tax cuts."
"This exciting tourist destination attracts tourists to your city to visit the top of your mega tower and profits from tourists that visit the crown."
"It's a dividend on our shared economic progress and it makes us more free to pursue the kind of work that we want to do every day."
"I think the government has a financial incentive to make sure people have places to live near centers of work because that bolsters the economy which helps out with other things."
"Our working-class people going to benefit from that or just the billionaire class?"
"Access to the right trade goods can boost happiness and reduce unrest."
"Renewable energy is so cheap that it beats fossil fuels."
"It's this that allows Africa to enjoy the benefits of the pipeline forever. It will be in the hands of African countries to decide gas prices and negotiate all terms."
"High-speed rail has so many other benefits... economic and social, just so many benefits."
"Innovation is really beneficial to investors, but it's also beneficial to the economy as a whole."
"Having better wages, a stronger economy. I'm pretty sure every middle class Americans, white Americans too, would care a hell of a lot more about that than they would about some mythical social cohesion that you keep alluding to."
"Every state that has decriminalized marijuana and gone to regulating it instead has made a bunch of money and has actually dropped the crime rate."
"Essentially, think of trade like sex. If you're doing it right, it can be good for both partners."
"It's not just possible that we will create jobs and economic activity by transitioning to renewable energy but it's inevitable."
"Going green actually is good for the economy because it's gonna make us stronger and healthier."
"Overall healthcare spending would be lower under single-payer."
"I love free money, everybody loves free money, I love it so much this season."
"Not only is it better for patients it's better for the economy it's better for the health care Workforce so it's better overall."
"Their lives were better, their gas was cheaper, their groceries were cheaper."
"Bees are very precious because of the valuable role they play in maintaining the world's ecosystem and they produce delicious honey which creates jobs and feeds honey lovers around the globe."
"We do have shared economic interests... we can all come out ahead together on specific issues."
"The total cost of ownership is way less efficient, that means those savings by charging it with the electric infrastructure are accentuated."
"People can learn so many interesting and fulfilling things that enrich their lives and it increases their earning potential."
"I really want this to do well, because at the end of the day, it's more gaming machines, more is always better, more competition it forces everyone else to match and be better in order to stay ahead of the curve."
"Imagine having that extra cushion to fill your tank, finally get your car repaired, or catch up on bills without having to wait for your next paycheck. It's a game changer."
"A sustainable energy economy is 60% the cost of continuing fossil fuel investments."
"The benefits of Brexit are having a more competitive, more flexible economy."
"Higher thresholds might also benefit... historically disadvantaged populations."
"The economics of home solar are already compelling."
"Something else good that can come out of it is I don't think it'd be a bad idea to have more domestically made goods."
"The value of doing research in space has a huge financial return."
"Free college is an investment in the younger generation. It more than pays us back in the long run."
"We should benefit from these things, we should get something in return."
"Not only is it gonna help your wallet, it's going to be good for the world. That is something you need to look at for Cardano."
"What's best for Britain is staying in a reformed European Union because we'll be better off safeguarding our position in this massive single free market."
"We have secured greater market access for our farmers and ranchers."
"If you want to live in the 21st century with all of the benefits of the economic development that we've experienced over the centuries, then you don't want to eschew capitalism."
"Economics and energy security both seem to favor a fast transition to renewables."
"EVs and in particular Teslas are that kind of vehicle they save a lot of money."
"Capitalism has saved humanity, not hurt humanity."
"Making the investments that reduce crime and save money."
"This budget fiscal restraint is possible and there can be a dividend."
"How do those benefits trickle down to the rest of society into these poor communities, low-income communities?"
"You have more productive employees now that work from home, you've had record sales, and your cost to run your business have dropped exponentially."
"The benefits to China are not inconsiderable."
"Wages for African American workers have increased by $2,400 per year."
"The more jobs you create, actually the more tax benefit you get."
"International Trade has been beneficial to the poor in the case of Indonesia."
"It's good for the economy, good for ecology, good all the way around, and it's fun. They're fast and fun."
"For Africa to reap the economic and social benefits inherent in this natural wealth, it is necessary to urgently address such issues as the management and the economic and environmental impacts of their sustainable use."
"Lower prices benefit everybody, consumers and businesses alike."
"The ease of movement for labor and capital has increased, benefiting individuals and businesses."
"Assets are future economic benefits."
"The benefits of international sourcing can result in lower prices and cost savings."
"The economic benefits [of bilingual education] more than pay off for that initial investment."
"A well-connected network of ports has brought several economic advantages for China."
"Personal income tax reduction, new jobs from construction, and public health goals - these are the beneficial grains of the Train law."