
Wastefulness Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Bleeding out money for absolutely no point is not something anybody should be doing."
"That is the worst thing that you can do to an art supply: not use it."
"This whole charade might be grotesquely wasteful and pointless and gratuitous."
"Use a normal freaking towel. You don't need ten sheets of paper towels."
"Nothing is wasted, not even the corpses left behind by the nightmare alien monsters."
"What a waste! Many of these machines had little to nothing wrong with them."
"Fast food is such a waste of money and you'll be hungry again in two hours anyway."
"When enough of a society becomes absorbed in wasteful spending, corruption can happen all around them."
"I don't want to see one more product die in your graveyard of used products."
"Bloody waste of good money, that’s what it is."
"Merch that doesn't get used or worn often reminds me of the freebies problem."
"Why throw these away? Don't throw anything away."
"You had the best world ever, you squandered it for no reason."
"That was just cash trash they got your food right there"
"My tastes have evolved... but we are all so stuck in our 12-year-old selves."
"Before all this happened, before we knew we were destroying our own atmosphere with carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, we were unbelievably wasteful."
"Stop wasting your money on these things, please. I'm begging you."
"Life is interested in squandering and wastefulness."
"Wasteful for a couple other reasons, too"
"You paid them way too much money. You could have gave 'em, like, $50, man. Why are you wasting-- that's more drug money!"
"Going into this lifestyle for me was really just acknowledging how wasteful we tend to be when we have limitless resources available to us."
"That was just sitting there doing nothing apart from costing you money."
"You start life with half a million of those [chips] and then you start wasting them."
"Supermarkets banned plastic bags but increased the use of these heavy-duty plastic clam shells that are far less useful and far more wasteful green washing."
"Credit card debt is toxic. It's a waste of money."
"The grossest things that Chris has ever produced and definitely one of his most wasteful ones given that he spent his monthly Tugboat just to fart on a chocolate cake."
"...these people buy all these horses they waste all the money that they work for for nothing just to help these horses crazy right?"
"We have destroyed so much land for something so needless."
"In principle, it would be quite simple to waste the surplus labor of the world by building temples and pyramids, by digging holes and filling them up again, or even by reproducing vast quantities of goods and then setting fire to them."
"A stark reminder of how grossly wasteful humans can be."
"It's a big waste of money. Big, huge waste of money."
"There's a special ring in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch."
"Actual chrome? These ads for ink that gets sent to our fax machine at work, designed to use up unnecessary amounts of ink."
"A lot of times you'll see people just kind of wasting money on random things that they think are gonna impress people."
"Money not well-managed will be squandered."
"We are unbelievably efficient but we are extraordinarily inefficient and profligate as social human beings."
"Do you throw things away only to discover that you need them later?"
"So it is: the life we receive is not short but we make it so; nor do we have any lack of it but are wasteful of it."
"To be wasteful of money is to be wasteful of your energy."
"Prodigal means recklessly wasteful or extravagant."
"You wouldn't believe some of the stuff people throw away."
"You're pouring like you're only supposed to pour this much; you're wasting."
"You do not want to flush money down the drain."
"Some people don't respect the little time they have and waste a lot of it."
"Look at all the energy we waste, those lights on all night even though people are not taking it down."
"It's not what we use as much as what we waste that's killing us."
"My next pet peeve is people that hoard food they're never going to eat."
"It's a shame to throw a lot of these beautiful cards away, they really do have nice images."
"We start convincing ourselves that we deserve more, a nicer car, a more expensive car... and we end up wasting a lot of future money on depreciating assets."