
Sibling Dynamics Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Looking back, it was interesting; we never fought, me and my brothers... Whether there's something takes over, we never really squabbled."
"Sibling relationships are complicated, just ask Thor, who has spent just as much time battling Loki as well as standing by his side."
"You don't have to love your siblings, but being able to have a conversation, to be able to be in the same room with the other, I think would be progress."
"Every once in a while they needed to be separated being competitive brothers but they were wonderful to all especially their little sister."
"I feel like they did the incest math... it's fine more things have happened."
"We're the oldest children of course we like to fix everyone else's problems but our own."
"My entire life was just like making videos because I didn't have like, I had two older sisters they didn't really focus me like that."
"Sister Wives, I'm single as conveyed so you've never we've never been single at the same time Yeah right we've never had."
"And these two guys are Tom and Ray, otherwise known as Click and Clack from a real life car show... Tom: Don't drive like my brother. Ray: And don't drive like my brother!"
"Despite some occasional bickering due to their differences, they always come together to save the day."
"Few scenes represent the pair's manchild brilliance as absolutely as the sibling fight from Step Brothers."
"Norm goes up to his brother Stan and is all like dude you [ __ ] up the whole Arctic."
"Every single moving piece if we want to explore siblings we can do sisters or brothers."
"During vacations we all gathered at this plantation for a get together... me being the oldest guy I get pampered a lot because I have some badass elder sisters."
"They bicker from time to time but have each other's backs no matter what."
"No more illusions, Loki. This is your true pathetic self. Now you see me, brother."
"Halo is the most weird anomaly-esque esport that's ever lived. Because there has never been any esport in any [__] world or dimension where it's plagued and filled with brothers and twin brothers."
"Faith has a twin sister named Kate who plays a major role throughout Mirror's Edge."
"The two brothers fighting actually did help."
"Especially the relationship I have with my brother...constantly trying to make each other laugh."
"I've always had a good relationship with my sister, despite our differences."
"Max and Ruby do feel like real siblings constantly bickering."
"Suguha is introduced in this arc and she's Kirito's sister except she's not."
"The siblings prove they can have adventures and save the day all on their own."
"I'm sorry to think that this is not going to work, have you seen two boys, they're like smiling critters."
"The twin sisters are set to stay in similar shapes and enjoy pushing each other to their fitness limits."
"You're never gonna get me to believe that John Cena is Vin Diesel's brother."
"Elsa belongs in the forest right now, Anna belongs in Arendelle, and even with their magical paper airplanes, change has occurred and nothing will ever be the same."
"Thor and Loki's dynamic is great and the movie jumps up quite a few levels when the siblings pair up."
"Because once you're a big brother, you're always a big brother. It doesn't matter how gigantic your little sister gets or whether or not she's a pig."
"He's kind of the big brother... the responsible one, the protector."
"Jacob is very creative and funny. He loves to come up with video game ideas or story ideas. He gets along very well with the younger siblings and he is a good big brother."
"Am I the [__] for saying my sister technically laid an egg?"
"As me and Bren grew, we became best friends. Siblings are crazy like that. You spend your whole life fighting each other and then one day you're both like, 'He was my best friend all along.'"
"When siblings are together, they go in for the kill. There is like no filter."
"Big sister, little sister gets thrown out there a lot."
"It's hard getting older, but no matter how old I get, I will always be younger than my sister, okay? I'm my sister's little sister. Any other little sisters here tonight? Little sisters. Dare I say the little sister is the best sister?"
"I managed to take my sister out in it who got up to about 30 mile an hour and then started screaming."
"We used to fight all the time when we were younger but now it's just like we just enjoy working together."
"I cannot stress how true this is. If you are a girl and you have brothers, and you have ever asked them how you look, we will tell you if you look like crap."
"It was always Juel would jump up first and then Celvin would come second."
"Potato, potato, I'm a pugy big sister."
"Cora's gonna be an amazing big sister, I just know she will."
"In a moment of vulnerability, Raymond opened up to Dorothy, expressing how he often felt like she was the older sibling in their dynamic."
"The most sibling conversation in existence."
"The school bully. The victim's big brother."
"What's with you and this 'we' thing? We're twins, not if I can help it."
"I love that song the only person who gets to torture my brother is me."
"Oh great, now my arm's come off because my brother has to be a big fat idiot."
"I never minded being the younger daughter, but I always minded the younger sister."
"Sister stuff because growing up with like six sisters like you got a lot of experience, a lot of passive aggressive experience."
"Do you ever get offended when the other twin calls themselves ugly?"
"We just really support each other. I even support him every day. I was saying to him, 'I'm really proud of, you know, like how well his music's doing.' It's almost like an older brother watching him, and it was cool to have that conversation with him."
"I feel like because of this movie, my sister and I have always done this game that we say things of each other that we would be able to like pretend, like in case we were twins, like what would we do."
"And although the show has excellent content, the brothers' hilarious stories and relatable brotherly dynamic is what really makes it special."
"I feel like since he's like not a new baby, obviously another baby, but like I have to get to know him."
"I really like writing sibling relationships, messed up sibling relationships really are my favorite thing to write."
"she's the same sweet kid but without the extra unneeded stress of being treated like an also ran alongside her younger siblings."
"You really gotta appreciate what lengths older brothers go through to torment the little brother."
"Look, I know people don't like it when it's like that little brother thing. It's like if it's your little brother, you're allowed to pick on it. But if anybody else does it, no, no, you're getting a knuckle sandwich right? That's kind of how I feel about this."
"I'm so excited to see him be a brother though I feel like he'll be such a cute sweet older brother yeah he will be hope so so far I mean I'm sure it will be there will be ups and downs but I feel like overall he'll just be so cute."
"We're sisters. We only wanted one kid."
"I can't believe you're spoiling my Only Child Day. You couldn't just let me have this one thing?"
"I've really been struggling with being an older sister lately. My mother instincts are kicking in. I don't know what it is, but my mind is like developing extra feelings."
"My brother's not gonna want to do this. My brother's gonna be jumping, running all over this place. My brother, that's my brother though. So, I mean, I love him to death."
"Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we have to be friends!"
"They don't stand a chance against the genius of an older brother."
"Time flies, I saw it now. She was three when she became a big sister, and now she's eight."
"The only thing we have in common: we irritate each other. Enjoy the show."
"You're not the worst. My brother Gerald is definitely more annoying than you."
"...miles in the first one was a bit of a pain for him but somebody he saw greatness in but it was like that younger brother Vibe where you're like man and you got to pull it together on this..."
"Olivia is literally so patient with her sisters and they are so mean to her."
"I'll always be her favorite because I'm the first girl."
"I learned a valuable lesson that day, and that was just to not [__] with my brother."
"This is one of the most underrated sibling pair ups and I wish they'd do it more often."
"She's still trying to do everything herself, such is the life of an older sibling, right?"
"Good little brother, big sister didn't recognize your abilities."
"Sans himself may not be the most willing to get involved with the sort thing, but his little brother Papyrus, on the other hand, now that's a different story."
"My nagging got the better of Jem eventually, as I knew it would."
"He's a very powerful and amiable younger brother, darling, spirited and quick thinking."
"There is a precarious peace whilst the brothers await the other's next move."
"Embarrassing each other is what siblings do best."
"Holy smokes, you scared me to death," she sat back on her haunches and glared at her sister.
"They have a beautiful and dynamic sibling relationship."
"Oh no, my brothers are gonna become my personal Fashion Stylists for a whole week, and I am nervous."
"Take that back," Nico demanded, being held in place by his sister.