
Legal Change Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"If you want the laws to change, that's something we all have the ability to do."
"You can't change the law from the outside; you have to be in it. You have to be running the system. In fact, in order to do that, you have to know how to exploit the system you want to change."
"And Roe vs. Wade, if not dead, is on life support."
"Germany wants to be the first country in the world to ban the practice [of culling male chicks]."
"Now that the religion is almost gone, maybe those exemptions should be too."
"If Roe were overturned, large swaths of America could return to an era in which fetuses were protected and life is cherished."
"Britney's plea to the court was finally heard... Britney's lawyer was not getting done... everything changed on the 23rd."
"What did the Roe v. Wade decision, the reversal of Roe v. Wade do?"
"This took an important issue like abortion out of the hands of nine unelected justices and put it back in the hands of elected officials at the state level."
"The annulment of concealed carry laws reflects a seismic shift."
"The self-managed abortion movement is grounded in this sense that access to pills today creates legal change in the future."
"Taking away the tax exemption will be the true beginning of the end for Scientology."
"The conservatorship that had controlled Britney Spears's finances, personal life, and medical decisions since 2008...was terminated Friday afternoon in a Los Angeles courtroom."
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"26 states are expected to ban or severely restrict abortion rights in wake of the Supreme Court's ruling."
"The function of civil resistance is to provoke response and we will continue to provoke until they respond or change the law."
"When gambling became legal in Nevada, Siegel saw the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I saw justice coming concerning the issue of abortion in America."
"The current laws of abortion will be overturned."
"Roe vs Wade is gone. It is over. It is kaput."
"You can't win with this. New ruling changes the game. Veritas open the doors."
"Once we do that and we hold lawmakers accountable we change the culture and we change the laws in this country we will save lives."
"Hate against alternative subcultures is now considered a hate crime in seven different police forces across the UK."
"Don't try to be funny, choose a character, be that character, and then just believe that you are."
"You've changed the culture, not just the law."
"Most importantly, strip the immunity that the gun manufacturers have."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not ban abortions nationwide... all it does is send the power back to the state."
"Tay's parents fought to have that law changed and it worked."
"I hope at some point in some way there are laws passed so other parents cannot do this to their children."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"Colorado it's illegal to sell, but Texas reversed the ruling within 72 hours."
"The court finally gave the pro-life movement a fighting chance to protect children."
"None of this stuff has legal right anymore. It had legal right before I didn't have to move when you said so, now I got to go."
"I want a law that my mom can't get attacked when she goes to the grocery store."
"The ECJ has effectively opened the door to innovation in football."
"Roe v Wade being overruled, yes, it's worth celebrating a thousand percent but it really began new battles, new frontiers of the war."
"Politicians lying is now a criminal offense."
"And I believe that when this army is raised, that has the voice of authority because we're overcomers, we're going to see Roe v. Wade overturned."
"Roe v. Wade is gone, and every woman in Alabama who gets pregnant is gonna be forced to give birth soon."
"Politicians said legalizing marijuana would cut crime. And it has cut crime."
"When you start to lose the culture, the law goes with it."
"Why should I participate in the mis-education of the American people?"
"Nothing will change until this becomes illegal across every country we won't see a change but what we can do is continue to push a message."
"The music modernization act... legalizing landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"How do we get money out of politics? Well, the first thing we do is overturn this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision."
"It's pretty crazy how far things have come in just the last decade with regards to the legal status of this plant. It all happened so fast and it, I think it's a great great thing."
"For the first time in American history, reformers... are proposing to change the First Amendment."
"Ronald Reagan signing into law in your great state of California, no-fault divorce... That's really when marriage is redefined."
"This potential overturning of roe v wade a huge win."
"If you were open-minded and just followed his advice because you had no rational or logical arguments against it, you'd rescind those laws."
"Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide."
"Marijuana and the prohibition of the Second Amendment for users of marijuana has been deemed unconstitutional."
"50 years of the legal termination of innocent life will now come to an end across major portions of this country."
"It is still a shock that Roe v. Wade is no more in the United States of America."
"It's time to change this law and let us destroy illegal guns."
"These sorts of revelations are always an opportunity for us to actually do something to change the laws."
"Laws will change as culture changes, but we must change culture."
"That's correct and I think that the newly appointed judges are informing the Chief Justice of the 9th and other long-term members that there's a new sheriff in town."
"Money can't bring anybody back, it can't satisfy any of that, but what you're seeing also with these deals, we saw in Breonna Taylor case, where they also are forcing the changes."
"Roe v. Wade is a dead letter in Texas today."
"Roe versus Wade is not the law of the land anymore in the United States. It has been overturned, folks."
"California has a new gender neutral law for businesses"
"Legalizing gay marriage has been directly linked to lower rates of suicide in youth."
"We share the concern... it's Congress's job to change the law."
"Justice can call for violence to change the law."
"We have to fight to change the law itself, you have to change everything at its core."
"Swimming in the surf during the day had been illegal in Australia up until 1902."
"The potential for Alabama Law to be changed because of Carly Russell is perhaps that much more interesting."
"This shift from customary regulation to written legislation was a fundamental change in the Greek legal landscape."
"This will have wide-ranging effects across American higher education."
"It is his father's efforts that led to the change in the law that took the investigation of an officer-involved shooting out of the hands of the Kenosha police."
"I've changed laws and I help women that are fleeing that kind of relationship."
"If tiny houses were legalized here in Ojai, it would give a lot of people that are single or a couple they want to simplify their lives."
"The outcome of which would ultimately lead to changes in the law."
"If you can convince enough people that your way's the right way to go, you can change the laws of the land in very significant ways."
"He helped increase the age of consent in this country from 13 to 16."
"This is in a way it unlocks a door, but there still is going to have to be action to open that door for this for the first the change in the schedule of cannabis to mean something for patients."
"Non-compete clauses are now a thing of the past, thanks to the Federal Trade Commission banning the practice."