
Mining Quotes

There are 891 quotes

"If you're going to understand the history of a mining town, it's very important to understand the history and the process of mining."
"I can't tell you that this mine is going to be a disaster; they can't tell you that this mine won't be a disaster. But I can tell you that from a probability standpoint, it's not a good bet that there won't be problems."
"It's absolutely ironic but to save the planet we are going to need more mines. You wouldn't think it possible, you wouldn't think that's sensible or reasonable, but that's actually the fact of the matter."
"Mining has given me a new outlook in terms of wealth generation."
"Crypto mining is so profitable right now. I'm serious."
"It's absolutely hugely profitable for big Bitcoin mining farms with low electric rates."
"Bitcoin mining is obviously absolutely still very profitable."
"We are here because we are suffering. We have nothing to eat. The foreign mining companies won't give us jobs. They are getting rich from our minerals, but we stay poor."
"Doctors say the number of people getting sick is disturbing. We have many young boys and girls coming into us; sometimes it's injuries from when the mines collapse; sometimes it's sexually transmitted diseases."
"These children destroy their health and risk their lives for less than a dollar a day."
"Bitcoin falls to a point where... miners... make up for it."
"For the effort alone... the cave dig into the Earth."
"If you want an EV, we need to mine and refine. If we're going to do that, let's do that sustainably."
"More young miners, the more young miners. What are the Mojiang miners, and why is it as important? Why is it important? Why does the whole world need to know about?"
"Plato also elaborates on the gold copper silver and tin mines of the Sierra Morena mountains of southern Spain which were by far the richest in the ancient world."
"We will repeal the unconstitutional bill C-69 so that we can approve mines in 18 months rather than 18 years and bring home the production to our country."
"There's enough gold in the world without mining more gold."
"The Dutchman bragged that you could drive a pack train over the entrance to the mine and never know it was there." - NARRATOR
"We have a very successful little mining base going on."
"It's going to reveal the minerals so much easier and better on a fresh surface."
"These three pieces of equipment, the Jaw Crusher, Hammer mill, and Shaker table, these are our Three core pieces of equipment that make up our TurnKey systems."
"South Africa: one of the world's top producers of gold."
"South Africa: one of the world's top producers of diamonds."
"Everything that we mine on Earth... is available on the Moon."
"This place is fantastic, as in something of great fantasy. Deep beneath the ground, miners searching for ore veins came across something even better – something magical."
"Who decides on the priority deep sea mining has a financially powerful Lobby."
"We're not just mining this planet, we're opening trade to bring prosperity and income."
"Mining is just the worst. Saying it’s atrocious is almost a compliment – it’s so bad, boring and terrible."
"The dwarves discovered the cave by accident when they were mining."
"I'm kind of looking forward to seeing what that's about once we mine that."
"We think the miners could potentially become the new growth stocks of the next 10 years or so."
"I just take this and I just mine with it. Oh yeah, I just made mine."
"Getting experience out of anything you mine with an amending pickaxe is kind of the coolest thing ever."
"Even unprofitable mining could result in a large amount of bitcoin down the road."
"This is only beginning and the miners know that arguably they're the most important because they are the ones that's powering the entire network right now"
"Why the heck are you creating a gigantic mine underneath the bank vault?"
"Let's just start digging and see what type of resources we can get."
"We made profit, baby! I'm a free gold miner!"
"As we enter the mine ourselves and begin to fight through its depths, the Raiders here seem a little bit odd."
"If they are able to indeed find nickel, cobalt, and platinum as well as copper, then not only will they get a hefty profit out of it, but it can also help alleviate our reliance on Chinese metals." - Roman, Facts Matter Update
"Satoshi apparently never spent any of the coins that they mined so it seems to have been a very sacrificial thing."
"If there's going to be big gold, the big gold will be sitting on the bedrock."
"Just one more enormous mountain of gems and minerals, that's all it's going to take."
"Nickel mining is having a tremendously negative impact on the Philippines."
"Gold producers are sitting on a literal gold mine right now."
"We are bringing in commercial mining in coal sector. That garment monopoly is now being removed."
"In any case, the seven dwarfs are identified almost with certainty in the small workers of the German mines of the 17th and 18th centuries."
"Not knowing how rare it was miners used to extract the needle light just like any other gem."
"I spent the entirety of the next day mining because this is easily the most fun you can have while mining."
"No matter how deep the minerals in the planet are hidden, we will find and extract them."
"Is your mine still being used or is it haunted? There's so many fun ways to explore a mine and so many very scary things that you can put in."
"To speed up that trip in the caves, it's worth keeping this in mind. See on Bedrock, it's actually true that if you click each block while mining it instead of holding down the button, you'll mind substantially faster."
"We're going to see more mining initiatives coming in the United States, and this is a good thing."
"Making Tinker's tools will make mining a breeze."
"This is all deep slate right at the lower ground areas so diamonds show up in the lower ground areas and it's deep slate in the lower ground areas that means you can no longer speed mine diamonds in this update."
"We are officially ready to mine and man does that feel good."
"It's time to get some gold out of the ground again and I gotta say I'm really excited."
"Mining, it's like treasure hunting. Toughest bit is just finding the rocks that you want to crack."
"The beta hunt goldmine: a stroke of extraordinary luck."
"We're in a great spot to go down to the mines and feel pretty freaking good about it."
"There's one major exception: gold and silver mining companies have never been so profitable and yet so undervalued."
"They brought in a high margin gold mine on time and under budget."
"We might do something extremely dangerous and just dig straight up."
"This minerals that actually has 99.9999 raised to 9999 minerals it's pretty much infinite minerals I think you could mined this for a year and you never run out."
"Space mining might just be the gateway, the stepping stone we need to conquer that final frontier."
"Space mining will be an essential part of making human life multi-planetary and it will even help us to save the Earth at the same time."
"In many ways, mining on Mars is probably the most cost-effective and most vital of the potential ideas that we've talked about."
"This mine is haunted, so don't open that door."
"Tesla's application of first principles of innovation on the raw material mining and refining side."
"He controls the biggest gold mines in Zimbabwe right now."
"Empowerment is working... bought his Mines from a black South African..."
"Bring that money, invest it in mining, invest... come innovation ideas."
"The higher up you go in the world, the more chances you get of iron and coal veins being exposed to the surface."
"The first refined gold from Mount Baker Mining and metals."
"What are you doing? We're getting ready to do some gold."
"Bitcoin is a finite asset, mined and extracted, and roughly 18 million of the available 21 million bitcoin units have emerged."
"Make sure this is your priority if you've got a good luck day: go to the mines."
"I'm incredibly optimistic on gold and on the miners."
"That was incredibly fast, using the miners was a very smart idea."
"Bitcoin miners make Bitcoin, and ETFs increase the demand for it."
"The gold mine, this is actually more of just, you know, at the practice gold mine."
"Newfound Gold intersected 19 meters at 93 grams per ton."
"These miners are built on the SHA-256 algorithm, allowing you to mine other traditional coins of your choice."
"It's very, very profitable to mine in this game."
"The labor of it is really exciting because I guess there's always a question like, 'What is this stuff and how do you get it up and out of the ground?'"
"Day 80 was back to mining the magic block and boy was I flying through this thing."
"No amount of capital can create new nickel mines by 2024."
"If you're lucky to strike gold, did you strike good or did you strike a dud?"
"Gold miners are now the reserve asset creators."
"We're getting super lucky with all of this iron."
"This is a much better mining trip than I expected to have."
"The MISC Prospector: mining is arguably one of the fastest ways to make money in the game."
"It's an incredible time to be a crypto investor and a crypto miner."
"The minerals to construct rails, tunnels, infrastructure can all be mined on spot."
"I've actually never found this much quartz just mining through a wall ever, this is amazing."
"I think the U.S should be mining bitcoin... I think we're in the first inning."
"Massive mining in North America... it's gonna happen."
"Mechanization and automation in mining have increased."
"Mining has been absolutely fascinating. I didn't realize it was so much history concealed under these hills."
"The unexpected: people were mining this mountain 4,000 years ago."
"It was purpose-built miners, those miners could be consuming like 10 bucks a day."
"The exploration of the Union mine never ends."
"Maybe by digging into these mountains and Mining all this ore maybe they were releasing something you know something evil that caused these tragic events."
"We've added about 100 million ounces and our ounces are now being valued at 12 cents an ounce in the ground."
"Loading the dump truck with the front loader is gonna make mining for gold easy, it's gonna be awesome."
"I'm just casually mining, doing my little branch mining technique, and bam, just turned around the corner and found diamonds."
"Imagine doing some mining and finding a wall of gold!"
"Please, please be done, the gold, please kill it all."
"I was gonna say I found nothing, but one vein of coal down this whole staircase."
"The miners are having more trouble right now than they've ever had before."
"After three days of strip mining, I literally did not find one single diamond ore."
"It's about world-class cash flow, and when you've got some of the highest grade gold, cash flow, exactly, that's how you do it."
"The second that changes then mining is the best vector to be in."
"I just want to be done with this, I'm tired of emerald mining already."
"So with what we've got, we just mined everything we needed in the Mining Guild."
"Bagger 293 is an absolutely enormous machine that holds the record for not only being the biggest mining machine in use but as the largest terrestrial vehicle ever constructed."
"One of these machines was used to move more than 9,900 tons of material in an hour."
"Half the gold on this planet has been produced from that one group of deposits."
"So that’s Bitcoin mining in a nutshell."
"It’s called mining because of the fact that this process helps 'mine' new Bitcoins from the system."
"The mining difficulty is set so that on average a new block will be added every 10 minutes."
"That’s why mining pools came to existence."
"This way even small miners can join the mining game and have a chance of earning Bitcoin, even though they get only a part of the reward."
"Is Bitcoin mining actually profitable today? Well, the short answer is 'probably not', the correct (and long) answer is 'it depends on a lot of factors'."
"'Isn’t mining a waste of electricity?' While there’s been a lot of criticism regarding the energy consumption that Bitcoin mining employs worldwide, there are various arguments against this claim as well."
"Bitcoin mining ultimately requires less resources than the current banking system."
"Another option would be to perhaps mine altcoins which can still be mined with GPUs like Ethereum, Monero or Zcash."
"Hopefully now you have a better understanding of what Bitcoin mining is - the process of updating the ledger of Bitcoin transactions incentivized with the rewarding of new Bitcoins to those who participate."
"The more the miners worked, the more they were undermining an already unstable mountain."
"By the time the wind passed through this valley, 30 inches of topsoil had been blown off of the land, and we could see every single mine."
"Time really is money, time is coin when it comes to mining."
"The sooner you can start mining, the sooner you can get your gear operational, especially if you already have it."
"The cost to mine one Bitcoin has literally doubled... now it costs these guys $52,000 to mine one single Bitcoin."
"Quantum cloud allows you to mine cryptocurrency for free as long as you have a graphics card that has 60 memory or more."
"Wait a minute, you're telling me I could mine these coins and make money?"
"Lead in this form poses little threat to the miners, since it hasn't had a chance to react with the atmosphere."
"Four months later, Buckingham's mining company began collecting diamond concessions."
"Mining altogether is a totally international scandal."
"Bitcoin miners principally do two things when I talk about Bitcoin being valuable because of a fixed Supply 21 million you don't get something of value in the world without cost."
"But experts say mining always has trade-offs no matter where you do it."
"...Bitcoin mining is a very powerful tool for balancing the Grid."
"I really liked the conceit of the Bitcoin mining town. Yeah, that was hilarious town where they're mining crypto. It's like a wild west parody. It's fucking great."
"Assays of representative material from these ore shoots as well as float showed the following values: gold 11 to 42 oz per ton, silver 1.6 to 49 oz per ton, copper 0.49 to 6.41%, and lead 0.5%."
"I found some really good gold in this. I've slabbed this and then looked it with the microscope and almost little bands of gold in some of these. It's rare, obviously, but some of these have some really high-grade gold in them."
"CSR ESG is very important, you know miners invented ESG."
"The caterpillar 395f Eberhart excavator weighing around 100.9 tons is designed for robust construction and mining jobs."
"Voltec M10 and E10 are Advanced drilling rigs known for high-quality anchoring in mining."
"Native miners called 'garimpeiros' began gathering diamonds from the banks of Brazil's great rivers."
"Pursuing gold deposits that are a little bit scattered... can be very productive."
"We mine the ore at 14,000 feet and we sell it at sea level."
"I have people ask me all the time in my comments, my videos, can I just build a sluice right in the bottom of the river and leave it there?"
"This is everything you're going to need to either duel or triple mine with one setup."
"And the first thing that comes to mind that makes me think residential immersion mining is such a cool concept... no noise."
"...you should maximize your Bitcoin miners or at least have them turned up... but for me one thing I really like is density."
"Their job was to extract a special mineral called the hyper Matrix from rocks."
"...I don't want to see a hundred billion dollar mining farms, I want to see a hundred thousand people with one miner, now that's a beautiful and valuable network."
"Bitcoin miners, they find this random number that in a process, in a game that you can’t cheat, and then they announce, 'Yahtzee! I found this number.'"
"Bitcoin is defined in time and miners are digging it out of the mathematical space."
"They sit at around 325 meters below surface, which makes it very economic to get out at those depths."
"It is the highest-grade project in the world."
"In the 50s, the United Mine Workers had a slogan: 'Mining is dangerous no matter what culture you are. We all work together.'"
"It's second to only Bitcoin mining but you actually make more money, more coin, and you even mine more Bitcoin per Miner with Casta miners compared to Bitcoin mining"
"Making over 300 bucks a day. We'll break down how much of that actually goes to the electric company but to be frank it's a lot less than you may think or guess off the bat"
"It's not necessarily just a coal shortage, but you've got the coal shortage plus there's a lot more restrictions on mining."
"Silver mining's history can be traced back to Anatolia, or modern-day Turkey, in around 3000 BCE."
"Buy and build means you use your understanding of capital markets M&A and you either acquire projects or mines or you build them or both at the same time."
"Following in the footsteps of the old miners searching for Nature's hidden treasure."
"Placer mining, where gold is extracted from Sand and Gravel typically deposited on the bed of a river."
"Some have suggested Hope Bay could hold at least 10 million ounces of gold, an amount worth billions of dollars."
"A careful engineering plan has been worked out so that the mine ore can be properly handled."
"If we don't find opal, things shut down, the game's over, it's finished, the dream's gone."
"A crew of technicians is sent into a top-secret mining facility to investigate a mysterious power shortage there. Deep inside the cavernous tunnels, they discover a horrifying evolution that has occurred in complete defiance of Mother Nature."
"Our entire civilization exists because of mining."
"We mine the ore at 14,000 feet, and we sell it at sea level, and that's a 75-mile distance between those two. Nobody else does that."
"...the neat thing about these cross Cuts is that the miners would use these when they're setting blast down."
"Our season target is $150,000. If we don't find opal in the new underground mine and we go home empty-handed, we've officially failed."
"Gold mining, gambling, and tourism: the mining district he discovered resulted in the fortunes of great men."
"The Caterpillar D11T is a monster bulldozer primarily popular in the mining industry."
"Man, this is probably the richest mine I've ever been in."
"This is Pickerton. It is a spotty claim. There are days that you just can't hit it. You just don't know what you've done wrong, and there's just no gold. But always come out with at least one picker."
"The plan is to stock some miners as soon as the top pond has enough ice to walk on."
"That's pretty cool, I think just the underground architecture with the miners and the mining engineer worked out over here."
"When the day lines up, and you get into a good seam and some really good minerals come out, it's worth every bit of struggle."
"The Sandvik TH663i is a remarkable underground haul truck that offers exceptional performance and efficiency in underground mining operations."
"The cat 6090 is a hydraulic excavator designed for use in mining and Quarry operations. This powerful machine is equipped with Advanced features that make it ideal for Excavating large volumes of rock and Earth quickly and efficiently."
"Gold isn't always on the bedrock. There's such a thing called false bedrock that can hold really good gold."
"Litecoin, Monero, Zcash, and Ethereum Classic are likely destinations for this extra mining power, which will increase the underlying security of all of these systems by bringing them a lot more hash rate from Ethereum."
"...mining was tough work and alongside it came gambling, prostitution, violence, and racism, lots and lots of racism."
"This kind of mining here, presumably it was nowhere near as profitable as as the archetypal mine that we've got up on the hillside."
"Favorable rock types and extensions of known deposits can lead you to more gold."
"Exploring the fringes can yield more gold, even if it's not as much as the center part of the district."
"When you think of mining in North Carolina, you probably think of gold mining."
"You can mine every 4 hours, 24/7, 365 days a year."
"Regardless of the cycles of the copper price, the cost position of that mine, once it's built the way you want it to be built, it will be robust for any reasonable range of copper prices out 20 to 50 years from now."
"Let's get straight into it. I spent over two weeks coming up with my top 15 passive crypto mining projects for 2024."
"As you transition from miners getting paid by subsidy to getting paid by transaction fee revenue, you transition away from models where pools can guarantee money to miners."
"Anything happened, the fire or anything around the mines or anything, they blowed that whistle. And you know when that was a blowed, there was something wrong."
"An Asic miner is a Bitcoin miner."
"Building a Dogecoin mining farm is much more viable."
"The mine was so lucrative that an accompanying mining settlement called Vulture City was built."