
Financial Relief Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"Money ain't gonna cure all your problems, but it does help."
"This will allow them to soon reduce their payments upwards of 25%."
"Student loan forgiveness will allow me to be able to put a down payment on a home."
"Two thousand dollars means I can afford to feed my three kids."
"Two thousand dollars would mean I wouldn't have to worry about making my mortgage payment this month and that I could get my medication."
"Two thousand dollars is the difference between keeping our apartment and being evicted."
"Money can't buy happiness—that's BS. That's absolutely not true. It certainly takes a lot of headaches away."
"This will save Americans an average of minimum four hundred and forty-six dollars just on insulin costs a year."
"We're going to try and get a cash payment to the people and we're working out the mechanics of that with legislature."
"If you put $1200 or $1700 into our hands in April, that money's not going to last that long and we're gonna be in the same boat in May."
"Twenty million Americans got the news today that they will never have to pay another nickel on student loan debt."
"That kind of financial help was exactly what her family needed."
"All we are asking for is the debt to be forgiven and reduced to $125,000."
"So, the deadline has passed right on by, and that is a good thing for the low income and fixed income."
"Canceling federal student loans would instantly make tens of millions of people's lives better."
"He could provide millions upon millions of student loan borrowers a new lease on life."
"Millions of Americans understood that you need relief. You are owed a stimulus check."
"Every financial burden lifted in the mighty name of Jesus."
"I'm going to go over the incredible deal provisions which are in the second stimulus package which are really good news."
"I'm infinitely thankful for the fact that that money was able to come in."
"I received a pleasant surprise. Got my stimulus with both my dependents. Unexpected awesome. Congratulations!"
"Every time that I paid off a credit card or another balance, it's a satisfying feeling."
"Inflation cooled last month, slowing its pace in more than two years, giving Americans relief from a painful period of rising prices."
"It's not a loan, there's no payback, it is a refund on taxes you probably shouldn't have paid in the first place."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"I feel like there's this weight off my chest and I'm no longer stressed or worried about things that are financially related or about feeling like I've really screwed up."
"The fact that people are starving right now and are scrounging to try to get a $1,200 check."
"Zero percent intro APR credit cards are absolutely a lifesaver."
"Now he wants to propose canceling the entire 1.6 trillion dollars in U.S. student loan debt."
"South Carolina is going to be sending out tax rebate payments this year to people who file a 2021 South Carolina income tax return."
"We need to lower costs... housing costs, energy costs, child care costs."
"For a lot of people who need the stimulus check money, it's mainly to pay past bills, overdue bills, past rent, utility or just to get food on the table."
"The $600 per week as an unemployment boost is really important. It's the thing that allows people to stay above water."
"The paycheck was huge enough to solve my personal woes and help my family."
"Money doesn't make you happy but it does relieve desperation."
"God had provided again... right before the bus was scheduled to leave, dad sold an item and we got to go."
"For some of you all, this may be a financial belief and... this relief may come in the form of a sword being removed out of your heart."
"The ending of financial problems. There's a future you out there that's living freaking fabulous."
"Connecting to the joyful capacity of your heart will heal so much negativity and uncertainty."
"Well, now Americans thankfully will no longer have to see medical debt on their credit reports."
"Bitcoin can definitely alleviate a lot of pains."
"The forgiveness plan [was] expected to wipe the slate clean for roughly 20 million Americans."
"Your student loan debt has just been canceled."
"The middle class deserves some financial breathing room."
"All of your financial worries are going to disappear."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"Canceling $10,000 of student loan debt would completely wipe out the debts of more than 15 million borrowers."
"101 organizations call for a $1.5 trillion student debt Jubilee."
"50,000 in federal student loan debt forgiveness. Now that's a game-changer."
"We will likely see a $2,000 stimulus check as proposed by the Democrats in the next package."
"Families pay an average of $8600 per year on pre-k under the president's plan many of them most of them will pay zero dollars."
"When you get out of that debt, it really changes you all the way around."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"Let's help everybody's business out and give them a reduction in their rent."
"Your days of being financially strained are over with, you've got great fortune and privilege coming to you."
"Financial burden being lifted, huge renewal in finances."
"From now on, your rent is free of charge."
"Stimulus checks substantially reduced hardship in this country."
"Thank you and God for this relief. I have tears in my eyes out of gratitude for these funds. Thank you so so so much."
"It's so great when you pay off fucking debt, it's like that shoulder that's removed from you."
"He immediately paid off his family's debt and got to work finding everyone a real home to live in."
"More and more states are giving back to their residents."
"Another rebate will be issued to all the taxpayers. Single filers will receive $500 and joint filers will receive $1,000."
"Maine, 850 dollar direct relief payments, full-time residents with a federal adjusted gross income of less than a hundred thousand are eligible."
"My mother gave us this house we did not have mortgage payment."
"Wouldn't getting $2,000 every single month be really nice?"
"Oh my god, that's me you busted, this is one incredible stream gonna be able to finally pay off for all those Christmas presents."
"Do not underestimate the power of stimulus checks."
"Nearly 45% can have their student debt fully canceled - that's 20 million people who can start getting on with their lives."
"Some extra money for your troubles: The IRS just announced that they're going to start paying five percent in guaranteed interest to individuals with delayed tax returns beginning in July."
"You will feel like you've gotten a raise once you start living on a written budget."
"The willingness of the Father to release supernatural provision to clear up a tax debt."
"God is going to take care of your bills, He's going to take care of all the issues in your life."
"He goes in there pro bono; the family ain't got to put up no money."
"It's such a freeing thing to not have that student loan debt over your head."
"So the good news is it at least he doesn't have any student debt right."
"The president is firmly sticking by the promise he made for $2,000 checks."
"Getting out of debt man, it's like dude it's so magical."
"The pressures off I've got the account now and if the treats present themselves I'll take them but if they don't I don't need to worry thinking I've got three days left and I've got 7% to get so so yeah it's a lot better."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"I saved close to nine thousand dollars if it wasn't for Car Shield I wouldn't have my car."
"Incredible great news about the fifth stimulus: raising your benefits, tying it to inflation, and more."
"Stimulus checks are the instrument that gets you caught up on those past due bills."
"No action is needed by most people to obtain this round of economic impact payments."
"It's preventing foreclosures, it's preventing rent being behind."
"If you're making $40,000 a year and you get a thousand dollar tax break, that's not no money."
"There's probably a lot of tech Bros bailed out but there's probably a lot of like, you know, working-class wine industry workers that got paid because of this bailout as well."
"Dividing the stimulus package in the two parts could also mean larger stimulus checks for us."
"Build Back Better will cut premiums for more than nine million Americans by an average of six hundred dollars per person."
"With a stroke of a pen, the president wiped out 750 million dollars owed by more than 25 thousand heroes."
"Medical expense deduction will drop to 7.5 percent of your income instead of 10."
"Surprise billing for medical expenses has been ended."
"Saving that much money on gas in these times is everything."
"College tuition is paid, are you kidding me?"
"Americans don't have to worry about paying their federal student loans at least till may next year."
"Honestly, these drugstore foundations are just as good. My bank account doesn't scream at me as much."
"I wish they would have did that because it would have lowered my mortgage."
"Imagine having that extra cushion to fill your tank, finally get your car repaired, or catch up on bills without having to wait for your next paycheck. It's a game changer."
"We're truly grateful... it's so much less stressful because we never once worried about having to pay."
"I ended up living rent-free and I just had to pay my share of the utilities."
"Canceling debt for more than 95 percent of the nearly 45 million Americans with student loan debt."
"Family is more stronger than that because y'all know blood is thicker than water."
"Just having that locked-in mortgage, which is so much lower than what we were paying in rent, is just a huge relief."
"I feel so much better, I feel like a million bucks."
"Canceling student loan debt would allow a whole generation to start investing in their futures."
"Parents used the money for food, gasoline, and housing - it was a blessing."
"Everybody will be better off when our family, friends, and neighbors are not saddled with unpayable debt."
"This is a full moon that does remove financial blockages out of your life."
"Make sure that they straight. My mom ain't got no bills right now."
"50,000 student loan forgiveness would be awesome."
"This campaign will come as welcome news to low earners who are particularly hard hit by inflation."
"I have directed Steve Mnuchin to get ready to send direct payments $3400 for family to afford to all Americans."
"Man, I'm just glad we got this money. I needed the money so bad."
"So yeah, just a matter of a few days now until these 1400 stimulus checks will likely start hitting our accounts, it's a real thing, can't believe it right at this point."
"President Biden already did one billion dollars of student loan forgiveness last week and there's a lot more to be expected."
"Student loan debt forgiven from where debt could be forgiven."
"IRS confirmed yesterday that a new wave of stimulus checks have gone out. What? Yes, this is a third stimulus, we had thought we had waved goodbye to all the waves."
"You've a 1 in 4 chance to eliminate student loan debt."
"Let's pay these victims off, family. Now it's time for them folks to get some relief."
"We need to ensure people get the relief they need and are not left behind."
"This afternoon a day early at 11 11 a.m pacific center time the president signed into law your 1400 third stimulus check."
"It's literally just the stimulus check in the standalone bill."
"We went from lying awake at night stressing about our debt load... to feeling like we suddenly had all these options."
"Recipients have been eagerly awaiting this stimulus check."
"Opportunities are coming in... your bills will be paid in full."
"It was surreal, celebrating that the interest rate is coming down."
"So in 2025 your drugs are going to be capped at $2,000 out of pocket, that's really, really good news."
"The cancellation of student debt is one part of it, but we've got to go further and show Working Families we're on their side."
"Your financial burdens will be lifted and you shall witness healing in miracles in every aspect of your life like never before."
"Winning that money definitely takes a lot of stress off."
"Life has changed for me since winning this money just by relieving a lot of monetary stress."
"President Biden raised student loan forgiveness for those making under $125,000 a year, providing breathing room for many."
"Well, I feel a lot better not having all that money on me."
"Loans are designed to give you financial relief when you hit hard times. You can get a loan when you want to make a big purchase that requires a significant amount of money you cannot raise."
"Remember, bankruptcy does not mean debt cancellation, but it's a way of making your life easier while managing your debts."
"Freedom because we're not worried about our heating bills so yeah this heating system is fantastic."
"No house payments for two months—unlike the dirt sheets, the reviews do not lie."
"There's a physical change in your body when you don't have any payments. Your body recognizes, 'Oh, we're safe now.'"
"You're going to be surprised about how you're going to get out of your financial pinch."
"What about your sister? What if her bills disappeared?"
"Your father has finally gotten his job back. His account has been unfrozen. This God is wonderful."
"What would an extra $6,000 a year do for you? Would it help to alleviate stress? Pay off some debt?"
"They reduced the bill from five thousand to twenty-six dollars."
"I was blown away, like I've been struggling, saving pennies, and I just got a check for thirty thousand dollars."
"By the early summer, we could start to see interest rates falling, and that will be a very important relief for families with mortgages."
"I was terrified and I sat down with my accountant and I ended up owing a lot less in taxes than I thought I would."
"You are going to be having to pay zero expenses."
"Good news for you, your social security benefit will be tax-free."
"You feel a lot of relief when you're done paying your loans."
"Well, if I don't get jobs for you, you don't have to pay me back one red cent."
"You don't need to worry about paying anything extra."
"Having put a budget in place... I feel this huge sense of relief."
"I was so excited I was calling my mom, I was like jumping up and down, 'Mom, you believe what I landed? I could pay rent for like a year now!'"
"The child tax credit was a tax cut that put money in families' pockets."
"1200 stimulus checks are back on the menu, boys."
"President Biden has extended the stimulus provision of student loan freeze for a few more months."
"This affects more than 41 million Americans who really felt they wanted this breathing room."
"We delivered on energy bills and on cutting National Insurance."
"Instead of landlords only getting 80 percent of back rent and having to forgive the other 20, they now get 100 of back rent for eligible tenants."
"We're doing no tax on pet food for next year and that's going to make a big difference."
"I was able to pay off my remaining student loans and put the rest towards a down payment on a new car."
"The extra money will alleviate the problem, make things easier."
"For the first time ever, we did it, easy, we can afford to live."
"It really wasn't that long ago we were dreading the monthly electricity bill, now we hope to never receive one again."
"I was just happy to not have a car payment."
"The personal allowance will rise for the seventh year in a row to £11,500, and the higher rate threshold to £45,000; 29 million people will be better off."
"I don't want them worrying about the bill for the next six months."
"I would pay off every student loan in the country number one, because that is just ruining America."
"So all the small businesses that were approved for the PPP loans in 2020, 94% of all of them has been completely forgiven and they do not have to pay anything back to the SBA."
"With lockdown, the extra money comes in handy."
"Most other liens will be wiped off, so even like state taxes are wiped off, federal taxes are wiped off."
"We started with a mortgage moratorium, whereas if you were affected by the pandemic in a financial way, you could actually stop payments or remodify your existing mortgage."
"Relax, the credit card balances, all that high-interest debt, gone."
"Remember, every dollar budgeted for each purchase tracked and debt by debt getting marked off, the feelings of stress and the anxiety of the unknown start to lift."
"It's like a lot of weight off our shoulders right now."
"We've used the money from that tax to help pay for around half of the typical family's energy bill."
"You will not be assessed any charges for Jonathan."
"We're putting more money back in the pockets of Canadians and building the economy of the future."
"It's really nice to have places where you can go and not pay rent for a period of time."
"We are cutting everyone's energy bills by an expected 1,400 pounds this year."
"It's like wow, I don't have to struggle at the end of the month."
"This is gonna change my life tomorrow; I'm gonna take a lot of it to pay my bills."
"I'm glad I finally have the money to stop and rest in a real bed."
"We did it naturally, thank God, didn't have to go into like massive debt and do all these different things to try to make it happen."
"A very exciting one for anyone who has a student loan, that would be student loan forgiveness."
"You don't have to worry about your finances and money because there's a miracle about to happen."
"It has saved my family literally thousands of dollars."
"It definitely helps for high cost living here, helps for you know, fuel costs and heating costs and food costs."
"You are finally getting the good news that you were waiting for regarding money so that you can funnel some of that money towards your property sector."
"It's really nice to have the money way down."
"Making an extra 500 bucks a month is huge for so many families."
"If you have federal student loans, they've actually gotten pushed back to September 30th where they cannot penalize you for any missed or late payments."
"It feels like a pressure or a sense of pressure and a burden is lifted off your shoulders financially."
"She's determined to find a job to alleviate their financial burden."