
Corporate Profits Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Workers have been waiting nearly three years for a new contract. Class one railroads have slashed their workforce by 29% in the past six years while making record profits."
"Corporate profits are soaring. CEOs are making billions of dollars a year."
"Inflation is intimately connected to record corporate profits and widening inequality."
"These kids are dying for less than a dollar a day while you pocket billions in profit every year."
"Corporate profits and workers' income have been decoupled since around 1980."
"This is real and Shell could not have tripled its profits in the time of pandemic in the time of global constant living crisis."
"It made for an epic payday, and that epic payday was soon reflected epically on the balance sheets."
"She stood to make only $50,000 whereas the company stood to make approximately $10 million."
"In today's inflationary environment, large companies are reporting greater profits and revenues, while at the same time Americans have witnessed all their wage gains for the last 12 to 15 months eliminated."
"The real winner in all of this is the companies happily accepting our money in exchange."
"The numbers are very very clear: corporate profits are driving inflation far more than labor costs."
"People peeing in bottles, 1.68 trillion dollar market cap, and we're worried about shaving a little bit off our bottom line."
"Big short investor Michael Burry warns of last hurrah for corporate profits."
"We're making money again; this feels pretty good."
"Consider the amount of profits that Pfizer are likely to make from the vaccines."
"Large firms were more likely to engage in this practice than small businesses. In fact, the latest data from the US Commerce Department shows that the last time corporate profit margins were so large was December 1950."
"It’s more likely that our recent health problems came from the nutritional sacrifices that were made for better profits, and not from a basic macronutrient like fat that we have been eating for centuries."
"Unionization helps to balance the disproportionate share of overall company profits."
"Do you think just between you and me if the workers who produce the surplus for Amazon got together to decide what to do with the surplus, they'd give it to Mr. Bezos?"
"The fact is, most corporate profits rely on consumer spending."
"Exxon made 19.7 billion dollars in profit last quarter alone."
"There is a direct connection between Amazon's profits and the deaths of those people."
"These shipping companies will now be charging much higher rates to make sure that they get a profit over the next three to four years."
"When you have record profits, there ought to be record pay going to the workers that created that value."
"Workers may be tired of seeing the fruits of their labor go to corporations."
"Patients are suffering, but profits are soaring."
"Why should we subsidize their profits and executive salaries when we can pay for it directly more efficiently and cover everybody?"
"Facebook made 113 billion dollars in ad Revenue in 2021... ask them to donate five billion to the hood and see what they tell you."
"Corporations should not make huge profits locking up fellow Americans."
"Corporations are raising prices even as they rake in record profits."
"You need to keep squeezing that same rock for more profits."
"The US economy is much more robust than ten years ago. It has record profits for corporations."
"Every single day for the last 50 years, $2.8 billion in pure profit."
"It's not long until Tesla is making many tens of billions of dollars of profits every single quarter."
"People are dying and having to resort to GoFundMe in order to pay for health care while these health insurance companies are making record profits."
"Record corporate profits should mean record contracts for the UAW."
"Valve and Bethesda, they're taking the lion's share."
"They're all making more money: Corporate profits are soaring during the pandemic."
"America overall lost, certainly Afghanistan lost, but Lockheed, General Dynamics, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, they all won."
"Multinational corporations are seeing record profits while small businesses suffer."
"It is extremely saddening to me that during what has been called the most profitable year Magic the Gathering has ever had we are having something taken away."
"I would rather do the windfall profits tax I mean just today exxon and chevron making record profits of this war why not tax them and put 300 bucks in the pockets of every american."
"The biggest driver of inflation during the pandemic? Corporate profits."
"So why aren't you super mad about that? Why do they need our money? They're already the most profitable companies in the world."
"Saudi Aramco reports of 121 billion in profits, more than Meta, Nvidia, Amazon, and Tesla combined."
"Hermes made huge profits in 2020, 2021, and in 2022, so they made a lot of extra money they could have given to raise salaries for their employees."
"Corporate profits in the year 2021 were the highest they have been in 70 years."
"Hardworking Americans deserve to benefit from the record corporate earnings they helped produce."
"Profits for S&P 500 companies rose 22% in fourth quarter and nearly 50% to 2021 overall."
"If employers are struggling to hire and retain workers in an era of record corporate profits, would that not imply that they need to offer more pay?"
"We know why prices are high; it's the same cause of so many of the problems our economy: corporations want bigger profits."
"Corporate profits more than anything are the key to the stock market going up over time."
"Apple, in about one week, generates as much profit as Amazon has ever generated."
"There is a decoupling between the profits that the big companies are showing and the extraordinary gains on Wall Street on the one hand and job growth on the other."
"As long as people stay reasonably employed, corporate profits should more or less be okay."
"The profits that appear to you are called dividends."
"If we do avoid a recession and corporate profits keep rising in 2023, we could go as high as 235 dollars on the S P 500."
"Corporate America is still posting healthy profits and can afford to absorb rising input costs, including wages, rather than passing them on to the consumer via price increases."