
Status Symbol Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"How many followers you have on social media today is as big, if not bigger, status symbol than how much money you have."
"Bugatti, I've never seen one of these and yeah, it's got the boss number plate."
"Apple status it's a status symbol where if you get the jet black one everyone knows you're a mega baller and bought the top of the line."
"You have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get something in the Ferrari or Lamborghini range to stop traffic the way this Karma does."
"Not having a smartphone is kind of the new status symbol."
"How can you not have that in your setup bro? That is the biggest flex of all time!"
"It's becoming a status symbol to spend money on video games now."
"Mercedes Maybach is a state of mind, it's a belief that a regular Mercedes-Benz S Class just doesn't adequately tell the world you're successful."
"The Rolls-Royce Phantom is not just an ultimate status symbol, it's the holy grail of handcrafted luxury automobiles."
"Do you want to show the world you've arrived? You need a Phantom."
"The Royal Oak is the ultimate Flex on every level."
"Could this be the ultimate crypto investor status symbol or your ultimate flex?"
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"Owning a Model S today is becoming kind of like owning a BMW in the 80s."
"Long nails weren't meant to be practical, they were meant to be a status symbol."
"You're buying this watch for the flex, and at 170 bucks, it's worth it."
"If you see someone wearing this in the room with you, you better take your watch off because you lost."
"This was the sports car of that era, so you had arrived if you had this."
"This is the number one flex phone out right now."
"It's a literal crown, it shows you're like proper rocket league royalty."
"It's not just a car, it's a symbol of success."
"The shoe is definitely worth the money if you want a status symbol."
"The status symbol of just having the best headphone on the planet."
"The Black Card, the Centurion card, is the most exclusive and prestigious credit card anywhere in the world."
"When it does and you do want to use it somewhere, it's quite the flex, obviously. It's quite the conversation starter."
"Board Apes are the new Rolexes, the new Lamborghinis, the digital flex that so many NFT enthusiasts have been waiting for."
"Apple AirPods Max, stylish, trendy, fashionable, the ultimate status symbol, except they're fake."
"The G spot is a G Wagon, someone gotta get you the G Wagon, it's a G spawn off a Mercedes."
"Their name becomes this amazing label that has status with it."
"The sword was an important thing for the samurai because it was their badge of rank, their status symbol."
"If I'm going to spend all the money on a GT3, I want people to know that it's a GT3."
"If you're driving a Tesla it means that you're a good person and you have a lot of money, probably."
"If you have a supercharger, you're just cool."
"I bought this car because I thought, 'What's the coolest, most special thing that I could purchase, drive every day, and afford to drive every day?'"
"This car was literally made to be an 'F you'. So I think it definitely belongs somewhere near the top."
"In 18th-century England, pineapples were a status symbol. Those rich enough to own a pineapple would carry them around to signify their personal wealth and high-class status."
"The ultimate status symbol for people that don't know, price range is a couple hundred grand."
"We're not coming in with a G-Wagon or a Cullinan or a Urus or a Huracán or a Ferrari. We're coming in with a hyper car."
"... if you can afford one of these cars and you don't own a membership to a private race track you are freeing up in life"
"How much would you pay to own one of the most luxurious and exclusive supercars on the planet? $100,000? $500,000? How about a million? Even then, you likely wouldn't come close to what some celebrities have paid for the ultimate status symbol on four wheels."
"This is my first ever designer handbag, my first ever Louis Vuitton bag."
"The Range Rover brand in general is a lifestyle and also a sense of being a status symbol."
"I like having a gold watch. When I see this side of my wrist I'm like yeah, that feels mature, it feels right."
"The Rolls-Royce Wraith is not just a car; it is also a symbol of luxury and high status, with every curve and line meticulously crafted."
"Bling is a status symbol and most importantly a screaming message of success."
"You buy it because it's an Escalade. It looks awesome. It looks like a baller using it. And that's it. And it's just kind of like one of those symbols like you have arrived if you can afford a car like this."
"The MP5 is the ultimate status symbol for almost 20 years. You know, and it was used in movies as much as any other platform."
"The model S quickly became a status symbol, attracting attention from car enthusiasts and environmentalists alike."
"This car is reserved for the elites of the world: the executives, the stock brokers, the realtors, the doctors, the dentists. The elite of the elite drive cars like this."
"It's more than just a product, it's a status symbol, a testament to your passion for Pokémon."
"Brass, no money. My boy got a Stone Island tracksuit, like, the full track it."
"Driving a Ferrari makes me feel better than driving your [ __ ] box."
"My father always said if you were really successful, you drove a Bentley."
"Rolex is the original aspiration."
"You never believe what I have in my hand right now, this is the most expensive bag."
"It's more than a number, it's basically just like a status."
"There's an undeniable appeal about the G-Wagon."
"The reason somebody owns a Rolex versus a regular watch... is because of status and expressionism."
"Miss Cleo denial wouldn't be caught dead without an iconic red bottom by Christian Boo Bhon."
"A man was driven in a Rolls, a man drove an Alfa, but a man gave to his mistress a Delage."
"Anytime you can attach status to your product or service, you'll be able to charge more and make more money."
"When I was young, the status symbol was your ride; you drove a Cadillac."
"When did Rolex become like the ultimate in luxury?"
"These shirts became a status symbol showing that the wearer was wealthy enough to be able to afford a vacation to Hawaii."
"They've become status symbols just like any other accessory can be."
"What was once a symbol of your eco-friendly lifestyle has now become a status symbol."
"The iPhone is now a cultural icon, a recognizable status symbol."
"You're not only just selling the pen, you're also selling status, you're selling confidence."
"They have red bottoms because she's fancy."
"A luxury item with a price tag to match."
"This is the Rolex everybody can sit oh that's the flex watch, it isn't, but it is a very nice one."
"It is an instantly recognizable product with retail prices of $800 and more - it has become a very popular status symbol."
"The allure of the Gulfstream G650 isn't merely its striking design or its impressive flight capabilities; it's a symbol of unparalleled luxury and prestige in the world of aviation."
"The hat is most certainly a symbol of one's status in life."
"A fine suit has become a status symbol for the modern man."
"I'm feeling like this is a Lamborghini, mercy, your chick she's so thirsty."
"Being able to afford to go out to eat every day, being able to afford expensive meals every day, is a status symbol."
"The Rolex GMT Master has evolved into the ultimate luxury travel watch and now represents a true icon within the luxury watch industry."
"Rolex is King as a brand, Daytona is King as a watch."
"In the Philippines, Starbucks is more of a status symbol for a Filipino to be seen there."
"White shirts were prized by people of means, a clear indicator that you didn't work with your hands."
"Tesla has become a big deal; it's become somewhat of a status symbol."
"Money is so ingrained into our society, and there's so much status around money."
"This is class. This is a watch for a guy who doesn't have anything to prove."
"Clothing in the Middle Ages was worn for necessity, comfort, and display."
"I just want some ice on my wrist so I look better."
"A watch tells the time; a $20,000 Rolex tells people you've got issues."
"Instagram is a shining beacon that signals one's place inside the social hierarchy."
"It makes your house smell like you are the wealthiest person on the block."
"Whether you're a fan or a critic, you have to admit the Birkin is quite a phenomenon."
"I think this will become a status symbol in a way that if you have a product like this, you're taking your life far more seriously."
"Canadian smartphones with QWERTY keyboards were coveted by the youth, owned by businessmen, and purchased by the entire American elite."