
Dependencies Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I believe that we're at an inflection point. The challenges that we currently face are not merely inconveniences but the real problems that will require us to really rethink our level of dependencies on a failing system."
"Essentially inside of this advanced component, we're using this user variable inside of our useEffect but it doesn't appear inside of our dependencies here."
"SP_depends is really useful to view the dependencies of the stored procedure."
"Spring Boot provides starter dependencies already, it automatically configures Spring and third-party library."
"If we update the units sold, the gross sales and every other field that's dependent on it will also update."
"Using the Docker file you can manage the dependencies, you can Define which container has to be built first, which has to be built next."
"I really like to talk about breaking dependencies, managing dependencies."
"Setting up a virtual environment is crucial for managing dependencies and avoiding conflicts in your project."
"That is not good because without the node modules we cannot run our express application as we are using it over here."
"If we have any dependencies like Python or the JDK that need to be installed in the environment, we can utilize the image keyword."
"Now we can go ahead and install all the dependencies we need for FastAPI to work with MySQL."
"Relationships and sequences can be inferred from the direction of the arrows and linkages between the activities."
"Every framework author wants you to couple to their code because somewhere in the back of their mind they know that once you've done that, you can never get away."
"In a multi-stage Docker build, you only include the necessary dependencies for building your application, reducing the final image size."
"Dependencies allow you to set dependent items in a timeline view so that you can see what needs to be done before something else or what is blocking something from being completed."
"In general, the classes with fewer dependencies are easier to test."
"An effect may require some dependencies before it can be run and when run will produce either a value or an error."
"Containers are a mechanism to bundle up an application alongside all of its binaries and libraries that is its dependencies."
"Your class library doesn't have any hard dependencies."
"There's no reason why that should be the case, it's just because we've collectively decided that it's okay for our dependencies to be a bundled ball of disk code that's generated from some typescript source."
"A great thing about Synaptic is that it checks that you have everything you need on your system to make the program work. This is referred to as resolving dependencies."
"Dependencies are not something that should make your life harder; they should make your life easier."
"Tests that only execute in memory don't reach out to any other process dependencies, making them the best tests in terms of maintainability."
"Agile fails when we overlay it on top of broken organizations without addressing dependencies."
"Every dependency reduces agility; addressing them is essential to achieving true agility."
"Be selective about the dependencies that you take."
"One of the reasons why people might want to do things like self or past dependencies in their ETL is because you might have cumulative metrics."
"We need to install all of our dependencies."
"Let's go ahead and install the dependencies."
"Software design is the art of managing dependencies and abstractions."
"Conda does the same thing as the pip except it looks for all the dependencies."
"Self-supervised learning really is learning dependencies between variables, learning to fill in the blanks."
"When you use Conda, you don't have to worry about missing dependencies; they will usually be bundled together with the packages."
"With containers, it's based around this image. Well, that image contains all of the layers we need... so I don't have problems with missing dependencies anymore."
"Make sure to copy my requirements.txt file so you have all the necessary dependencies."
"Most of the time, Terraform can automatically figure out what dependencies are for each resource."
"First, create a virtual environment, then install the dependencies that you need."
"Think very carefully before you introduce dependencies between globals because you're going to have to think about that dependency forever if you introduce it."
"You can be very explicit about your dependencies."
"Each of these services shares similar dependencies, such as the network client which executes requests."
"It can really inform your language design actually because you become much more aware of what dependencies you need to figure out bits of information."
"The container is a standalone executable package which includes applications and their dependencies."
"The magic of dependencies in the platform right now is just to be able to move something on a timeline and have it update those other dependent dates without needing to manually adjust those."
"Clean architecture is all about managing those dependencies."
"First things first, we need to install and import some dependencies."
"How many things are we dependent on that we have to do? Water, sleep, caffeine... everybody's dependent on something."
"If you want to include a third-party dependency in your repo, a good way to do that is by using Git submodules."
"Containers are units of software that package up code and all its dependencies."
"Directed acyclic graphs... often represent structures with dependencies."
"The more dependencies you have, the more of a case you have for using a package manager."
"A container allows us to package all the dependencies inside a container."
"We wanted to preserve long-term dependencies because language depends not only on the previous three words, not even on the previous sentence."
"Long-term dependencies are very crucial for language modeling."
"Dependabot can scan your dependencies in your applications to make sure that you have the most up-to-date secure versions of those dependencies."
"You have no call boundary risks, you don't have to stub or mock."
"I have a bunch of components that are largely independent but have dependencies to each other."
"We've created a number of tools to help with quality, help with performance, and help remove dependencies."
"If you're working together with third-party frameworks, there are sometimes dependencies to other frameworks and Cocoapods makes it really easy to manage those dependencies."
"In unit tests, we try not to resolve dependencies; instead, we replace the original classes with test doubles or fake objects."
"A utility library is only allowed to use other utility libraries."
"We actually have a way that you can automatically bring all the dependencies your project needs with it."
"Knowing the difference between hard and soft dependencies is important when you have to make configuration changes."
"Using containers, you just need these two dependencies if you want to follow along."
"Use multi-stage builds, separate build time and runtime dependencies."
"Dependencies are not free, and they cost memory."
"A system is responsible for managing the life cycle of the components it contains and providing them with their dependencies."
"Breaking the dependency chains, whenever instructions are dependent on data that hasn't been computed, those instructions can't begin executing."
"These are not just Spring dependencies that we provide in the starters; they're actually third-party dependencies as well."
"Make the dependencies between your modules explicit."