
Conversation Skills Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Being a great conversationalist is actually a specific social skill."
"Listen and be present in a conversation. Show your interest in them. People like to talk about themselves."
"The most important rule when it comes to asking questions is asking open-ended questions which means whenever you ask something, the answer cannot be yes or no."
"You can't just rely on your IQ. An EQ is almost more important in a conversation than an IQ is."
"The ability to converse and debate has been the result of the dumbing down of people."
"Your capacity to ask insightful questions makes you a good conversation."
"Bring something to the conversation rather than simply being gnarly, grumpy, attack-oriented."
"Deep conversations enable individuals to truly get to know each other on a deeper level."
"Conversation mastery is about listening well and knowing when to speak."
"Listening attentively will actually help you to master English conversations."
"If the conversation is about an experience you end the conversation smoothly like a native English speaker by following these three steps."
"Leading the conversation shows you're the type of guy who can take charge."
"The best conversationalists are the best listeners who ask the best questions."
"Initiate conversation with a friendly demeanor and a normal pace."
"Don't underestimate the importance of these things."
"We truly have been doing this show a long time where you don't even need anyone else around like you can just have a conversation, a deep discussion, and an argument all by yourself."
"You already know everything that you have to say, and you know nothing that they're gonna have to say. So one of the most selfless things in a conversation is be selfless."
"It's just being confident in a conversation... it's just having an opinion... it's just how I feel about it."
"Joe Rogan's superpower is that he can have a million different versions of the same conversation with a million different people and it's interesting every single time."
"I think Ethan Klein did a phenomenal job in this conversation."
"She had a great way of talking, debating, and making you question what you think and believe."
"Prepare for conversations ahead of time. Master common questions and phrases used in conversations."
"Timing, tone, and turf are key to initiating the conversation."
"Focus on having a good conversation rather than trying to impress."
"Remember discussion doing it more getting more practicing these are the best ways to help broach these conversations and hopefully get your play group to a space that maybe is a little more fun than it was yesterday."
"These are like really good like organic ways to build conversations off of questions where you have like a mutual interest."
"Knowing how to control the conversation means knowing how to use curiosity, redirection, and assertiveness."
"The point is to understand things and be really prepared for conversations."
"Yeah, but again, this is the sort of thing where you shouldn't need a coach to assist you while you're having conversations."
"Ask them questions that they can talk a long time about the answer."
"I learned a lot about handling difficult conversations and standing up for myself."
"To be able to enter into a conversation with somebody... without necessarily agreeing with it... is a really important thing for everybody to develop."
"We hope if nothing else that the next time you find yourself in a chobble conversation you have new ammo to come across as more interesting and informed."
"It represents the tremendous capacity of the mind to actually have an ordinary language conversation with anyone."
"Learning to talk quality conversation requires not only sympathetic listening but also self-revelation."
"Good conversations are a key characteristic of an interesting person."
"You are great at what you do when it comes to holding a conversation."
"Your ability to just be able to sit and have a conversation with anyone... that's so important in business."
"If you can't engage with hypotheticals, you're not equipped to be able to have conversations."
"Let the conversation flow but make sure you get a word in edgewise."
"With practice, easy natural conversation will become second nature to you."
"I'm very impressed with how she's handling this conversation."
"You need to understand that when you actually have a conversation with your ex, you need to do things that can continually keep them engaged."
"Find a way to extend a conversation and grow it organically."
"Learning when to disengage conversation is a big skill because a lot of people don't know how to or when to disengage."
"I've heard some people say, 'I try to have a really good oneliner to leave a conversation.'"
"Once again, I'm Kim from englishwithkim.com. I'm your guide to the essential conversation skills you need to sound more natural in English."
"Learning how to end a conversation is such an underrated skill."
"I've never really had too much of a problem with creating conversation or carrying a conversation."
"Practice the craft of conversation... empathic listening... our ability to be present to what's really going on within to the unique feelings and needs a person is experiencing at that very moment."
"We're super good at talking, both of us."
"Be able to hold a conversation with someone... learn what it means to be adaptable and accommodating to people who are not like you."
"To be a great conversation partner, the assistant needs to deeply understand the social dynamics of conversation."
"A good conversational participant keeps track of the conversation."
"Let's run the clip back, we're gonna have a deep conversation here about why your conversation is a weapon and a tool."
"If you're going to have a conversation, you need to listen to what I'm saying so that you can actually respond properly."