
Societal Implications Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Could it be that this piece of history was deliberately buried or omitted due to its unsettling implications?"
"What if we had something that could do all of the labor we need without it being unethical to force them to do it? What are the societal implications of that?"
"The population growing at the lowest rate in 80 years has immense implications."
"What conspiracy theory means is...a breakdown of social cohesion."
"When these systems become big enough, there is no more room to experiment in an open-ended way because the implications have broad societal impacts."
"Differences between the Sexes are reality, and while they can be cause for concern, they are also very often a strength, and we ignore them at our peril."
"Basic questions should be answered because they keep occurring over and over and over again."
"If the gospel isn't getting us into trouble, we need to re-examine it."
"And as to why developments like that might matter, I think we're only now starting to unpack the potential implications."
"That would have given a lot of people pause with respect to this jury."
"If people actually did adhere to the morality in the Bible, it would not be a pretty world."
"Privacy should always look at the downside to not having privacy."
"It's dangerous to worship that technocratic solution."
"The consequences of using arrests indiscriminately can evolve into a dangerous political tool."
"While it's cool to see an F-16, it probably means we're doing something wrong."
"I think science informs morality. That's an important connection that I don't think people commonly make today."
"I worry that we're sliding towards a state of total monitoring on the premise that we're all better off for it."
"Do you understand that this isn't just about the news lying? It has a direct impact on you."
"You're holding innocent people responsible for the actions of the guilty."
"It comes back to raising some significant questions of what that might mean for the child when they become an adult themselves."
"This is much more than just a vaccine passport."
"You know this does show what happens when you don't have a robust, well-staffed, well-funded adversarial media."
"For any sort of non-political maybe leans left middle American person who is like what would I."
"Controlling what we can say is a means of controlling what we think."
"Our problem is not that there are too many babies being born but that there are too few being born."
"If you completely disarm the population they'll be even more emboldened to enact a hyper-authoritarian police state."
"It's very hard to get government officials to give up powers once you give it to them."
"Their fatal conceit is trying to get rid of private property rights. If you take away the right of people to own, you will ensure that they will in fact be owned."
"Not thinking things through too deeply... It works both ways."
"The basic framework remains fear of rival political majorities."
"Debt is not just about money, it's about power."
"Once you even take away anyone's free speech, then you don't have any free speech."
"This is about keeping the foundation's other projects, which include so much of this techno-fascist world they're trying to implement."
"Ultimately, the cost of wrongly disbelieving a survivor far outweighs the cost of calling someone a rapist."
"Some truths are too dangerous to know or too lethal to hear."
"America has around 5% of the world's population but uses 60% of pharmaceutical drugs."
"The press is overwhelmingly run by oligarchs who are part of a status quo."
"Marriage is a political decision. Who you marry tells me who you are."
"If we live forever, then we might become a very ossified society where new ideas cannot succeed."
"One of the most important things about the Brookings report written in the 1960s is the section that says the implications of the existence of extraterrestrial life."
"Stimulus checks could payments turn into monthly guaranteed income."
"The important part of this study is how much the media diet ultimately matters."
"We've lost the Republic we'll lose our country if the middle class becomes poor."
"Silence really is compliance, and it is scary."
"Orwell's gripe was that Wells naively believed in the natural progression of scientific progress as inevitably leading to a better world."
"Is total genetic transparency by law enforcement really something we should tolerate in our society?"
"The family was concerned that there were racial implications involved."
"If there isn't a clear signal sent that if you do these kinds of things you will get in trouble then they're just we're creating an incentive for you know catastrophe here."
"Freedom of speech is not just about the rights of the utterer of speech, it's about the rights of the receiver."
"If you limit your neighbor's freedom, you limit your own."
"If All Might dies, we have a society problem, not just a PR problem."
"Pat's Cop: a commentary on the pitfalls of transhumanism."
"Silence about race reinforces racism by letting children draw their own conclusions based on what they see."
"If aliens exist, 100 the world of religions they're going to be baffled."
"Our country would be such a very different and dangerous place if prosecutors applied the Special Counsel standard and citizens were obliged to prove conclusively that no criminal conduct occurred."
"We have to sort of pull this out of the drama of the nominee herself and into the realm of what does this person taking a seat on the Supreme Court mean for the lives of most Americans."
"If we lose this it sets a stage that I don't think anybody's going to have the the fight in them or the the Dare To Go protest against the evil and tyranny that's coming."
"This has tremendous implications for the present so-called racial debate in how people identify who's who, who they came from, how they view other people, what's foreign, what's different, what's related, what's not."
"There's no denying it. Our history is false, our present is false."
"We're in a situation where there's this really interesting time in True Crime where we're kind of daily making advancements."
"Mormons are very very intense about the nuclear family okay they make i think recently one of the church leaders made a comment that was like what what'll happen if everybody's just gay and then there aren't any children."
"You created the mess, things were going quite well before you showed up."
"What is the huge implication that our government and other governments are worried about in telling the truth?"
"Everybody in the United States of America will be litigated, and there is no time stamp on this."
"Restricting people's speech restricts how they think."
"Blaming and punishing people for experiencing abuse simply emboldens the abusers."
"Eliminating anonymity only gives people with fu money or people with nothing to lose the ability to speak."
"If ecological panic is one of the causes of the Holocaust, then we should perhaps think more broadly about the relationship between our own habits and the future in the 21st century."
"It's not a sad state of affairs that men need to learn from other men. It's a sad state of affairs that it's not happening as often and as frequently as it should, and the result is despair and dangerous circumstances."
"What an important point it seems to me that once something is discovered, it can’t be un-discovered."
"If people just believed everything cop said or any witness said, look at what the world would be like."
"This period is known as the Gilded Age for a reason."