
Risk Tolerance Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The concept of being very aggressive in all stocks when you're young and more conservative when you get older makes target-date funds appealing to the masses."
"As long as you don’t need that money tomorrow, you can afford to deal with the fluctuations of the stock market."
"The fragile wants peace and predictability. So the opposite of that would be something that loves volatility."
"My risk tolerance is really high... I trust God's process."
"Cryptocurrency is money that I'm not afraid to lose."
"The trouble is you lose at first and this is what I think really hurts people and their ability to make money in the long run is that they just can't take that near-term pain to get the long-term gain."
"Know your risk tolerance and financial situation before investing."
"Having a little bit at risk sometimes does help with the emotions."
"I want a more safe conservative slow growing stock market portfolio where back when I was like 24 25 I wanted to make a million from the stock market as fast as possible."
"One of the reasons why I like leadership roles is because if something fails, I'm okay with that."
"In our 20s we want to be as aggressive as we can be because we have the most time left until retirement."
"At a certain point, you say, 'Look, I'm rich enough. If I lose a few extra million dollars, man, [ __ ] it.'"
"The marker of a real entrepreneur is that you can tolerate an extreme amount of risk."
"I'd rather have a volatile ride and win than slowly lose or slowly die."
"You can be wrong 80 percent of the time and still not lose money."
"If you are sweating the day-to-day movements on AMC, this is not the stock for you."
"Hex saves you from yourself. You withstand the volatility by staking."
"I love buying stuff when no one wants it... I expect automatically to be wrong if I'm wrong down I'm down 50% on my position that's okay to me because that means I could just buy a lot more."
"Everybody has the brain power to make money in stocks or investing but not everyone has the stomach."
"Everybody's got the brain power to invest, the question is do you have the stomach?"
"Bitcoiners are not afraid of volatility because most of them are in profit."
"The fastest race horse in the race is crypto so I'm actually 100% of my liquid net worth in this and I have been actually for since 2020."
"...if having that stability allows your risk tolerance on the rest of your assets to elevate, then it's not just a peace of mind thing, it might actually be a mathematical improvement for you."
"Again, one of the things you have to ask yourself as an investor is how am I wired? Am I someone who’s comfortable being outside the herd or do I need to be inside the herd?"
"The greatest harbinger of subsequent market declines is widespread risk tolerance or a high degree of investor comfort with risk."
"If you are someone who doesn't have risk tolerance for a high flyer like Tesla, you shouldn't buy Tesla."
"...if you do invest in equity you'd hardly even blink at that loss..."
"You have to be willing to accept short-term volatility."
"An investment giant, Morgan Stanley, is the first major U.S. bank to offer clients access to Bitcoin. Only those with aggressive risk tolerance and 2 million in assets."
"The percentage of people that can risk 4% is 0.001%, so you probably can't."
"The risks are low enough... on a practical level, for me personally, my risk tolerance allows for handling and owning these watches."
"Buy it because you feel comfortable with the thesis and you can stomach seeing the stock fall tremendously."
"If you're willing to accept some risk, you can have the confidence to retire."
"Can we just be friends? How about you use both? I would definitely recommend using both. You get to choose this though, and this is the choice that'll be up to you. That's all about personal, you know, your risk tolerance and your comfort levels."
"For long-term investors, you want to have that full allocation based on your risk tolerances."
"Everyone has the brain power to invest but very few people have the stomach to invest."
"If you want to cultivate that tolerance for risk-taking, you have to then teach people how to fail but fail quickly and inexpensively."
"If you have a high enough risk appetite, you can stay at 100% equities if you have some flexibility in the planning and timing."
"If you have the stomach to go against the grain and invest during these periods, you're often very well rewarded."
"The risk tolerance of people who have been early in crypto is just totally different than anything any current institution has or could even imagine having."
"Knowing how much residual risk you should be willing to carry is a big part of being a leader."
"It doesn't take a special degree, a special way you look, a special anything to get that money, but it does take the hustle, it takes the risk tolerance, it takes the ability to learn, and it takes the ability to fail."
"Every person has their own risk tolerance, so you'll need to do your own research and decide which companies are suitable for you."
"Years of experience filming all over the world has built a tolerance to the risk."
"Wherever that pain threshold is for you and the trade, that's where your stop loss is."
"Good trading requires you to plan the trade, know your risk tolerance, and decide, 'Is this my pattern? Is this my setup?' and trust the trade."
"Risk appetite is the nature and strength of the risk that we are willing to bear."