
Inertia Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Any complex system has inertia to it; it also has a homeostatic drive to it, which means it tries to maintain its current state."
"Autistic inertia affects us even if we want to switch to a fun task. It means that we have difficulty starting, stopping, and switching tasks."
"Sometimes hope just isn't enough. Doing things changes things. Doing nothing keeps things exactly the way they are."
"A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest."
"The most important thing is to take the first step and to start doing something anything take action and break the inertia of passivity."
"So, wherever you are maybe more difficult because we already have the status quo and the inertia but it's never too late I don't even like to say that way it sounds that itself sounds depressing."
"At times Christians may be overcome by laziness and prefer to sit and contemplate the few sure things that we possess rather than getting up and looking to."
"Object in motion is likely to stay in motion."
"It's just cultural inertia that keeps the system of inequality going."
"Life and death are the same stuff in a dynamic state we call it life, in a state of inertia we call death."
"Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion; bodies at rest tend to stay at rest."
"Once you get on that merry-go-round, it's extremely difficult to get off."
"The energy required to start doing something is way more than the energy required to continue doing it."
"...there's an enormous activation energy to make that happen."
"Our alien ship is immune to the effects of inertia, the universal property of matter that causes a body at rest to stay at rest and a body in motion to stay in motion."
"It's easier to continue writing than to stop."
"In other words, this becomes loss aversion stops you from starting. Sure loss stops you from stopping."
"Getting the ball rolling is almost always the hardest part."
"An object in motion stays in motion."
"Not easy because we're all victims of inertia. For me, adoption either shows up in your financials because it's been fully executed and you can measure it, or it shows up in some form of engagement with a particular platform and how they're using it."
"Our objective should be to overcome inertia and create momentum."
"I've never been to Canada. Never had a reason to go."
"Nothing happens until something moves."
"Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Put another way, couch potatoes tend to stay couch potatoes. Achievers, people who get into a successful rhythm, continue busting their butts and end up achieving more and more."
"Unless you really look at them and say, 'Okay, we have to change,' the inertia will keep them there."
"It's all based on inertia, rotational inertia."
"An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest."
"Status quo bias is a preference to keep things as they are."
"A body in motion stays in motion."
"I didn't even get up. I started it and I didn't move."
"An object at rest wants to stay at rest, an object in motion wants to stay in motion. The more mass we have in motion, the longer it will stay in motion."
"Newton's first law: An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion."
"I felt my leg muscles starting to contract. I was sitting on my bed at the moment and wanted so badly not to stand up."
"Stagnation must end for momentum to gain."
"Revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way, and you're sitting around here like a knot on a log saying, 'I'm not going to do anything.'"
"The hump was everything, a kind of inertia, a kind of emptiness."
"not only does that give you exceptional performance and the feeling of absolutely no inertia but it also contributes again to those low running costs"
"Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it."
"The momentum will never come to be on its own."
"A body in motion tends to stay in motion."
"A lot of the things that we do, it's just about how much of your day is actually due to inertia versus actual intentional thought of what do I really need to get done to reach my goals."
"Let's remember that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."
"An object in motion will stay in motion... things keep doing what they're doing, you know, unless something stops IT."
"'You can't afford to be afflicted with career inertia.'"
"Momentum: an object that's in motion will stay in motion."
"It's all about lightness less inertia, amazing."
"We don't have the energy to deal with anything; defaults are becoming more and more powerful."
"The water, the objects around don't even have a chance to react, their inertia is too big, that's how fast this jet is being projected."
"All things that move, Hermes says, are moved by something stationary."
"Action creates action, inaction creates more inaction. Just get moving."
"If doing nothing is a viable option, most of us will just do that."
"When an object is at rest, it'll continue at rest. When an object is moving, it'll continue moving until an external force is applied on it."
"to disrupt inertia it takes first of all drastic action"
"It takes drastic action for him to overcome the inertia and the comfort of that old life."
"It takes drastic action to overcome the power of inertia."
"I don't think we can change now. I think we are committed. There's going to be more and more of this and no one will do anything to stop it."
"You just got so much time you can't do nothing. You can't move."
"I just can't get going. I'm stuck."
"Every golfer should set out to get the highest inertia product that gets the right launch conditions for them."
"Take action. A body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest."
"I honestly just wanna relax. I just really just wanna don't want to do anything."
"Inertia, doing nothing is such a crime against your life."
"The preservation of angular momentum is basically just inertia but for rotation."
"If you're spinning in a chair and you put your arms out, you go slow, but if you pull your arms in, you go faster."
"Something in motion tends to stay in motion unless something counteracts against it."
"The only reason that it survives now is arguably the most important force in human nature... inertia."
"Simple physics: things in motion stay in motion."
"If you studied your Newton and paid attention in physics class, you will understand the concept of inertia."
"A body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest tends to stay at rest."
"A body in motion stays in motion, and a body at rest stays at rest."
"The eigenvalues of the moment of inertia matrix have a special interpretation."
"These principal moments of inertia are the eigenvalues."
"A body on which no force acts moves uniformly along a straight line."
"The unmanifest pure potential is the actual definition of the term inertia."
"It's all about inertia, so as it gets going, it wants to stay in motion."
"Objects maintain their relative velocities; that's basically the definition of something that is inertial."
"...the biggest enemies are inside of us: fear and lethargy."
"Science rules. Inertia is a property of matter."
"Unfortunately, an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."
"Newton's first law of motion says an object in motion will keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed forever, unless acted upon by an outside force."
"Inertia is a measure of the reluctance of an object to change its state of motion."
"Remember Newton's first law of inertia: the block has inertia; it's going to keep going unless there's a force to slow it down."
"Something that's in motion tends to stay in motion; something at rest tends to stay at rest."
"Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
"Inertia means that when something is in motion, it stays in motion until something stops it."
"Mass moments of inertia come into play especially with work and energy and angular motion."
"A body in motion stays in motion; a body at rest stays at rest."
"If we don't do anything about it, the wheels of injustice will just keep turning."
"An object that is not subject to a net force will just continue to move off in a straight line."
"Law of inertia: an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force."
"It's got so much inertia that it'll likely hold beyond this position."
"So let's find the moment of inertia about the z-axis."
"The moment of inertia is really easy about its center of mass."
"Ix is equal to the sum over k of little m k, then y k squared plus z k squared."
"Newton's first law states that an object at rest or an object going at constant speed will remain so unless acted upon by an outside force."
"Why can't you travel faster than the speed of light? It's not because your mass increases, it's because your inertia does."
"It's called inertia, the property of matter that causes it to resist any change in its state of motion."
"A body at motion stays in motion, and a body at rest stays at rest."
"Inertia is the natural tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity along a straight line."
"Objects in motion stay in motion if the net external force is zero."
"With robots, it's not the payload, it's not the mass that kills; it's the inertia."
"Once you get it moving, you can keep it moving pretty easily; it's actually getting it started that's harder."
"An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force."
"If the external force is 0, the center of mass will not accelerate."
"If the distant masses in the universe could be responsible for inertia, they could be also responsible for gravity."
"An object at rest tends to remain at rest, and an object in motion tends to remain in motion with the same speed and in the same direction."
"Object in motion stays in motion."
"Something in motion will continue to keep moving unless a force acts on it."
"Once an object is in motion, it tends to stay in motion."
"Anytime we take a break, to start anything again will take some bit of inertia to overcome."
"In the absence of a net external force, a body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion continues to move at a constant velocity."
"Objects want to travel in a straight line at constant velocity."
"The idea that when something's in motion it wants to stay in motion."
"As the ground moves, the top of the building kind of wants to stay put there."
"I also don't like memorizing things, so instead of just trying to memorize moments of inertia or anything like that, we're going to start with something much more general: the inertia tensor."
"Moments of inertia describe how the mass distribution deviates from that of a point particle."
"The more spread out the mass is, the larger the moment of inertia."
"There exists three axes where these moments of inertia are minimum and those are called the principal axes of rotation."
"When an object is in motion, it tends to stay in motion until an external force pushes on it."
"You will remain still or move with a constant motion or velocity unless a force is applied to you."
"In the absence of forces, a particle moves with constant velocity."
"The first law is useful in its own right and one of the reasons why it's called the law of inertia."
"What dictates how fast an object rotates is not its mass necessarily, but its moment of inertia."
"An object will remain at rest or in constant motion unless acted upon by an external force."
"A body will remain in a state of rest or continue to move at a constant velocity unless there is an external force acting."
"An object will continue in a state of constant velocity until compelled to change by an external force."
"Inertia is reluctance to change state."
"The more moment of inertia that an object has, the more difficult it would be to start it rotating and also the more difficult it would be to stop it from rotating."
"It's the direct rotational analog of inertia."
"We've created a very static arm waving animation that looks like it has a bit of inertia to it."
"The huge Empire lived under its own inertia while its rulers replaced each other on the throne, like during the dance."
"A body at rest will continue to be at rest, and if in motion, will continue in that state of motion until it is acted upon by a force."
"If a body is at rest, it'll stay at rest unless acted on by a force; or if a body is moving, it will carry on moving unless it is acted on by an external force."
"A body in motion will tend to remain in motion, a body at rest will tend to remain at rest."