
Urban Growth Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Without immigration, our city would not be growing at all...we're growing because one of the best ways to tell whether a country has a bright future or not...lies in growth that can only happen if we welcome immigration."
"I've also found out how rapid growth brought deadly disease to a town built on improving people's health."
"Raleigh is one of America's fastest-growing cities... economic base led by banking and finance... pushed income levels into the upper third of America's largest metro areas."
"One of the fastest growing cities in the country."
"London's population rose from 1.9 million in 1801 to 6.2 million in 1897."
"Let's be the big 10-minute, let's become the 10 million person metropolis that you go that place is still Austin."
"New York is already hitting size four which is awesome."
"Maybe it's something happens where a city gets big, the Democrats are able to win all the elections."
"Tashkent is modern and traditional at the same time, with business in high-rise districts coexisting with traditional Uzbek bazaars and old low-rise communities."
"Tashkent might be one of the fastest-growing cities in the world in the next five to ten years."
"These seven boom towns across America are the next Austin, Texas."
"There's a huge increase in urbanization... by 1940 percent of Americans are living in cities."
"The twin cities metro area makes up about half the state's population, and it's growing fast too."
"Austin will be the biggest boom town in America in the past 50 years."
"Quality of life reached a new peak; new cities grew and thrived."
"Vegas has found its own path, a community of over two million in the middle of the desert."
"The grapevine trained up to the street sign."
"Jacksonville's future looks very good."
"Every time you double the size of a city in any given urban system, all socio-economic metrics increase to the same degree by approximately 15% per capita."
"In the span of less than four hundred years, New York City grew to become one of the largest and most important cities in the world."
"London was a rapidly growing city."
"China's Urban agglomerations have profound implications for regional climate and environmental sustainability."
"Urbanization has led to a significant increase in CO2 emissions."
"We need to start treating Parramatta as such, if we really want Parramatta to take off."
"Toronto is an incredibly fast-growing city, one of the fastest growing cities in North America."
"When all of these extensions and expansion projects mentioned in this video are complete, Montreal will undeniably have a world-class transportation network."
"Kinshasa is officially the world's largest city that nobody talks about."
"Abuja is among Africa's fastest growing cities."
"Charlotte is growing at rapid rates, and we're here to talk about it."
"Edinburgh's transformation into a permanent capital heralded an era of stability and growth."
"Shanghai has become one of the fastest growing cities in the world and the largest and most dynamic city in the country."
"Looking at modern Dubai, it's hard to believe that just 20 years ago, there was practically nothing there."
"We're almost going to have to double the urban capacity since we started civilization in 40 years."
"This is one of the fastest-growing capital cities in this entire region and, in my opinion, extremely underrated for travelers that want something a little bit more interesting."
"What real cities do is they make people grow and they take them out of their boxes."
"Look how tiny the Calgary Tower looks, the city has gotten far too large."
"I want our cities to grow, because this can't go on forever where one or two cities attract everything while the rest struggle with barely any money, doctors, anything really."
"The degree of urbanization has changed substantially; larger parts of the country are getting urbanized."
"The city where I was born, Delhi, before 1947 had a population of less than half a million; today, it is the second-largest city in the world with a population of 20 million."
"The Roman Empire's engineering genius allowed Rome to grow and prosper more than any other city had."
"These little amenities will help a town grow, become a draw for families."
"The ongoing surge in growth is evident in the rising skyline adorned with towering skyscrapers and the emergence of cutting-edge urban spaces."
"These cities are currently the fastest growing cities that are also predicted to actually pick up steam in the coming years."
"We're looking at how does a city grow, how does a city advance, how does a city continue to provide the goods and services that the surrounding people need and yet balance that with not completely destroying the environment."
"It's one of Southeast Asia's most dynamic cities and one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the world."