
Nikola Tesla Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Nikola Tesla, one of the most enigmatic and groundbreaking inventors of the modern era, was a visionary who dared to see beyond the limits of conventional science."
"Nikola Tesla says, 'If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.'"
"Someone once asked Einstein what it's like to be a genius. He said, 'I don't know, ask Nikola Tesla.'"
"For the power to change night into day, thank Nikola Tesla."
"The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of its time, but the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphant success," - Nikola Tesla
"Nikola Tesla really believed in free energy."
"The world is full of mysteries and uncertainties, which leaves a lot of people puzzled; however, some people seem to have it figured out, like Nikola Tesla."
"Each time you pull a switch and light floods your room, you have Tesla to thank for it."
"Tesla claimed the motors he built there appeared to him in visions, or as he imagined them. He would simply reproduce them without changing a thing."
"Tesla took the 'believe in yourself' mantra to a whole new level, as he believed his mind to be without equal."
"Nikola Tesla was ready to create a wireless electrical grid 120 years ago."
"Nikola Tesla was born during a lightning storm."
"He had an absolutely remarkable imagination, creativity off the charts."
"I think he really did believe in higher powers."
"Tesla's power of prediction was another fascinating aspect of his genius."
"Tesla believed in the power of harnessing energy from the natural environment."
"Tesla's ideas about women's capabilities and their role in society were unusually Progressive for his era."
"The whispers are finally laid to rest and in their place emerges a new compelling Narrative of Nikola Tesla."
"These once forgotten inventions now re-emerging from the Shadows attest to Tesla's enduring impact on the landscape of Science and Technology."
"The recent confirmations by the Tesla family have caused waves across the world stirring a riveting narrative that brings a more rounded and profound understanding of Tesla's life."
"The small broadcasting device we know as the radio has not been around for very long. In fact, its inventor Nikola Tesla did not first conceive of the idea until 1885."
"When first coming up with his invention, Tesla could already hear another person's voice on the other side. He would later go on to claim that the people transmitting him a signal were those of beings living on the surface of Mars."
"Nikola Tesla saw the interconnection and interdependence of all humanity."
"Climate change is a Hot Topic in today's world... it's understandable to expect no one from before 1950 to predict the environmental changes our planet would face in the coming Century... everyone except Nikola Tesla."
"Tesla had unknowingly laid down the concepts for artificial intelligence almost 100 years before the first fully operational artificial intelligence programs were made public."
"Tesla was able to predict modern advancement in Wireless technology... it was almost 100 years to the date in 1997 before Wi-Fi was released to Consumers."
"Tesla also invented the remote control, demonstrated in front of shocked crowds more than a hundred years ago."
"Thomas Edison hardly invented anything; he actually screwed over Nikola Tesla."
"Nikola Tesla was an amazing inventor and if you haven't noticed so far he is also my favorite."
"Tesla is one of those people in history who got screwed so much it's honestly unreal."
"Tesla believed that energy could be transmitted wirelessly over great distances."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla is not just in his inventions but also in his vision for the future."
"Nikola Tesla was easily one of the greatest Minds to ever lived."
"Nikola Tesla was easily one of the greatest minds that ever lived."
"I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun."
"Tesla succeeded in changing the world as he hoped."
"I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication... It will certainly come someday." - Nikola Tesla
"I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth." - Nikola Tesla
"His predictions of future technology have elevated Tesla to the status of a veritable Oracle of our time."
"His device always performs as he had imagined it would."
"Tesla's prediction of data transmission without wires came true with the invention of the internet."
"Tesla may have foreseen the development of the smartphone nearly a century before it was actually created."
"Tesla predicted electric cars and autopilot as early as 1898."
"Nikola Tesla... made numerous advances in the generation transmission and the use of electric power."
"In conclusion, if you want to ask who invented the first 3-phase motor and generator, the answer is clearly pretty Nikola Tesla."
"Over 700 patents were issued to Tesla worldwide among these the Tesla induction motor is widely accepted as one of the 10 most important discoveries of all time."
"When you use any device that is powered by electricity, you have Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest scientists to ever live, to thank."
"Tesla's wireless energy transmission prediction: 'When Wireless is perfectly applied, the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain.'"
"Tesla foresaw the development of the flying machine exceeding that of the automobile."
"Tesla's work wasn't appreciated at the time."
"Tesla had that passion to create new things non-stop, no matter how crazy they were."
"Tesla's experiments and innovations laid the foundation for numerous technologies we use today."
"Tesla's legacy is still very much alive and well."
"Nikola Tesla famously stated that 'if you knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe.'"
"The genius Nikola Tesla was fascinated by the Great Pyramid and its potential to produce Limitless energy."
"Nikola Tesla sought to provide the world with free wireless electricity."
"Nikola Tesla's Knight of Terror by Nina Matavir."
"Nikola Tesla was working on more than just free energy."
"Nikola Tesla said he learned the secret of wireless electricity from the ancient Egyptians."
"We dream in the same frequencies our earth Tesla measured."
"The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention; its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world." - Nikola Tesla, 1919
"Tesla wasn't the genius of the first magnitude; he was a technological visionary, even he could envision great things and make them work."
"Nikola Tesla got robbed blind, stripped of everything, got no credit for anything."
"Tesla figured out a way to harness energy without having the need to meter it...we're actually being charged for energy that's free."
"One of the earliest versions of wireless communication can be traced back to the work of Nikola Tesla."
"Transmit electrical energy without wires across vast distances potentially allowing for an inexhaustible and almost free Global energy Supply."
"The mystery of Tesla's final years mirrors the larger trajectory of his life oscillating between fact and fiction Brilliance and eccentricity."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla reverberates through the corridors of science Innovation and popular culture."
"Tesla's contributions to the world of electricity are foundational."
"Twain and Tesla continued their friendship for years."
"Unlike many pioneering scientists of his era, Nikola Tesla actively avoided becoming involved in developing weapons or assisting warfare efforts. He resisted working alongside other scientists employed in military research for the government."
"Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity sought to revolutionize our understanding of this fundamental force. He maintained that his theory could reconcile gravitational, electromagnetic, and mechanical phenomena into a single unified framework."
"Tesla's attachment to these pigeons likely arose from his growing social Detachment and loneliness during his last years."
"The United States government's sudden strong interest in Tesla's paperwork fueled intense speculation about what exactly They confiscated from the trailblazing inventor's files."
"Tesla's Visionary ideas were decades ahead of their time and officials likely feared the implications of premature release."
"It's beyond what Tesla would have ever dreamed of."
"Tesla's Vision was always ahead of his contemporaries."
"Nikola Tesla's pioneering work as an electrical and mechanical engineer, championing AC current."
"To Tesla, the universe was teeming with light life."
"Famed inventor Nikola Tesla made history with his experiments at Niagara Falls."
"Nikola Tesla's proposed anti-gravity machine, a space drive, hints at his visionary inventions ahead of his time."
"Nikola Tesla has impacted your life in one way or another."
"It would be very difficult to argue that Nikola Tesla was not a genius."
"Tesla predicted that by applying the principles of radio, future devices will enable people to carry a small instrument in their pockets to see distant events."
"Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest scientific minds of all time even more than the 20th century."
"Pioneer of alternating current, remote control, and wireless power."
"He wanted to distribute electrical power to all parts of the Earth."
"Tesla is responsible for the 21st century."
"Tesla was a magnificent genius, in my opinion, I think he was so far ahead of his time."
"I have just seen the drawings and descriptions of an electrical machine lately patented by Mr. Tesla, which will revolutionize the world's electrical business."
"Nikola Tesla on the cover of Time magazine for his 75th birthday celebration. On that day, he received letters from over 70 science pioneers, including Einstein. Contrary to myth, he was very celebrated and respected in his lifetime."
"Nikola Tesla is a name that has become synonymous with Brilliance eccentricity and even conspiracy theories."
"Nikola Tesla believed in using sterilization and extermination to purify the human race."
"If you want to understand the depths of the future technology or something, I don't know, he was saying study vibrations. Looking at this I'm kind of I'm kind of thinking maybe Nikola Tesla was onto something."
"Nikola Tesla was just there in his laboratory cooking up some tech that would wow the world."
"Could the New Yorker Hotel really have been Nikola Tesla's secret attempt to continue his most audacious experiment under the very noses of his harshest critics? Critics who had dismissed him as nothing more than a penniless old man whose inventions were failures."
"But given the fact that, at the time of the Serbian-born scientist's death in 1943, the United States was deeply engaged in World War II, could it be that agents were keeping close tabs on him?"
"the man's name was Nikola Tesla and his vision a theory and practice that could finally harness the power of Niagara was drowned in the principle of alternating current."
"as Nikola Tesla discovered, defining alternating current was just the beginning of his ups and downs."
"but it was Nikola Tesla at least as much as Thomas Edison who shaped the nature of the world that we live in today."
"Nikola Tesla perfectly described a cell phone in 1926: 'When wireless is perfectly applied, the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain... We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance.'"
"It was here in Colorado that Nikola Tesla claimed that he had successfully harnessed and amplified the electrical energy contained in nature."
"Nicola Tesla... made significant contributions to modern electricity systems."
"As the inventor of alternative current technology, Nikola Tesla played a role in the electricity used to power the entire world."
"Alone in a New York hotel room, scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla claimed to have 80 trunks filled with his life's work."
"We understand less about our past and about our future because Tesla has been such a mystery."
"Nikola Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors using electric current and magnetism in history."
"Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time."
"If Tesla had succeeded... we might have actually been able to harness it to lir current and been able to just like have everything just charged naturally from electricity that just occurs on the planet."
"It's called Nikola Tesla Airport. What could be better than that?"
"Nikola Tesla, the most underrated inventor in history."
"Nikola Tesla was born on a Thursday."
"The idea of wireless power transfer is not new... the first indication of such an idea has been published by Nikola Tesla in 1898."
"Nikola Tesla proposed tele-automation where he was demonstrating radio-controlled boats."