
Human Unity Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"This great awakening represents a collective shift in human consciousness, uniting humanity under a shared banner of knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment."
"Equally, given that we're all refractions of the same divine light here together on this journey, why can't we just get along?"
"Everyone came from Africa... there's only one race, and that's the human race."
"People are not their governments. People are people, and we have a lot more in common than we think."
"If you pay attention more to how a person's soul shines versus paying attention to the skin complexion of them we wouldn't have so much Division."
"We come in peace for all mankind. It didn't say, 'We come for America, for Americans.' And I don't know any act of exploration where upon planting a flag, the next words uttered were, 'We come in peace for everyone, all of humanity.'"
"At our most basic level, we're all the same."
"It's only by being together that humanity will be able to answer the challenges it needs to overcome." - French land artist Sape
"Life is a precious gift from our creator. We are all part of one large family, the human race."
"We are Americans, we are Israelis, we are Chinese, we are Ukrainians, we are Russians, but we are also Homo sapiens."
"We are same human being, we have to live together."
"More important than the color of your skin or your language or your culture or your religion even, is the fact we're all human beings."
"Do you think the detection of alien life, in whatever form, would serve to unite the species?"
"Even if we rejected their advancements... this would probably unite humans across nations."
"There is some diversity between us although we are all 99.9 percent the same genetically."
"We found our common humanity...people who don't look or sound like us or believe the same things we do."
"God is non-prejudiced and does not see racial distinctions, there's only one race, the human race."
"The only hope I see of the human family... is to have a revelation, an Enlightenment."
"As soon as you leave Earth, you realize we're all on the same team."
"Race is a social construct... it's all just humanity, different human beings in different areas."
"One of the biggest lessons that we've been taught by this pandemic so far is just how interconnected we all are as a species."
"Underneath this skin we are far more alike than we are different."
"Think of how all the differences among people on earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader."
"Islam is built upon morality, justice, and unity of humanity."
"Truly empowering us to be a unified human being."
"I'm living proof that we are all one, that we are one humanity."
"There's really only one race, the human race, all descended from the same human couple, Adam and Eve."
"The Bible got it right all along because the Bible has always taught that there's only one race."
"All people are just a different shade of brown."
"There is no such thing as interracial marriage because according to God's word, there's only one race."
"It's a biological fact that all humans are just one race."
"In communism, there is only one race: the human race."
"The Bible's against all forms of racism. We're all one race, the human race."
"God created one race, the human race, and human beings created racism."
"What I want to see happen... is that if Humanity could get past all of the strife and divisions and manipulations..."
"Now is the time to appreciate our shared humanity."
"It is imperative that we recognize our shared humanity."
"We have far more in common as humans than what divides us."
"At the end of the day, we are one, and therefore there would be no need to need anything from anyone else."
"God made all of you into different nations and tribes and people that you get to know each other."
"It's a human thing, not a black or white thing."
"The answer to racism is the gospel. Biological fact: all humans belong to one race. Spiritual fact: all humans abide into two races."
"Neither I or any other human being is excluded from that unity and from that love... all that horror that is being perpetrated comes from people who are cut off from love."
"It remains an inventive and poignant reminder of how human beings can transcend the forces that seek to divide us."
"Showing the parallels between all humans, regardless of what color you are."
"The growing realization that we are not the sole sapient species in the universe is causing many to see their fellow humans in a new light."
"The spiritual awakening has begun, liberation from the hallucination that you are just poor little me."
"We all come together as a species out of all of the religions, love is the most accessible one."
"As soon as we step off this planet, it’s no longer this neighborhood vs that neighborhood, this city vs that city, this state vs that state, this country vs that country, no, it’s HUMANS vs the universe."
"Learning to love your fellow man, learning to appreciate each other as one big family, I think that's an important thing we all need to learn to do."
"Every facet of your life and interaction should look different... we are all one race of human being."
"Our common humanity is no threat, in fact, it's the only way we're going to survive."
"Martin Luther King appealed to our common humanity as individual human beings."
"Everyone around the world, whatever religion we are, whatever nationality we are, whatever culture we live in, we are all more similar than you think."
"Be kind to one another, no matter your differences. We are all human beings and we must learn to get along."
"The Catholic Church sought a deeper union in a common love for humanity."
"Human Unity is a consciousness you realise within, somehow in a place of acceptance."
"And this possibility, that when we sit together that there is something really wise that's possible, I think that is Human Unity, in practice here for us here, in Anitya."
"We're human beings. That's what should unite us."
"Self-compassion suffering becomes a way to connect yourself with others instead of falling into the illusion that somehow we're separate from others."
"Evolutionary biology has shown that all humans alive are just humans."
"Humanity's ultimate well-being is dependent upon its differences being transcended and its unity firmly established."
"I always consider oneness of human being. Seven billion human beings are the same human."
"It is a city for human unity that is an active trial ground."
"This is the moment for humanity to come together and start owning what's happening."
"We are all one species here, and the more that we can trade ideas and secrets, the better."
"Racism is just a fantasy of superiority. There literally is no difference between people of different races, zero difference."
"Man though made of body and soul is a Unity."
"Racism is wrong because we're all one race, one blood."
"All of us are human beings, eye to eye we ain't seen, sometimes we gotta come together."
"We're all just some sack of bones and flesh and blood; all this tribalistic beef is stupid, man."
"When you're that high up, you don't see the national borders; we're just one species down there on this spaceship Earth, alone in the darkness of the universe with no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves."
"That's where we live; that's home. We humans are one species, and this is our world. It is our responsibility to cherish it."