
Wealth Preservation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"It's not about the journey of just creating wealth, it's about keeping that wealth too."
"If the country's not on a gold standard that may be too bad but you can be on a personal gold standard and preserve wealth, just by buying gold."
"The majority of very wealthy people are extremely conservative in how they invest. They don't need to beat the market; they've already done that. They just need to preserve their capital."
"Markets are supposed to grow your wealth at the rate of inflation over time, to protect your purchasing power parity 10, 20, 30 years from now."
"You don't buy gold to get rich, you buy it to stay rich."
"Continue to accumulate some gold for the longer term."
"Get physical gold and silver in your possession have a plan make sure you have food water energy security barter ability wealth preservation community and shelter."
"Maybe putting it into precious metals that you control, maybe holding it in a vault in Singapore or Switzerland, or keeping it in a home safe. You've got to make sure you've got proper places."
"Preserving true wealth is about security, insurance, and freedom."
"Remains the only universally accepted currency and the only store of wealth impervious to government debasement."
"I'm not trying to double or triple my money, my main goal is to maintain and slowly grow it."
"I think there is a good section of people that in your 40s you do need to transition your mindset to keeping your wealth."
"Gold and silver are Eternal value and eternal wealth."
"Gold and silver is simply a store of wealth. It doesn't give you a monthly income like a house would."
"If you want preservation of wealth, put it all in physical. If you want to trade the gold price because you like buying it and selling it, play the ETFs."
"Diversification personal duration does work may be a cliche but it actually does help to preserve wealth."
"You're not trying to make the money no more, you're trying to maintain the money."
"In a crisis, gold is your long-term wealth holder; physical gold will always retain its value."
"You're taking the insurance policy out to protect the wealth preservation but also to maximize your purchasing power in the future."
"You don't own gold to get rich, you own gold to stay rich."
"Gold is just a way to protect your purchasing power."
"The minute something gets inherited, don't cash out. No, you hold on, that's still bringing in revenue. Hold on to real estate, hold on to assets for generations."
"To preserve wealth, consider precious metals and some of the leveraged equities in the sector."
"Don't let the money slip through your fingers, invest it wisely."
"Get out of it, convert it into hard assets, gold, silver."
"We're entering a phase now where it's not about how you're going to make money, it's about how you're going to keep it."
"Don't get conned into Bitcoin. Gold is to preserve your wealth."
"I look at converting US dollars to Bitcoin as protecting my wealth."
"Don't let people shame you for selling and taking profits because remember we invest to generate and preserve wealth long term."
"You want to have something that's going to preserve your wealth and something that's going to generate your wealth."
"It's not what you make, it's what you end up keeping." - Emphasizing preservation of wealth
"The ultra-wealthy used art as a way to store their immense wealth, to protect it for future generations."
"Gold is not a get rich asset, it's a stay rich asset."
"Preserve your wealth and then when the crash happens, the purchasing power that you're going to have over all of your friends and family or neighbors are going to be immense."
"Cash is trash. If it wasn't trash, they would pay you for it."
"Gold has preserved wealth from 2000 to present day."
"Gold and silver have outlived two world wars german hyperinflation the great depression and every pandemic and are still immutable wealth."
"The first rule of investing is: never lose money."
"Gold is wealth preservation when things get bad, when the inflation gets out of control, when things break, you better be holding some insurance."
"Making money is one thing, but knowing how to preserve and grow money is a whole different ballgame."
"Gold is something that everyone should own as a preservation of wealth but not as an ambition something to go after to become rich because that's you know leads to that whole greedy aspect of human nature which I think is a very ugly thing."
"70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the next generation."
"It's a series that I'm doing about preserving wealth and what I am personally doing in order to try to preserve some of the fiat currency that I have from going down the inferno of inflation, I guess you can say."
"When you have money, how do you save it? How do you invest it so that you're not losing value?"
"This is so much more than just gold and silver while that is important to preserve your wealth put yourself in a good opportunity and a position to take advantage of the opportunities that will present and help you sustain your standard of living."
"Bitcoin: the future of wealth preservation and monetary freedom."
"Gold is just pure and simple wealth preservation but as I said it will be wealth enhancement in coming years."
"Most people who buy physical gold don't go around talking about it... they don't want to invite anyone to try to steal it."
"The idea of buying physical gold, I think it's a practical one."
"The rich buy art because it outperforms most traditional investments."
"Trust funds wield substantial clout as strategic instruments in financial planning, acting as stalwart guardians in the realm of estate planning and wealth preservation. Their allure lies in their myriad advantages from tax efficiencies to astute risk management, making them..."
"The Swiss franc emerges as a fortress of fiscal steadiness for high net worth individuals."
"People around the world are starting to take an interest in holding physical silver to protect their wealth."
"Gold retains your purchasing power. It's almost like a savings technology."
"In the short term, the gold and silver might help you, but as time wears on, that's not going to be worth anything."
"It's not how much you've made in the markets, it's how much of that you can keep."
"Different corners of the stock market will do a better job of preserving wealth."
"Gold for me has been a way of just preserving that purchasing power and it's done a phenomenal job."
"Gold is a very good historic monetary hedge."
"I'm pretty obsessed with making money... but I'm even more obsessed with not losing money."
"It makes sense to take your wealth and place it into an asset that will hold its value and is not linked to a central banking system."
"It's not about how much money you can make, it's about how much you can keep."
"I am not a doomsday prepper. I don't think the world is going to end imminently and I stack to preserve wealth and buying power over a long period of time."
"The goal is now to preserve your wealth and make it last throughout your entire lifetime."
"The best way to protect your purchasing power is in real money, more specifically silver."
"Buying gold and silver and stuff like that."
"When it comes to personal finances... what we're trying to get in general is think about how we're going to either preserve our wealth or we're going to increase our wealth."
"The hard part about being rich is staying rich."
"Gold did that in the first quarter... it's doing exactly what we want it to do, which is to preserve wealth during a difficult time."
"High interest bad debt such as credit cards work exactly the opposite of good investment; they're gonna decrease your net worth rather than grow it."
"A focus on preservation of wealth must lie at the heart of any long-term investment program."
"For most investors, as they prosper, the goal of wealth preservation starts to become increasingly important relative to wealth accumulation."
"If we're to be successful in preserving our wealth, we must have an investment approach that guards our portfolio against a permanent loss of principal and an erosion of its purchasing power."
"Gold and silver to me are the best wealth insurance you've got."
"Gold... it's not going to make you rich, but it might preserve your wealth."
"In a weak money environment where your money does not maintain its purchasing power, there's an incentive to store your wealth in other assets."
"Only one historical example of wealth preservation has stood the test of time over and over again: the safeguard of physical gold and silver."
"Start keeping money in your family, recycling and recapturing that money."
"Your ability to play within the rules while still lowering your tax burden is key to preserving and maximizing your wealth."
"Look to store wealth in gold, like physical gold, as it's the safest form of currency given market conditions."
"The wealthy just want return of their capital; they don't necessarily care about return on their capital."
"For me, the way that I stay rich, the way that I continue my lifestyle, is 40% of all my money automatically goes into my investment account."
"Stay humble, avoid lifestyle inflation by cutting out unnecessary expenses, and you'll be able to not only build wealth but keep it."
"I think that if you work your whole life to accumulate something, you should try to keep the principle."
"I'm very much a subscriber to the idea that silver is a wealth preservation tool, it's inflationary insurance against the value of your currencies."
"Silver is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's very much about wealth preservation."
"Wealth preservation is like building a house; you know exactly how you want to preserve what you're building as you're building it."