
Traditionalism Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Traditionalists tend to define manhood under the criteria of qualities attributed to masculinity, anatomy, and heterosexuality."
"Traditionalism isn't only about morality and gender norms, though; it's also expressed aesthetically through fashion."
"The traditional rules of Journalism are being brought back. It's why I got into the business in the first place."
"I've brought the discussion about more traditional ways of interpreting the Constitution into the fore."
"It's radical to call for a return to at least certain kinds of traditions."
"The Latin Mass takes pressure off the priest. He just follows the book, like a waiter at a fine restaurant, and that makes life easier for him."
"Back away from that which is novel and untested and in the direction of that which is time-tested."
"Reject modernity and embrace traditional storytelling."
"Return to the values of traditionalism that made the West great again."
"Learn and live the traditional doctrine and morals of the Catholic Church as found in pre-Vatican II Catholic writings..."
"It was the traditional Latin Mass that converted me and kept me in the faith."
"If you're saying, well, it didn't come down from Sinai so it must be something that we need to discard, you're throwing out most of what Jesus said."
"People returning to the traditional roots of their religion is a very good thing."
"The animating impulse of Trump's campaign was defense of traditional hierarchies."
"If something's not broke don't try to fix it."
"The three-piece suit is the traditional means of conveying seriousness in western culture."
"We have to stand with tradition against this novelty that was being literally just shot down the throats of priests and laypeople and bishops all across the world with the apparent blessing of the Pope."
"There is no neutral history; there can be no untainted traditionalism that doesn't contain some of the values of the present being projected back."
"Traditionalism has enduring relevance because it's not based on the ideals of one people at one time in one place."
"I don't want to do any of those. I just want to go to the movie, pay my nickel, and watch the pic."
"I'm happy to tell you guys that this match was an absolute Classic this this was incredible if you are more of a traditionalist I think that this is the match of the night in terms of the actual in ring work."
"This is Manchester United, stop hiding behind cowardly tactics and start playing the United way."
"My view is this: If it ain't broke, why fix it?"
"But hey, we're starting to stray further and further from the traditional Pokemon format."
"Maybe this is this return to tradition, rejecting modernity and an idea of where they're encouraging men like, 'Don't even date a girl unless you're gonna marry her.'"
"Now is the time for the Catholic Church to throw off the shackles of the spirit of that cursed Second Vatican Council and make the church Catholic again."
"The Catholic Church has got to go back to being Catholic."
"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible."
"He's calling his people out of feelings and tradition."
"We have a fear of change... our routines, our convenience, our cultures, and traditions."
"Traditionalism is dead, loving marriage does nothing for men."
"As long as you're not harming anybody else, who cares what you're doing?"
"Don't let the radical left turn our founding fathers into our founding non-birthing parents."
"Maramures is fiercely traditional. Its centuries-old ways endure."
"Let's go back to how it was. If there's a human error, there's a human error. Deal with it with that referee."
"Traditional design is making a sophisticated comeback. Mix vintage pieces with contemporary elements for a refined look."
"Bitcoin is a return back to what we know has worked for a very, very long period of time." - Anthony Pompliano
"We expected them to lead the return of conservative forces in Traditional Values in America without being compromised."
"New traditional architecture is the framework and architecture philosophy that guides us how to design a building."
"We want serious high quality buildings that apply the time-tested principles we discussed."
"The west is under what René Guénon, who is sort of the founder of traditionalism, called the reign of quantity."
"This is the real way that golf was truly meant to be played."
"There's room for both traditionalism and so-called progress."
"I'm kind of an old school guy, they don't really make them this way anymore."
"A return to roots in the design, reflecting the true meaning of fantasy."
"God bless you, come back tomorrow for pre-55 Holy Week."
"Many Mopar fans and muscle car enthusiasts... have a lot of pushback when it comes to replacing the traditional gas-powered V8s with EVs."
"You can't go wrong with good old paper and ink."
"I think there has been this overemphasis on sports. I'm old school, and I'm old guy. What happened to just going to school to actually get an education?"
"We need to rebuild the American nuclear family."
"I will never buy an EV and I will hate everything that happens to EVs because I'm a purist."
"It's just a wonderful way to get people into more traditional watches."
"Fundamentalists are practicing closer to the original practices of the church."
"Traditionists must think more precisely theologically and be willing to suffer to stay the course."
"To those who are saying that it's not cricket and they're not playing cricket, well, you're wrong. It actually is cricket. It's just playing cricket."
"There is something undeniable about how this refuses to change with the times."
"Purists like me wouldn't get so upset when we hear broadsword."
"One country, one host, normal amount of teams. Let's not change that."
"If someone ever utters the phrase 'why do we do that because it's how we've always done it,' get away from that person."
"Close the borders. We're genetically designed to feel rewarded after a hard day's work."
"Traditionalism with food is going to mean different things; even the rituals around food are really heritage and culture based."
"It works because it sticks to the tried-and-true methods of storytelling."
"But this isn't the only one, this isn't… this isn't like trads are just saying 'hey this is the issue we have, the issue with Pachamama, here now, we need to, you know, really rope you into traditional circles,' uh there's been a lot more, right?"
"The purists are always going to fight against growth and things like change like that."
"And there's actually something gorgeously old-fashioned about those cries of God Save the King."
"Traditional Latin Mass devotees find the Novus Ordo disrespectful with its non-traditional elements."
"Auto-save is included, and you can turn it off... traditional Pokemon players do not like autosave."
"The era of wokism came and went very quick. The world is becoming far more traditionalist, far more nationalist, far more popular."
"It'll be like i don't use i i guess i'm a traditionalist i don't i've never used self-checkout once i got [ __ ] pissed off and i was like i'm not doing this [ __ ] again yeah cause it's complicated."
"Is there nothing that is safe from the injection of progressive politics? Not even the fairy tale of Santa Claus."
"What should be mainstream in America is just normal traditional Family Values."
"In theology, if it's new, it's not true. If it's true, it's not new."
"You can't have the nuclear family without having traditional marriage between a man and a woman."
"The bishops of the church are scared he says and he's not wrong they are scared of the growing traditional movement and what it means for the future of the church."
"Do you feel safe with the banking system or do you feel like you're better off just taking your money out of the bank and stick it under your mattress?"
"If you become a tradwife, you will not be okay."
"Cloud gaming shouldn't replace physical hardware."
"I'm old school. I believe in working for what you want."
"Ruben Diaz is a traditional general, a leader of men."
"Stop saying that you want traditional relationships, stop lying about it."
"Honestly, I'm looking for a traditionally feminine woman."
"I'm the man of the house. I pay all the bills. If she works, then it takes away from my work schedule. I'm old school, Yana. I feel like I'm the man of the house, I pay the bills, the wife should do her wifely duties, cook, clean, laundry."
"The only constant traditionalists believe is that the best is over, a belief that can very quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"I'm an old school guy. I was a radio DJ in high school back in the early 90s. I had my own radio show. Everything was faders and knobs, none of this digital stuff. So the nostalgic part of me, it kind of plays to that part. So I absolutely love it."
"A traditional man should protect, provide, and do all this for you, but are you a traditional woman?"
"The ideal conservative view of a woman's life: wearing feminine clothing, playing with feminine toys, and living by very hard-line conservative morals."
"Newcastle doesn't fold to this woke stuff."
"men who are interested in traditionalism men today seem interested in hookup culture and pornography"
"The woman is supposed to be a homemaker, and the family and children, and of course, husband and the husband is the breadwinner who goes out. But now it is all blurred, blurred to the disadvantage of a woman."
"He was not a complainer. He's old school."
"I like cash. Give me cash. I'm old school."
"Bodybuilding needs to get back to true bodybuilding, not like these [__] clowns flittering around the gym."
"If you know what you bring to the table, you should be confident enough to know that your man is not gonna leave you. Worship him, clean for him, cook for him, and he will stay with you."
"There's not a lot of Razzle Dazzle today. I mean, this is old-fashioned football."
"But most of them are not practicing like most people in our days all around the world."
"Maybe I'm old-fashioned, maybe I'm old school, but I really believe in the work ethic."
"I want to make art on paper, not on a screen."
"I'm just more of a traditionalist, I guess. I want to hear pretty music, big hits, fast movement."
"The organic nature of comics making is why I'm in it. I'm not in it to play around on the computer that much."
"The old-time way is just really the best way."
"I like its basic charm, pretty raw, very primitive, back to the olden days style of riding."
"Old-school handshake, face-to-face meetings are effective; they're super effective."
"He values traditions that build families, even when they are viewed as quaint by others."
"People say I'm old-fashioned, but I don't care. The Fat Controller says I'm a useful engine."
"He's old school, he doesn't use anything, he's all natural."
"PreSonus Studio One gives you that traditional recording and mixing feel but it boosts it with a speedy workflow that doesn't interfere with the creative process."
"The problem is when you get too deep into a traditional mindset, you might be blind to innovation."
"We are sort of traditional, we want the house, the wife, the babies, the dog, and you know, the white picket fence."
"I want an old-fashioned house with an old-fashioned fence and an old-fashioned millionaire."
"Old School principles, I like that."
"I don't believe in that. I actually want a house. I believe in kids. I believe in all that."
"They are loyal to established methods and values."
"I was radicalized there against any form of traditionalism that pulls the Bible out of the language of the common people."
"There's definitely a market for it among those who want a more traditionalist, more of an aficionado's experience."
"Simon plays with feel, he fits his clubs himself with feel, and he just plays the game old school, no gadgets."
"Call me old school, old school journalist over here."
"It's more than cool clothes; it's a community and a movement bringing people together in support of traditional values like faith, family, and freedom."
"If you want a traditional woman, you have to be a traditional man."
"It's called traditionalism, not the general sense that you like traditions or prefer traditional architecture or music; it's a fully formed philosophy."
"I love that there's people still willing to do paper publishing because, in a society where we're going away from that, everything's digital."
"If everything else goes electric, if the MX-5 stays manual transmission and naturally aspirated, the world will still be a better place because of it."
"The world will just go back to what worked, and that is real money."
"I would prefer to let my water do the work, just like traditional colors."
"The core of the conflicts in the Middle East is the battle between modernity and early primitive medievalism."
"We're doing this the old-fashioned way, god damn it."
"He certainly is the last of those rare preachers who can easily blend higher education with a plain, simple, and sometimes antiquated ways of life."
"I am charmed by this ideal of clothing with only natural materials and buttons and lace-up closures; no zippers, no elastic, none of that ugly modern crap."
"I am a traditional guy and still hope to one day get married and have a big family."
"My bike designs are a combination of optimized, very fine-tuned designs but I also really value a lot of maybe more traditional aesthetics or traditional construction techniques."
"Call me elderly fashioned, but I can't think of one reason why you'd want to steal someone else's clothes."
"No motor, no electronics today, we just old school fishing."
"Though it seems old-fashioned, a partnership made up of two people with complementary skill sets is productive and fulfilling for each participant."
"We've gotten too comfortable with the emails and this, we're going back out in the field, old school."
"I'll just let you order for me, making it all nice and old school and traditional."
"I never trust computers, so I often will take a picture of my screen and I also keep these paper logs."
"Sometimes old school just works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
"I'm a traditionalist, I'm telling you that this is fully in line."
"I'm old school, I'm tradition, and I love all that."
"Jonathan Edwards, genuine revivalist, preached the full counsel of God in that traditional sense."
"Fans call me new-fashioned, but I think that I like to know more than someone's name to marry them."
"Hunting on your own on public lands with a traditional longbow is something reserved for only those seeking one of hunting's toughest challenges."
"He's going to be a more classic wrestler."
"Even though this is a big troll against traditionalists, I'm glad it exists."
"I'm James Disciple Johnson, and I believe in old school values."
"I wouldn't try and reinvent the doughnut here."
"Traditionalism is very useful philosophically for us to understand ancient cultures."
"Traditionalism values the traditions on their own merits and does show a commonality between different traditions."
"We got sick of the status quo and wanted to go back in time... so we started growing in Faith Farm."
"I want somebody who's still like old school, still have like core values and still believe in that forever love."
"Old school means doing it the right way, earning your stripes."
"I wanna go in and make albums where there's gonna be some traditional country songs, because I love that stuff."
"I'm a firm believer in pen to paper."
"Newer is not necessarily better... older is better because what is older is that which has stood the test of time."
"Good old British candle light is much better."
"I've actually been preferring writing by hand as opposed to typing."
"I'm old school, I like to physically write things down."
"I like to make my digital art feel traditional and not be too digital looking, too crisp."
"I'm very old-fashioned which means I'm huge with loyalty; it's very important."
"I tend to be a bit more old-fashioned in that regards, so I like to read physical books, I like to write with a pencil on notebook, on paper."
"Call me old-fashioned, but if I buy it, I want to hold it in my hand."
"I'm still old school and I think old school rules."
"I'm old school the way I play ball, and it works."
"I never knew what a computer was in my life and even to the day, I don't want to know what a computer is. I want to be able to do it myself, old school."
"I'm a traditionalist and a maximalist."
"Listen, I got old-fashioned values."
"I'm always writing everything down. I believe in pen and paper for sure as a writer."
"Call me old-fashioned, but I find beautiful women incredibly attractive."
"I'm very tactile when it comes to art; I still believe in using my hands on paper."
"Captain America represents old-fashioned values which are good."
"Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer it this way."
"After the turbulent years of the '60s and '70s, many Americans wanted to return to traditional values."
"I'm so old-fashioned I can do it without a computer."
"I really believe in traditional relationships; I really believe in forever long term."
"Traditional art beats digital art."
"With any traditional path, you have to put in actual work, and there's no easy victories, no fluffy feel-good answers."
"Truly enlightened people will always agree to go back to riding on horses and using pack horses and even to tilling the earth with sticks and their own hands rather than to travel on railways which regularly every year crush a number of people."
"I write a lot on paper; as much as I have a lot of electronic calendars and stuff like that, I do like my good old-fashioned pen and paper."
"We're gonna do it the old-fashioned way, we're gonna earn it."
"We're getting back to the old-fashioned simple ways."
"I'm so old-fashioned, I always want my books like a physical book in front of me."
"I've always been an old-fashioned girl. I like physical things."
"Nothing replaces a paper and pen."
"I like doing things old-fashioned, as you might be able to tell."