
Financial Peace Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Having excess liquidity is going to give you that peace of mind."
"If you don't make peace with this whole idea of wealth creation, you are never going to work to become something you despise."
"Budgeting will give you peace of mind and it will help you relax more than you've ever known."
"If you've never done sinking funds before, could you imagine the peace that you might feel if you have this much money sitting just sitting in an account?"
"You did already spend the money; the money is gone. So you need to just let that part go and have peace with it."
"Ultimately, only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus."
"Money can't buy happiness, but not worrying about your money comes close." - Chime ad
"Money is when you don't worry about it anymore."
"What you deserve is peace of mind and not living in debt."
"There is going to be in the year ahead the opportunity for debts to be resolved and for forgiveness to be found."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hair can buy a lot of peace."
"Ultimately, there is only one way to financial peace: to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus."
"It's enough money for everybody. Ain't no reason for nobody to hate on nobody."
"That ease of mind is like free insurance that I normally would pay more with for Apple and I'm getting that completely with the benefits of that credit card."
"We're gonna put you into Financial Peace University. I'll pay for it if you will both promise to go."
"The great thing about value investing is it helps you sleep better at night."
"Financial peace is when you're debt-free, but part of that peace is having structure."
"One of the best feelings in life is peace with money."
"It's so much more peaceful. Everybody fights about money."
"The peace of mind of just owning it free and clear is going to make your life better."
"Financial Peace saved my marriage about seven years ago so uh I owe a lot to you guys."
"There's nothing more helpful at tax time than that peace of mind that you are doing your taxes properly and that the right amount of money is coming your way."
"You're not only going to get financial peace, you're also going to get progress and wealth."
"There's ultimately one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus."
"So, the sense of peace around money is one of the most important things you can have."
"I call it a swan account it basically means that I can feel financially peaceful even if I've got expenses coming up moving in and out."
"The best part of FPU is the community. It is a special, special thing to realize I'm not alone in this, going through this with people who have the same goals."
"The average FPU graduate is debt-free in 2 years or less."
"Think how it would feel to have no payments. It's audible. You can physically feel the shift."
"Living amazingly on a financial level, feeling at peace, having an amazing life on an emotional level."
"Having put a budget in place... I feel this huge sense of relief."
"You have peace because your bill has been paid."
"It's about living your life in peace with your financial security."
"That's the only reason that this is going out, is to bring peace to everybody that's looking for financial peace."
"Getting out of debt and saving is ultimately to bring you peace and to bring you options."
"Enjoy life without the bank, the bank's all on your back, enjoy life like not having to worry about creditors calling."
"It's something that really makes for a lot of confidence in the financial realm and just a lot of peace because you have to have peace in your life and in your relationships."
"Is your ability to sleep at night worth 2.4 million dollars to you? That's your decision."
"Money is nice, but when you follow the divine plan, you would not have to worry about money."
"I want to get to a place where I'm just not stressing about like money and stuff... have a peace of mind."
"There's nothing like waking up in the morning and you don't have any debt."
"Be well, have fun, get happy money, and begin making peace with your money today."
"Let's get that peace with our finances and be excited to wake up every day and face the day because we're not suffocating with the debt and the payments."
"We release all our worries and concerns about money into your hands, knowing that you are in control."
"When you have financial security, that gives you peace."
"Peace of mind, which for a lot of people, that's all they need."
"Remember that you have everything you need to make the life you want to have financial peace."
"First you need to know what it means to be financially at peace for you."
"Remember, you have everything you need to achieve your peace and financial freedom."
"I've been in debt and I'm out of debt now, and I like being out of debt a whole lot better."
"I walk away with peace of mind not having to think about my money or finances."
"It's so worth it to feel the peace of mind of knowing I don't have to worry about paying all of that money."
"Peace of Mind of not owing anybody any money is the greatest thing ever."