
Learning Journey Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The learning journey that I'm on is so incredible, and I never would have expected it."
"Avatar Roku learned airbending at the Southern Air Temple."
"I'm on a bit of a mission to learn why this country is so obsessed with food."
"Good luck with your coding journey! Keep learning and growing."
"The obstacle is the way, the obstacle is a part of your initiation, it's a part of you learning what this journey is really all about."
"At the right age of 12, Willard left home, traveling and studying under prestigious candy makers and chocolatiers."
"All change is good because it's helping us evolve and steps forward are so much better than stagnation or steps backward."
"Realize that you don't know what you don't know."
"Every single little thing failing along the way contributed to where I am now. It's a result of never giving up, never being afraid to show my ignorance."
"Certification is a journey, not just a milestone."
"You'll learn how to code from the ground up."
"I actually did not know how to code at all before coming to Stanford..."
"Language learning is a journey, and yours is about to start."
"I feel so proud of my brother and myself actually that all of the things that we've learned on this journey."
"I'm fully aware it's gonna be difficult. I'm fully aware that overnight I will not become a hacker."
"Follow what's calling you; there's an important learning process ahead."
"To be clear, I wasn't always a great learner."
"Whether you choose to become well-rounded in a few different skill stacks, or to be elite in just one, there’s a lot of different journeys you can take."
"We're all learning, males, females, we're all on this journey."
"Everything that we do right now is just part of this experience, it is part of your learning journey."
"Be kind to yourself as you learn. This is a journey, not a race!"
"Sometimes you learn a skill set that you end up not needing, but what you walk away with is the journey of learning."
"We don't have to have the number one of everything, the professional of everything. We don't have to be perfect and we can start small. We are always learning and we're always growing and that's perfectly okay."
"It's been such a great and interesting journey."
"...Knowledge hasn't got an end, but to a high level..."
"AJ, you have been a big part of my English learning journey. Thanks a lot."
"Thanks for being on this journey with me as I'm learning all this new software."
"Over more than two years of development, I learned the Unity game engine from scratch."
"It's all about a learning process."
"I don't know everything about everything; I don't have all the answers, but along the way together, we'll figure it out."
"Cambridge Primary starts learners on an exciting educational journey."
"Hop on the spaceship of knowledge; it's lifting off."
"The only interesting times are when you know absolutely nothing and when you know absolutely everything."
"Thank you so much for listening and learning with me."
"Remember that this is just the beginning of your full-stack development journey."
"We gotta learn a lot in this life."
"Don't worry if you don't have any experience with Android or even programming in general; as long as you follow along, we'll all end up at the same place."
"We learn about the world alongside these characters and as a result, we feel more attached to them."
"Thanks so much for following along with this week's tutorial."
"I'm really excited to get a new skill under my belt."
"I'm still on a journey... I'm not finished learning yet."
"There is so much more for them to learn, not just about the force, but themselves."
"That journey all starts again, but you're familiar with all the icons by now, so this is even more fun."
"Graphics programming is a massive rabbit hole and it's been a lot of fun to learn."
"It's definitely a great learning process."
"We're learning as we go, we're putting the pieces together."
"I've learned so much over the last three years... I'm incredibly grateful."
"Whether you aced the test or learned something new, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination."
"There's actually more in common with the master and the beginner than there is with any point along that intermediate data points."
"I wish you all the best on your learning journey."
"None of us know all the answers ahead of time."
"I wish you all the best in your learning journey."
"What more can I learn? How can I get so that circle between stages three and four, that's really where the journey is."
"Thanks for watching today, and hopefully, that's what I hope to get you started on your journey for understanding the Revit API."
"Even though it's the very end of the lesson, it's only the very beginning for Scott's improvement journey and your own."
"We are part of a cosmic community, and that we are in a deep, deep learning process."