
Higher Education Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Higher education does make a difference; we do change lives, we do transform people."
"I see that everywhere happening in higher education at an increasing level. Why isn't that story being told?"
"Dutton earned a bachelor's degree from Towson State University and in 1980, he was accepted to Yale School of Drama."
"We have transferred a trillion and a half dollars from middle-class homes to the faculty and endowments of universities who have this delusional BS image of being nice, noble people. This is the most corrupt cartel."
"We need to expand enrollments dramatically or we need to cut funding. We need to start taxing endowments and my colleagues need to recognize that we are public servants, we are not Chanel."
"Higher education should be an option for people but should be largely with a mind to your vocation and your return on investment."
"Elite universities are selling themselves, and look who's buying."
"The largest strike in U.S higher education is taking place right now."
"College has been a part of the American dream for decades, but if you look on YouTube or honestly a lot of different places on the internet most creators are going to tell you that college is pretty much not worth it."
"Under the First Amendment, the mere dissemination of ideas on a state university campus may not be shut off in the name alone of conventions of decency."
"All the extreme effort personal sacrifice, late night studying and poverty level subsistence had been endured for the sake of higher education."
"It's a really a fraud in my opinion that it's not that you have to go to a four-year school to get educated and be, you know, 200 grand in debt to get educated. It's nonsense."
"You're not necessarily paying for the education, but for the opportunities and the connections."
"The outcome is the lovers, indicating a balanced relationship and mirroring."
"Focus on high education and more on apprenticeships and Hands-On learning."
"Are we actually creating value from our higher education system in this country or not?"
"Legacy admissions destroy trust in higher education."
"Four years at a place like Harvard or four years at a place like the University of North Carolina can change a person's heart as well as a person's mind, and this is a positive good for society."
"If universities are not delivering what students expect then actually they shouldn't be charging the full fees."
"It's up to higher ed to give people middle class security."
"Higher ed has to talk about the purposes of education differently."
"Do not start your applications without finding out if the university department or program you intend to apply to have scholarships available for international applicants."
"The universities have gone mad and it represents a direct threat to the continuation of this Republic."
"More people pulling money from these garbage universities that are overcharging their students for a degree in nonsense."
"If you're in a stem field then yes it's worth it to go to college, you're going to have an actual job connected to your education."
"How do we stop them? Just don't do it. If higher education institutions don't embrace the 2030 agenda in lockstep, it will be difficult if not impossible to achieve the sustainable development goals."
"Higher education institutions should inspire societal change when necessary, taking a leading role in the transitions necessary for humankind."
"We've never needed colleges less than we need them right now."
"I'm a huge fan of college, but I have huge problems with the end with the... associated with it."
"The average cost of college in the United States is $35,720 per student per year."
"This place is really the stereotype of what they talk about when they talk about liberal PC colleges."
"The whole idea of higher education is to teach people to question everything."
"Do the research, change the actual science, present your thesis, get your PhD, do the work."
"Colleges and government are officially in bed together."
"Education is important, but paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for that education is not quite as necessary."
"The cost of education beyond high school has gone up significantly. The total cost to attend a public four-year university has tripled."
"Hot take: College is 90% not worth it unless you're going for a career that requires extra school on top of your four-year degree. That's a hot take in general."
"College is not as good as people think, it's watered down."
"Technical colleges and universities should be supported as alternatives."
"Less demand for student housing in the UK as the cost of university education rises."
"I'm joining the suu family. So fun, I'm like I could cry right now, I'm not going to cry but like I could like that's how like Overjoyed I am."
"Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the end has already started, think higher education is a waste of time, and that the government is part of Satan’s wicked system of things."
"Higher education needs to put more weight on practical skills rather than just test taking and essay writing."
"The commercialization of higher education is a big shame on this country."
"A college education is the key to the American dream."
"Higher education became the highway to the middle class."
"Protesting but faculty members are trying to close in their students and insulate them from hearing other opinions, and that's way scarier than any 20-year-old who doesn't want somebody on their campus."
"Every course that MIT teaches is free. So what's the quarter million dollars for? The piece of paper. The proof."
"At the tender age of 10, Greg is now the youngest freshman ever at Randolph-Macon College in Virginia."
"Universities essentially make most of their money from renting out student halls."
"Perhaps they could go to university to learn."
"Faculties of Education, they need to be fixed."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"Women who were higher educated and earning more were much more likely to report all types of intimate partner violence."
"You're not better than anyone just because you have a four-year degree."
"Grad school is a trap. Only possible secure academic job if you get a PhD."
"If you give money to the universities, and your university is doing this... stop. It's the easiest thing."
"University should inspire problem-solving and creativity."
"You need to get a degree to learn things like comp sci, but there is a side of me that doesn't believe that everyone should go to college."
"Home to Harvard University, widely considered one of the best colleges in the country."
"Last year we were able to send 178 students on their master's and PHD programs, many of them are to the best universities all paid for 100%."
"Many people don't know this but I've actually graduated from USC three times."
"This is a university level education at a fraction of the price."
"It's about time that a guy or woman who graduated from a state university is able to sit in the Oval Office."
"Is making sure that all of our kids have the opportunity to get a higher education regardless of the income? Because we're gonna make public colleges and universities tuition free, is that a radical idea?"
"I've issued a historic executive order stating that any college that refuses to let you speak stands to lose billions and billions of taxpayer dollars."
"Mount Royal University can boast a 94 employment rate for international students."
"Those students pursuing higher education such as masters or PhD, they will make excellent academic progress and impress their professors with their hard work and dedication."
"Making sure that young people go to college without leaving school deeply in debt."
"Attacks on higher education have been fueled by a shift in how conservatives see colleges and universities."
"There are a lot of deeply well-read Ph.D.'s in this country who haven't been fortunate... they're just stuck being adjuncts," laments a commentator.
"Undergrad is just essentially, oh, so you can pay a bonus fifty thousand dollars to get the real lessons that actually matter."
"There are a few good schools, Hillsdale's up there, there's Liberty University."
"You borrow all this money to get into this economic system that was not built for you."
"I've always assumed Cambridge is the best place in the world to study computer science."
"We know this for a fact now that the kids are hitting higher education with way higher rates of depression anxiety mood disorders self-harm and suicide."
"College is for networking because ultimately, it's who you know, not what you know."
"Do your research, look at the requirements you need for your degree, like the classes you'll be taking and the professors potentially though it shows that you're very invested in the program."
"One of his fondest legacies may be Regent University."
"With legacy admissions and with these donations and close ties with investors, really what elite universities end up being is gated communities for the education of elite kids."
"higher education should be a right and it's an absolute travesty that for so many access to higher learning is restricted due to lack of income"
"It's possible that it's the next Google which was a big disruption for higher ed, but it didn't make higher ed for example unrecognizable to someone who was around pre-Google."
"The modern University remains uniquely geared towards working learners."
"I think they're going to be profound across all of higher education."
"The implicit bias in higher education shapes theory and research, dismissing the perspectives of those on the margins."
"College is not for everyone, nor is it what everyone needs, and that is valid."
"Many of the innovations that we attempt to achieve in higher education fail not because they're intrinsically wonderful ideas but we never have thought about what are the habits of the present and the anxieties about the future."
"I really have a hard time with higher education in the US today."
"You can all have access to that Ivy League education which you've had."
"FIU definitely is not going to be as expensive as Syracuse University, but they have a lot of scholarship opportunities."
"The higher and tertiary institutions must all be centers of excellence for sport because there must be research development. The muscles okay, have got to be developed. It's scientific."
"The University of Amsterdam has a great reputation."
"Furthering my study of history at a degree level in an environment with like-minded individuals will be a mind-expanding experience."
"My sister went on to graduate as the class valedictorian and went to Cambridge in the UK for undergraduate and graduated magna laude."
"University of the People is a great school because it is tuition-free."
"These experiences have led me to focus my research on equity and access issues in higher education."
"If you have an internet connection, you can get a higher education."
"I'm so proud of you. Are you planning to go to Harvard?" "No, I want to go to Yale."
"Higher education is America's most overrated product."
"Shouldn't we require colleges to issue an honest report card on itself?"
"Graduates of a Bachelor degree will have cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate, and synthesize knowledge."
"The nice thing about Emily Carr is that you can choose any degree or program to study regardless of the kind of portfolio that you submit to get accepted."
"...the fact that we have this imbalance between income and debt ratio to go to higher education is where we get [messed] up."
"He graduated early with a 3.3 GPA in Psychology, now he's enrolled in the PHD program."
"...the good news if you're being discussed in admissions committee it means you're an excellent candidate... even if you're not admitted to Yale, I suspect that you're going to be admitted to lots of schools..."
"If you're interested in a USA university and you want to study through scholarship, all you need to do is to look out for schools that offer assistantships or graduate assistantships."
"This is how you can find scholarships, funding, awards, fellowships in universities in the US and Canada."
"To emphasize the aim of removing barriers to access, Lee called it the Open University."
"Enrolling in an associate's degree program provides a way to advance your career in less time, less stress, and for less money."
"We're not satisfied with the way that this country and with the way systems like higher education are being run."
"Change to the system of financing higher education in Britain has fundamentally altered the place of higher education in this society."
"What they crave is authenticity, and they don't get that from people who are on the university or college payroll."
"We've made it easy for institutions to work with academia not only to improve the learning outcomes and provide new opportunities for students to learn but also create a way to increase student enrollment, engagement, and employability."
"The university system in the United States is the envy of everybody in the world."
"The dangerous silence in higher education."
"MIT does not require a high school diploma for you to gain admittance."
"They're fine, they're great, if not better than a college degree."
"Free expression and the ability to question ideas must exist in academia, specifically in higher education."
"I'm in community college now, which is not as fun as a 4-year university, but I'm going to be like $100,000 less in debt than everyone else."
"Apply, apply, apply, do not wait."
"Our basic policy is to allow credit for courses completed with a C grade or higher at accredited colleges and universities within the US."
"I took a gap year before I started University, and I would highly recommend one to all those who have doubts over higher education or are second guessing their choice of course."
"Graduated from there this past May, got my four-year degree in one year."
"Every semester that you add to your college career significantly increases the chances that you will not complete the program or the transfer or whatever you're trying to do in college."
"Florida ranked number one for higher education by US News and World Report for the eighth year in a row."
"If you enjoyed the project and the research parts of your undergraduate degree, then a PhD would suit you quite well."
"This will have wide-ranging effects across American higher education."
"It's in the hope of every disadvantaged young person now able to go to university."
"More children in good and outstanding schools, the disadvantaged attainment gap narrowed, and more disadvantaged young people going to university."
"College is about more than just preparing for a job; it's about having the tools and support you need to find your calling and to find yourself."
"It's very useful at these high levels."
"I like reading or doing studies so much that I almost went for a PhD."
"The University of Nottingham has over 33,000 students, making it one of the largest universities by student numbers in the country."
"Higher education is really important to us, to the business. We want all of our students to have the best opportunities."
"If you're coming to study, the tuition is like maybe €1,000 to €4,000 a year."
"I got admission into Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts here."
"What would be the role of higher education in a society dedicated to socialist principles and equality and justice?"
"There is some evidence that this isn't working out as well for universities as many in the media suggest."
"I got into actually quite a few colleges, colleges I didn't think I would get into, so don't even worry about it."
"UMBC consistently ranks highly in undergraduate education and innovation, and this wouldn't be the case without their attendant faculty."
"UCF fosters an environment where people can work together to change the world, one idea at a time."
"They understand that each individual student arrives on campus with all kinds of power inside them; power to succeed and to change the world."
"This is my college rant, don't go to college."
"Education is so important. Get education, go to college, get a degree."
"Institutional grants are just grants that you could get from your college or university that you plan on enrolling in."
"Known as the Oxford of the East, Pune would boast over a 100 Institutes of Higher Learning."
"Leeds is a great, great option no matter what you're interested in."
"The higher education system should be a place where different ideas can come."
"I was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to the University of Kentucky."
"You should focus on Masters if you've thought about it; there are no downsides to going for a masters."
"I have done a BCA, planning to do Masters in the US; should I focus on mastering skill?"
"I graduated with my bachelor's degree last year, and I majored in English and psychology."
"Universities are supposed to discuss ideas, examine them, understand them, and put them to the test."
"UNLV's unique college experience has helped me expand my ways of thinking in ways I couldn't imagine."
"They have absolutely no place on any college campus or anywhere in the United States."
"Italy... they give a lot of tuition waivers and you can easily apply for scholarships."
"I pray that she goes on to get higher education even further."
"Undergraduate means a degree that you do straight away from leaving school; it's the first degree that you actually do at university."
"Erasmus Mundus is EU funded Master-level complete scholarship program jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions."
"Some outstanding students and their schools will have the opportunity to visit and study at higher education institutions."
"Jupiter is the natural ruler of the ninth house, so the ninth house of travel but also of higher education, teaching, publishing, marketing."
"This was actually the subject of my thesis when I did my PhD."
"If you're the type of person who is genuinely passionate about learning computer science at an academic level, then perhaps pursuing a master's or a PhD will truly be beneficial."
"We're going to talk about higher learning, higher education, some wisdom."
"Families were now seeing more of their sons and daughters going to college than ever before."
"Higher education is absolutely free here."
"I graduated high school at 16, graduated college at 20, finishing my second masters at 24."
"DIU stands for Daffodil International University, the best university to study software engineering in Bangladesh."
"Making sure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier."
"Hello everyone, I'm Harris and I came to Japan in 2020 on Max scholarship to study Masters in Tokyo Tech."
"The modular system offers students the possibility of accelerating their courses of study by taking more modules per semester."
"You're joining a university with an established reputation."
"Students go to universities abroad in order to receive a better education."
"In Canada, colleges are very different academic institutions than universities."
"Every single year they help more than 80,000 students transfer to a CSU or UC campus."
"I think about what they get in an education at University of Georgia, it's pretty valuable."
"Oregon and Washington have been vetted and cleared by the Big Ten."
"I think that Oregon and Washington would absolutely be great schools."
"The Big Ten is playing the long game, that's for sure."