
Exponential Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Exponential growth happens when the rate of change is proportional to the thing in and of itself."
"The power of exponential growth: the longer it's there, the better it works out for you."
"Wealth grows more like a virus, exponentially."
"E is the unique solution to the formula a to the x, where it is its own derivative."
"Your life changes exponentially with the right decision."
"...if you give unconditionally it comes back exponentially."
"The promise of exponential technology meeting exponential times."
"They're growing exponentially stronger."
"An exponential explosion of peace to you and grace to you."
"Progress is often exponential, not linear."
"...so as with this example just a small change in a differential equation can turn a regular exponential solution into a hyperbolic trig one."
"Technology is just growing exponentially."
"Comfort improved by exponential numbers."
"Wherever you have the most resistance is exactly where your exponential growth resides."
"I've realized that learning to learn has an exponential benefit."
"...you all understand exponential growth but it really does work..."
"Twice as big is really eight times as big."
"Exponential awesomeness coming out of that because you can combine them with everything that exists and with each other and it's kind of Awesome"
"...I think we are one or two important scientific developments away from reaching the place where that goes exponential."
"Let's dig straight in to the exponential."
"We instinctively are unable to appreciate what happens with exponential growth and how much it dramatically changes the future."
"People are designed to see linear changes, not exponential ones."
"When you hit success, it's completely exponential."
"We sort of think in this linear fashion... however, when it comes to investing... it's exponential."
"The domain for all exponential functions is simply negative infinity to infinity."
"Here the only thing that's different is that it's e to the x's."
"We're going from a linear to an exponential world."
"The process was exponential, the Pendricks were frozen in place as the spectacle unfolded before them."
"This limiting value of about 2.71828 is the exponential number that Euler called e."
"Disruption always follows an S-curve, the first phase of which is exponential."
"Days make a difference... this thing grows exponentially so quickly."
"Success is very much more exponential than it is linear."
"S-curves are essentially exponentials."
"Once you start feeding them, you could end up with hundreds because they'll end up having babies, and those babies are going to have babies."
"This particular type of equation is called an exponential equation because the variable is located in the exponent."
"These are not trigonometric functions; they are representing exponential functions."
"As 'n' gets larger and larger... this part of your compound interest formula becomes 'e'."
"Technology basically scales exponentially, it doesn't scale laterally."
"It gives us a provable exponential advantage of quantum over classical algorithms, even probabilistic ones."
"Everything is growing at an exponential rate."
"The most important behavior of the transistor is coming from the exponential behavior."
"The amount of rice that fills every square from this point on is unfathomable and ridiculous."
"Exponential growth often occurs in a population that is starting off quite small."
"The function f(n) is an increasing exponential function since we are doubling every single year."
"We're dealing with exponential data here."
"We are in a world of absolutely super exponential growth of the amount of data generated every year."
"It's causing disruption day after day because it's exponential."
"The doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size or value."
"A ten times increase in the interest rate leads to a five hundred and twelve times increase in the outcome."
"E is the most important and the natural base of all the bases that you can use for an exponential function."
"The natural exponential function is... F of X equals e to the X."
"In exponential growth, the larger the population gets, the faster it grows; in logistic growth, the larger the population gets, the slower it grows."
"Exponential functions have output values that are proportional."
"Meren primes are prime numbers that have the property of being 2 to the N minus one where N is prime."
"The exponential of a convex function is convex."
"This is an example of exponential growth."
"My love for her will grow exponentially."
"This Matrix exponential E to the A T is going to be a matrix."
"It's called the network effect, and it's like it starts with one, and then they tell one, and those two tell two, and those four tell four... it's an exponential growth from there."
"Exponential growth is huge. It's really much more than you expect."
"This is e to the first power, which is e."
"An exponential is always positive, no matter what that number is."
"This passion just increases exponentially."