
Friendship Importance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's the importance of having friendship with somebody first, yeah, and the friendship being way stronger than anything else."
"As important as it is to marry the right person, it is just as important to befriend the right people."
"One of the main morals of Toby Fox's work is that determination alone will carry you far but friendship is what you need to reach true success."
"Life is too short to just have like these surface level friendships."
"Marriage vows can only be kept by friends. Better or worse, friends do that. Rich or poor, friends do that. Sickness, health, friends do that."
"Friendship is very important, if I can be your best friend."
"Making time for your friends is so important because your friends are going to be the support system in your life."
"All great relationships have a foundation of friendship."
"Perhaps not the game that we play but... the friends you make along the way."
"When you have a foundational friendship, when the marriage gets rocky, when you don't like each other, when you're annoyed, you can go back to that friendship."
"Having good girlfriends around you is so, so important and keeps you grounded."
"Friendships are one of the most valuable things we have in life. Keeping friendships is so important."
"Find multiple sources of connection of intimacy of friendship."
"If you want to do well in the world, go and make as many friends as you can."
"Building a friendship is a critical piece in developing deep bonds."
"The real rings of power were the friends we made along the way."
"Friendship is actually really important, like in the team."
"If all five players aren't friends with each other, the team eventually will self-destruct."
"It's about the friends you make along the way, it's not really about the subs you know."
"We need to put more importance into platonic relationships."
"Friends are important, comedians are really good people."
"Being in a relationship is mostly being friends."
"All of the things that divided you went away. The friendship and the love that brought you together for the first time is still there."
"Not really. All right, Adam, all right, Adam, all right, all right, fool. Um, I don't know, it's just like a lot, even not even so to say that just even friendships and [ __ ] like that, I'd be genuinely hurt over friendships."
"Quality time with friends old and new is what really gives Stevens do the hardest of times."
"Life isn't about being right all the time, it's about having friends, and we've got some new friends."
"Ultimately, all that really matters to me is that I'm there with my friends."
"Choosing yourself is the key to reconnecting with worthiness of love."
"We all need friends that we can open up to about our fears, struggles, hopes, dreams."
"You're an incredible person, incredible friend, anyone would be lucky to have you in their life."
"It's important to make sure you have a best friend in life."
"He's very intentional with his friendships and things he did."
"I love you and I have my best friend Reggie here because I don't know if I'd have the confidence to do it if he wasn't."
"Friendship is ever so important for those undead duderinos."
"Essentially here Pisces, you're stepping into a new position of authority as a friend, as a team player, as an acquaintance, as a future planner, and as a visionary."
"Even if you meet someone and it's automatic, the foundation of a good relationship is friendship."
"A lack of meaningful friendship is a path to loneliness."
"Friendship is very important for them; friendship is how even their romantic endeavors begin."
"If you can't even be friends with someone, how are you going to be in a relationship with them?"
"It'll be good to have my royal adviser and friendship ambassador by my side."
"It's so important to get you some friends that you can laugh with."
"He would be so lost without Ram; we all need a hype person like Ram."
"Yes, friends. Everyone needs friends."
"I always wish that they developed the friendships a little more on the show."
"You need to see friends once a week and socialize and interact."
"Very important to keep your female friendships, or all your friendships, you know, to make time for them."