
Relationship Foundations Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"It's the importance of having friendship with somebody first, yeah, and the friendship being way stronger than anything else."
"The fundamental underlying tenets of a good relationship are not that complex. Humans are pretty similar."
"The root of a relationship is so interesting; it's about the problems you're accepting."
"This love feeling that they're having is true love; it's built on a solid foundation."
"Starting a relationship on weird grounds is never a good option."
"Every good relationship starts when you have a good relationship with yourself first."
"Trust is the foundation, all characteristics depend on it."
"Friendships that are based on political agreement were never friendships in the first place."
"If you marry a woman on the basis that she gave him an ultimatum, that's setting the relationship on a very bad foundation."
"Chemistry, shared values, blendable lifestyles, and emotional maturity are the four legs of a relationship stool."
"I accept people's flaws upfront because I'd rather deal with honesty than deception."
"I don't want to build a foundation facade of dishonesty in a relationship."
"The reason he was with you in the first place is because he saw something good in you."
"The reason he even wanted to be in a relationship with you is because there was something good in you."
"Boundaries are essential for trust and intimacy."
"It's a lifestyle man it's something that we started at 17. Being 28 now it's like just one of the few common denominators."
"Communication is the foundation of connection."
"Communication and comprehension is really important."
"Marriage is like a building, and the foundation is meant to be solid."
"Focus on the truth and build a foundation of honesty in your relationships."
"Nobody can break you up because we were friends first, you know?"
"All great relationships have a foundation of friendship."
"Before we even started to think about actually starting it, we discussed everything."
"Setting precedents in the beginning is very important."
"You have to find someone who abides by the philosophies and beliefs that you also abide by."
"Wisdom is the precursor to love, you cannot have love without wisdom."
"Love, understanding, and mutual respect: the foundations of any relationship."
"Trust and honesty are the seed with this relationship."
"Love in its truest form is the Cornerstone upon which the pillars of a strong and enduring relationship are built."
"How can you truly love and accept me if you cannot love and accept yourself?"
"Trust is a big thing, so how does a relationship work without it?"
"Having that connection in the beginning with the friendship and being attracted to him and having like the sense of humor like that is everything."
"Trust and consent, cornerstones of healthy relationships designed to last."
"Polyamory is about respect and proper foundation in relationships."
"Thou shalt base thy relationship on true mutuality, remembering that all decisions and actions must be good for thee and thine partner."
"Sexual attraction is based on genitals, but shouldn't it be about the person?"
"You can't build a relationship with somebody on lies."
"Without trust, there is no emotional intimacy."
"Until you love yourself, no one else can truly love you."
"Nothing was hidden nothing was off the table and that's a really really important when you're getting to know someone you have to get those big questions answered whatever is important to you and your values and beliefs."
"Respect is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship."
"Communication is definitely the foundation of a good relationship."
"You build the roots to trust. That's how you build the roots to a healthy, happy relationship."
"Trust is not something that just gets dropped on your lap; it's something that has to be built."
"The foundation of a good healthy relationship is friendship."
"It's the little things. What lays the strong foundation."
"You can't base a relationship off of anything unless you have trust."
"Relationships have to be based off of trust."
"Looks probably matter more for people in the beginning because that's like the initial attraction."
"The best relationships start out as friendships and have that best friend Dynamic I think that's just the best."
"Relationships are based on actions."
"Consent and communication, I think it's so [expletive] important above all."
"Healthy relationships start with having a healthy relationship with yourself."
"A relationship is built on mutual responsibility, mutual trust, mutual love."
"Our relationship over the last three years now it's based off communication and trust."
"They're not pet peeves, those are important things that you need to be on the same page on to make a relationship work."
"Communication, trust, love, compatibility, dependability, integrity, faithfulness - all of those are separate pillars."
"Loyalty, respect, and compatibility; that's the absolute foundation."
"Green people trust, and that's a major strength; marriage is founded on trust."
"The way we love is often based on the way our parents loved us."
"Building that foundation built on trust and honesty is one of the strongest foundations that you can build."