
Dehydration Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"If you're deprived of water, what is your body going to do to create water? It's gonna literally create its own water from oxygen that you breathe and fat cells that have hydrogen."
"Dehydration... is the number one reason for headaches."
"Hunger is nothing compared to a quick approaching death by dehydration."
"How do I know if I'm dehydrated? Your magnesium status."
"Insufficient hydration can lead to a cascade of adverse effects on kidney function."
"Just if you can get desiccated, I would definitely choose that."
"When you're so dehydrated, when you drink a beer, it's like this is literally a [ __ ] nectar."
"Just high quality produce with the water taken out."
"Now if your buns are burned, then your BUN is typically high because the body is dry."
"You're asking for trouble. You're already in a state of dehydration and the alcohol is just going to make this worse." - Narrator
"I'm going to dehydrate them. I think it's going to be super exciting to have some homegrown home-dried onions."
"As the day continued, CG became incredibly thirsty."
"After playing ball, you're dehydrated, dry mouth, no water in the system."
"It's pulling moisture out and wilting just a little bit."
"Dehydrating is probably I would say it's the least expensive way to preserve food."
"Refrigerators are large dehydrators, I mean they won't tell you that but that's what they are."
"Gaziev was so dehydrated that he tried drinking his own sweat."
"People were taking the opening the condom squirting squirting out the lube and using it as like chapstick because that's how dehydrated their lips were it was really sad."
"Okay, catch some water at least, but he's gonna die with infection if he doesn't take care of that. What else is living in here? Oh, it's just battery going out. God, that would be so uncomfortable, dehydrated in pain, oh yeah, sleeping on the rocks."
"So then the next day, after they rehydrate, they're back to normal. It's crazy the way the body can do that."
"Even if you are 2 percent dehydrated, it will compromise your focus, memory, and cognition."
"If I'd known these tips when I started dehydrating, it would have made things so much easier."
"When people are severely dehydrated they weigh less and when we hydrate them fully they can experience weight gain, but it's not body fat, it's hydration."
"When you're dehydrated, you kind of get a little skinny, snatched feeling."
"Canned soup broth and bouillon cubes provide a flavorful alternative that encourages adequate fluid intake, helping to prevent dehydration."
"I'm so dehydrated and yeah I'm a bit annoyed to you feel like a bit the waste."
"Dehydrating is pretty self-explanatory."
"What's spookier than being dehydrated?"
"Dehydration can turn you into a complete jerk."
"Until I see you again next time, happy dehydrating! Have a great weekend and I'll see you later."
"Make sure you don't get too dehydrated though, otherwise if you are, if this is your last routine for the day, do not forget to stretch or your muscles will be talking to you even more tomorrow."
"Athletes should avoid dehydration during exercise and encourage rehydration before the next training session."
"She knew I was gonna ask her this question. Why was she not prepared? Look at that, that's not even enough to make her burp. It's like, 'Yes, Billy, dehydration is the key. Please do better.'"
"While no one knows for sure what happened, most experts believe they eventually became delirious from dehydration."
"He had died from heat stroke and dehydration."
"If they drink seawater, the salt in the water would drain their bodies in moisture."
"Like crying so much I got a little bit dehydrated."
"Dehydrated, they're going to stay good for a long, long time."
"I'm so dehydrated right now, you have no idea."
"I literally had the worst headache because I didn't eat and since like nine this morning and then I was dehydrated as well. So, even though I don't think I was acting... My head was really just like pulsing."
"all hangovers are caused by dehydration"
"The only way you're gonna be able to do this is by a method of rapid dehydration with extreme accuracy."
"Even mild dehydration raises stress hormones."
"Put them in the fridge... they very slowly dehydrate and the flavors then increase."
"After dehydration and drying, the products from the seabed not only concentrate the nutrition but also refine the high-purity umami."
"Dehydration is the most primitive ancient method yet the most best method because it dries the food thoroughly, makes it lightweight, requires minimal setup, and most importantly, it actually captures the taste and all the nutrients without losing anything."
"Dry and dehydrated skin are not the same."
"Dehydration often speaks to the amount of water content."
"Paying bills got me thirsty, got me dehydrated."
"If you're dehydrated, it's going to lead to you feeling tired all the time."
"When you first start ketosis, you are extremely, extremely dehydrated."
"What's going to kill you is exposure and then after exposure, the lack of water."
"A dehydration reaction occurs when two monomers bond together through the loss of water."
"If something's above 1.03, it may be an indication of dehydration."
"Dehydration is defined by a loss of total body fluid."
"The response to intracellular dehydration will be a hormonal response, ADH, and a behavioral response to drink."
"That's a lot of water to get out of the lumber."
"Dehydrating things like fruit or even vegetables is actually really, really good."
"I like the fact that you can dehydrate in it."
"For the alcohol dehydration, if it's at 180°C do elimination, if it's at 140°C do the substitution to form an ether instead."
"You can die of dehydration before hunger, so technically you should probably go for the water first."
"You don't want to wait until you're thirsty because once you feel thirsty, that means you're already dehydrated."
"Dehydrating is very effective at preserving nutrients."
"Just a small percentage of being dehydrated can have a massive impact on your performance."
"Drinking too much alcohol will absolutely completely dry you out and rob you of all kinds of nutrients."
"You don't realize how many of your ailments are related to dehydration."
"This whole dehydrating food thing has been such a fun adventure."
"Dehydration is an excessive loss of body water that interrupts the functions of the body."
"If you pick up a tortoise, they usually will release that moisture or that liquid, and then essentially they might dehydrate because they've lost all the liquid."
"It's a very efficient way to remove water and get your product."